"Jin Shangbing."

Won Dong-yeon listened to the song "conveyed" by Gang-rim, looked at him, cried out Kim Soo-hong's name, and gradually came to his senses.

Jin Xiuhong said something, and Jiang Lin repeated it: "Won Dongyuan, you did nothing wrong, it was an accident. We agree on one thing. From now on, we will never waste new tears on the past. With Live with my faith, promise me."

"Jin Shangbing, I'm sorry." Yuan Dongyuan cried bitterly.

Jin Xiuhong sighed: "It was just an accident. You didn't want it, right? I know you are a kind person. If not for this, you would not have applied to be transferred to stay with me when my brother passed away. Besides, if you hadn't You, I don’t know how hard my brother has been working these years, I forgive him and you.”

"Jin Shangbing, I'm sorry." Yuan Dongyuan said again.

Jin Xiuhong finally said: "Remember, live well with my faith, and don't be sad about the past!"

Yuan Dongyuan nodded silently.

At the same time, Lin Ge, who was in the deep vacuum cave, saw huge boulders falling like meteorites from above. He threw Jin Zihong to the side with all his strength, then stepped on the cave wall and used Ladder Cloud to leap up. From above, he took out his black sword and slashed violently. A black sword energy flew out and instantly cut the falling boulders in half.

The broken boulders flew to both sides, making room for Lin Ge and Jin Zihong. Taking this opportunity, Lin Ge pulled the rope that appeared and pulled Jin Zihong back.

Lin Ge carried Jin Zihong, chopped it into pieces with each sword, and quickly fell downwards.

At this moment, the falling speed of the boulder above slowed down and seemed to return to its previous suspended state. The falling speed of Lin Ge and Jin Zihong was also stabilized.

"Mr. Lin, the captain sent a message back saying that he has stabilized Jin Xiuhong's mood and this situation will not happen again." Li Dechun's voice came from the communicator.

Jin Zihong also heard Li Dechun's words, and immediately said nervously: "Master Messenger, she said to stabilize my brother's mood, no, no, kill him, kill him, right?"

Lin Ge replied: "If I really wanted to kill your brother, I would have done it before I came back. I spent a lot of time to help him clear away his grievances, just to give you both a good ending."

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Messenger! I, I will definitely cooperate with your work. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west!" Jin Zihong promised confidently.

At this time, Li Dechun's voice sounded again on the contact: "Mr. Lin, since the vacuum cave is now stable, we are coming down!"

After saying that, Li Dechun, Nita, and Jie Yuanmai jumped down from the deep vacuum cave.

Li Dechun said before that the "violent hell" is to test a person's level of violence. As a nobleman, Jin Zihong has the right to be exempted from trial, so this vacuum hole is not too deep.

But it wasn't until everyone descended that they discovered that the situation seemed to be much more complicated than they imagined. The five people continued free falling for twenty minutes before reaching the bottom.

Li Dechun hugged his body with his hands and closed his eyes. He was establishing a connection with the information database to check Jin Zihong's charges. After a long while, he opened his eyes and his face became a little ugly: "Mr. Lin, this trial... there is a victim. Jin Zihong Mr. Hong has hurt others with violence."

Lin Ge's face darkened slightly when he heard this.

Jie Yuanmai, who thought he could pass smoothly this time, suddenly froze and looked at Jin Zihong with disbelief: "Are you still prone to violence?"

Jin Zihong said with a grimace, "I, I don't know either."

"You don't even know if you have committed any violence?" Jie Yuanmai was speechless.

Jin Zihong muttered: "The standards of your underworld are different. I have never killed anyone before. I was considered guilty of murder before."

"That's true..." Jie Yuanmai nodded subconsciously, then realized what he was doing and said anxiously: "What are you talking about? Do you mean that our underworld is unfair?"

Nita said disdainfully: "It sounds like you are doing a good job... If you can't solve the problem, solve the problem."

"What did you say?" Jie Yuanmai asked confused.

Lin Ge said calmly: "She was talking about the way you deal with innocent souls here. You don't want to find a way to resolve the innocent souls and give them a chance to reincarnate, but you want to just kill them and be done with it."

"This...it's not us who has the final say. I'm just a hell messenger, right?" Jie Yuanmai defended with some embarrassment.

"No matter what, we are already here. Let's go in and take a look first." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he took the lead towards the door of the violent hell ahead.

"Hey, he's obviously an intern, but why does he look like a captain?" Jie Yuanmai followed behind, constantly thinking casually.

Li Dechun smiled and said: "Okay, don't be so harsh. Don't forget that Mr. Lin saved us just now. Besides, you actually admire him quite a bit, right?"

"I don't know where this year's interns got their monsters from. Each one is better than the last, and they dare to challenge the seven kings." Jie Yuanmai complained.

Several people walked into a huge cave. The walls were carved with the heads of vicious ghost generals, and right in front of them was the stone statue of King Qin Guangda.

King Qin Guangda was sitting under the stone statue. When the two fat and thin judges saw several people coming in, they announced the start of a formal trial.

When Jin Zihong walked to the platform directly in front of him as requested, two people made of stones suddenly appeared in the center of the original platform, and then they started fighting.

"What is that?" Lin Ge looked at Li Dechun and asked.

Li Dechun explained: "That is the stone man of King Qin Guangda. After the deceased enters here, the violent deeds he did during his lifetime will be interpreted by the stone man."

Jie Yuanmai immediately asked: "Then who did he hit?"

Li Dechun was about to answer when he saw that the thin judge on the other side had already stepped forward with the case file and said: "For the information of King Qin Guangda, the defendant Jin Zihong ruthlessly abused his only younger brother when he was in high school. Although the two brothers will inevitably have conflicts, Fight, but one thing should be noted. At that time, my younger brother was severely malnourished, physically and mentally weak and needed protection. The motive in this case was not simple. I have reason to suspect that Jin Zihong wanted to kill his younger brother at that time!"

King Qin Guangmao looked at Jin Zihong and asked: "Defendant, do you have anything to say about the judge's accusation?"

"I..." Jin Zihong recalled the situation at that time. Although there was indeed a "hidden secret" in this matter, the truth made it even more difficult for him to talk about it.

When King Qin Guangdao saw that Jin Zihong was silent, he asked Judge Shou again: "So, after the defendant committed violence, he apologized to the victim and was forgiven?"

The thin judge shook his head and said: "No, the defendant Jin Zihong did not apologize to the victim after the violence, and the victim did not forgive him. The defendant just wanted to get over it shamelessly."

King Qin Guangda frowned and said, "But this is unreasonable. They obviously live together. If such a thing happened, why didn't there be another conflict later?"

The thin judge explained: "They did not live together. After this incident, the defendant ran away from home. Until he died in the line of duty while saving others, there was no record of ever going back for 15 years."

Jie Yuanmai saw that King Qin Guangda's face darkened after hearing the thin judge's words, and he quickly poked Li Dechun with his elbow, signaling her to quickly start her defense.

Li Dechun was very nervous. She had been paying attention to Lin Ge's actions before. She thought that Lin Ge, who was now the temporary captain, would definitely step forward. However, the situation had become extremely unfavorable. Lin Ge remained unmoved and could only force himself. He interrupted with his scalp.

"Your Majesty, Qin, respected King Qin Guangda!" Li Dechun was so nervous that he stuttered when he spoke: "I, can I start my defense?"

King Qin Guangda said coldly: "No, no need to defend, no forgiveness, and there is a victim, no need to defend, just execute!"

As soon as King Qin Guangdao finished speaking, the cave suddenly shook. With Jin Zihong as the center, the gravel around the platform immediately condensed and turned into stone figures, thirty or forty of them, surrounding Jin Zihong. Surround.


"Ha ha."


Lin Ge suddenly burst out laughing, and everyone looked at him in confusion. When he saw this, he quickly lowered his head and raised his hand and waved: "Sorry, sorry, I have been strictly trained and will never laugh no matter how funny it is. , unless you can't help it. The main reason is... you are too stupid. I have never seen such a childish trial."

The word "silly" immediately made Jie Yuanmai break out in cold sweat.

Although he didn't understand what "simple bad breath, ultimate enjoyment" meant, he knew that King Qin Guangda would be furious as soon as these words came out, so he quickly pulled Li Dechun aside.

The thin judge heard this and said angrily: "How bold! What are you talking about! Hell Messenger Lin Ge, I can sue you for contempt of court and insulting the king. This is a serious crime. Not to mention your captain Jiang Lin, the head of your Hell Messenger headquarters is here. I can’t protect you!”

"You're crazy. The stupid ones I'm talking about don't include you two. You're not even as good as a stupid person. You're at best a stupid egg. You're an idiot who wasted food by birth and wasted space by not being born. Although I know you are doing it for your promotion and salary increase. , I can’t wait to convict you, but I didn’t expect you to be so shameless.”

"After these several trials, I can see that you can't do anything else but 'put aside the facts', right? Regardless of the cause of the matter, indiscriminately, as long as you hit someone, it's okay. Is it a crime of violence? Then let me ask you, if I encounter a notorious criminal who is committing murder and I act bravely and beat him up, is it considered a crime of violence? "

Judge Slender had fought with Lin Ge several times and knew that what this guy was best at was sophistry. He saw that he wanted to mess around and change the concept again, and sneered: "You have to judge based on the situation at that time. If the other party has already begged for mercy, then you must count it down." Even if there are no perpetrators, you are still fighting each other!”

Lin Ge smiled and said: "So, the police and soldiers of your Bangzi country should have no good end, right? Are they the kind of violent maniacs who can't be reincarnated and will definitely be punished? Because as long as they take action to enforce the law, they will be punished by you. For a crime of violence!”

"You're so messy!" the thin judge said angrily.

Lin Ge took out a ghost-catching camera and turned on the video recording function inside: "Come on, tell me again, if a law enforcer uses violence to catch a heinous criminal, will he go to violent hell after death and face trial? ? Think about it clearly and say, I will take your remarks to the Yangjian News Agency for 24-hour broadcast. I want to see if there are still people in your country who are willing to become policemen and soldiers. There are no policemen. and soldiers, will your country be in chaos?"

"Enough!" At this time, King Qin Guangda roared angrily, and huge air pressure suddenly covered the entire audience, stopping Lin Ge and the thin judge from bickering.

Lin Ge raised his hand, and the black sword appeared with a "crack" sound, hovering in the air, directly blocking the pressure of King Qin Guangda and protecting Nita beside him.

King Qin Guangda looked at Lin Ge with a cold face and said: "The one on the left is your Bangzi country, and the one on the right is your Bangzi country... I guess you are the intern sent by the Great Heavenly Dynasty to study in our Hell? I asked you where did you come from? His tone turned out to be that he thought he had the support of the Great Heaven and the Underworld! Humph, you didn’t think you were sent here and they would still protect you, right?”

The thin judge immediately took over and said: "That's right! You are just the abandoned kid next door. We have seen too many 'exchange interns' trash like you. In the end, you cried and clamored to go back, but you were turned away. Finally, he came to us pitifully and begged us to take him in."

Lin Ge didn't give King Qin Guangda the face at all, and said disdainfully: "Stop talking nonsense, answer my question first. Do you also have to convict of violence in the situation like what I said?"

"You!" King Qin Guangda didn't expect that the other party could remain calm in the face of his insulting words. He snorted coldly: "Okay! I will admit that you are right, and I want to sentence the defendant Jin Zihong to death." For crimes of violence, if there is a cause, he can be exempted from the crime. But... you insulted the king and despised the court. You will be punished for both crimes. Do you know the crime? "

"Oh? How do you want to be punished?" Lin Ge asked, raising his eyebrows.

King Qin Guangda pointed to where Jin Zihong was standing on the middle platform and said: "You will take the place of the sinner Jin Zihong and suffer the punishment of 'endless violence' in the violent hell!"

"no problem."

Lin Ge readily agreed, stepped on the railing, jumped up, used Ladder Cloud to fly to Jin Zihong, then looked back at Nita: "Nita, take Jin Zihong over."

"Okay." Nita nodded, raised her hand, pulled out the soul chain, wrapped it around Jin Zihong, and pulled him back to the upper platform.

Lin Ge glanced at the dozens of two- to three-meter-tall stone figures gathered around him: "Forty-two, forty-three, forty-four? Just forty-four?"

The thin judge sneered: "Each of these stone men has the strength of a hell messenger. If you are afraid, just kowtow and confess your sins to King Qin Guangda!"


Lin Ge raised his hand and pressed it on the ground in front of him, and the sword box opened with a pop on the ground. The red sword, the green sword, and the black sword flew out and floated in front of Lin Ge.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Lin Ge kneaded the secret and pointed it at the black sword. The black sword suddenly let out a sword sound and flew out. With a few "噌噌噌噌"" blows, it was like a sharp arrow leaving the string, instantly piercing the heads of each stone man.

Three seconds later, he returned to hover in front of Lin Ge.

Lin Ge took the Huiling beans and popped them into his mouth one by one like eating peanuts. He raised his eyebrows at the thin judge: "What did you say just now? The voice was too low and I couldn't hear it clearly!"


The thin judge was so choked that he couldn't speak. That was a stone man as powerful as the messenger of hell. There were forty-four of them. How could he...

Who is this person? He has such a powerful power. Why did the neighbor next door send him to "intern"? Is it to spy on the secret treasure of our domain? (End of chapter)

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