"Yes, it is Meteor Street"

"There is no more perfect place to deal with things in the world than Meteor Street, because Meteor Street is a non-existent area in the eyes of the world. No matter what is thrown here, no one will condemn it."

"But according to the agreement reached between the elders and other countries in the world, large-scale infections cannot be released into Meteor Street. All countries have been abiding by this agreement until the Rose of the Poor appeared."

"Its emergence has led to a secret military competition around the world. The success of the Poor Man's Rose has also aroused the deepest malice in the hearts of humans, and the production of various infectious agents is increasing rapidly."

"As a result, the eyes of all countries naturally focused on Meteor Street. After all, throwing these infected objects with extremely high handling costs into Meteor Street was their best solution."

"Although they were forced by the previous agreement to not throw the infected into Meteor Street blatantly, they could find various excuses."

"For example, what kind of damage and losses did the people of Meteor Street cause in their country? Using this as an excuse, they released the infected into Meteor Street."

"If the elders refuse, then material sanctions will be imposed."

Yes, it is material sanctions.

In fact, this is something Lin Mo only knew when he came to this world.

The operation of Meteor Street consists of two parts.

One is to collect and screen valuable garbage by residents, and then exchange them for the resources needed for life from the elders.

The elders will then use these valuable garbage to purchase daily necessities from the outside world through transformation and sale.

Then use these materials to trade valuable garbage with residents.

But this part only occupies a very small proportion.

After all, garbage is garbage, no matter how valuable it is, it cannot sustain the lives of more than 10 million people.

The second part is the fundamental reason why Meteor Street can continue to operate.

That is the garbage disposal fee of each country!

Whenever a certain amount of garbage is dumped in Meteor Street, it must be paid. Meteor Street has certain resources.

This is the reason why Meteor Street has been able to maintain itself.

Not only do countries need Meteor Street as a cheap garbage disposal site, Meteor Street actually needs countries to continue to throw garbage there.

And these countries have seen that Meteor Street’s needs are greater than theirs.

That’s why they can use this as a threat. If they don’t accept those infected substances, they will stop cooperating with Meteor Street. If

Meteor Street loses the cooperation of various countries, it will lose both valuable garbage and garbage disposal fees.

This also led to Meteor Street having to compromise and accept some of the infected substances.

This is why it is said that the crimes committed by Meteor Street residents who go out privately will eventually be paid for by Meteor Street.

After hearing what Kuroro said, everyone’s face turned ugly.

"This bunch of bastards!!"

Wo Jin couldn't help but roared, and smashed a broken wooden table in front of him with one punch.

No matter how much they felt that Meteor Street was broken, they were people from Meteor Street after all. They had considerable feelings for Meteor Street.

At this time, even Feitan, who hated the elders the most, shut up, and exuded a terrifying murderous aura from his whole body.

This time he was not targeting the elders, but the countries outside.

No matter how much he hated the elders, he had to admit that the elders had been working hard for the existence of Meteor Street.

But no matter how angry they were, it was just impotent rage.

This situation could not be solved by them alone.

Even Netero, who was recognized as the strongest in the world, had to obey V5's orders to a certain extent?

Not to mention the few novices who had just come into contact with Nen.

"So what is the specific deal between you and the Second Elder?"After calming down a little, Lin Mo continued to ask

"He taught me the power of [Mind] and issued passes for my team, while I was responsible for plundering resources from the outside world to supply Meteor Street, and at the same time looking for ways to get rid of the restrictions."

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes.

No wonder in the original work, after the ants invaded Meteor Street, the people of the brigade appeared in Meteor Street as soon as possible and helped them get rid of the ants.

It turns out that the brigade has always been the people of Meteor Street.

They have never cut off their relationship with Meteor Street.

And they didn't explain where the looted property went. It seems that they should have been used to maintain Meteor Street.

But think about it, when Wo Jin told Kuroro on the phone that he suspected that there was a [Judas] in the team.

Kuroro's answer was:"Think about it, if someone sells us out to the underworld, what can he get? Money? Reputation? Status? Among us, are there really people who would be satisfied with these things?"

And Wo Jin's answer was:"Yes, no!"

This shows that no one in the Troupe is after these things. If that's the case, why would they rob these properties?

If Chrollo or anyone in the Troupe wants something, they can just shoot the buyer directly after the auction like Feitan did.

This way, it's easier and more efficient.

So, is the Phantom Troupe actually a violent charity group?

"Since you said that, then there is a new question. If I join you, or let you join, does it mean that your deal with the Second Elder will implicate us?"

Lin Mo crossed his hands and raised another key question.

Kuroro shook his head:"No, the deal with the Second Elder is just my personal behavior and has nothing to do with you. If the team takes any action, I will only give my share of the proceeds to the elders, and your share will be at your disposal."

"I have said before that even the leader cannot control the members. All the actions of the members are free. They can only rely on the power of the team when they cannot accomplish something with their own strength."

"So no matter it is out of my personal deal with the elders or my own idea, I hope I can get the leadership."

After saying that, Kuroro began to wait for Lin Mo's final answer.

After listening to Kuroro's words, Lin Mo began to fall into deep thought.

This is different from the group that Lin Mo had in mind.

At first, Lin Mo thought that the Phantom Troupe was just a simple gang of thieves.

The reason why he wanted to join them was just because he was interested in the group that was described so much by the old thief Togashi in the original work.

Anyway, you don't have to pay anything to join the group.

And who knows, there will be a day in the future when the group will be of use.

No one in the audience spoke, just waiting for Lin Mo's answer.

No matter what decision Lin Mo makes, Wo Jin, Nobunaga and Machi will support him unconditionally.


PS:Thanks to Gujian and Zhang Xiaofeng for their monthly tickets! Thank you both for your support!

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