"XXX successfully entrained air, the host will get 10 points."

"XXX successfully entrained air, the host will get 10 points."

"XXX successfully entrained air, the host will get 10 points."

A series of beeps sounded in my mind.

Just as Qin Chuan had expected, those old men and women with roots in the earth successfully inhaled Qi into their bodies and officially embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Chuan reminded the old men and the old ladies that it was time to stop breathing.

The old men and women are now a little reluctant.

"How come it's over so soon, I'm not happy enough yet!"

The old men and women complained.

Qin Chuan said with a smile: "It's getting dark soon! If you don't go home, your family will definitely be worried."

After all, they are a group of old men and women, and they are full of children and grandchildren, and it is not easy for them to stay for a long time.

The old ladies and the old men didn't embarrass Qin Chuan either.

After a while, after a dizziness, everyone returned to reality.

At this time, it was dusk.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, the old men and the old ladies couldn't help being surprised.

They didn't expect time to go by so quickly.

Cultivation is just like that.

In the future, when the realm is high, once you retreat, you will not come out for thirty or fifty years.

"Today's practice is here. Tomorrow everyone will continue to gather here, just like today." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The old men and the old ladies can't wait to see tomorrow.

Sitting on the bus going home, Wang Zhixing frowned tightly, as if he had something on his mind, so much so that he passed the station.

After getting off the bus, instead of taking the bus, he chose to walk home.

Passing by a clothing store, Wang Zhixing stopped.

Looking at himself on the window glass, Wang Zhixing felt very strange.

On the glass, he was very young, not like an old man in his 70s at all, but more like a middle-aged man in his 40s.

He thought that what happened before was an illusion, but when he returned to reality, it was all true.

He, who had always believed in science, suddenly felt less scientific.

At this time, a young saleswoman walked out of the store.

The saleswoman smiled and said, "Boss, we have just launched a few men's clothes in our store, why don't you come and have a look?"

Wang Zhixing raised his eyes and said, "Yes... Is that so? Let's take a look!"

Entering the store, the saleswoman immediately brought some T-shirts.

The colors are very bright, and they tend to be sporty, which are suitable for young people to wear.

"Boss, look at these pieces, they are all new, why don't you try them?" the saleswoman smiled.

Wang Zhixing glanced at it.

These clothes in front of me, I didn't even dare to think about it before.

Because, too young.

"Can I really try?" Wang Zhixing hesitated.

The saleswoman smiled and said, "Of course. You don't need to buy it if you try it, you can rest assured!"

"Oh! Then I'll try it!"

Wang Zhixing took the T-shirt and came to the changing room.

Swish swish!

He quickly changed into his clothes.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Wang Zhixing felt very strange again.

"This...is it really me?"

This T-shirt focuses on sports, and Wang Zhixing looks younger after wearing it. He can't believe it. He feels that what he experienced today is like a dream.

Stepping out of the changing room, the saleswoman stared.

"Wow! Boss, you look so handsome!"

After Wang Zhixing heard this, he was overjoyed.

"How many?"

The saleswoman replied, "Boss, this T-shirt costs 180.

Since it is new, there is no discount. "

Wang Zhixing didn't care, and chose a few T-shirts and pants of the same type.

The saleswoman was stunned.

After paying the money, Wang Zhixing returned home happily with a large bag and a small bag.

He got on the phone with his son and wanted to tell him what he was going through today, but he held back.

After all, this kind of thing goes against science. With what he knows about his son, he will definitely worry about his son.

To this end, he deliberately searched the Internet for events related to cultivating immortals.

A lot of things pop up on the page,

But without exception, they were all confirmed to be false.

In addition, the most authoritative institutions in the scientific world have repeatedly reminded the world that there is no cultivation of immortals in the world, and that the cultivation of immortals is all swindling.

Wang Zhixing also did not believe in cultivating immortals.

But he is indeed younger now.

The point is, the young ones are not a star and a half, and go directly across several rounds.

And you're not alone in getting younger.

Can science explain this situation?

He was lost in thought.


He thought, could it be the kind of psychoactive medicine that has the effect of making people younger?

To this end, Wang Zhixing flipped through the address book and made a call.

"Hey, is that Lao Lu? I'm Wang Zhixing."

"Oh, it's Old Wang! What kind of northwest wind is blowing today, how could you, a great educator, contact me! Hahaha!"

"Of course there is a problem and I want to ask you, a great scientist, to solve the puzzle!"

"I didn't expect that there are problems that will stumped you, a great educator. Since you found me, you naturally have to help."

Wang Zhixing thought for a while, and then asked, "Old Lu, aren't you researching a new type of psychoactive medicine!

Does this have any effect on making people younger? "

When the words fell, a solemn tone came from the other end of the phone: "Why are you asking this?"

Wang Zhixing sneered and said, "Am I just curious?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, then a voice came.

"Pharaoh, I didn't want to answer this question, but since we worked together, let me tell you!"

"The new psychoactive agent we're researching has been clinically tested, and it does have the effect of making people younger, and the effect is amazing.

Therefore, once this medicine came out, it was completely an epoch-making product, enough to stir up the entire scientific community.

However, this drug has some side effects, which we are currently working on.

After the improvement is completed, it will be announced to the outside world.

So please keep it a secret. "

After Wang Zhixing heard this, his mood was very complicated.

He once again had doubts about Xiuxian.

"Old Lu, besides you guys who are studying this medicine, is there anyone else?"

"Of course there is! I don't know how many scientific giants in the world are doing research.

You have to know that once it is put into the market, the profit generated is not what you can imagine.

However, in order to enter the market, the side effects must be improved first.

Although the scientific research institution I belong to is not as large as those scientific giants, everyone is on a parallel line in terms of research and development progress. "

"Old Lu, what are the side effects you mentioned?"

Wang Zhixing is now worried that he has been intoxicated with psychotropic drugs.

There was a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Drugs! It's normal to have some side effects.

Like this new type of psychoactive drug we studied, the human body will have hallucinations after absorbing it, just like entering a fantasy.

If it lasts for a long time, it will affect people's subjective intentions, and it will not be clear whether they are in an illusion or reality, and finally lead to a mental breakdown. "

"Do you have a solution?"

"not yet.

But our research found that to distinguish between fantasy and reality, you only need to sleep.

People under drug control will not take the initiative to go to sleep. "

Wang Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Right now, he has a very important thing to do.

That is sleep.

After chatting a few words with Lao Lu, he immediately turned off the lights and went to bed.

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