Zhong Fa's cold voice echoed in Tongzi Tower. Those residents who were hiding in their homes were shivering with fear, while those who were timid were frightened to death. They all regretted why they didn't listen to Chen You's advice and move out earlier. Tongzilou, or go out and hide for a few days.

Of course, there were also unbelievers who heard the sound and thought someone was faking it, so they ran to the corridor and looked into the yard below.

At this sight, half of his soul was frightened.

Let’s not talk about Zhong Fa’s terrifying ghost appearance. It’s scary enough that these people saw Zhong Fa fall to death before and now he came back to life.

Chen You and Lin Ge chose the stairs on the left. Ah Hao ran towards the stairs on the right because of their location.

Chen You ran and said to Lin Ge: "I used a compass to open an altar in the corridor on the 24th floor, used corpse oil to attract zombies, and dragged them into the evil spirit space to prevent the residents of Tongzi Building from suffering. Also, first find a way to kill the two Now that the younger one has been dealt with, let’s deal with Zhong Fa again.”

Lin Ge: ...Master Cheap, for your good disciple, Green Zombie and Mao Zombie are also bosses!

However, Lin Ge swallowed this complaint back in his stomach. At this time, he could not allow others to overpower his own prestige and "disrupt the morale of the army." After all, it is obviously difficult for Chen You to fight one against three, so he has to find a way to share his worries.

If he can't deal with "Fire Ghost Rakshasa" Zhong Fa, it is his task to find a way to hold down "Green Zombie" Aunt Mei or "Mao Zombie" Uncle Dong. The rest depends on whether Ah Hao's "protagonist halo" is enough!

Fortunately, for Zhong Fa, Lin Ge and Chen You directly caused his death and were his enemies. Especially for Chen You, after Zhong Fa died, all his unwillingness and resentment turned into resentment. What made him most resentful was that when he was terminally ill, he asked Chen You many times to help deal with the female ghost in 2442. He was so good Take the opportunity to subdue the female ghost and cooperate with the evil method to extend your life.

But Chen You refused. In Zhong Fa's view, if Chen You had agreed earlier, the following things would have been eliminated, and he would not have lost his life!



The resentment against Chen You completely aroused Zhong Fa's anger, and his ghostly face became green and ferocious. He jumped directly and rushed towards Chen You who had already reached the third floor of Tongzi Building.

On the other side, Uncle Mao Zhandong also focused on Lin Ge and chased him.

Ahao ran halfway and found that no one was chasing him. When he looked back, he realized that because of his strength, Aunt Mei, the green zombie, was blocked by the exorcism array, ghost-suppressing charm, chicken blood net and a large group of roosters set up by Chen You. Corner of the yard.

Upon seeing this, Ah Hao gritted his teeth and did not continue running upstairs. Instead, he turned around and ran back to the yard, using Molotov cocktails and home-made explosives to deal with Green Zombie Mei.

Lin Ge heard the noise coming from the yard, and then saw the black and stiff Uncle Dong jumping towards him from behind, and guessed that Ah Hao must be dealing with Aunt Mei. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Ah Hao is the protagonist. Uncle Dong and I are not familiar with you. What do you mean by catching me and chasing after me?"

But then I thought about it, I was not familiar with Uncle Dong, and we had met a few times, but Ah Hao seemed to have never even met, so Uncle Dong was gone.

After running all the way to the 14th floor, Lin Ge was already out of breath. He would definitely not dare to take the elevator at this time, otherwise he would be looking for death.

You have to run to the 24th floor, half your life has to be accounted for here. But Lin Ge was running out of breath, but to Uncle Dong Dong, it was just a matter of "jumping". Mao Zheng was only one step away from flying, and his jumping ability at this time was already comparable to "flying".

At the beginning, Lin Ge still had the advantage of two floors. Now, Uncle Mao Zhandong is only half a floor behind him. He only needs one last jump to reach behind him.

The stairs of Tongzi Tower are in the shape of "∧" with a platform in the middle. Just as Lin Ge was about to step onto the last ladder, Uncle Mao Zhandong jumped up and rushed toward him.

At this moment, Lin Ge suddenly stopped and fired a "returning shot"... turning back, shotgun, with a "bang" sound, a huge impact hit Uncle Mao Zhandong's chest directly, and the bullet was engraved with a spell. Explode and send him flying backwards!


Uncle Mao Zhandong landed firmly back on the middle platform and stood upright. Although the shot was very powerful, it did not even damage his fur except for smashing a piece of his clothes.

However, the knockback effect of the shotgun gave Lin Ge the confidence to shout to Uncle Mao Zhengdong, "Come here!"

Uncle Mao Zhandong jumped up suddenly, and with a "bang" sound, he was knocked back to the original place again. Although invulnerable, it has almost no IQ and its lethality is greatly reduced. If Lin Singer's shotgun had unlimited bullets, we could even fight him here until dawn.

Unfortunately, Lin Ge's bullets were not only limited, but also very "precious" to him. What's more, dragging down Uncle Mao Jiandong was not his ultimate goal. He was not sure whether Chen You was sure of winning against Zhong Fa in a one-on-one match.

After all, in the movie, Chen You also teamed up with Ah Hao to deal with the zombie Uncle Dong who had merged with the twin evil spirits.

Without direct reference, Lin Ge didn't know whether the Zombie King or the Ghost Rakshasa was stronger or weaker, but he didn't dare to take any chances.

Once Chen You dies, Lin Ge will have to deal with three bosses at the same time, which is an absolute dead end!

Lin Ge fired another shot, thinking about how to "break the deadlock."

At this moment, a scream came from a certain direction upstairs. It sounded like Chen You, which showed that Chen You was not Zhong Fa's opponent.

Lin Ge gritted his teeth and saw the right opportunity. When Uncle Mao Zhandong jumped to the closest distance to him, he shot away, using the maximum distance of his descent to buy himself time to escape.


Lin Ge turned around and ran upstairs. The place where Chen You screamed was at least several floors away. Not daring to stop, he ran towards the upper level with all his strength.

Every few floors, Lin Ge had to shoot Uncle Mao Zhandong to prevent him from catching up. But in this way, the consumption of bullets is also very large.

By the time he reached the 19th floor, Lin Ge had less than ten bullets left.

Finally, on the 20th floor, Lin Ge saw Chen You who was using the bronze giant sword enchanted by Qiankun Borrowing to attack Zhong Fa.

Chen You was already at a disadvantage, and his yellow robe, from his left waist to his left leg, was stained blood red.


Lin Ge rushed towards Chen You, jumped to the 20th floor platform, and shot Zhong Fa with his backhand.


The bullet was like hitting a cloud of mist, passing directly and hitting the wall, making dozens of black holes, but apparently not hurting Zhong Fa.

Zhong Fa smiled evilly, and with a flash of his body, Lin Ge felt a chill on his back. The green-faced and fanged Zhong Fa had already appeared behind him!

"Apprentice!" Chen You was extremely anxious when he saw this, but his left leg was injured and he was unable to move. It was too late to save him.

Suddenly, a small head was seen protruding from the half-unzipped travel bag behind Lin Ge's back, and a powerful cry of "Chicken Master" directly shocked Zhong Fa's figure, and his body turned into a half-mist. Almost being shaken away.

"Let's go!" Seeing this, Chen You quickly took Lin Ge's arm and ran upstairs.

Lin Ge had just run a few steps when he turned around and threw the Molotov cocktail and homemade explosives in his pocket towards the 20th floor platform.



The explosion and flames exploded at the same time, and the platform collapsed directly from the earthen explosives. Uncle Mao Zhandong, who had just jumped up, fell instantly.

But Zhong Fa turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

Chen You was stunned when he saw this and reprimanded: "You are crazy. You have cut off the road. How can you get to the 24th floor? What if they are down there and attack the residents of Tongzilou?"

Lin Ge really wanted to say that he couldn't save his own life, so he still had to care about the lives of others? But of course he didn't dare to say that, otherwise based on Chen You's character, he would sever the master-disciple relationship with him on the spot.

Lin Ge half-tugged and half-supported the injured Chen You, and said calmly: "Zhong Fa hates us to the core. He will fly up to find us even if half of the building is blown down, let alone one floor. As for Uncle Dong, And Aunt Mei, unless your corpse oil doesn’t work, master, why should we worry that they won’t come to us?”

Chen You thought about it, but for a moment he felt that something was wrong. However, the situation was urgent now and he couldn't help thinking about it. Lin Ge dragged him towards the 24th floor.

On the 23rd floor, there was only one floor left. Zhong Fa had already arrived behind Lin Ge and the two of them, stretched out his claws and grabbed the back of their heads.


The loud cry of "Chicken Master" calmed Zhong Fa. But after all, the opponent is a fierce ghost Rakshasa. He can shock him once and almost exhaust all the power of "Chicken Master"'s three-inch big red crown. The chicken's neck has just "popped" before it crows for half as long as before. A column of blood was sprayed out, and it was directly backfired to death!

Although Lin Ge didn't look back, he felt heartbroken when he heard "Chicken Master" dying.

Although it was a rooster he bought casually from the vegetable market, it saved his life more than once during this reincarnation.

"Oh shit!"

Lin Ge stopped suddenly, took out a bucket of black dog blood and threw it at Zhong Fa. At the same time, he shouted: "Master, go upstairs and set up the formation. I'll hold him back!"

Chen You knew that Lin Ge was no match for Zhong Fa, and also knew that he risked his life just to buy time for himself. He gritted his teeth, endured his leg injury, and ran upstairs.

Lin Ge otherwise underestimated Zhong Fa, who was a fierce ghost Rakshasa, and threw whatever he had in his inventory at Zhong Fa without caring about what to do in the subsequent battle. The only way now was to hold him back.

However, neither the exorcism talisman nor the black dog's blood had much effect on Zhong Fa, and it was difficult to hold him back.

Lin Ge had exhausted all his inventory and was forced by Zhong Fa to the platform in the middle of the 24th floor stairwell. Further up, there is the place where Chen Fa opened an altar to teach the Dharma. You can't retreat any further, otherwise all your previous efforts will be wasted.

"Die!" Zhong Fa roared ferociously and rushed straight towards Lin Ge.


Not now!

Lin Ge took out the last two homemade explosives, threw them on the platform, and then rushed towards the stairs.


The platform was directly destroyed by the explosion, and even more than half of the stairs collapsed. Lin Ge fell down and broke one of his feet under the weight of the stone.

Although the platform was collapsed by the bombing, Zhong Fa could "fly" and float in the air. He stared at Lin Ge coldly, making Lin Ge freeze in place and sweating profusely. As long as Zhong Fa attacks him again at this time, he will definitely be dead!

However, Zhong Fa's hatred for Chen You was obviously greater than that of Lin Ge. Faced with Chen You who was also only half a floor away from him, he chose to pounce on Chen You!

But the half minute to create chaos was already the time Lin Ge tried his best to fight for. He had no way to "keep" Zhong Fa. At this moment, Chen You shouted from upstairs: "Apprentice, take advantage of the moment!"

These five words were like the sound of nature. Chen You finally rushed to the 24th floor at the last moment and activated the altar!

I saw the word "Edict" written in black dog blood mixed with cinnabar and paint in the "Hui"-shaped central courtyard. It lit up with a dazzling red light, echoing the 24th floor!

Lin Ge saw this and yelled with all his strength: "Ghost sisters, help! This guy used evil methods on you to prevent you from reincarnating! If there is a grudge, there will be a grudge. Help us hold them back, and we will do our best. I will do my best to save you and help you pass away!"

Two plumes of thick black smoke flew out of Lin Ge's body and instantly flew into room 2442 on the 24th floor. In an instant, the entire corridor was filled with black mist, making it impossible to see even one's fingers!

Immediately afterwards, two slender hands formed by black smoke stretched out from 2442 and grabbed Zhong Fa who was pressing towards Chen You!

Zhong Fa had a ferocious look on his face, and with a low cry that was comparable to the howling of ghosts and wolves, the two arms made of condensed black smoke dispersed!

But in just these two seconds, Chen You ran away and quickly ran into 2442, seeking "asylum" from the twin evil spirits.

Upon seeing this, Zhong Fa chased directly into the black mist!

Lin Ge's plan was very simple, which was to use the evil spirit space generated by the resentment of the twin evil spirits to trap Zhong Fa and the two zombies. Then he and Chen You could look for opportunities to defeat them one by one. But trapping two zombies is easy, but trapping Zhong Fa, who is the "Ghost Rakshasa", is difficult!

Therefore, Chen You set up a reverse exorcism array in the courtyard, echoing the altar on the 24th floor, to maximize the resentment of the twin evil spirits!

Although I don’t know how long Zhong Fa can be trapped in this way, if he can be trapped for a minute, he will at least have a chance to defeat them one by one!

Lin Ge breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen You successfully escaping into the evil spirit space. But just as he was halfway "relaxing", he heard a loud "boom, boom, boom" coming from downstairs.

The plan is going smoothly, which means that the "corpse oil" has taken effect. Uncle Mao Zombie Dong and Auntie Green Zombie Mei will be attracted by this smell!

Seeing that "familiar" face appear on the lower floor, it was too late for Lin Ge to push the stone away, not to mention that one of his legs was already broken!

At the critical moment, Lin Ge could only place his hope on the unique skills of dealing with zombies in zombie movies——

Hold your breath!

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