Lin Ge was "invited" by Mao Xiaofang to return to Fuxi Hall. Xiaohai and Ah Chu had been waiting in the hall for a long time, and hurriedly greeted him when they saw it.


Mao Xiaofang raised his hand to ask them to follow him into the hall, and then introduced Lin Ge: "This is my fellow disciple, just call me uncle."

Lin Ge:?

Mr. Mao, didn’t you say before that everyone should discuss things in their own way? Why did my seniority rise in just such a short time?

Xiao Hai didn't think much. He just did what the master said. He respectfully bowed his hands to Lin Ge and said, "Uncle Master."

Ah Chu looked at Lin Ge with a dissatisfied look on his face: "He? Master uncle?"

Mao Xiaofang reprimanded: "I told you to call me "cow", how can you say so much nonsense. I haven't told you today, but the search for the dragon vein stone is urgent, but you are careless and almost miss the right time. I punish you by going to the back hall to punish you. Kneel for an hour and go!"

"Oh." Ah Chu responded aggrievedly and went to the back hall.

Mao Xiaofang asked his two apprentices to call Lin Ge "Uncle Master" for several reasons.

First of all, Maoshan not only has many branches, but also attaches great importance to seniority. Sometimes, if you look closely, you may be a few generations behind your peers.

Although Lin Ge said that his master might be of the same generation as him, he had not seen him after all, so he could not elaborate on his seniority.

Compared with his peers, he would never make a mistake with his master. At most, he would be a generation younger than himself.

As for the two apprentices, they are juniors, so naturally they are not that particular.

Secondly, it was also out of this consideration that Lin Ge was extremely talented at a young age and would definitely achieve great things in the future.

If you compare yourself to your peers, if you go by yourself in the future, you can still take care of your two apprentices for the sake of your elders.

It can also be regarded as "paving the way" for Xiao Hai and Ah Chu.

After Mao Xiaofang asked Lin Ge to sit down, he told Xiao Hai to make tea, and then chatted with Lin Ge: "Junior brother, are you passing through Gantian Town or going to the town for business? Where are you staying now?"

Lin Ge replied: "I was just passing by, but after hearing about senior brother's name for a long time, I wanted to pay him a visit. Since the Dragon Vein Stone has come out, I naturally have to do my part to relieve senior brother's worries. Currently, we are in Zhendong's There's an inn where you can stay."

Mao Xiaofang nodded: "Then I'll thank my junior brother first, alas. I never thought that there would be something wrong with the Dragon Vein Stone. I calculated the time correctly, but I didn't expect that the living dead could pollute the Dragon Vein in such a short period of time." Shi. ​​With my junior brother helping me, I feel relieved."

At this time, Xiao Hai just finished making tea and came out. He just heard the last two sentences. After delivering the tea to Master, Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi respectively, he asked nervously: "Master, what's wrong with the Dragon Vein Stone?" "

Mao Xiaofang nodded, briefly explained the situation of the Dragon Vein Stone, and then warned: "A Chu is just idle all day long and never takes things to heart. Don't tell him about this matter. Wait until the teacher can think of a way to deal with it." Say it again."

"Yes, Master."

Mao Xiaofang looked at Lin Ge and said: "Junior brother, the world is not good now, and living in an inn is expensive. There are still vacancies in Fuxi Hall, so why not move here. With someone to take care of you, you can also save a lot of money. Just live here as a family. Your own home is more free than an inn."

"Senior brother, come to think of it, have prices in Gantian Town always been so high?" Speaking of the bad world, Lin Ge immediately asked the question in his mind. After all, in his opinion, the security of Gantian Town was unlikely to lead to "black shops" ".

Mao Xiaofang sighed and explained the reason to Lin Ge. In order to restore the economy as soon as possible, the higher authorities stepped up coinage, which led to inflation and skyrocketing prices. A few years ago, you could buy a cow with a few hundred French currency, but now it’s even harder to buy an egg.

Only then did Lin Ge realize that one million French currency seemed like a lot, but in fact, it was only a few hundred dollars at most.

This is the most embarrassing time since the four black card redemptions.

Lin Ge immediately agreed to Mao Xiaofang's "invitation". After all, he had planned to have a good relationship with Mao Xiaofang, and it would be better if he could live in the same place.

Secondly, it can save a lot of money.

The two chatted for a while, and Mao Xiaofang saw that it was getting late, so he asked Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi to go down and rest.

Mao Xiaofang had long noticed that something was wrong with Ou Yongqi's state, but it was already getting late, so he thought of asking questions after dawn.

After all, there is also a "way to drive away corpses" in the branches.

The next day, Lin Ge was woken up by a loud noise. When he got up, he saw that people had gathered in front of the main courtyard gate.

When the townspeople learned that Mao Xiaofang had set up the Feng Shui tree, they all came to thank him with gifts.

Mao Xiaofang signaled everyone to calm down and said that as a member of Gantian Town, he should have contributed to the town. This was all trivial.

The aunt at the front of the team, Zhang Ma, was holding a basket of eggs and said excitedly: "What a joke, ever since that monster took away the dragon vein stone to practice evil arts, the chickens in my house didn't even fart. Master Mao, you last night After taming the monster, my chickens laid eggs today. One after another, look at how big they are. I quickly brought them to honor Master Mao."

As soon as Zhang Ma finished speaking, everyone quickly pushed the gifts towards Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang declined politely: "Killing demons and warding off evil spirits is the duty of us cultivators. Please take these things back with you. You're welcome."

A balding middle-aged uncle said: "Master Mao, my wife has been complaining about stomachache since she became pregnant. After you did this a few days ago, she no longer has pain. Mother and child are safe, thanks to you. As for this gift, you must I have to accept it. Otherwise, I won’t be able to bother you again in the future.”

Hearing this, the others also pushed the gifts over.

Seeing that Mao Xiaofang refused to accept it, Ah Chu became anxious: "Yes, Master, Uncle Niu is right. We also need money to buy yellow paper to write talismans on. We have to charge money, right?"

As he spoke, he winked at Xiaohai.

Xiao Hai looked at Mao Xiaofang awkwardly and agreed, "Yes, yes. Master, it's hard to refuse kindness."

Mao Xiaofang glared at the two of them and said reluctantly: "Well, that's what you mean."

A Chu and Xiao Hai were overjoyed and quickly began to receive gifts. The townspeople thanked them and stuffed their gifts in, fearing that they would not be accepted if they were delivered late.

Lin Ge stood at the back of the team, listening to the words of thanks from the townspeople, his face became a little weird... He could still understand things like slaying monsters and warding off evil spirits.


What does it mean to protect miscarriages, cure diseases and save people, protect the sky and protect the harvest, etc.? It’s really just about Erye’s employment prospects, everything can be “obedienced”, right?

Mao Xiaofang noticed Lin Ge coming out of the backyard and greeted him: "Junior brother, did you have a good rest last night?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just like home."

Mao Xiaofang made an "invitation" and invited Lin Ge to sit in the hall: "Sit down and rest for a while. Breakfast will be ready soon."


The two of them entered the hall and sat down, but saw A Chu and Xiao Hai bringing in a lot of things. Mao Xiaofang gave them a dissatisfied look.

"I'm asking you, why did you collect so much?"

Ah Chu smiled cheerfully and said, "It's hard to refuse kindness, Master. I'm already very happy, otherwise it would have been three times more."

Mao Xiaofang sighed and scolded: "Why don't you make tea."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Hai immediately ran to prepare tea.

Ah Chu came to Lin Ge and glanced at Ou Yongqi who was standing behind him. He didn't want to call Lin Ge uncle, but in the end he called him: "Master... uncle. Uh, is this your sister or you?" The daughter of the family?"

Lin Ge:?


Even if this love brain deceives Mao Xiaofang in the later stages, how dare he hit me on the head with his abacus?

Lin Ge glanced at Ah Chu and said with a faint smile: "No need to meet anyone outside, just call me 'Master Aunt'."

Ah Chu's face turned green when he heard that he was going to call the beautiful woman in front of him, who was not much older than him, "Master's Aunt". He was stared at by Lin Ge and Mao Xiaofang, but he didn't dare not to shout.

"Teacher, auntie."

But Ou Yongqi didn't respond, she just stared at Lin Ge blankly.

Mao Xiaofang asked Ah Chu and Xiao Hai, who brought the tea, to carry the gifts down first. After they left, he said: "Junior brother, don't blame me for being nosy. It's just that my sister's condition seems... not normal. "


"It's a long story."

Lin Ge sighed and told his story in grief.

"Qiqi was originally my junior sister. We were childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts. Later, I traveled with my master to ward off demons and protect the Tao. Unexpectedly, when I was exorcising evil spirits in a remote mountain village, I encountered a thousand-year-old zombie king. My junior sister was seriously injured in trying to save me and almost lost her soul. I I tried my best to save only two of her souls. After losing her soul, she became like this."

"Alas. Master and the thousand-year-old corpse king died together, and I traveled around just to find a way to cure my junior sister."

Mao Xiaofang said: "Is it convenient for my senior brother to check the pulse of my younger brother and sister?"

Lin Ge nodded and asked Ou Yongqi to stretch out her hand.

Mao Xiaofang tried to feel the pulse, but there was no pulse. Then he pinched the hand on Ou Yongqi's forehead, tried to check it, and shook his head.

"I wonder if my brothers and sisters are affected by the Corpse King's corpse energy, and there is an evil energy remaining in their bodies. I am afraid that only by finding thousand-year-old ginseng, North Sea coral, and South Sea ice jade, and asking for directions using the lost seven-star array of flying dragons, can it be possible to recall the lost soul."

Lin Ge showed gratitude, stood up and paid homage to Mao Xiaofang: "Thank you, senior brother, for your advice. Junior brother, I have another unkind request..."

As he spoke, he took out the pencil possessed by the ghost sisters and placed it on the table: "I met a pair of poor ghost sisters while traveling. They were harmed by the beast teacher and turned into ghosts. After I subdued them, I wanted to save them, but I didn't have the strength. I wonder if I can ask my senior brother to save them and send them to the afterlife."

When Mao Xiaofang heard this, he bit his finger and flicked a drop of blood on the pencil. However, before the blood touched the pencil, a black smoke rose from it to block the blood.


The drop of blood emitted white smoke and was directly evaporated.

Mao Xiaofang's face changed greatly, and he said in surprise: "Twin ghosts in red? It's very difficult to save them."

Lin Ge was not surprised by Mao Xiaofang's answer.

According to his guess, although Mao Xiaofang's strength was much higher than that of his master, that was because the master was living in the Age of Ending Dharma.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, it should be only the difference between Si Mu and Jiu Shu.

In the original drama of "Zombie", both Zhong Fa and Chen You made it clear that they could not conquer the twin evil spirits on their own.

In the world of reincarnation, the difficulty of "Zombie" has been raised to a higher level, and the twin ghost sisters have become more ferocious.

It's not surprising that Mao Xiaofang can't do anything to them.

But when he heard the news, Lin Ge was a little disappointed. In other words, even if the master was resurrected, it would be difficult to lift the curse for him.

Perhaps, we can only wait for "incorporation" and ask the ancestor to take action.

Seeing that Lin Ge looked a little disappointed, Mao Xiaofang comforted him: "Junior brother, don't worry. Although it is difficult to solve, it is not completely impossible. I have an old friend who was born in a family of exorcists. She may have a way to send these poor sisters to death. This time I am also planning to ask her for help regarding the contamination of the Dragon Vein Stone. After all, her family has experience in dealing with evil dragons."

"Uh, senior brother, this exorcism family you are talking about...could it be the Ma family?" Lin Ge asked tentatively.

Mao Xiaofang was surprised and said, "Eh? Does it mean that junior brother knows the Ma family?"

"Although I don't know him, I have heard of the name 'Southern Mao and Northern Horse' for a long time, and I often hear rumors about the Ma family when traveling." Lin Ge felt bad.

Although this wave is indeed a dream linkage, if the Ma family is involved in this reincarnation, it means that this reincarnation will be very difficult.

After all, you don't need to think about it to know how the Lord God can let the reincarnation hold his lap safely. The increase in strength on the "positive side" means that something will happen to the "negative side".

At what level of difficulty does it take "Southern Hair and North Horse" to attack at the same time, plus the power of the reincarnation, to deal with it?

I'm afraid the "evil dragon" of Dragon Vein Stone is going to be difficult to deal with!

Lin Ge felt a vague sense of ominousness in his heart, and realized that not only the difficulty of reincarnation was getting higher, but also the existence of troublemakers like "Black Rose"...

Shit stirrup!

Lin Ge suddenly remembered the drama "Zombie Taoist Master". There was more than just "Black Rose" to stir things up, and then asked: "Brother, I haven't seen A Chu and Xiao Hai. Have they gone out?"

"These two brats must have gone somewhere to be lazy again." Mao Xiaofang said angrily, obviously already accustomed to this situation.

Lin Ge remembered that in the play, Song Zilong, the son of Director Song, accidentally knocked his head on a stone while delivering dragon vein stones for Mao Xiaofang and was sent to Fuxi Hall for treatment.

The next day, Mao Xiaofang asked Ah Chu and Xiao Hai to catch snakes and treat Song Zilong. As a result, they met Lei Xiu, who loved snakes, and the two sides had a conflict.

Although the plot of Song Zilong's injury did not appear due to Lin Ge's intervention, he was not sure whether A Chu would go to Lei Xiu for trouble. What's more, Lei Xiu's "pet snake" Xiaobai would sneak out to eat people. For safety reasons, he decided to take a look and maybe he could trigger a branch plot.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge said: "Since we have to wait until the Ma family comes to discuss how to deal with the Dragon Vein Stone, I have nothing to do now. I plan to go to the street to have a look and buy some daily necessities."

Mao Xiaofang said: "Junior brother, why are you so open-minded? If you need anything, just let Xiao Hai and A Chu take care of it."

"It's okay. It's my first time coming to Gantian Town. I just want to take this opportunity to get familiar with it."

Mao Xiaofang thought for a while, then nodded and said: "That's fine. If you encounter trouble, just have someone come to Fuxi Hall and call me."

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