Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 136 This year’s father-son game comes extra early [daily content]

According to normal logic, Li Ang is not yet ready to compete with other players for his status in football at his current age.

It’s not that it’s incomparable, it’s that not many people thought about it from the beginning.

Twenty-one years old, half a year shy of turning twenty-two, Li Ang is still completely within the age range of a "junior general".

Perhaps in a year or two, Li Ang will have more appearances in heavyweight football competitions such as the Champions League and gain more honors.

At that time, Li Ang's supporters will take the initiative to compare him with other players of the same type.

But now, to be honest, few Real Madrid fans thought of comparing Li Ang to a long-established star like Yaya Toure.

"Sky Sports" did not report on the selection of midfielders before, and this matter will not spread quickly after Real Madrid's victory over Manchester City.

When Li Ang heard that the matter had become a big deal the next day, his first thought was to contact Mendes for public relations.

But Mendes takes a different view.

"Sooner or later you have to go through a stage where you are compared by fans and the media to the same type of players at the same time, or even the same type of players from the past ten seasons or more.

This is completely normal. Every star will go through this stage and process. As long as you are famous enough, you can't escape it. "

"So what do you mean?"

"Let them discuss openly, and we don't have to add fuel to the flames - as long as the public opinion does not develop in a situation that is not conducive to you, the more they discuss and the more widely they discuss, the more people are paying attention to you today."

Mendes finally convinced Li Ang with his own solution.

In other words, under the premise that public opinion is controllable, Li Ang is too lazy to care about how Mendes promotes his personal reputation.

As long as he doesn't lead his fans to deliberately disparage other professional players, then he feels fine.

Of course, when listing statistics and performance, if he wins, he wins, and there is no need to remain overly humble.

After roughly understanding the solution to this wave of public opinion, Li Ang felt relieved.

As for the year-end Golden Globe Award that Mendes mentioned at the end, Li Ang has nothing to look forward to.

2012 is a big competition year. Don’t even think about it. In this year’s Ballon d’Or selection, the main players of the two teams of Real Madrid and Barcelona are destined to be the biggest winners.

For example, in the first 20 spots for the Ballon d'Or, Real Madrid players will definitely occupy most of the spots.

There is no doubt about the winner of the Ballon d'Or. Naturally, it is Cristiano Ronaldo, who has won five annual crowns and broke two single-season scoring records in one fell swoop last season.

Li Ang didn't know if he could enter the top 20 for the final Golden Globe Award, and he actually didn't have much hope.

After all, he is destined to play this position, and it is not difficult to play an important tactical role on the field.

But if he wants to "show color" in the eyes of the public, then he is far inferior to those offensive players.

Perhaps after his offensive methods are further developed, he can produce better personal season data.

He will be expected to break into the top 20 or even the top 10 in the Ballon d'Or in the past two seasons.

But that may not happen this year.

He is still quite far away from the top position in football.


After the first round of the Champions League group stage of the new season, the Real Madrid team finally ushered in a relatively friendly rest period.

It is not the previous rest mode where the league was suspended due to the arrival of the international match day.

There is no international match day, no league, and all La Liga players have a week of rest.

Mourinho did not hesitate to give all players three days off.

Some of Real Madrid's main players, who had finished playing in the World Cup preliminaries and returned to play in the Champions League, breathed a sigh of relief.

The life of a spin game is very fulfilling, but it does make people feel tired easily.

Li Ang did not stay at the training base for additional training this time.

Because he moved, from the original rented apartment to a single-family villa with a garden.

He invited all his teammates from the first team and held a lively party in his newly rented single-family villa.

Of course, some teammates had to accompany their families and were unable to come to the party, but they also asked others to bring Li Ang a "housewarming gift."

In addition to his teammates, Li Ang still sent party invitations to Isco and Griezmann.

However, these two guys excused themselves with the excuse that they wanted to accompany their girlfriends. After hearing this, Li Ang naturally made some fun and blackmailed the two of them into having a few feasts.

However, not all of his friends were present, but some old friends came to Li Ang's new residence as invited on the day of the party.


"Little lion!"

Ibrahimovic and Li Ang, who had not seen each other for a long time, laughed and said hello in unison as soon as they met.

After giving Ibrahimovic a bear hug, Li Ang also enthusiastically completed a fist bump and hug with Brother Face.

Not long after Ibrahimovic and Khedira, now teammates of Paris Saint-Germain, arrived at Liang's new home together, Kaká and Thiago Silva also arrived at the party together.

Thiago Silva is still playing in Milan and did not switch to Paris Saint-Germain with Ibrahimovic last summer.

So today he and his teammate Kaka were invited to Li Ang's party.

Li Ang also smiled happily at the arrival of the two people.

These are all old people. They have sweated together and won championships together, so there is no need to say that they are related.

After welcoming the two of them into the house, Li Ang also waved to the groups of reporters who were still strolling around the villa but were blocked by security personnel.

Then, under the longing gaze of the other party, Li Ang directly closed the main door of the villa.

Rhythmic music soon began to sound from the back garden of the villa, and from time to time there were bursts of men's cheers and cheers.

The reporters who were stationed outside couldn't help but look at each other at this noise.

"Li Ang really didn't ask any women to enter his newly rented villa?"

"I heard the news last night and stayed here in advance. Don't talk about young and beautiful girls. The chef team Li Ang hired are all men!"

"No, the party he held really only invited his teammates and good friends? This is called a dinner party at best. What kind of party is it?!"

"No matter what, let's find a way to get some news materials. Otherwise, if I go back empty-handed, the editor will have to kill me."

At this moment, the paparazzi reporters from the Western media gathered here began to complain.

Li Ang didn't give him any chance to create public opinion.

Without women, what would they write about?

Write about a group of male football stars gathering together to eat and chat?

If Ibrahimovic and Ronaldo can't look at each other at Li Ang's party, then they will certainly have good reporting material.

It's a pity that if there are no photos or videos to support this matter, no matter how exciting and detailed the process is, no fans will believe it.

So this group of paparazzi began to use their own skills, trying every means to avoid security around Li Ang's villa, looking for a vantage point from which to photograph the internal situation.

Most of the paparazzi were eventually caught by security and forcibly expelled.

But in the end, a small number of capable paparazzi did get some blurry photos of the scene.

So the news that appeared on the front pages of major Western sports media the next day was no longer the gossip about the stars during the offseason.

Rather, it is a new reporting topic that looks very attractive.

"Don't go to Li Ang's party!" 》

First of all, this title can very much arouse the interest of fans.

Not only fans of Real Madrid, but also fans of other teams saw this news headline and wanted to know what evil thing Li Ang had done to make the media call on them not to attend the party he held.

After buying the newspaper, I could see the general picture while looking at the slightly blurry photos.

After reading the reporter's description on the side, many fans burst into laughter on the way to work!

"There weren't any young and beautiful girls at this party. There were only a group of men, a group of big stars, and, after they had eaten and drank enough, a small shooting field was set up by Li Ang's friends.

We can see the inquiries and surprises in the body language of the other Real Madrid players and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. In fact, no one may have expected that Li Ang would arrange the digestion exercise in this way-except Cristiano.

That night, Li Ang was unanimously punished by his friends and asked to become a goalkeeper, so the stars who played after that all achieved excellent results~


In addition to the reporter's interesting description and narration, there are also two pictures of the scene.

From the first picture, it can be seen that Li Ang no longer wants to be a sandbag-like goalkeeper, so he took off his gloves and asked for a substitution.

In the next picture, almost all of Li Ang's friends swarmed forward, while Li Ang fell into the goal with his hands raised in the air.

Fans who saw these pictures were overjoyed.

This kind of off-site episode is much more interesting than the scandals reported by reporters a few days ago.

Many Real Madrid fans were sighing and sighing when they saw the familiar figures of Kaká and Khedira.

It is said that after a person is separated from some of his former colleagues and friends, as time goes by, the bad sides of these colleagues and friends will gradually fade away.

What is left behind are some relatively good impressions and memories.

This is how Real Madrid fans treat Kaká and Khedira now.

The initial dislike and slight dissatisfaction gradually dissipated after they won the championship and left the team, leaving only good impressions and feelings for them.

Of course, if the two of them transfer back to Real Madrid now, Real Madrid fans will most likely be disgusted again~

Human nature is like this, and it's normal. This summer's farewell may be the most honorable farewell ending to their Real Madrid careers for the two of them.

On September 22, the entire Real Madrid team, which had resumed preparations, set its sights on two weeks later.

On October 7, after the next four rounds, they will face Barcelona for the first time in the league this season.

Barcelona fans are now avoiding talking about the Spanish Super Cup, so Real Madrid is naturally too lazy to hold on to it.

If you don’t feel satisfied after playing last season, and if you don’t feel satisfied with the two rounds of the Western Super Cup this season, then try it again in the league!

Now Barcelona has won four consecutive games in the league and is at the top of La Liga.

Real Madrid has won three consecutive games with one game in hand and ranks fourth in La Liga.

However, not many people thought that Real Madrid would not be able to take all three points in the make-up game with Granada.

Therefore, as long as the subsequent rounds of the league remain intact and continue to maintain a complete victory, the match between Real Madrid and Barcelona is likely to be another turning point in the championship this season.

It is the Spanish El Clasico that was scheduled later than last season.

This year's Western Premier League father-son game came extra early.

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