Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 11 The fast-improving backcourt king [Please collect and vote! 】

Li Ang searched for a moment in the mall. He thought there would be a dazzling display of props, but in the end, there were only ten props for sale.

At first, he thought it was just a page of props display, but after searching carefully, he found... this mall template really only has this one page!

What a five-language proficiency capsule worth 500 points.

Powerful shin guards worth 400 points.

"Barty Boots" worth 800 points, with a 3% increase in shooting power.

To be honest, everything is good.

But Li Ang can neither afford it nor use it.

He wants to find some good products that are cost-effective and can increase injury resistance.

But now it seems that this thing is also a rarity in the system.

At least it's impossible to get it for a small price.

Li Ang was a little disappointed, and finally looked at the prop extraction module.

The card pool level drawn from props is the same as the talent fragments.

There are five levels in total from black iron to diamond, and the price of each level is the same.

Li Ang looked at the upper right corner of the system panel and saw that he had just over twenty points left, and finally silently exited the item extraction module.

The only thing that can make Li Ang feel a little relieved now is the free gift package for the first victory in the A-level league given by the system.

Opening his eyes, Li Ang silently found the "ghost animal" voice that Cristiano Ronaldo and Benzema had recorded for him before, and then clicked the play button.

When the two familiar and lame slogans of "European emperors are possessed, non-chieftains retreat" came from the headphones.

Li Ang took a deep breath and clicked on the La Liga first win gift pack that quietly glowed golden in the system safe!

After a brief flash of golden light, Li Ang took a closer look:

"Broken Powerful Leg Guard x 1, Broken Good Luck Wristband x 1, Silver Level Talent Fragment Card x 1."

Three specific props emerged from the gift bag one by one, and were then arranged in the system safe.

System: The surprise is to give you a gift bag for free and give you three usable items. Don’t say I’m being stingy.

Li Ang raised his hand: Brother, it turns out this is a fucking surprise!

While sitting in the bus, you are not allowed to dance or grin.

After all, he is already nineteen years old and needs to be mature and steady like an adult.

But in the end, Li Ang couldn't help but silently grin the corners of his mouth to the maximum arc.

Feel comfortable!

Even though they are "incomplete" props, powerful shin guards and good-luck wristbands are the supplies that Li Ang needs now.

Then add a silver-level talent fragment card that requires 300 points to draw.

Li Ang can only say that his six years have not been in vain!

After going through the most difficult youth training career, the system was successfully upgraded and took special care of him.

Perhaps this is also the first test for him in the "Road to King" system.

The gold-level talent is given to you first. As long as you put in hard work, you can always successfully open the door to professional football.

And if you can further play in the five major leagues, the rewards given by the system will not be stingy.

If he has been lazy in the past few years and Li Ang ends up in a lower-level league, or even returns to Asia to play comfortably, then he will definitely not be recognized by the system.

Naturally, these props that are almost given away today will no longer be available.

Thinking of this, Li Ang didn't hesitate too much and directly clicked on the silver talent fragment card.

This is the reward he deserves, and he wants to see what kind of surprises the system will give him.

A silvery white light flashed briefly.

Then a black player wearing a white Real Madrid jersey appeared in front of Li Ang.

"Essien's 12-13 season strong talent fragment card, talent value: 87 (full value 100, host's current strong ability value is 80)"

There was no experience and insight this time, and Li Ang was not surprised.

I think the silver-level talent fragment cards only increase the upper limit of talent value.

In order to gain experience in extracting players, Li Ang felt that the only way to gain success was to get gold and diamond level talent cards.

Li Ang is also quite satisfied with Essien's talent fragments.

The African buffalo, which has passed its prime and is seriously injured, still has a strong talent value of 87, which can only be said to be awesome.

The seven-point gap is enough to last one or even two seasons for Li Ang.

After all, for a midfielder, if the strength can reach 85, it will be enough. The key lies in physical strength and endurance.

The last two items determine the two important indicators of the defensive midfielder's sweeping area and attendance rate.

Li Ang is stronger than Pepe, who is currently in Real Madrid's first team, and his playing order will not change much.

But if his physical strength and endurance can reach a higher level, then after Las Diarra returns from injury, Li Ang believes that his playing order will not be worse than that of his opponent.

After taking stock of his gains with satisfaction, Li Ang also opened his eyes and took the initiative to communicate with Alonso about the follow-up training matters.

He is supported by physical strength medicine, and he may not continue to start in the next league game, so he plans to resume training directly at the Valdebebas base in the afternoon after returning tomorrow.

Alonso and the others should take a good rest during the one or two days of leave given by Mourinho and spend more time with their families.

So if nothing else goes wrong, Li Ang should be on his own or practicing short passing with other Real Madrid first-team players in the next two days.

He needs Alonso's training advice. At least taking the training path Alonso has taken can help him avoid wasting time.

So while most of the Real Madrid players were discussing where to "relax" tonight or tomorrow after returning to Madrid, Leon and Alonso were already communicating quietly about training matters.

Cristiano Ronaldo, who was sitting in the row behind Alonso and Li Ang, raised his eyebrows at this moment.

His eyes seemed to be casually looking at the scenery outside the window, but his ears "coincidentally" were as close to Leon and Alonso as possible.

After Li Ang and Alonso finished communicating, Ronaldo leaned back on his seat as if nothing was wrong.

After a while, Mourinho and Casillas returned to the bus together.

After head coach Mourinho announced a holiday for the next two days, the Real Madrid bus slowly started amidst the cheers and enthusiastic applause of the players and drove to their hotel on the island of Mallorca.

It was close to noon the next day, and the Real Madrid players, who had basically slept for twelve hours, got up leisurely to wash up and pack their things.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Ang and a group of teammates returned to the Valdebebas training base.

After other Real Madrid players completed their physical examinations and drove out of the training base one by one, Li Ang stayed.

After having a pre-training nutritional meal and resting until 3:30, Li Ang set foot on the training ground with the help of several "volunteer" Real Madrid youth training players found by Karanka.

His short passing training is actually very boring. After half an hour of basic warm-up, he needs to accurately pass the football to the feet of the youth training players who are constantly running through a bunch of obstacles.

At the same time, the physical fitness coach who accompanies him will use a confrontation mat to compete with him personally, trying to simulate the intensity of the usual training matches.

The intensity was quite high, and Li Ang's physical energy consumption was also increasing, but he was enjoying it without any pain on his face.

On the contrary, he enjoyed this "painful" process.

In the training base that he couldn't see, Ronaldo, who had already put on training clothes after driving away and then returning, looked at the venue where Li Ang was training with surprise.

If there are fans watching at this moment, they may not be able to see the changes in Li Ang.

But Cristiano Ronaldo, who has been training with Li Ang for some time before, can clearly see Li Ang's "progress" now.

This big boy who used to work hard and focus on defense is now able to practice breaking the press and passing short passes in a decent manner!

The interest in Ronaldo's eyes became more intense.

Today he wants to see if there are any surprises for him to discover in the team's "backcourt king" who is making rapid progress.

And, than training?

Huh, with Ronaldo here and his title as the Liver King of Valdebebas, others should stop having unrealistic illusions.

Today he wants to personally prove to Li Ang that he is the best and hardest-working trainee in the Real Madrid team!

Hmm. I’m so arrogant now.

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