"A fantasy world with extraordinary power such as martial arts"

Bai Xing did not read any information about saints or emperors from his memory.

I don’t know if it’s because these ordinary people have limited knowledge, or if the level of fantasy in this world is not high.

There is no such thing as an emperor-level powerhouse who can rule for eternity.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xing stopped reading and landed in an uninhabited land outside the county town.

Now that he is sure that this is a world he doesn't understand, it can actually be considered a kind of fun to learn a little bit about it.

Ever since Bai Xing began to travel through time, he has never had a great sense of crisis. For him, having fun and becoming stronger are his only two goals.

After experiencing a series of events in the previous worlds, Bai Xing's threshold for fun has increased accordingly.

At this moment, I discovered new fun, and some expectations arose in my heart!

He didn't use his own strength and just walked slowly towards the county seat like an ordinary person.

The closer to the county seat, the more people around.

"Little brother! Are you from the west? How pitiful, old man. I still have a few clothes here, if you don't mind."

When Bai Xing was walking along the roadside, a bullock cart came from behind.

The old man driving the car saw Bai Xing and turned around to get some clothes.

Bai Xing then remembered that he was still naked from the waist up, wearing only a pair of pants.

In this feudal environment, even a beggar scavenging would have a piece of clothing to hide his shame.

If Shirahoshi is so naked, no wonder he will be misunderstood.

Before Bai Xing could say anything, the old woman on the bullock cart grabbed the old man.

He whispered: "You old man must be confused! Look at how big and thick he is, how could he be a refugee from the west?"

The old man was stunned: "Ah? Then"

"Okay! Stop talking and leave!"

Afraid of provoking a strongman who shouldn't be offended, the old woman grabbed the whip and slapped the cow on the butt.

The oxcart can be seen with the naked eye farther than the white star.

The old woman would carefully turn her head and look at her from time to time, for fear that he would catch up with her.

Bai Xing laughed and didn't pay much attention to it.

Just after such a small episode, he also thought about the problem of his dressing up at the moment.

This is just outside the city. If you enter the city, you will inevitably be discussed and watched.

Bai Xing snapped his fingers, and a black robe was draped over him.

Covering the muscular body.

As he approached the county seat, Bai Xing found that in addition to pedestrians, there were also more wandering disaster victims.

Rubbing his chin, Bai Xing remembered what the old man said earlier.

It seems that some disaster must have occurred in the west, and these are all people who came to flee.

However, there were officers and soldiers guarding the gates of the county town to keep out all the victims.

With nowhere to go, I just wandered around.

Looking at the people queuing up to enter the city, Shirahoshi thought that he would need to show a pass or something to enter the city.

I couldn't help but think of the troubles I encountered during my first few time travels.

Identity hacking problem!

However, when he got really close, he found that all the officers and soldiers looked lazy and were just doing a token inspection.

Stop the fleeing victims outside and take the opportunity to profit from the people entering the city.

As for the occasional people carrying knives and swords, they won't be too embarrassed at all.

And if you are a wealthy person riding a carriage or sedan chair, you need to greet them with a smile and go straight past the queues to enter the city.

"Tsk. It's just a city gate, but the hierarchy is already so obvious."

Bai Xing lived in a modern society before.

Although the hierarchy is still strict, at least everyone can look good.

The preferential treatment given by the powerful is invisible to ordinary people.

And in the context of this feudal dynasty, it is not only directly stated on the surface, but also acquiesced and accepted by everyone.

No objection was raised.

Well. Except for those disaster victims.

It's a pity, so what if they are dissatisfied?

As the lowest level, no one cares even if they die.

Although Bai Xing did not have a sword with him, but with his tall and majestic body, he walked directly into the city gate without any officers and soldiers daring to stop him.

Entering the city, Bai Xing glanced back.

He thought that he would encounter something unsightly looking for trouble, but he didn't expect that these officers and soldiers seemed lazy, but they were quite discerning.

Just when Bai Xing was ready to take a stroll and experience the customs and customs of this fantasy world in the ancient setting.

Suddenly, a noise was heard coming from the direction of the city gate.

It turned out that officers and soldiers had stopped several carriages and were extorting money in the name of inspection with a wicked smile on their faces.

The middle-aged man at the head wanted to settle the matter and offered him free money, but the officers and soldiers were greedy and even molested his daughter.

"These guys were quite lucky. After guarding for a whole day, they finally caught a big fat sheep."

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side.

Bai Xing turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a white face and a folding fan in his hand who smiled at him.

This man has a calm aura, his hands are covered with calluses, and he looks like a warrior.

Bai Xing's lips curled up, and he suddenly became interested.

"How do you interpret this?"

"This little brother doesn't know something. Maybe you are wondering why the previous carriages were able to pass unimpeded, but only this convoy was blocked?

Hehe, guarding the city gate seems simple, but it is not simple either. These officers and soldiers are all old men with very vicious eyes.

They can tell at a glance who they can and cannot mess with.

Those who have unimpeded traffic are basically local wealthy businessmen and gentry. They are small soldiers and of course they dare not offend. "

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly: "You mean, this convoy is from out of town?"


The middle-aged man opened the folding fan in his hand, shook it, and said, "That's right! There were severe droughts on the Southwest Road first, and there were also bandits causing trouble.

Not only were the people fleeing one after another, but even the local gentry had no choice but to migrate out.

This team clearly falls into that category.

They have no background and knowledge here, and they have a lot of gold and silver in their hands, but they are fat sheep in the eyes of many people! "

While he was talking, a new situation appeared in front of the city gate.

The leader of the motorcade encountered difficulties. Even if his daughter was molested, he still planned to endure it.

But his son, as a pampered young master for a long time, couldn't bear this tone.

There was a quarrel with the gatekeepers on the spot.

At this moment, another carriage came from behind.

He actually drove into the city aggressively, causing the young master to almost get hit.

Fortunately, he dodged in time, otherwise he would have been knocked over by those two tall and strong horses, and his bones and muscles would have been broken at least!

He immediately made him angry and yelled angrily: "You bunch of dog officers and soldiers! Why didn't you stop them?! Damn thing, do you know who I am! How dare you bump into me, are you looking for death!"

Regarding this young man who had not yet figured out his situation, the officers and soldiers just looked at each other and showed expressions of laughter.

Sure enough, the next moment a whip cracked the air.

Heading towards the young master.

Facing the menacing whip, Young Master panicked.

He hurriedly shouted: "Father, save me! Uncle Zhang, save me!"

The Uncle Zhang he was talking about was the general manager of his nursing home, and he was also the guarantee that they could get here all the way without being robbed and killed by bandits.


With an angry roar, Uncle Zhang took action boldly!

He flew up and grabbed the whip with one claw.

But I saw the whip in the air, shaking three times. Each time it shook, the strength increased by one level.

Crack! !

There was a crisp sound, and the master known as Uncle Zhang was sent flying away without even taking a single move.


He screamed, his broken fingers shot out, and his entire right hand turned into a ball of rotten flesh, and was actually completely destroyed!

And the whip continued unabated, hitting the young master's back who didn't have time to escape.

The clothes were torn from the direct beating, blood was spattered everywhere, the skin and flesh were torn, and the bones were broken!

A low and hoarse voice came from the carriage: "Next time you dare to talk nonsense, I will hit you on the neck. Remember?!"

After saying this, the large carriage drove into the city gate with the officers and soldiers respectfully giving way.

Bai Xing's eyes were fixed on the large carriage, and there was an imperceptible look of cruelty in his eyes.

"'Blood Whip Old Ghost' Huang Yuan, one of the big bosses of the Flying Eagle Gang, has a whipping technique that is as ruthless as a ghost's.

He is a powerful veteran at the beginning of the establishment of the Flying Eagle Gang. Even the county lieutenant has to give him three points. "

Bai Xing looked at him and said, "Looking at what you said so clearly, it's like a treasure trove. Could it be that he is also from the Flying Eagle Gang?"

The middle-aged man closed his fan and said with a smile: "Yes, I, Zou Wenyu, am from the Flying Eagle Gang."

"What do you want from me?"

"This little brother must also be from the Southwest Road, right?

In recent times, many fellow practitioners from Southwest Dao have come to our Lingnan Dao.

Our gang leader believes that this is the best time to develop the gang, and it is also a time when we are hungry for talents.

Brothers should understand that there is a big difference between having a background and not having a background in the world of martial arts.

I wonder if you are interested."

"Not interested in."

After saying that, Bai Xing turned around and left without any more nonsense with him.

I have to say that Zou Wenyu's eyesight is really good and he can see how extraordinary Bai Xing is.

However, Bai Xing has better eyesight!

Even though they were separated by an airtight carriage, they could still see what was being pulled in the big carriage just now.

As one of the big leaders of the Flying Eagle Gang, the 'Blood Whip Old Ghost' Huang Yuan was able to get him to do it himself, and he was driving a large carriage that was larger than an ordinary carriage.

The carriage has no windows, is well sealed, and even has steel plates sandwiched inside.

Such protection is really suspicious.

So Bai Xing took another look.

Then he saw that there were more than a dozen children lying scattered in the big carriage!

The youngest of them are only two or three years old, and the older ones are about eleven or twelve years old.

Some of them were dressed in tatters and had dark skin. They must be children among the victims.

Although some of them are not well dressed, they are still clean. They should be children from nearby villages.

Others were slightly better dressed and looked thin and tender, perhaps children from wealthy families who had fled.

The ingredients are so complex and the quantity is not small, so it must not be a good recipe.

So Bai Xing read the old ghost's memory.

Sure enough, they caught all these children through various channels.

The purpose of catching these children is to send them to the county magistrate's house.

There is a master in the county magistrate's house who needs the hard work of boys and girls under the age of thirteen to practice.

The county magistrate colluded with the Flying Eagle Gang and asked the Flying Eagle Gang to do these things.

"Oh, very good. I think you have a right to die!"

While rejecting Zou Wenyu, Bai Xing had already sentenced the Feiying Gang and the county magistrate to death in his heart.

It wasn't that Shirahoshi suddenly felt sympathy.

There were two main reasons why he decided to find the Flying Eagle Gang.

The whip that Huang Yuan sent out just now should not be his true strength, but in terms of power, it is already comparable to the [Current Push] strike of a 50,000-volt strongman.

So Bai Xing planned to take action himself and try the martial arts of this world.

Try it out for yourself and see if there are any merits and whether you can use it for yourself.

On the other hand, it’s because he hates human traffickers!

Before time travel, he was abducted and trafficked abroad when he was a child.

I went through all kinds of hardships when I was young, especially in a foreign country.

Fortunately, by chance, I met the master in Chinatown and learned Xingyi Quan.

After coming into contact with martial arts, Bai Xing learned many fighting skills such as free fighting, and eventually entered an underground boxing ring to box.

After making the decision, Bai Xing did not go to the Flying Eagle Gang immediately.

Since coming to this world, he has spent most of his time walking through the jungle.

At this time, we finally entered the town. Of course, we had to have a good meal first and then take a rest.

As for whether those children will encounter poisonous hands during this process, Bai Xing is naturally not afraid.

As long as he thinks about it, not even a fly can escape his surveillance in this entire city.

Walking on the streets in the city, the surroundings seemed very lively, and it was like a completely different scene from outside the city.

There are many pedestrians here, and occasionally you can see one or two people from the world.

The vendors on the roadside were selling their goods along the street, making their voices heard one after another, and it was very lively.

"Tanghulu, sweet and crispy candied haws!"

"The newly baked sesame cakes are hot, come and try them!"

The air is filled with the aroma of various foods, such as the deliciousness of grilled fish, the sweetness of candied haws, and the mellow aroma of sesame cakes.

There are various shops lined up on both sides of the bluestone-paved streets.

The cornices on the eaves reflect charming light and shadow in the sun.

The store's signboard swayed in the wind, making a "creak" sound.

In the past, Bai Xing had only seen similar scenes in TV series and had never experienced it in person.

I just find it very interesting at the moment.

Take a candied haws from a roadside vendor and use the power of faith to conjure a piece of silver and throw it to the other party.

Keep the change, please.

The hawker was stunned for a moment while holding the silver, and then said ecstatically: "Thank you. Thank you so much, hero!"

While eating candied haws on a stick, I wandered around the city.

It wasn't until evening that Bai Xing came to a restaurant where business was booming.

I ordered a portion of all the best dishes in the restaurant and started to feast!

After having enough wine and food, I found an inn and fell asleep.

Those with strong magnetic fields are a group of people who can carry out their will.

If your own beliefs and will are bound by the social environment.

Then use your own power to break the shackles and rape society!

As a gang in the county, the Flying Eagle Gang may not have a very deep background.

But the county magistrate is an official, and behind him is the entire Dayu Dynasty!

But Bai Xing didn't care at all.

Seeing those children being abducted reminded me of my own experience.

If he didn't massacre them all, then he himself would be confused.

Early the next morning.

Bai Xing stood in front of the window, the warm morning sunlight shining on him.


"Good, enough rest, it's time to kill!"

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