Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 295 The decisive battle in Egypt, the evolving team peeking in the dark!

Three months later.

Switzerland, Imperial Palace.

In the main hall, Inuyashiki received a letter of challenge from the Lion God.

In the letter of challenge, he was invited to have a showdown at the Pharaoh's Pyramid in Egypt three days later!


He swallowed his strength, and the war letter turned into debris and flew away.

Inuyashiki's eyes flickered, thoughts flowing in his heart.

Ever since the world was divided into three parts, they had reached a tacit truce and began to hide their capabilities and bide their time.

With the end of the 'War on the Moon', the turbulent world has finally stabilized.

The tenacity of human beings was fully reflected in this kind of catastrophe. Even though countless people died in the disaster around the world, the remaining people still managed to survive with difficulty.

Especially in the territory occupied by Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon, as long as they are willing to submit, they will treat them equally.

With powerful force, all violent gangs and rebels who took advantage of the chaos were suppressed.

Coupled with the politicians they left behind to do various aftermath work, most people have recognized their rule.

Perhaps Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon's methods were very decisive, but that was when targeting those who did not follow.

In the face of the surrendered people, they still adopted gentle methods.

Politicians have also formulated various policies to appease the situation. The whole situation seems much more stable, and as time goes by, people's lives also tend to be prosperous.

In contrast, the Lion God completely adopts a purely violent rule!

Anything that doesn't go his way can trigger his killing spree!

He doesn't love his people at all, and takes their lives and lives from them. Most people still live in dire straits.

After he gained power, he sent a large number of troops to invade the territories of Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon, regardless of the life and death of the people.

Fortunately, Inuyashiki responded promptly and worked with Shin Seok-heon to formulate the Atlantic Defense Line.

Forcing the Lion God to take a detour, the main battlefields of both sides are basically in Africa.

The battle between these armies seemed to be fierce, but apart from wasting people and money, it was of no consequence to the three strong men.

They haven't really done anything in the past few months.

They are all practicing hard and working hard to enhance their strength.

Originally, Inuyashiki thought that this situation would continue for a while.

I just didn't expect that the Lion God could no longer hold back so quickly and issued a challenge to him for a decisive battle!

A bad premonition came to his mind, and he felt that if he accepted the challenge, something bad might happen.

So Inuyashiki decided to go to Shin Seok-heon to discuss countermeasures first!

On top of an ice sheet.

The naked Shen Xixian was sitting cross-legged, his mind power spreading all over his body, making the space seem to be constantly twisting.

Bending the light exudes a strange beauty.


Shen Xixian's whole body shot up, and with a loud "rumbling" sound, dozens of mechanical monsters sprang out from under the ice.

They all bombarded the location where he was just now.

Each of these mechanical monsters is fifty meters high, and their appearance is very similar to the war robots of the Four-Eyed Stars.

It was Shin Seok-heon who ordered his scientists to use the captured war robots to enhance them with telekinesis and magnetic field power.

It was named a mechanical giant and was specially used as a sparring partner!

When the mechanical monster was about to pursue him, Shin Seok-heon suddenly pressed down with one hand.

"Ten thousand horses of power! Gravity field!"

After many months of hard training, his control over the power of telekinesis has become even more refined.

The intensity of his mental power has also increased significantly, but this time it is not against the enemy, but for training, so Shen Xixian only uses the power of 10,000 horses to deal with these mechanical giants.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Click! Click!

A radius of several thousand meters was instantly shrouded in a gravity field, preventing the mechanical giant from making its next move.

——Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The mechanical giant immediately gave up the melee attack and instead launched energy cannons for bombing!

But Shen Xixian was faster, falling rapidly, and dodged the energy cannon first.

Enveloping himself with a small gravity field, Shin Seok-heon can obtain faster acceleration. Even with only 10,000 horses, he can perfectly dodge the collective bombardment of dozens of mechanical monsters!

"Ten thousand horses of power! Magnetic energy arc slash!"

The bright white crescent-like arc slashed across, even the transformed mechanical giant couldn't bear it.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound and ice shards flying, it only took about fifteen minutes.

Dozens of mechanical monsters were defeated by Shen Xixian one after another!

Standing on the severed head of a giant mechanical monster, Shen Xixian looked towards the sky.

There is a person standing there right now!

Inuyashiki leaned over and flew down, clapped his hands and said, "We haven't seen each other for a few months. Brother Shen's strength is indeed quite impressive!"

"Brother Inuyashiki! You came to me because of the Lion God, right?"

Inuyashiki raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Did he issue a letter of challenge to both of us at the same time?"

Shen Xixian nodded: "That's right!"

Rubbing his chin, Inuyashiki said: "It seems that this guy must have enough confidence."

Shen Xixian waved his hands and said: "He has grown up, and we will not be any worse. The Lion God has always been arrogant, and will become arrogant when he grows up a little. Last time, he was allowed to run away. This time, no matter what, he will be completely eliminated." Kill him to avoid further trouble!"

Inuyashiki has understood Shin Seok-heon's decision, and he supports the challenge!

He nodded slightly and said: "Okay, you are right, there are two of us, but he is only one.

There is no reason why we should be at a disadvantage! Since he wants to fight, let’s fight!

The grudge between us and him should indeed come to an end! "

Shen Xixian rolled his eyes and suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, do you know where Shirahoshi and Fuudazaemon went after the 'Battle of the Moon'?"

Inuyashiki nodded and said: "According to my investigation, Shirahoshi should still be in the island country where he originally lived.

As for Fuudazaemon, he didn't know.

I discovered that he was also in a state of evaporation some time before the Four-Eyed Stars invaded.

No traces can be found at all! "

Shin Seok-heon rubbed his chin: "It seems that this should be the main reason why he became stronger in such a short period of time."

Inuyashiki sighed: "Everyone has a secret." Then he added: "But the good news is that both Fuudazaemon and Shirahoshi are at least different from the Lion God. Otherwise, you and I would really be the same. There is no room for resistance at all!”

"Even if the giant didn't think about killing the ants, he might trample the entire ant nest to pieces just by walking on the road." Shin Seok-heon was still worried.

"We need to become stronger, at least as much as possible to catch up with their strength, so that we can better protect the people we need to protect!"

Inuyashiki agreed with this, but for some reason he always felt that there was something in what Shin Xixian said today.

After thinking about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

In the end, the two agreed to go to Egypt for the appointment three days later.

Completely come to an end with the Lion God!

Three days passed quickly.


The sky is a deep blue, and the sun shines through the sparse clouds, covering the earth with a golden glow.

In the distance, there are golden hills, rolling up and down, extending to the sky.

The yellow sand dances gently in the wind, and an endless desert unfolds before your eyes.

The sky was filled with yellow sand and the sun was scorching hot, as if the whole world was being heated.

The outline of the pyramid looks solemn and mysterious against this golden background. Several huge buildings stand in the sea of ​​sand, and they still stand firm after thousands of years of wind and frost.

At this moment, at the top of two adjacent pyramids, two strong men stood respectively.

Their figures looked tall and majestic under the scorching sun, like two sculptures in the desert.

The wind was strong, blowing the cloaks on the two of them, and with the sand grains dancing in the wind, two solid and thick arms were looming.

"Is this Lion God up to some conspiracy?"

Inuyashiki frowned.

"No matter what, the outcome must be determined by strength in the end. Now that the decision has been made, let everything be settled today."

Inuyashiki had a stronger premonition, but he seemed to be looking for threads in a mess and couldn't find what went wrong.

The less the Lion God appeared, the more uneasy he felt.

At this moment, a magnetic field fluctuation came from a distance.


Both of them looked in the same direction, and soon a small black dot appeared in their sight.

It’s the Lion God who’s coming!

Ten miles away.

A piece of undulating weathered rock forms a series of deep canyons.

And somewhere in this canyon, five people are gathering here.

One of the women with tentacles on her head is using some kind of ability to project the situation on the other side of the pyramid.

When the remaining people saw the Lion God appear, they immediately exclaimed: "Here he comes! That's the Lion God who claims to be the only true god!"

"This is our chance! If they can fight to the death and both sides suffer, we can get a bargain. Maybe we can successfully complete the mission without taking any risks!" The person who spoke was a man with a middle parted hair. A man with glasses named Kosili.

Another muscular man named Ibañez said slightly dissatisfied: "They say that the magnetic field maniacs are powerful, but I want to compete with them for a while, hum! I don't believe that with my Hercules inheritance, I can't deal with a few of them. The so-called magnetic field guy, even if I attack them directly, I can kill them with one punch!"

As he spoke, he showed off his muscles with his bare upper body, and you could see that they were covered with various dense runes. They were not painted on them, but more like they were carved into the skin.

"Those guys are unreasonable, I advise you to stop this stupid idea.

You should think more about why this task has been pending in the evolutionary space for so long and no one dares to take it! "

The man who spoke had a mustache, and when he mentioned the magnetic field maniac, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

It seems that I have been exposed to this before.

"Hey! Barbossa! At least now we have this mission!"

Barbossa, who had a mustache, turned to look at him: "Yes, I received it under forced circumstances! To avoid that damn Death Squad!"

"Okay, guys, now is not the time to quarrel. Focus on watching their fight. This is the best time to get to know them!"

As the captain, Salinas spoke, and the others said nothing more.

He turned his attention to the screen again.

This is a team of reincarnators from the evolutionary space.

And this is not the first time that Evolution Space has sent a team into this world.

At the beginning, when the Lion God was just transformed and obtained the magnetic field seed, he killed people randomly in order to feel like he was still alive.

After that incident was exposed because of Izumi Shione, the Lion God also received the title of Alien Killer.

When the last family was being massacred, the Lion God accidentally encountered a parasitic beast, and then collided with the Evolution Space Team who was following Izumi Shinichi on a mission.

If they disagree, they start fighting.

That battle was also the first time that the Lion God was defeated, and then he had the idea of ​​becoming stronger.

Later, due to the encounter with the Lion God and the memory peeking by Shirahoshi, the information about the evolutionary space was leaked, causing one of the members to be wiped out.

The remaining team members were all tasked with killing Inuyashiki, Shishigami, and Shirahoshi.

It's a pity that none of these candidates were good, but they chose Bai Xing, who should not be provoked.

Was easily wiped out.

But because one of them, Takita Masako, did not follow the action, he escaped.

She injected medicine and became the Queen of Monsters, but unfortunately she died at the hands of the Lion God who became stronger and came back for revenge.

Since then, all the team members in the evolutionary space have been wiped out!

Because they encountered unexpected things in this world, bounties appeared in the evolutionary space.

Among them were requests to explore changes in the world and eliminate magnetic field guys, but no one dared to accept them even after hanging up for a long time.

Until the team headed by Salinas had to accept this mission in order to escape the pursuit of the Death Team.

They arrived two days ago but did little to avoid alerting the enemy.

Just silently collecting various intelligence information.

And the information made them more and more frightened!

Whether it was the 'Osaka Incident' or the 'Emperor's Ascension to the Throne' or the 'Hanguo Incident', they all saw the style of the crazy guy.

Especially the 'Battle on the Moon' allowed them to see the strength of the crazy guy!

And the current situation in the three-pointed world makes them don't know what to do!

That's when the turning point occurred!

Regarding the Lion God's appointment with Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon, it was not a low-key affair, and was reported by global media.

This decisive battle is destined to go down in history!

The team in Salinas naturally knew about this.

For them, it is of course the best outcome for the magnetic field guys to kill each other.

It would be even better if both sides could lose and let them pick the peaches!

So they arrived in advance near the location where Inuyashiki and others were going to have a decisive battle.

First, we can have a more intuitive feeling about these magnetic field maniacs.

Secondly, you can take advantage of the situation when both of them are injured and step forward to finish the attack.

Get rid of all three of the most arrogant magnetic field maniacs in the world at once!

And while they were hiding in the dark and observing, the Lion God had already arrived at the top of the third pyramid.

The three of them formed a triangle, looking at each other from a distance.

The Lion God was the first to speak: "Old dog, I thought you would not dare to come, but now that you are here, you must be ready to be killed by me, right?"

Inuyashiki snorted coldly: "Kill? What a ridiculous thing to say, stupid cat, you will always be so blind and arrogant. No matter how many times you fall down on it, it will be useless. Maybe this characteristic will always be with you. Until the day you die

And today, it should be your time to die! "

The Lion God laughed: "Death? Yes, I will definitely die, but I will disappoint you, because that will never be today!"

"I want to see what your confidence is!"

Inuyashiki's figure disappeared instantly, and the naked eye could not keep up with his speed. When he reappeared, he was already above the Lion God.

"The power of 150,000 horses! The Emperor's Shocking Fist!!"

--boom! !

Inuyashiki took the lead and unleashed an astonishing power of 150,000 horses as soon as he came up!

It seemed that he had benefited a lot from the battle three months ago.

In a short period of time, your strength will be greatly improved!

However, the Lion God is not easy to deal with. He was already prepared and easily avoided this attack.

——Boom! !

Along with the loud noise, smoke and dust filled the sky.

The pyramid under the Lion God was instantly shattered by the aftermath of Inuyashiki's punch!

Completely collapsed!

It's a pity that no one cares about the damage to this civilization relic.

"It's not like you to be so impatient, old dog. Could it be that you also feel that today is the end of you?"

When the Lion God poked at the central issue with one word, Inuyashiki didn't say anything more. He just snorted coldly and struck out even faster!

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