Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 230 Manchester United doesn’t want to be decent? Then help them look decent! [Big guys pleas

After the awards ceremony that night, Li Ang and Mourinho were not in a hurry to return to London immediately.

Because the next round of the Premier League will not start until a week later, Mourinho has also given all the players of Chelsea's first team two days off.

So after Li Ang, Mendes and Ronaldo finished their dinner party that night, they stayed directly in a local hotel in Zurich.

On the morning of the second day, after a rare sleep, Li Ang took a leisurely flight back to London with Ibrahimovic and Mourinho.

The Chelsea trio are now completely popular in the eyes of the local media in London. Among them, Li Ang has received far more interview requests than Ibrahimovic.

Even though Ibrahimovic ranks higher than Li Ang in the annual Ballon d'Or award, there is no doubt that the most popular football star in London now is Li Ang.

To use the report published by German newspaper Bild after the Golden Globe ranking order was announced, that is:

If last year's Li Ang could have the same offensive tactical rights as this year in the Chelsea team, his personal data could further rise to double fifteen in a single season.

Then in the ranking of the annual Golden Globe Awards, Li Ang is likely to be ranked fifth or even fourth!

And if you just look at his performance in the first half of this season, then Li Ang is already the well-deserved number one offensive midfielder in football...

As soon as the Bild report was published, it immediately triggered discussions among many fans in the football world.

Of course, many fans will be dissatisfied. If Bild said that Li Ang is the number one midfielder in football in terms of offense and defense, then they might not have any objections.

But Bild said that Li Ang is the number one offensive midfielder in football at the moment. These fans were a little unconvinced.

Maybe it's because in past games, Li Ang gave fans the impression that he was more defensive than offensive.

Most fans admit that Li Ang has excellent growth talents, and he has been constantly improving his offensive weapon arsenal.

But the inherent impression thing is really difficult for fans to change on their own in a short period of time.

Even if the facts are right here, right in front of these fans.

But they will still subconsciously judge Bild's reports based on their own inherent impressions.

However, Bild is also very strict. In the face of many comments and questions on the Internet, they only released Li Ang's current personal data.

Bild's official tweet allows doubting fans to find out for themselves which midfielder in football can surpass Li Ang's current number of goals.

The tough-talking fans took a look, what a guy!

As of the award ceremony, Li Ang has improved his personal season statistics to 15 goals + 14 assists!

The number of goals created will soon reach 30 goals for the season!

After careful calculation, this group of fans discovered that there is really no offensive midfielder who can compete with the current Li Ang in terms of personal data.

So the harsh words turned into a real slap in the face.

As for the British media, whether it is London or other big cities in England, the media completely pursue and praise Li Ang.

Premier League fans have no objections to such public opinion building. After all, those who have objections have been convinced by Li Ang's excellent offensive and defensive performance before.

It doesn't matter if they are dissatisfied, the second half of the league has just begun, and the teams they support still have the opportunity to meet Chelsea and play another game.

Let's see then. If Chelsea loses, Li Ang will naturally be ridiculed in public opinion. But if Chelsea wins, then they will be besieged and ridiculed by other fans if they dare to attack.

These public disputes outside the stadium occur every year, and the major Premier League coaches and stars are not surprised and do not take them too seriously.

At least for Mourinho, public opinion turmoil is just a trivial matter to him.

After returning to London, he immediately threw himself back into his work.

Li Ang, who had resumed training and preparation with his teammates, looked at the schedule during the physical examination and discovered that their league opponent in the next round was Manchester United.

Last season, the Chelsea team might have already discussed the game against Manchester United.

But this year, the senior players in the Chelsea team did not express any opinions at all, as if they were just playing a game against a mid-table team in the league.

There is no mental awareness to prepare nervously for the red-blue war.

Well, not only Chelsea players, but also Chelsea fans are no longer nervous about Manchester United.

In terms of pre-game publicity, the local media in London and Manchester were very diligent.

But they want to heat up this game as much as possible, but to put it bluntly, the current showdown between Chelsea and Manchester United is essentially the top of the Premier League playing the seventh in the Premier League.

Even if you make money, Manchester United cannot return to the top overnight, return to the top three in the Premier League, and have a strong dialogue with Chelsea.

Of course, Manchester United fans are quite inspiring. Others say that they are now seventh in the Premier League. Manchester United fans like to add some prefixes. ?

"Manchester United has worked hard to climb from the top ten in the Premier League to seventh in the Premier League!"

Look, how inspiring.

Don't worry about whether Manchester United fans are arrogant or not. Just look at this sentence. It is indeed difficult to break into the top 8 of the Premier League from outside the top 10.

He climbed directly from the middle and lower reaches to the upper reaches of the league. He is still two places away from entering the top queue of the league!

Looking at the record, in the first 21 rounds of the Premier League, Manchester United has 11 wins, 4 draws and 6 losses, with 37 points, ranking seventh in the Premier League. It is only two wins away from Liverpool, who is currently fourth in the Premier League. .

They have not been separated by the fourth team, and Manchester United still has a lot of hope of competing for the fourth place. This situation is better than Arsenal in previous years.

Doesn't Arsenal start to exert its strength in the second half of every season and rush forward to the top four?

Therefore, it is understandable that Manchester United fans are relatively optimistic about the results now, and there is a certain reason for being stubborn.

However, their head coach Moyes is now under a lot of pressure. Faced with repeated questions and hard demands from the team's top management, Sir Alex Mo really wants to give up his job.

Not to mention the group of veterans in the team, among the stars in their playing years, Rooney is basically the only one who can be used normally.

Van Persie has to take one or two games off after playing two or three games, and his scoring efficiency has dropped significantly!

The team's goals are not guaranteed, and the club does not pay transfer fees for signings in the winter window. This makes me, Sir Alex Mo, want to tap the potential of the team and promote a few young forwards from the second team to give it a try!

As for the so-called Ferguson legacy that Sandoko has always emphasized, Moyes even said that he had been fooled!

Ashley Young, Valencia and Nani were absolute killers in the Premier League two seasons ago.

But now they are Manchester United's super fun people. When they perform well and when they perform poorly, they can't even explain it!

Every time Moyes arranges the starting lineup before a game, it's like opening a blind box!

Because he didn't know which of the players assigned to play on the wing today would perform better and which one would not be a hindrance.

Cleverley and Anderson made Moyes even more upset.

Moyes has led the team for 20 rounds of the league. Now he just wants to ask Ferguson how he used this group of people to win the Premier League championship last season?

Even if Moyes is given Van Persie, who was relatively healthy last season, Moyes would not dare to guarantee that he can lead Manchester United into the top four.

From being high-spirited in the summer to now feeling haggard and gray-haired, Moyes has only stayed at Manchester United for more than half a year.

Now that Chelsea is about to play again, Moyes really wants to set up a super bus at Stamford Bridge and hold on to a one-point draw.

But the top management of Manchester United was giving stupid instructions, and Santoku sent a message that he must play Manchester United-style football at Chelsea's home court.

Moyes almost had a brain hemorrhage when he heard this.

Manchester United style?

If you can successfully enter the top six if you play now, you have to burn a lot of money. What kind of Manchester United style are you trying to tell me?

If you want results, get money!

I've told you that most of the young players left behind by Sir Alex Ferguson are useless. You don't believe it. You just say anything when you ask for money. There is Ferguson's legacy!

This makes it clear that I don’t want to invest money, but I still have to achieve results!

Moyes only feels aggrieved, but now the pirates are on board, and being able to coach the premier club in the Premier League is indeed the best opportunity Moyes has ever encountered since he became a professional coach.

He didn't want to miss this trip to a wealthy club, so even though he felt it was very unreliable, Moyes still racked his brains to lead the team to prepare for the game, and according to Santoku, he formulated a set of tactics that were very "Manchester United style".

Rooney is an understanding person. After all, he has played 20 games before. Now he knows how well his teammates are performing.

Before the game against Chelsea, Rooney found an opportunity to have a conversation with Santoku, apparently wanting to help his old mentor Moyes relieve some pressure.

But the final result of the conversation was not very pleasant.

Anyway, Rooney looked very unhappy when he finally left Sandokuko's office, and the atmosphere within the Manchester United team was affected as the rumors spread.

Of course, all this is unknown to Manchester United fans.

Compared with the group of Red Devils fans who have accumulated enough disappointment in the following years and have no hope at all for Manchester United's bizarre management.

Current Manchester United fans still have high expectations for the future development of the team.

On January 19th, enthusiastic Manchester United fans traveled to London with the team. Even if it was an away game, the fighting power of Manchester United fans should not be underestimated.

During the pre-match warm-up session between the two teams, the Manchester United fans in the stands used neat and high-pitched singing to boost the morale of the Manchester United players present.

But on Chelsea's side, from the fans to the players, there was no doubt about winning this game.

Before the game, Mourinho even formulated a detailed tactical plan for how Chelsea would respond if Moyes chose to defend.

Various sports media in London also analyzed that today's Manchester United will take the initiative to take the defensive to deal with Chelsea's strong attack.

But when the game officially started, Manchester United shocked the jaws of countless media reporters with their aggressive forward pressing attack!

"Is Moyes crazy?"

Such a thought flashed through the minds of countless reporters and neutral Premier League fans.

No, they don't understand at all, why does Manchester United dare?

They dare to take the initiative to play against each other at Chelsea's home court. They look down on Chelsea's current top ranking in the Premier League and Mourinho's winning rate at home!

However, Mourinho was not the least bit offended.

On the contrary, he was very happy~

This is really like having someone bring you a pillow if you feel sleepy.

He was still thinking about how to break through Manchester United's gate more easily, but Moyes took the initiative to weaken the defense.

After being slightly surprised, the Chelsea players quickly followed Mourinho's tactical plan to signal them to press back.

Li Ang and Matic took the initiative to press forward, and the two began to sweep and strangle at the top of the center circle in their own half, fiercely competing for the ball with Manchester United!

With Januzaj's small body, he could only fall to the turf when confronting Li Ang.

Ashley Young and Valencia, who started as Manchester United's left and right midfielders today, had no choice but to move closer to the center to assist Carrick in delivering the ball.

But it was useless for them to face off against Matic and Li Ang, not to mention the defensive participation of Chelsea's wide players at this moment.

In order to further strengthen the defensive hardness in the middle of the midfield and protect Carrick, today Moyes chose to let Phil Jones start as a defensive midfielder.

But in this case, Carrick's organizational pressure will become much greater.

After all, Phil Jones couldn't help him share too much of the ball, and Januzaj was directly taken down by Li Ang.

On the organizational end, Manchester United basically relies on Carrick. How can he compete with the combination of Leon and Lampard?

Less than 5 minutes after the opening attack, Manchester United was pushed back by Chelsea. The scene was really miserable, and they had no strength to compete in the midfield!

After Li Ang easily dealt with Januzaj on the defensive end, he was also able to exhaust Carrick on the offensive end.

Ibrahimovic was in Manchester United's penalty area today, fighting one-on-one with Vidic.

His defensive containment ability is very strong.

After Vidic and Evans put most of their defensive energy on Ibrahimovic, Liang cooperated with Hazard to cause trouble in the rib area of ​​Manchester United's half.

At the 13th minute of the first half, Li Ang forced his way in from the center, and then drove straight into the rib space outside the left side of Manchester United's penalty area, helping Hazard successfully cut into Manchester United's penalty area!

Evans failed to cover up in time, allowing Hazard to take a shot in the area where he is best.

This extremely fast shot caught De Gea off guard!

Chelsea, who took the lead early in the first half, did not intend to let Manchester United go just like this.

Originally, Chelsea planned to let Manchester United lose honorably today. They are also old rivals after all.

If Manchester United is willing to put down their posture and defend hard, then Chelsea might just score one or two goals.

But today Manchester United took the initiative to attack as soon as they came on the field, which was totally not giving Chelsea face.

You must know that this is a game played at Chelsea's home court. Manchester United's behavior is tantamount to pulling out the tiger's beard!

Since Manchester United don't want respectability.

Then Chelsea can only help their old rivals look decent!

"Keep attacking! Keep attacking!"

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