Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 101: Li Ang, he brought XJBT tactics to Real Madrid [Please subscribe! 】

"What are our players doing?! Go and entangle Li Ang and get Zagoyev moving!"

"It's not easy. Zagoyev has changed his position and his movement trajectory has also been pressed to the middle, but Li Ang took the initiative to follow him."

"If it doesn't work, let him retreat to organize? Li Ang can't follow him, right?"

"Have you never seen Real Madrid's game? Li Ang has been put forward by Mourinho's midfielder many times before."

The diehard fans of CSKA watched the game situation that was slow to break through and discussed it anxiously in the stands.

The focus of the discussion was actually only one, how to get Zagoyev, the offensive core of CSKA, to get rid of the shackles and play a role.

After all, as the most outstanding young talent born in the 1990s in Russia, he is also the most expensive star in CSKA.

Once Zagoyev was frozen, CSKA's offensive rotation was basically paralyzed by half.

Even if they are facing Real Madrid, which is in a damaged state now, it is still Real Madrid. If they don't take advantage of the opportunity now, when Real Madrid recovers in the second half, CSKA will be passive.

"If Mourinho is determined to use Li Ang to lock down Zagoyev today, then let's pray that other Real Madrid players don't seize the opportunity to score away goals."

An old man who looked quite pessimistic muttered, and it sounded like he didn't think Zagoyev could play any more.

Some of the other CSKA fans around wanted to refute, but the words were on their lips, and they swallowed them hard in the end.

It seems that there is no reason to refute.

Li Ang has played against too many offensive cores before, and most of the time he has achieved good tactical results with his sticky defense.

As long as the fans have watched the Spanish national derby this season, they should know what level of opponent Zagoyev is facing today.

CSKA head coach Leonid is pacing on the sidelines, struggling whether to put Zagoyev directly on the front line.

Continuing to let him play as a front midfielder, CSKA's offensive rhythm can't get up.

But letting him play as a striker and confronting Real Madrid's defense head-on doesn't seem to be a solution.

After struggling for a long time, Leonid looked at Mourinho helplessly, thinking that this was a targeted tactic designed by Mourinho before the game.

At this time, Li Ang, who didn't know that he had forced the opponent coach into a tactical decision-making dilemma, was constantly putting psychological pressure on the opponent in the confrontation with Zagoyev.

In terms of technology, Zagoyev has it. He is one of the few local technical players in the Russian Super League.

His talent is not as high as Arshavin, but it is obviously worthy of his status as the first person born in Russia after 1990.

But in terms of mentality, Zagoyev is not stable enough.

His emotions are like his skills, which are unrestrained and bold.

To put it nicely, young people have personality, good skills and bad temper.

To put it bluntly, he is a skilled reckless man.

Li Ang is constantly making defensive moves against him to provoke his anger based on his impulsive characteristics.

That is, he doesn't know Russian, otherwise Li Ang would have to say a few words to Zagoyev to let him see what mental attack is.

This time, Li Ang did not take the initiative to cause trouble. On the contrary, Li Ang had not thought of provoking Zagoyev before.

But he wanted to play well, and Zagoyev was really uncomfortable being locked up, so he had to use the ball to compete with him.

Is this the same as the previous young version of Kovacic?

Playing in the domestic league, he had performed well before and was going too smoothly. Suddenly he encountered some setbacks and got stuck in a dead end.

And compared to Kovacic, Zagoyev is not only famous in China.

In the 2009-10 Champions League group stage, Zagoyev had a highlight performance against Manchester United.

Sir Ferguson praised Zagoyev a few words after the game.

Maybe it was that game that made him very confident, and he played better and better in the Russian Premier League.

But Li Ang will not spoil him.

Is he Fletcher who is no longer at his peak or Anderson with average defense?

Today, I must teach this kid a good lesson, so I opened his eyes at that time.

Well, in this summer's European Cup, maybe Zagoyev, who has restrained his arrogance, can perform even better.

Zagoyev will have to thank him then!

Li Ang, who has found enough reasons for himself, has no psychological burden at all.

Finally, in the 28th minute of the first half, facing the fact that Li Ang once again intercepted the ball from the side and back, Zagoyev's mentality exploded.

He fell and quickly got up to confront Li Ang.

Li Ang was even more unwilling to tolerate him. He put his hands behind his back to indicate that he did not provoke the dispute, but his body did lean forward and bumped heads with Zagoyev!

Essien, who was closest to the two, ran over first, shouting "NO! NO!"

Zagoyev's teammate Aldonin also stepped forward with a tingling scalp and hugged Zagoyev, fearing that his little brother would make a mistake and do some additional actions.

"If you can't afford to lose, just get off the field and lie down! What? You're just doing this because you can't beat the opponent?"

Li Ang waved his hands and yelled at Zagoyev in English, but when he saw the referee coming, Li Ang quickly shut up.

The referee, who roughly understood what happened from the linesman's mouth, did not hesitate. He pulled over Li Ang and Zagoyev and gave him a verbal warning.

The referee then signaled that he would drop the ball to Real Madrid, who had already gained control of the ball.

Such a penalty is actually very beneficial to Zagoev.

There was no stern warning, and no yellow card. If he had a clear mind, he should just walk away silently.

But Xiao Zha now believed that Li Ang had made a foul tackle on him before, and he asked the referee for an explanation with a look of dissatisfaction.

Three seconds later, a topaz battle card was raised high in front of Zagoyev.

Leonid was dumbfounded, and the CSKA fans at the scene were also stunned for a moment, and then they booed!

Most fans may be booing the referee, but some fans may be booing Zagoev.

Zagoev has already received five yellow cards in the league before.

In half a season, a core attacker who plays as an attacking midfielder can get five yellow cards, which is quite an exaggeration to be honest.

This also reflects from the side Zagoyev's shortcomings of being prone to emotions.

But you said that it’s okay to have one or two illnesses in the league, but it’s still the same in the knockout stages of the Champions League.

It’s no wonder that some fans at the scene were disappointed with Zuckerberg and booed.

Aldonin will quickly drag Zagoev back to his own half.

And Leonid's tactical adjustments came accordingly.

Keisuke Honda started to warm up on the sidelines, and Zagoev moved to the left midfielder position. He can directly act as a left winger when pressing forward.

The original left winger Tosic became the unlucky guy who was replaced early.

Leonid was angry with Zagoev's irrational behavior, but he did not want to waste his offensive talents. CSKA also needed his skills to break the game.

So in the end, we compromised and had to make some adjustments first.

Xiao Zha left and went to play one-on-one with Nacho.

And when Li Ang looked at Keisuke Honda, who stood directly in the midfielder position after coming on the field, he also grinned with a "kind" smile.

Keisuke Honda nodded friendly to Li Ang, which was regarded as a greeting.

Duan Xuan, who was watching this scene, shouted "UEFA Champions League East Asia Derby" in response.

But in fact, Keisuke Honda has no intention of entangled and confrontation with Li Ang.

The way he handles the ball is much more stable than Zagoev.

Actively run, do not stick to the ball, and transfer and sort out the ball without any delay.

When Li Ang saw that Keisuke Honda was a player as stable as himself, well, he gave up the idea of ​​​​continuing to cause trouble for him.

The two teams played a defensive battle for nearly half an hour on the artificial turf filled with frost stubble.

With Zagoev's positional conditions and Honda Keisuke's appearance, this situation seems to be showing signs of loosening and changing.

CSKA wanted to speed up the attack, but Real Madrid's several offensive players who were not in good condition before were slowly slowing down.

It can be said that Li Ang, Essien and Alonso are using their increased physical energy consumption to help Real Madrid's offensive players delay some more adaptation time.

Now CSKA wants to compete with Real Madrid in the environment they are best at.

Real Madrid can no longer rely on three midfielders to hold on. If they defend hard, they will be passively beaten.

In the final analysis, you still have to press out and try to counterattack.

Alonso's long pass is the most affordable and effective way to counterattack in this environment.

So the back-and-forth offensive attempts from both sides seemed very simple and straightforward.

Keisuke Honda played his supporting role and constantly helped his speed forward Doumbia find offensive opportunities.

Real Madrid is even more amazing, intercepting the ball in the midfield and sending long passes, using Benzema and Ronaldo directly as rugby running backs, chasing the ball!

If this obscures the names of Real Madrid and CSKA Moscow, just looking at the offensive choices of both sides, many fans may think that this is completely a British Championship game.

Some grumpy fans may even say: This has Gill's technical and tactical content!

In addition to playing behind the ball and hitting the ball with long passes, the two sides played for a while, but the effect was not great, so they both picked up the cross method.

The difference may be that several stars in Real Madrid's frontcourt occasionally provide pass-and-run coordination in flashes of inspiration.

Real Madrid will gradually create more offensive threats.

After all, can Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaka still have a kick on the outside? Only Keisuke Honda from CSKA has this ability.

Mourinho watched the development of the situation for a while, then looked at the time, and finally decided to be bold and suppress it.

In the 38th minute of the first half, Mourinho walked to the sidelines and waved his hand, indicating that Li Ang and Essien would move forward if they saw the opportunity.

One of them has a header and the other has a long shot. Together they are

Um? No, Li Ang thought to himself, I have seen this tactic before!

Not only have I seen it, Li Ang has also played it, and he also understands the essence of this tactic!

Mourinho also subconsciously touched his nose at this moment. It's about tactics. I can use them for reference from time to time. I think the person involved won't mind~

Some Milan fans watching the game were in tears again.

You copied all of Nima's XJBT tactics, right? !

Uncle Jon never imagined that his most proud offensive tactics were being flexibly used by Mourinho at the moment.

XJBT, to put it bluntly, is someone who has at least one big brother in front who can stably take the ball and create a one-on-one advantage.

With such an offensive big brother, the other players will surround him and complete the offensive methods in their respective areas of expertise.

Speed, long shots, headers, points.

As long as there are players who are good at these skills, they can participate in such offensive tactics.

If one's own offense is chaotic, the opponent's defense must also be chaotic, because there are too many people to guard against, and he can't do it without chaos.

In the end, it comes down to player performance and personal ability. If you win and score a goal, your vote will be revoked and you will not be able to score a goal.

If you can't score a goal, it must be because the chaos is not thorough enough. Add people, add people and keep plugging in, and that's it!

So is Real Madrid's current frontcourt configuration suitable for this style of play?

It fits, it fits very well!

Cristiano Ronaldo is the big brother, and if he presses forward, he is a threat. CSKA must send someone to double-team him.

Benzema can be regarded as the second brother. He is actually good at everything offensively. Now he can only be a green leaf when playing against strong teams.

But against CSKA, as long as the support is enough, he is an all-round killer.

And surrounding these two people are Kaka, Leon and Essien.

There are long-range shots from behind, there are headers, there are also points for grabbing points!

Cristiano Ronaldo and Benzema can grab points on their own, and Kaka can barely be the finishing point in the penalty area, so there is no shortage of offensive methods.

In terms of personal strength, Real Madrid's stars even surpassed CSKA after barely adapting to the environment.

So after a sudden attack, CSKA's back line was completely in chaos!

The two midfielders Weinblum and Aldonin did not dare to press forward, and they all retreated to help their teammates defend.

In the 44th minute of the first half, when Real Madrid once again stormed the penalty area and was blocked, Coentrao followed him and advanced to the CSKA half to catch the ball and observe.

At this moment, Li Ang and Essien happened to rush into CSKA's penalty area together, and Coentrao also decisively lobbed the ball into the back of the penalty area!

Benzema in the forward position attracted the defense of two CSKA defenders.

Under his restraint, Li Ang kicked off the ground and jumped menacingly!

This time, the remaining two defenders Shchnikov and Berezutsky were led astray, and the two followed Li Ang to grab the middle of the penalty area.

But the football finally passed over the heads of the three of them and fell straight into the open area at the back point!

Essien made a "screen and roll" and blocked Aldonin who came back to defend. Ronaldo stopped the ball comfortably with his chest at the back point.

There was no ink after one stop and two strikes. Cristiano Ronaldo's shot in the penalty area was so powerful that it penetrated goalkeeper Chepchugov's wicket and finally plunged into the goal behind him!

CSKA's home fans were buzzing with excitement from Real Madrid's attack!

No, just a goal without any routine and a mass attack? !

Milan fans were also dumbfounded.

Is Li Ang really the "eye of the formation"? He directly copied the XJBT tactics to Real Madrid!

There is another chapter

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