The land of water.

The outpost of Kirigakure Village.

A group of Kirigakure ninjas on duty looked at the wooden dragon on the beach with a bit of collapse, and even more collapsed at the Fourth Mizukage Jujube hung up by a vine between the two dragon horns of the wooden dragon. Yagura.

Akihara Kagura stood on Mu Long’s head and said slowly:”Your Excellency Mizukage, order them to get out of the way. You don’t want to see them sacrifice in vain, right?”


The Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura looked at the group of Mist Ninja standing below. The only one leading the team was a Chuunin. It was impossible to compete with Akihara Kagura and his team.

“Get out of the way!”

The fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura shouted out his order with a face full of humiliation!

“Lord Mizukage!”

A group of Mist ninjas looked at the Fourth Mizukage excitedly!

“I said, get out of the way!”

The fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura once again issued his order


This group of fog ninjas could only follow the order to disperse, and looked at the wooden dragon swimming towards the direction of the fog hidden village with anger on their faces.

“My name is Men Mizukage!”

Akihara Kagura softly praised the power of the Fourth Mizukage


The Fourth Mizukage Tachibana Yagura was so angry that he cursed.

The news that the Fourth Mizukage Tachibana Yagura was captured The news soon spread to Kirigakure Village, and the leaderless Kirito ninjas could only ask the village’s Yuanshi to take charge of the overall situation.


If you come from the position Said that he is equivalent to an elder of Kirigakure Village, but this elder has the same power as Mizukage, and even has the power to designate Mizukage.

The Yuanshi immediately ordered the rescue Mizukage’s order.

No matter what…

The first priority is to rescue Goju Yagura.

After all, the fourth generation of Mizukage Kage is not only the leader of the village, but also the most important Tailed Beast Jinchūriki to the village, and must not be lost.

The opponent they faced was a Wooden ninja… Is it because the opponent is too powerful that he is allowed to wreak havoc in the country of water?

When Akihara Kagura controlled the wooden dragon and was about to arrive at Kirigakure Village, he encountered a group of people from Kirigakure Village. The ninja troops who came to rescue the Fourth Mizukage were ordered by Genshi

“There are so many people!”

Akihara Kagura looked at a group of Mist Ninjas and sighed:”There are at least several hundred people. It will take a long time to kill them all!”

“Don’t always think about killing people to solve problems.”

Hatake Kakashi looked at Akihara Kagura helplessly, and said softly:”It would be best if the problem can be solved through negotiation… After all, the other party is one of the five major national ninja villages. , it will be a big trouble if we really fight to the death.…”

“Let Master Mizukage go!”

A man who looked like a captain stood in the middle of the road, staring at the huge wooden dragon, and shouted at the huge wooden dragon:”Otherwise, I will let you die today. …”


A female ninja kicked him away!


The female ninja secretly cursed the captain.

The most powerful Mizukage in the village was caught by the other party, and they actually wanted to threaten the other party. , do you want to directly sacrifice the Fourth Mizukage?


This is actually not a bad thing.

After all, the Fourth Mizukage Shimizu Kage Gotachibana Yagura was not clear-headed, killing people everywhere in the village, and even forced many ninjas in the village to rebel, causing many conflicts in Kirigakure Village…


It’s true to say a thousand words.

After all, Goju Yagura is the water shadow of Kirigakure Village, representing the image of Kirigakure Village, and even has a deep love for the village sealed in her body. The important strategic weapon Tailed Beast…

No matter how bad the Fourth Mizukage’s governance policy is, it is still very important to the Kirigakure Village, which is currently leaderless. Everyone does not recognize his governance of Kirigakure. Hidden Village’s method, but everyone has to admit that the Fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura is enough to suppress the Kirigakure Village.

Although after today, it may not be possible to suppress it


(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

This female ninja has a clearer mind, and her thoughts are more thoughtful than others. She just said loudly to the figures above the wooden dragon:”Let’s talk, you come to the water. The purpose of the country!”

“No matter what you want to do, as long as you release Mizukage-sama first and you make a request, we will consider it…”

“That’s… Terumi Mei…”

The fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura recognized the person who rescued him.

As Kirigakure The talented female ninja of the village, Terumi Mei has received a lot of attention since she was a child. Not only is her water release ninjutsu amazing, she even has the melting release and boiling release blood continuation limits!


Because Terumi Mei’s blood step limit effect is too scary, and there are many conflicts between blood step ninjas and non-blood step ninjas in Kirigakure Village, no one has dared to pursue her…

“Negotiate with them?”

Uchiha Itachi looked at Hatake Kakashi and Akihara Kagura

“If the problem can be solved through negotiation…”

Hatake Kakashi has never wanted to have a bigger conflict with Kirigakure Village, but the little guy Akihara Kagura has too many ideas. Yes, it even makes people think what he said makes sense.


The situation seems to be out of control now

“Let me talk!”

Akihara Kagura suddenly raised her feet and stood up, lowered her head to look down at the group of fog ninjas below, and said loudly:”If you want us to put Mizukage back, there are two conditions, whatever Either one is fine…”

Akihara Kagura stroked her chin and continued with a smile:”Either hand over the Konoha rebel Uchiha Obito, or let us go in and search Kirigakure Village. , find out where he is!”


Terumi Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately turned around and asked:”Ao, have any rebel ninjas from Konoha come to seek refuge with us recently? Or are they from the Uchiha clan? Send someone to the village quickly to check if there is anyone named Uchiha. Obito’s Konoha Rebellious Ninja…”

“There is no such person…”

Qing, who has always had intelligence information, lowered his head and replied.

Places like Kirigakure Village are isolated overseas. In addition, the name of the Blood Mist Village is too scary, so no one has been willing to come and seek refuge.

The Konoha rebel named Uchiha Obito came from the Uchiha clan of Konoha. , Ao will definitely remember the news about this powerful family in the ninja world

“I understand.”

After Terumi Mei nodded, he turned back to look at Mu Longtou, staring closely at the black-haired boy who stood up, and began to make up random information.

“Because of your arrival, the Konoha traitor named Uchiha Obito escaped from Kirigakure Village. He stole a lot of information in Kirigakure Village. We are also hunting for his whereabouts.…”


On the head of the wooden dragon.

Hatake Kakashi held his forehead and whispered:”Sure enough, our battle alarmed Obito, and he has escaped from Kirigakure Village …”


Akihara Kagura glanced at Terumi Mei below, and continued loudly:”You can’t hand over Uchiha Obito, then why should we return the Mizukage to you?”

“Are you ninjas from Konoha?”

Terumi Mei raised her head and looked at the boy, and suddenly smiled softly:”Little guy, both of our villages want to catch Uchiha Obito, and it won’t help if you catch Mizukage now. , mutual cooperation and exchange of information is the most beneficial choice…”


On the head of the wooden dragon.

Hatake Kakashi nodded slowly and said softly:”What she said makes sense. We cracked Uchiha Obito’s conspiracy to control the water shadow and obtained information about Obito from Kirigakure Village. The purpose of this trip has been achieved…”

“Perhaps it has been achieved.”

In fact, Akihara Kagura’s purpose has been achieved.

For Akihara Kagura, as long as the conspiracy of Uchiha Obito is solved, Uchiha Obito can It’s enough for Tu Xue to pay attention to the energy he can bring as a spy.


It’s a bit strange.

What’s wrong with Terumi Mei? There will be information about Uchiha Obito. Uchiha Obito is always active as a mysterious masked man when he acts. Even if she finds out, it is impossible to recognize him, right?

Akihara Kagura His brain was spinning, and he used [Darkness of the Ninja World] to secretly observe Terumi Mei’s situation, and eavesdropped on what Terumi Mei was communicating with the people around him.

Terumi Mei shouted towards Mu Long Continue shouting:”Konoha ninjas, can you let Master Mizukage go? I can go up and tell you the information about Uchiha Obito first!”

After Terumi Mei finished speaking, she looked back at Qing behind her and whispered:”After a while, if they dare to let me jump on the wooden dragon, they will order the others to release Kirigakure collectively. I will use my technique to cover this place, and I will take advantage of the thick fog to rescue Mizukage-sama!”


Akihara Kagura slowly tapped her arm.

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