
Empty, dead, dark.

Endless stars are filled with corners of all sizes.

And there are some special planets that will give birth to some special things.

That thing is called - life!

Whenever life sprouts on a certain planet, a series of irreversible laws of life are set in motion.

It guides the evolution of life, making it more resilient and flexible to adapt to diverse ecological environments and survival challenges.

In ancient times, some creatures evolved strong bodies to resist external aggression.

Others choose to transform into small bodies and rely on agility and collectiveness to fight against survival crises.

The duality of evolution is evident.

Although this helps avoid predators' rapid pursuit, it may also make it an easily accessible food resource for other species.

As time goes by, the competition stage of life on earth gradually becomes a drama of survival of the fittest.

In this arena, the most powerful predators often dominate.

However, in this landscape full of strong men, even the top predators will encounter equally ferocious opponents!

Even if their territories are rich and abundant, they cannot share and coexist with each other.

Because there is an iron law engraved deep in its genes.

It is a competitive instinct that drives them to eliminate all aliens and even the same kind in the occupied territory!

And in the end, this is how the strongest and most successful predators survive.

With the end of the age of dinosaurs, a new era of mammals began.

The human species stands out.

Its evolution has given them a 'magic weapon' that is superior to pure physical strength and strength.

That is wisdom!

Through wisdom, human beings have not only realized the power of unity and cooperation, but have also created tools and weapons with unprecedented power, which are enough to subdue or even completely eliminate all beasts that once posed a huge threat.

No matter how ferocious or huge the opponent is, those top predators in the past can only bow down or die in front of humans.

However, when human beings become the masters of the earth, the only existence that can pose a real threat is precisely human beings themselves!

Despite their superior intelligence, humans have not been able to fully overcome the primal urge to fight within themselves, so much so that the killing of similar species is still going on.

When differences arise in the face of skin color, race, creed or other differences, human beings will look for various reasons to eliminate the so-called ‘dissidents’.

And when they enjoy the beauty brought by status and power, they are even more unwilling to let go, and greedily want to pursue more!

What's more, just for a little fun, it can cause the tragedy of hundreds of millions of similar deaths!

Even after hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes, from the beginning of life to today, this situation has not changed.

The evolutionary process of life seems to reveal a cyclical and constant law:

Even if peaceful coexistence is possible, living things tend to choose conflict over harmony!

Because this is the nature deeply rooted in the bottom of life!

Whether it is possessing magnetic field seeds, being transformed by aliens, or mastering alien technology, it gives oneself great strength.

But still can't get rid of the most primitive nature, can't get rid of the law of 'need' to destroy others!

And today.

At this moment.

Two people who can't get rid of this law appear here, fight!

No unnecessary nonsense, no unnecessary temptation.

Understand that this battle must determine a winner or loser, victory or defeat, life or death!

They went to fight without reservation!

war! war! war! war!

——Boom! !

Punch with all your strength!

No dodging, no avoiding.

Two fists belonging to men, fists belonging to the strong.

At this moment, we are facing each other!

In an instant, war marks appeared on Bai Xing's face.

War marks also appeared on Fuudazaemon's face!

It was a battle pattern that represented protection and climbing to the top, just like when he came back to look for White Star for a decisive battle.

Not only to save Kenji, but also to defeat Shirahoshi, a powerful enemy, and continue to bravely move towards the peak he pursues!

When war marks appear on the face of a person with a strong magnetic field, it means that he has become truly serious!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

From the first punch, the two were like brave men meeting each other on a narrow road, and they would not dodge any of the opponent's attacks.

Attack with all your strength and confront the bomb!

The second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch!

Their trajectories could not be observed with the naked eye. Even the strongest Lion God among the remaining three people could not tell how many punches the two had exchanged in just a few seconds.

Is it three thousand punches or fifty thousand punches?

The complete state allows them to release all the power of their fists on their opponents.

Each strike can shatter an entire modern city, and can destroy the entire continental shelf in a short period of time.

The aftermath that manifested itself was just a constant rumbling sound and the aftermath of a sandstorm formed by the wind-sand.

The space made a sound like cloth being torn to pieces, and the vibrations shot straight into the sky, completely twisting the clouds apart.

The blue and clear sky was revealed, and the sunlight shone directly down, casting a layer of brilliance on the battle between the two.

The Lion God and others have already experienced the power of the two of them, and they have also seen the tragic end of Izumi Shion.

After the two of them fought, they hurriedly evacuated and came to a position that they thought was safe to watch the battle.

However, as time passed, the battle between the two became more and more tense.

One day has passed in the blink of an eye.

They also wanted to find the opponent's flaws, but after fighting for a long time, it was still in vain.

"Fuudaizaemon, I am not wrong about you! In this world, the only one who has such strength and allows me to truly fight happily is you!"

Fuudazaemon's face was calm, but the murderous intention in his heart was not diminished at all.

He already understood that the guy in front of him was a complete lunatic!

If it cannot be killed this time, there will definitely be countless troubles!

But Bai Xing's strength really exceeded his expectations!

After escaping into the parallel world, Fuudazaemon began to take action impatiently after recovering from his injuries.

Because he is not sure what the ratio of the time flow rate between this parallel world and his original world is.

Therefore, he did not dare to stay too long in every parallel world.

Try your best to complete the task and make yourself stronger.

However, at this moment, the disadvantages of forcibly increasing one's strength began to appear.

During the 'Battle of the Moon', he used means to forcibly increase his power to 600,000 horses.

But in the end he was still defeated by Shirahoshi.

After the war, Fuudazaemon felt that his strength could not be improved no matter what.

Finally he made an amazing decision!

Re-cultivation of San Gong!

He almost completely dissipated his strength of 600,000 horses.

Then practice again!

Even Bai Xing would be extremely surprised if he knew about this decision.

Because in that situation, choosing such a risky method is definitely not something that an ordinary person can make up his mind!

And when Fuudazaemon finally regained his strength of 600,000 horses, he felt the changes in himself.

It was an unparalleled feeling, an indescribable thing, a transformation in realm!

Immediately afterwards, he knew it was time to go back.

The first time he came back, he had sensed Jianzhi's presence, which made him feel a little relieved.

Then comes time.

He has forgotten how much time has passed in each parallel world, but it must be at least more than five years.

However, less than five months have passed in this primitive world!

When he came back again, he knew it was time to show off with Bai Xing.

He has enough confidence in this!

Even in the last battle, Shirahoshi didn't use his true full strength at all.

But it has only been five months, and Bai Xing's growth is bound to be limited.

This round, it can be said that I have the advantage!

However, after the actual war started, Fuudazaemon was surprised to find that even now he was still unable to crush Shirahoshi.

The battle lasted for a day, with both sides refusing to give in and trying to find each other's weaknesses.

But it has been in vain!

"What the hell are you doing? What on earth are you thinking about at such a critical moment?!

You dare to think about things while fighting with me. Do you just want to die quickly? ! !

.If that’s the case, then just die! !

Six hundred thousand horses of power! Nuclear blast punch! ! "

Facing Shirahoshi's nuclear blast fist again, Fuudazaemon quickly calmed down.

I know it was just my random thinking that caused the flaw to appear.

The shadow of the wood is hidden!

Use your unique skill "Demon Demonic Art" to protect yourself from the endless violent particle flow.

Immediately after using the 'Five Elements Thunder Escape', he planned to launch a surprise attack on Bai Xing.

But the moment he appeared.

A fist hit the abdomen hard!

"Fucking bitch! The moment you retreat in front of me, you are doomed!

If you want to resist with these tricks, you are really asking for death! !

The power of 600,000 horses, White Star Explosive Fist! ! "

——Boom! !

Fuudazaemon's eyes protruded and blood spurted from his mouth.

He took this punch and his whole body was knocked away.

Before it stopped, White Star's offensive had resumed.

In a decisive battle between masters, any tiny flaw is enough to determine the outcome of the battle.

Fuudaizaemon was undoubtedly powerful, but the difference in time and Shirahoshi's strength made him lose focus for a moment.

Although it is only a tiny time of less than one thousandth of a second.

But for a strong person like Shirahoshi, this flaw is so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious!

And once Feng Daizaemon falls into a disadvantage, it will not be so easy to make a comeback!

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of fists fell on his body, and the intense pain and blood rushed into his mind.

Just when Fuudazaemon wanted to defend and escape, he tried hard to find opportunities to regain the situation.

Shirahoshi's words echoed in his ears, and he immediately adjusted his strategy.

Reluctance and anger surged in his chest.

"Facing a strong enemy, I cannot choose to escape blindly. If you want to fight, Shirahoshi, then I will do it - fight!!"

Forcibly exerting all his strength, Fuudazaemon punched out with both fists.

"The power of six hundred thousand horses! Five thunder fists!!"

--boom! ! !

With a desperate counterattack, Fuudazaemon regained some of the lost advantage.

"Hahahaha! Yes, that's it! Come out with your strongest fighting spirit, oh! I'm so fucking excited that I'm shaking with excitement, pulling the flag with excitement, and even peeing with excitement!!

Fuudazaemon, how about you take my move?

The power of six hundred thousand horses, the ultimate bladder sword! ! ! "

This move is not very lethal, but extremely insulting!

In an instant, Fuudazaemon was furious and burst out with great power.

"You fucking mouth!!!"

And the only thing that responded to him was Bai Xing's smile!

Faced with a furious state, Fuudazaemon punched him with all his strength, but Shirahoshi avoided and blocked it.

Followed by a punch!

"Hehe, you will never be able to defeat me! Fuudazaemon, no matter what kind of training you have experienced, you will always be under me!"


The calm words were completely different from the angry voice just now, which was the sound coming from a person's mouth.


Bai Xing was startled, but it was too late!

"Bai Xing, do you think you can make me make the same mistake again with this shameless trick? You really fucking underestimate me!!

Six hundred thousand horses of power! ! Endless wind and thunder knife! ! "

The ferocious sword force envelops the white star with the force of wind and thunder.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

The force of the knife also cut the 'Alloy Battle Body', and blood blossomed on Bai Xing's body surface.

Fuudaizaemon couldn't see the anger just now, it was completely disguised to confuse Shirahoshi!

"I should thank you for giving me the power to see more and more distant scenery.

But you really shouldn’t be my enemy. You and your bad taste are the reason for your failure!

No matter how talented you are or how strong your strength is, in the end, you will still be defeated by me! "

"Fuck, cell reorganization!"

The knife wound healed instantly, Shirahoshi put his fingers together and swung forward.

"It's a good sword, but it's too early to say whether it will be successful or not!

I don’t know how you are going to resist this knife from me? !

Six hundred thousand horses of power! Hell's Knife! ! "

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

A sword move containing huge killing intent appeared and collided with Fuudazaemon's wind and thunder sword.

Knife to knife!

A radius of a hundred miles was completely covered by criss-crossing powerful sword energy.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The crisp collision sounds continued to sound.

The shadows of swords and figures intersect in a dazzling way. Even if the power of 180,000 horses is used to focus on the eyes, it is difficult to clearly see every move of the two people.

"So strong"

The Lion God couldn't help but tremble!

In the last 'Battle on the Moon', the lion god met Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon at the beginning of the observation, which resulted in a direct war in outer space.

I didn't get to watch the battle between two extremely powerful men.

And this time, I finally witnessed their strength with my own eyes, which was stronger and more powerful than during the 'Battle of the Moon'!

What rises in my heart is not the will to fight, but fear!

"Damn it. With such great strength, what else in the world can resist them?!"

Of course, the Lion God is not willing to live under the white star all the time.

But even if Shirahoshi loses, Fuudazaemon is definitely not something he can shake.

He didn't know about the parallel world yet, nor did he know that Fuudazaemon had never been in this world before.

Using oneself to save others, he felt that the battle between Fuudazaemon and Shirahoshi was for status and power.

If either side wins, they will continue to be forced to become their subordinates.

"Damn it, it would be great if they could die together!"

Not far away, Inuyashiki and Shen Xixian looked at each other and silently moved away from the Lion God.

Does this stupid thing think that it can't detect his thoughts when two strong men are having a decisive battle at such a distance?

No matter what the outcome of this battle is, there is absolutely no chance that the position of Emperor of the Earth will be inherited by the Lion God!

Gathering enough strength to withstand the aftermath, Inuyashiki stared closely at the battle.

Instead of thinking about what will happen after the war, it is better to take the opportunity to draw more nutrients from this battle.

The battle between strong men is not something that is easy to see, so there must not be any waste!

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