Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 189: The offensive talent has been greatly improved, and Li Ang is so powerful that he is dr

After Mendes' first meeting with Lafayette, he did not immediately let out the news that Li Ang might leave Real Madrid.

His team is still in normal contract renewal negotiations with Real Madrid, and Li Ang is staying in Madrid, waiting for Lafayette's final answer.

Whether considering it from an emotional or rational perspective, Li Ang will not regard leaving Real Madrid as his first choice.

He has proven his success here, and there is no doubt that Real Madrid is a team that is very suitable for him to continue to develop and win more honors.

What he wants is actually very simple, a promise from Lafayette.

His bottom line is two seasons. If after two seasons, he has the hard power to compete for the Ballon d'Or, then Real Madrid will need to devote all its resources to help him reach the top of football!

If an ordinary player made such a request, Lafayette would just laugh it off and then make a clear statement to the opponent with contempt:

You are not qualified to bargain with Real Madrid!

But now it is Li Ang who is formally proposing such an exchange of interests.

Li Ang is willing to continue to share China's huge market with Real Madrid, but he needs Real Madrid to firmly choose his "future".

It was Florentillo who had always signaled Sanchez to let the players on the team choose sides.

This time, he didn't expect that he would be defeated by Li Ang and asked him and Real Madrid to choose sides in advance!

While waiting for the think tank to analyze the future development prospects of Li Ang and Ronaldo, Florentino occasionally remembered the details of the night when he met with Li Ang.

Originally, he should have been angry during certain communication sessions, but now he found that he couldn't get angry at all.

He found that he really liked Li Ang's confidence and ambition!

However, in the end, the think tank's analysis results for Lafayette made Lafayette have to get entangled.

To be honest, Florentino has had mixed feelings about Ronaldo since he took office.

On the one hand, he likes Ronaldo's appearance and unique personality, but on the other hand, he hates Ronaldo's unruly and "not satisfied"

But after nearly two seasons, Florentino had to admit it.

Cristiano Ronaldo, this unruly beast, has become Real Madrid's most distinctive icon. Inspired by Mourinho, he has once again become the number one player in today's football.

"Cristiano will become one of the top five historical superstars in football, and based on his current physical condition and his self-discipline, there will be no cliff-like decline in his competitive level in the next five years."

"Li Ang is undoubtedly the most popular midfielder born in the 1990s and the most anticipated future development in football.

But he still needs to further prove that he has the potential to become a historical star, and his dazzling defensive end is likely to be the biggest obstacle to his further transformation in the future..."

These two summary reports were clearly placed on Florentino's desk.

And Florentino also understood what the report said was the biggest obstacle to Leon's future transformation.

Popularity and traffic.

If it is limited to China, then Ronaldo will definitely not be able to compare with Li Ang in the future.

But if you expand this scope to the whole world, Li Ang will not be able to compare with Ronaldo's popularity.

Or it’s because of the location.

How can a player who has just transformed from a defensive midfielder into a B2B midfielder be more popular than a super forward who is the number one in football?

And Li Ang's future...will he be able to grow into a golden ball-level midfielder without any hindrance?

After all, Florentino is a manager and an excellent businessman.

He cannot place all his hopes on the illusory future. He must look at development trends and more importantly, scientific probabilities.

Subconsciously speaking, Lafayette is already more inclined to Ronaldo, who even he himself does not particularly like.

Cristiano Ronaldo is the undisputed number one player in football today.

His omnipotence, his super scoring ability, his hard-fighting attributes and his high global popularity make it impossible for Lafayette to give him up.

However, Lafayette naturally does not want to let go of the large Chinese market that has just been cultivated.

He is a very normal superior, so his final choice is to want them all!

In other words, Real Madrid's magnificent record in the past two seasons makes him feel very confident.

He was more inclined to think that Li Ang was in a moment of excitement and did not consider the benefits and losses clearly, so he made a request to him that was like forcing him to marry.

Maybe after Li Ang calmed down for a few days and Mendes gave him a few words of persuasion, this troublesome matter for him would be solved automatically?

Can a 22-year-old young man really refuse the treatment of Real Madrid's future captain and midfielder?

This hard-earned prestige and super popularity among Real Madrid fans, why don't you just give it up?

Florentino planned to give Li Ang a few more days to think about it. He also called Mendes and asked Mendes to help persuade Li Ang.

But at this moment, Mendes accompanied Li Ang to start the summer training in advance with a confused look on his face.

Of course Mendes complied with Lafayette's request, but Li Ang's still resolute attitude at this moment made Mendes feel that this matter was quite difficult to handle.

For Li Ang, things are even simpler.

Lafayette left him alone for three days, and after Mendes persuaded him again, he understood Lafayette's final choice.

This result was still within his expectation, and he could accept it calmly, but he was still not at peace in his heart after all.

Therefore, starting summer training in advance has become an important means for him to calm down quickly.

Last season, Li Ang's system points income was quite generous, with a total of 1,800 points for winning the championship!

That is to say, the rewards for winning the European Super Cup, Spanish Super Cup and Club World Cup are only 100 points. Otherwise, his total winning points may exceed the 2,000 mark!

The winning points plus his goals and assists in a single season totaled just over 1,200 points.

So after spending all his points to draw talent cards last summer, he now has 3,000 points in hand.

After sufficient thinking and full understanding of his current lack of independent offensive ability.

Li Ang quickly started to worry about the extraction of talent cards and the key assault items of the summer training.

First of all, in terms of speed improvement, he chose to activate a golden talent fragment card.

Then in terms of vision, which had not been greatly improved before, he chose to activate a diamond-level talent fragment card.

Finally, in terms of shooting skills, Li Ang chose to use a golden talent fragment card to increase the upper limit.

Originally, he was expected to eventually develop his shooting ability.

But now it seems that the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and he has to make advance plans to improve his shooting skills.

The purchase of these three talent fragment cards cost Li Ang two thousand points.

After using the locking function, he spent another 600 points. In an instant, Li Ang only had 400 points left in his system balance.

The key is that although Real Madrid won the La Liga and Champions League championships this season, because it was not the first time to win the championship, Li Ang did not receive the golden gift package of winning the heavyweight competition for the first time.

However, winning the UEFA Super Cup and Club World Cup allowed Li Ang to receive two silver-level first-time championship packages.

Let’s just say it’s better than nothing.

The props released in these two first-win gift packs happen to be a silver-level talent fragment card and a silver-level "old acquaintance" prop:

A bottle of intermediate physical recovery potion that can be used ten times without time limit.

Yes, there are also physical potions with no time limit for use. The system is simply encouraging Li Ang to further increase his madness.

As for the silver-level talent fragment card, Li Ang did not waste it.

After spending two hundred points to lock the ability value, he directly opened a passing talent fragment card with a talent value of 87 points.

"Ashley Young's 10-11 season passing talent fragment card, talent value: 87 (full value 100, host's current passing ability value is 69)"

To be honest, Li Ang shuddered subconsciously when he saw the passing ability value of this great master.

However, after confirming that the driver was the Aston Villa version of Ashley Young, Li Ang quickly felt relieved.

The details of the other three drawn ability values ​​are as follows:

"Rui Costa's field of vision talent fragments in the 02-03 season, talent value: 97 (full value 100, host's current field of vision value is 83); bonus experience: frequent observation and passing layout, the whole situation is under control"

"Henry's 08-09 season speed talent fragment, talent value: 93 (full value 100, host's current speed value is 81); bonus experience: the coordination of acceleration and absolute speed."

"Kevin Phillips' shooting talent fragment from the 99-00 season, talent value: 93 (full value 100, host's current shooting value is 68); bonus experience: a perfect duo of sense of smell in front of the goal and solid shooting skills."

After opening the new talent fragment card, Li Ang devoted himself fully to summer training.

Speed, dribbling, ball control, short passing and shooting are naturally the focus of his special training this summer.

Additional training in long passing still requires daily accumulation and slow progress.

What needs to be consolidated is naturally the ability values ​​in steals, tackles, physical fitness and strength.

It is very simple to plan in advance, but when it comes to details, Li Ang's additional training is very complicated and difficult.

It was so difficult that Mendes only stayed with Leon for three days before he couldn't bear it any longer. He voluntarily left Spain and flew to China first to handle Leon's business activities this summer.

The professional coaching team, who was previously hired by Mendes, now stays in Madrid to accompany Li Ang for special training. I was also surprised by Li Ang's huge amount of training every day.

To be on the safe side, they even forced Li Ang to undergo a detailed physical examination at a nearby professional hospital every three days.

Li Ang was actually teetering on the edge of exhaustion and emotional collapse.

Even with the protection of physical potions, this kind of multi-sport special training still made Li Ang feel an unusually huge mental pressure.

After all, some ability values ​​progress faster, while some ability values ​​progress much more slowly in comparison.

Seeing that many abilities failed to meet the previously planned progress, Li Ang was inevitably a little anxious.

At the critical moment, Li Ang still found Pintus to talk to.

Pintus, who was already on vacation with his family in Italy, returned to Madrid from Italy the next day after listening to Leon's slightly tired inner monologue.

He made more detailed phased goals on the training plan previously formulated by Li Ang and his training team, and finally modified Li Ang's training recipes in detail.

He was forced to take Li Ang for a walk on the outskirts of Madrid after training every day to talk.

Pintus's patient company gradually calmed down Li Ang's anxious heart.

And Pintus's words of comfort, "Be yourself, you don't need to prove to anyone that you are good enough" made Li Ang's eyes clear again.

More than half a month later, Li Ang said goodbye to the coaching team who had trained with him for a month outside the training venue. He also heartily hugged and said goodbye to Pintus.

The training plan he had set before that had goals that were significantly higher than the actual situation was not achieved.

But now his heart has returned to its previous peace of mind.

There has been progress, and progress is still being made. He can feel it, and that is actually enough.

As Pintus once again said, he no longer needs to prove to anyone that he is not bad.

In early July, Li Ang returned to China and began to relax and participate in personal business activities this summer.

Li Ang, who has already won the club's Grand Slam honor with Real Madrid, can only be described as "super explosive" in terms of popularity in China.

Since his debut, Li Ang has had almost no scandals in his personal life and has a clean reputation, which also satisfied the domestic giants who had previously signed lucrative contracts with his team.

This summer, after Li Ang completed a lap of business activities from Yangcheng to the capital.

The Mendes team has received the most requests from major Chinese giants to establish long-term and stable cooperation and endorsements with Li Ang.

There are even cases of giants that signed new contracts just last year and this summer asked to extend the cooperation period and give Li Ang a higher endorsement fee.

Seeing a huge business empire slowly taking shape in front of his eyes, Mendes could no longer worry about the current disagreements between Leon and Lafayette.

Throughout early July, the smile on Mendes' face was bright and not half fake.

Generous sums of money were remitted to Li Ang's various accounts one after another, and the domestic and foreign teams surrounding Li Ang were also very motivated.

But just when Mendes had already launched a plan to launch Liang's first domestic sports brand in early August.

Madrid broke out devastating news that is completely shocking to Real Madrid!

"Marca" exclusively revealed the turmoil that occurred in the Real Madrid dressing room in the previous two seasons.

And the big news that Casillas, Ramos and other Real Madrid players are dissatisfied with Mourinho's coaching style!

If the person who reported this incident was an ordinary tabloid reporter, then the entire European football world might just tremble slightly and then dismiss the news as bullshit.

But it just so happens that the reporter who signed the report on these internal events in the Real Madrid locker room this time is Casillas' girlfriend!

Real Madrid fans immediately went numb.

It has only been more than a month since defending the Champions League. How come such a big scandal broke out within your own team? !

If something like this happened to an ordinary La Liga team, let alone Real Madrid, the head coach wouldn't be able to bear it.

And just when Casillas' girlfriend continued to reveal more secret news about the inside of Real Madrid's locker room to "Marca".

Within the Real Madrid team, an angry Mourinho has personally had tough conversations with Casillas about the matter.

To be honest, if it weren't for Li Ang's many comforts and admonitions in the first two seasons, Mourinho would have had a frank talk with Casillas.

Those relationship rifts that seemed to have been healed with victory and honorary championships are now being torn apart by Mourinho mercilessly in the current explosive situation!

In this situation, Casillas could not bow his head weakly even if he knew that he was wrong and felt very sorry for the head coach and his brothers in the team.

And with Ramos's loyalty, things developed more and more intensely, and within two days it got to the point where even Lafayette had to step in!

Li Ang had returned to Madrid at this time, but he was very silent. He neither persuaded Casillas nor took the initiative to find Mourinho to understand the situation.

Perhaps the moment Casillas' girlfriend Sara jumped out to be a clown, Leon had no interest in the matter anymore.

In this period of sensitive public opinion, Li Ang also deliberately asked Mendes to complete the information collection work on other teams in a more low-key manner.

But as the saying goes, sometimes the more you are afraid of something happening, the more it will happen unexpectedly and quickly before your eyes.

After Li Ang returned to Madrid and once again tactfully rejected contract renewal negotiations with the club, just two days later, news spread in the football world that Li Ang wanted to transfer!

Li Ang frowned when he saw such rumors, and immediately asked Mendes about the situation.

As a result, Li Ang did not expect that Mendes also looked confused and said that he had not discussed this matter with any team at all.

His intelligence collection has always been completed by the most capable men in the faction, and the secrets will definitely not be leaked.

At this moment, within Real Madrid's senior management, Florentino also looked at Sanchez helplessly.

"Do you think this is a warning to Li Ang? Do you think that after diverting most of the media's attention, Li Ang will stop contacting other teams because of this warning?"

Sanchez didn't retort, but looking at his silent posture, Florentino felt a slight pain in his temples.

The phrase "stupid" in his mouth could not be uttered for a long time, and Florentino finally had no choice but to wave his hand and tell Sanchez to ignore public opinion matters.

But Lafayette didn't expect that before he called Mendes to reassure him, Barcelona's tentative offer could not wait to be handed over in an official form!

Is Roselle serious? ! "

After seeing the amount of the first quotation clearly, Lafayette almost cursed!

And before he could decisively ask the people below to reject it, the second and third official offers had already followed!

Arsenal made a bid of 45 million pounds for Li Ang, and Bayern Munich made a first-time bid of 60 million euros for Li Ang...

Sanchez, who seemed confident before, was now stunned.

He didn't expect that a warning message he revealed would be believed by so many clubs!

This matter is really a big deal!

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