Starting From Fooling the Elderly into Registering for a Cultivation Training Class

Three hundred and seventy-six, the peak experience card of the body

"My battleship can't move."

"I'm here too!"

"It seems to be controlled by our own gravity field."

Qin Chuan used the law of gravity to let the super gravity field created by the Moon Wolf clan react back to them.

For a time, the warships and mechas surrounding Qinchuan and Danyangzi were unable to move.

Qin and Chuan did not stop any longer and quickly rushed to Miles's location.

Miles was trying his best to dodge the attacks of the Moon Wolf tribe.

Without a mecha, his combat power is at most the peak level of an immortal cultivator. As long as he is attacked, he will either be seriously injured or die.

He quickly glanced in the direction of Qin and Chuan.

Seeing two figures approaching quickly, Miles couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

After a few breaths, Qin and Chuan arrived.

Those Moon Wolf clan mechas had already known about the arrival of immortal cultivators through the team's voice, and had made preparations in advance.

However, they overestimated themselves a bit.

Danyangzi quickly cast his fire technique without saying a word.

In an instant, countless flames shot out from his body.

The large-scale flames seemed to burn everything, and the surrounding Moon Wolf mechas were unable to resist.

In this way, Miles was successfully rescued.

"Lord Qinchuan, Lord Danyangzi!"

Miles was very excited.

Qin Chuan didn't say any unnecessary nonsense: "Don't stand there, let's go!"

Miles did not hesitate. Just as he was about to set off, he suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Qin Chuan and the two of them, and said in a far-fetched way: "Two adults, some of my subordinates are still fighting with the Moon Wolf Clan, can you save them?"

Danyangzi blinked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan sighed helplessly: "Okay!"

Miles immediately bowed his thanks.

Qin Chuan said to Danyangzi: "Old Dan, you take him back first and leave the rest to me.

Remember, be sure not to engage in too many battles with the Moon Wolf Clan to avoid causing complications. "

Danyangzi nodded solemnly: "Old Qin, don't worry! I won't mess around."

Qin Chuan said lightly: "I hope so!"

After the exchange, Danyangzi left with Miles.

Within a few seconds, a large number of Moon Wolf clan warships and mechas surrounded Qinchuan tightly on three levels and three levels outside, trying to prevent him from leaving.

For this reason, Qin Chuan's face did not change, but at the same time he felt a little worried in his heart.

After all, this is not the main body. The combat power of the avatar is at most around the same level. The opponent is an advanced race, so there will definitely be strong ones.

as expected,

After seeing the methods of Qin Chuan and others, the Moon Wolf Clan immediately dispatched senior generals.

A group of platinum mechas roared over and stood in front of Qinchuan.

Moonwolf soldiers equipped with platinum mechas are elites in the army. Not only do they have superb skills in controlling mechas, but they also have excellent combat awareness and experience.

The platinum mecha is different from other moon wolf clan mechas in that it is much smaller in size, almost only 5 meters tall.

You know, the smaller the mecha, the more flexible it is.

Qin Chuan squinted his eyes slightly, and through the technique of looking at Qi, he knew the approximate strength of the Moon Wolf tribe soldiers in these platinum mechas, which was almost equivalent to the peak of immortal cultivation.

If it's one-on-one, Qin Chuan will naturally not take it seriously. Even with the help of mecha, it can be easily solved.

However, there was more than one senior general in front of him, more than twenty.

What's more important is that there are also Moon Wolf Clan troops around.

Qin Chuan's clone cultivation level is only at the peak level of overcoming the tribulation. It will be a big challenge if he wants to retreat safely.

Qin Chuan glanced at the direction Danyangzi left, and under the observation of his spiritual consciousness, he had almost returned to the mechanical dog battleship.

Come back to your senses,

The voice of the Moon Wolf Clan came to my ears: "Friends from the human race, our Moon Wolf Clan does not want to be your enemy. I hope you will not interfere in the affairs of our clan and the White Wolf Clan."

Qin Chuan replied: "I don't want to either, but there is no way.

Why don't you give me some face? Let's all take a step back. Don't bother the White Wolf clan. I'll leave right away. "

"It seems that you are determined to be the enemy of our Moon Wolf Clan, so let's fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the platinum mechas rushed towards Qin Chuan.

The arms of the platinum mecha erupted with plasma blades. Their sharp edges were as dazzling as the sun, and they could easily cut through the fourth-level defensive magic weapon.

Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly. With his current strength, it would be very difficult to face him head-on.

To be on the safe side, Qin Chuan chose to dodge.

He was like an extremely nimble and light swallow, shuttling back and forth among the sharp blades of dozens of platinum mechas.

After several rounds, Qin Chuan avoided all the attacks.

The reason why it can be avoided is because there is a magical power like a plug-in in the future.

Through future vision, Qin Chuan can predict the opponent's attack trajectory.

In this way, as long as he doesn't make mistakes, it's basically impossible to get hurt.

But in this situation, it's not just about dodging the attack.

"Oh! I didn't expect to use it so soon."

Qin Chuan sighed softly in his heart, and then took out a card from the storage ring.

[Ontology Peak Experience Card]

The function of this card is that after using it, Qin Chuan's clone will inherit all the cultivation base of the original body.

But it lasts only twenty-four hours.

After it is over, the body will still have certain side effects.

There is no particularly good way at the moment, the only choice is to use this trump card.

Although Qin Chuan's cultivation level is not in the Talented Immortal Realm, he can kill Silver Immortal. His strength is self-evident.

After taking out the [Body Peak Experience Card], Qin Chuan used it immediately without any hesitation.

A terrifying aura spurted out from Qinchuan's body.

The elites of the Moon Wolf Clan who were besieging him couldn't help but be stunned and felt very surprised.

"No need to hide now!"

Qin Chuan shook his head several times and couldn't help but have a sneer on his lips.

I saw him point his finger, and an extremely dark energy ball appeared on the tip of his finger.

This energy ball condensed a large amount of gravity laws and became a small black hole created by Qinchuan.

Although it is only the size of a ping pong ball, its mass is greater than that of an average planet.

The elites of the Moon Wolf Clan seemed not to have foreseen the danger.

Although they were shocked by Qin Chuan's sudden burst of momentum, as the elites of the Moon Wolf Clan and with so many teammates around them, they were still very confident.

After a brief tactical exchange, these Moon Wolf clan elites continued to control platinum mechas to surround and kill Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan did not dodge like before, but stopped, smiled evilly, and flicked the black ball from his fingertips.

In an instant.

The inconspicuous black ball shows its terrifying energy.

Like a whirlpool, with the black ball as the center, the surrounding space was immediately distorted, going round and round. The rotation was very fast and spread to the surroundings very quickly.

Those platinum mechas that slashed at Qinchuan were like noodles poured into hot water, following the twisted spaces and drilling into the black ball in circles.

In the blink of an eye, the platinum mechas that surrounded Qin Chuan were all involved in the black ball and disappeared.

The Moon Wolf clan members watching the battle were dumbfounded.

You know, platinum mechas are the elite in the army. They had the upper hand just now, why are they gone all of a sudden?

The Moon Wolf clan members stared at each other, completely confused.


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