Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 236 Mo Wen’s Thoughts

"So, you chose to sacrifice the former?"

"Is there any other way? Don't worry, this is just an old model from half a century ago. There will be no problems."

"No, you are wrong, Johnny. You have also seen that in this short period of time, they only got the technical principles of your arm and transformed so many prosthetics. This shows that their learning ability is How powerful! After seeing my implants, they already had the idea of ​​getting the technology to make combat implants, but they didn't have the technology and knowledge in this area, so I never agreed to hand over the technology to them. , but now your behavior is opening a hole for them, you know Johnny."

"In order to gain more benefits, they will do whatever it takes!"

"Are you going to let more civilian soldiers die in this war? Xiao!"

"Yes! Johnny, you may think I'm a little cruel, but if you think about it from another perspective, only sacrifice can make them all realize that the future is rare and precious! I believe you are very clear about the issue of human nature based on your experience. Yes, just like when you went to Arasaka Tower to die, it only caused a temporary sensation, but what? Only fifty years later, no one remembers what you did back then! Because they think it has nothing to do with them! Don’t cherish it, don’t care!”

"Have you forgotten? Originally, you attacked Arasaka Tower twice, and the second time you even used nuclear bombs, causing huge damage and sacrifices!! But in just fifty years, no one remembers what you did, Night The city is still the same, nothing has changed! Because only pain can make you remember!”

"You also said that there are human issues involved. According to your idea, if all of them go to the battlefield and all of them have experienced bloodshed and sacrifice, then they will not forget it and will not repeat the same mistakes in the future?!!! "

"No, they will still do it. Once they have been comfortable for too long, the people will be immersed in it, and those who have obtained greater benefits will continue to expand their own interests. But the overall interests are fixed, so only You can plunder from others, but the process is slower, just like boiling frogs in warm water, pushing the civilians to the bottom again, and squeezing out not a drop! Pain keeps people in a sensitive state, which can prolong the situation..."

After listening to Mo Wen's explanation, Yin Shou lowered his head and was silent for a long time, and then slowly raised his head: "Good guy, you kid, when did you make so much sense?"

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"According to your statement, people are always repeating this process, so is everything we have done necessary?"

"Of course! Johnny, are you shaken? In fact, on the contrary, people like us and this spirit exist to resist and resist on behalf of the people! Isn't it?"

"Oh, okay, you convinced me, kid, but it's too late now, isn't it? They have already obtained the technology of the cybernetic body."

"Don't worry, at least I have a remedy."


"You should have noticed that they have been developing in this direction before, like Rico's enhanced vision scanning. You are just adding acceleration to them now, but after all, you are quite old. Model, it will take them a few years to fully understand it, and it will take at least a century to develop the technology I have now. "

"Tell me how you plan to remedy it."

"Me? I think you should do this, Johnny. I'm just providing you with some help."

"Okay, just say it, don't be nagging."

Facing the anxious Johnny, Mo Wen shrugged helplessly: "It's actually very simple. If you want to continue to develop implant technology, you must cooperate with computers and networks to upgrade in this area. I can help them from this aspect." Suppress it so that they can't get accurate data... Then, you have to do it yourself. After all, this is the trouble you caused.

In fact, it is not difficult. You just need to continue to promote your spirit of resisting oppression and keep civilians sensitive to corporate oppression. In this way, if those people behind want to continue to imitate capital oppression and other methods, Just a little bit can ignite the sensitive hearts of civilians in an instant. As long as they don't want to overthrow a gangster and be overthrown again, they know what to do..."

"You kid, you are the one who hides it the most among everyone, right?" After hearing Mo Wen's plan, Yin Shou looked at Mo Wen with a playful expression and said.

Damn, this guy has been acting very mysterious since the first time we met him. But after we got to know him better, he still had a lot of things on his mind. His mind was so twisted and deep that it was like a bottomless pit, making it hard to see clearly.

Regarding Yin Shou's words, Mo Wen spread his hands: There is no way, I don't want to think so much, after all, I am too tired, and I have to kill countless brain cells every time, but there is no way, my opponents are all playing with their brains. , if you don’t play, what will you do if you are used as a gun? What should I do if I am sold?

Therefore, Mo Wen could only use his brain more and think more about the problem, and try to get others in before others get him in~

It's better to be a little tired than to help count the money after being sold~

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to find Rico and the others."

The original task today was to discuss the desert acupuncture plan with Rico and Mira. As a result, they met Johnny Silverhand first, and then they couldn't help but have an in-depth exchange of ideas.

"What do you think?"

Facing Mo Wen's question, Mira and Rico looked at each other and explained: "The plan is like this. First, we have to enter the desert base of the Black Hand. The only mode of transportation is train, so we need to occupy Marawi first. La area, this is the main road leading to the Sandstorm Research Institute. After controlling this place, we can hijack the Black Hand's heavy-armed train here, then transform it into a train that meets our requirements, and use it to directly penetrate the Sandstorm Research Institute, the Black Hand The hinterland!”

"Hmm~" Mo Wen took out the lollipop from his mouth and continued to ask: "What about me? What am I here to do?"

"In this case, we hope you can help the legion successfully capture the Marawila area?"

After thinking about it carefully, Mo Wen bit the candy in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it: "Okay, but I have to arrange the master plan to capture Marawila!"

Mira, Rico, and several other combat staff looked at each other, and then nodded in agreement with Mo Wen's request.

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