Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 215 Tornado Controller

"Hmm~ Xiao, this seems a bit complicated."

Lucy looked at some of Heilai's information and said to Mo Wen on the other side of the network.

"How to say?"

"It's very simple. This tornado controller only controls and maintains the created tornado, but it cannot directly generate it." As she spoke, Lucy sent the structural diagram of the hurricane control center to Mo Wen: "Look, the control The device needs to be on this tornado generator to first generate a tornado and then control it;

The previous lightning controller directly generated lightning to strike nearby, and the magnetic lock was just a device that bound the lightning controller.

The tornado controller here performs subsequent control work under the action of a professional tornado generating device. "

"In other words, this cannot be made into a miniaturized weapon."

"Yes, and you see there are several wind cannons arranged in and around this base. The direction of the generated tornado is controlled by these. The controller itself actually only has the function of maintaining and stopping."

"I understand." After listening to Lucy's explanation and looking at the structure of the base, the design drawings of the wind cannon, tornado generator and controller on the monitor, Mo Wen also understood.

In general, using tornadoes as weapons is theoretically feasible, but in practice it will be very troublesome to implement. Not only do you need to arrange the path in advance and set up wind cannons to control the direction of the tornado, but you also need to have a base that can generate tornadoes.

"It seems that this base and these technologies may not be essentially for researching weapons, but to prevent tornadoes outside the city from damaging the city."

"It seems like this at present. Due to the terrain problem, it is actually very easy for tornadoes to form here, and there is no obstruction between the city and the wilderness. Once a tornado forms in the wild, it will be driven by natural factors and drive straight into the city, causing difficulties. imaginary loss.”

"Well, I have seen it too, and these wind cannons that control the path of the tornado are extremely easy to destroy. If used as a strategic offensive weapon, it is almost worth the loss. Although it is powerful, the enemy will not watch the bases and wind cannons being built here. , not to mention that these things are not difficult to destroy.”

"What do we do? Give up these things?"

"Of course not, Lucy, you continue to download the data and be careful not to be discovered. How can you come back empty-handed after finally coming here."

"No problem, what about you?"

"I'm going to see if I can steal the controller, and also see if I can get a wind cannon." Mo Wen knocked on his helmet: "In fact, if possible, I even want to move the tornado generator underground. It’s a pity that this thing is too big, and from the drawings, it is built together with the foundation of this base.”

The geese pluck their hair when they pass, and the beasts leave their skins when they leave.

Although it is not that exaggerated, Mo Wen will not let go of a good thing.

"Well, Xiao, your current condition is just like when you came back from fishing."


"What did you say at that time? Well, now that I think about it, a fishing guy will never be in the air force, hahaha~"

"Hey Lucy, that's different, and I ended up catching the fish!"

"Really? Who was the one who threw the fishing rod at his feet in anger and shot fish with a gun?"

Faced with Lucy's teasing, Mo Wen's face immediately turned red under his mask.

"I'll tell you when I get back. Now, let's get down to business first!"

Hearing Mo Wen's hasty reply, Lucy smiled and did not continue teasing, but concentrated on downloading the information.

Just kidding, the other party is obviously anxious and continues to tease, giving the other party an excuse, and he may not be able to torment himself much when he comes back.

Lucy is not stupid~

On the other side, after Mo Wen secretly stole a tornado controller, the base exploded instantly.

After all, this is not an ordinary thing. It is a top priority in the entire control center, but it disappeared in front of everyone!

Moreover, what Mo Wenshun shipped was not a trial model, but a completed and stable finished product!

"Do you need help?" Lucy, who was downloading data, suddenly noticed that the entire control center was ringing with alarms. After realizing that the problem was not on her side, she immediately asked Mo Wen.

"No, this is exactly the effect I want." The place where the controller is stored and the place where the wind cannon is installed are not together. What Mo Wen wants is to attract attention here, and then he can go there smoothly. Wind cannon location.

"Does it have an impact on your side?" I realized that since Lucy knew the situation here, it meant that it might have an impact on Lucy's work.

If this is the case, Mo Wen's first choice is to give up his own plan. After all, Lucy's safety is the most important thing.

"It's okay, they can't see me yet. The actual control of the entire control center system is already in my hands."


Since Lucy will not be affected, Mo Wen will continue~

However, when Mo Wen successfully entered the position of the wind cannon, which was already very lax in defense, problems arose again.

"Depend on!"

"What's wrong?"

"These wind cannons are directly embedded into the mountain!"

"How is that possible? These wind cannons on the structural diagram are clearly independent entities..."

"Lucy, it's not your problem. The wind cannon is indeed independent, but the wind cannon here is a large permanent device! The main body of the wind cannon is at the innermost part, and the shell of the fixed wind cannon is directly embedded in the mountain, and Still using the pouring method!”

In this case, it will be very troublesome to take away the wind cannon.

It is impossible to take apart the casing.

If a bomb is used to violently tear open a hole, not to mention the low power, it may not be effective, and it may attract the attention of the black hand again! This is what Mo Wen doesn't want to see. Mo Wen can neither be seen by the Black Hand nor the rioting legion, otherwise the follow-up plan will not be carried out.

If the bomb is too powerful, not to mention whether it will cause the cave to collapse after opening a hole, the sound and vibration of the explosion will be enough to shatter ordinary people! Even Mo Wen felt uncomfortable!

"Lucy, it seems that I can't take away this large wind cannon device." Mo Wen just tried it, and the main device of the wind cannon has exceeded the storage distance of the space.

"Then let's retreat. I've already downloaded all the information."

"Well, I'm going out right now."

Since it doesn't work, Mo Wen has no choice but to leave this time. Fortunately, there is no gain at all.

The controller and information have been obtained, and it has made the black hand more vigilant, making it more difficult for Rico to come here to perform the task later, which is considered okay.

After Mo Wen left, Black Hand's actions were not unexpected.

Although there was no big fuss on the surface, that is, the unfinished tornado controller was stolen, but in fact the number of soldiers deployed by the Black Hand here has more than doubled, including various light and dark firepower points, turrets, etc.

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