Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 244 It turns out that you are also motivated by sex [Emotional plot]

After the 27th round of the Premier League match against West Bromwich Albion, Chelsea entered a week-long rest and preparation period.

Originally, they couldn't rest for such a long time.

However, because the EFL Cup final will start on the afternoon of March 2, the 28th round of the Premier League match between them and Fulham on March 1 was postponed by the Football Association.

In addition, Mourinho has rested most of the veterans in the team in the 27th round of the league.

Therefore, the physical condition of the main players in the Chelsea team is still quite good.

Therefore, after Terry returned from injury and Chelsea completed the first three days of high-intensity tactical drills.

Mourinho was very generous and gave all the first team players a half-day off.

At noon on February 26, after completing the only training session of the day, all Chelsea players had a lively team dinner at the Cobham training base.

Because there is enough time in the afternoon for rest or entertainment.

So even though they didn't enjoy a delicious meal at noon, Chelsea's players were still in high spirits, and the atmosphere in the base restaurant was also very lively.

"The last time I went on a date with that girl, she insisted that I take her home, but I refused. When she got to the hotel, she wanted to get down to business with me. I was so scared that I immediately got dressed and drove away..."

Bertrand knocked on the water glass in front of him and vividly recounted his "accidental encounter" with a young girl in a nightclub some time ago.

When he mentioned that he didn't even bother to put on his pants and clothes, and just drove away, the other Chelsea first-team players around him started laughing at him.

However, Bertrand turned his neck proudly and pointed at several younger teammates present.

"You guys should stop laughing and be smart! Don't think that when those girls come up to you, it means they are having an affair!

Is she not letting you take protective measures to make you feel better? wrong! They do it to get pregnant with your children and then empty your wallets! "

Bertrand's "experience" made several young Chelsea players at the scene stunned for a moment.

The other older members of the team just smiled ambiguously and did not refute the facts Bertrand said.

Li Ang did not refute, because he had seen his teammates receive calls from such women asking for money when he was playing in Spain and Italy.

This is still a relatively common phenomenon in football.

After all, professional players have too much energy and physical fitness.

And as long as players can play in the four major leagues, they may make more money in a week than ordinary people make in a year.

Not to mention the main players who play in the four major leagues.

They have always been the best money-making targets in the eyes of those in the nightclub.

If it is possible to conceive the child of a professional player, then such women will really have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

After seeing more, Li Ang has always kept a respectful attitude toward this type of women, but he doesn't mean to look down on them.

This is a life choice for them, which can also be said to be a means of livelihood. Li Ang cannot accept it, but he will not judge the so-called right or wrong at will.

And he also believes that there are many young girls in the world who do not match his three views, but there are also many young girls whose three views are similar to his.

For example...

After receiving the text message from his assistant, Li Ang finished the rest of his lunch in two bites, and then went to the locker room to rinse off and do a little hair styling.

So while the other Chelsea first-team players simply took a shower and drove out of the training base, Li Ang put on a handsome and neat winter casual outfit and had his hair styled.

When driving to the parking lot, he passed by Bertrand and Hazard, and Li Ang showed them a handsome and charming smile.

Azar put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

Bertrand also looked at Li Ang in surprise.

After all, after Li Ang moved to Chelsea, Bertrand had never seen Li Ang leave the training base dressed so formally and handsomely!

"Hey, boss! You're not really going on a date, are you?!"

Lukaku also poked his head out of the back seat of Bertrand's car and asked Leon loudly.

But he just wanted to make a joke.

But what he didn't expect was that after Li Ang got in the car, he rolled down the window and smiled back at him.

"You were right this time!"

Then Li Ang drove away in his car, and the three people who stayed there, waiting for the boy Karas to come out, looked at each other in shock.

Half an hour later, Li Ang appeared in a cafe next to the Thames River wearing a pair of huge sunglasses that covered half of his face.

His assistant and Anastasia are taking a nap here.

After picking up Anastasia at the airport at noon today, Li Ang's assistant took the little girl directly to this cafe, which is not far from the Cobham training base and is often visited by Li Ang and other young Chelsea players. .

As soon as Li Ang opened the door, he saw Anastasia curiously stopping to watch under the photos framed by the boss in the coffee shop.

Those photos were all taken before by Li Ang, his teammates and the boss.

The little girl wore a white down jacket with a ponytail today, paired with a pair of sky blue straight jeans. She looked very refreshing.

Li Ang seemed to have forgotten that this was actually only the second meeting between him and Anastasia.

Walking calmly behind Anastasia, he suddenly smiled and spoke.

"Just looking at these photos can't fill your stomach."

In Li Ang's sight, the little girl's fair and small ears seemed to twitch slightly. When she turned her head and looked over with a surprised look, she even took two steps back.

Li Ang quickly moved his sunglasses down. Seeing the defensiveness in the girl's eyes turn into surprise, he stretched out his index finger and put it between his lips.

Seeing that there were at least 10 customers sitting in the coffee shop at this moment, Anastasia seemed to understand.

She smiled sheepishly at Li Ang, and then she also walked to a table by the window at Li Ang's signal.

As for the assistant who had been staying in the store to look after the little girl, he quietly left with a tacit understanding the moment Li Ang walked into the coffee shop.

"Justin told me you didn't want to eat lunch and just had a cup of coffee, is that right?"

The first thing Li Ang said was not to ask how Anastasia was doing recently, or how she felt after returning to London.

After he skillfully took the menu from the coffee shop table, his first concern was to ask the other person why he didn't have lunch.

"We have exams coming up soon and need to...need to lose weight."

The girl told her why she didn't eat lunch, and the slight restraint that existed in her seemed to be relaxed.

"Let me run with you tonight. It can be done in the gym or outdoors. The excess calories will be consumed quickly and will not delay your weight loss plan at all. But running on an empty stomach is not a good choice."

When Li Ang said this, he asked Anastasia if she could eat seafood.

The little girl may not have had lunch for a long time.

Li Ang saw that she wanted to refuse, but in the end he hesitated, turning his fair face into a puffy look, so he smiled and made up his mind.

A small portion of seafood fried rice, plus a portion of Galician octopus, the familiar aroma instantly made Li Ang feel like he was back in Spain.

The girl ate deliciously.

Even just three minutes ago, she mustered up the courage to ask Li Ang if she could ask the chef of the coffee shop to cancel this meal.

But now she still doesn't look like she wants to refuse.

After finishing the entire small portion of seafood fried rice and more than half of the Galician octopus, Anastasia stopped.

"It tastes pretty good, right? The owner of this shop is Spanish. I also asked local fans before I found out that they have opened a coffee shop here that can serve Spanish food."

Li Ang explained to the girl with a smile, while picking up a fork and eating the remaining half of the Galician octopus.

He didn't notice the smile that suddenly grew in the corners of Anastasia's eyes sitting opposite him.

After Leon stuffed the last piece of Galician octopus into his mouth, he ordered two more cups of coffee and sat with the girl in the store for about ten minutes before paying and taking her away.

Li Ang originally thought that after the two met today, it might take some time to get used to it before they could find the comfort level of chatting via text messages.

As a result, after he finished lunch with Anastasia, the little girl still had not the slightest trace of the restraint she had when they first met.

From the time the two of them drove to downtown London to the day they visited St. Paul's Cathedral, the girl acted more lively and generous than Li Ang imagined.

However, while the two were happily getting along, some small troubles also came.

The beauty of Anastasia attracted many Londoners to stop and look back along the way.

Li Ang only wore sunglasses today. There are not many stars in England who would deliberately disguise themselves when going out.

Wearing a hat, wearing sunglasses, and wearing a mask again, this strange trend will not appear here.

So Li Ang was finally recognized by his fans as expected.

Of course Li Ang is aware of his current popularity among Chelsea fans.

But what he didn't expect was when he and Anastasia were surrounded by a crowd.

A young fan wearing an Arsenal-themed sports jacket was also very excited and wanted his autograph.

In the end, Li Ang not only signed the autograph of this cute Arsenal guy with a smile on his face.

Under the traffic jam, he appealed to the citizens at the scene not to take photos, while at the same time giving autographs to at least nearly 40 people.

However, seeing more and more people at the scene, Li Ang felt bad. He couldn't care too much, took Anastasia's arm and hugged her in his arms.

Anastasia threw herself into Li Ang's arms before she could react. Li Ang protected her while apologizing to the fans and leaving, while calling his assistant.

Before the call was connected, Li Ang had time to explain to the girl in his arms.

"There are too many people at the scene, and I don't know if there are any reporters in the crowd now. I'm sorry, Anna..."

Anastasia understood what Li Ang meant.

Of course, Li Ang himself was not afraid of being photographed by reporters, but he did not want Anastasia to suffer such pressure from public opinion for no reason.

Don’t underestimate The Sun. For the sake of sales, they will make things vague for you even if they don’t exist.

Anastasia finally buried her little head in Li Ang's arms.

After Li Ang's assistant and security team arrived at the scene and took the two people away.

The Sun paparazzi who came after getting the news only took the last photo of Li Ang escorting Anastasia into the car and leaving, which made them all pat their thighs and get upset!

The scandal naturally spread on the spot. Even though The Sun did not get more photos in the end, there were really too many people watching Anastasia's beautiful face.

With these people's vivid descriptions, the Sun's newly released scandal report about Leon the next day was immediately swept away by curious London citizens.

This time the scandal was not just brewing in London and England. In less than a day, the entire European sports media seemed to have switched careers to engage in entertainment gossip.

They publicized Li Ang's love scandal.

This is at a time when all major European leagues are taking a break.

Fans who had no games to watch also turned their attention to Li Ang, who had always been known for his clean private life.

Some media speculated on the news about Li Ang's promiscuity, but they didn't believe it. They were more interested in what kind of woman took down Li Ang.

In this situation of unprecedented public attention, Leon naturally can no longer appear openly on the streets of London with Anastasia.

However, this time he did not let Mendes refute the rumors for his public relations.

After taking the girl directly back to his villa in Surrey, which is not far from the training base, Li Ang apologized.

But Anastasia said she could understand.

After seeing that there was indeed no embarrassment in the girl's generous expression, Li Ang felt relieved.

The relationship between her and Anastasia is a bit subtle now. If you want to say they are friends, then they can indeed be considered friends.

But he could not openly announce directly to the outside world:

They are just friends.

Therefore, Li Ang did not let Mendes refute the rumors immediately.

He originally planned to spend more time with Anastasia and see if she had the same thoughts as him.

But today's experience made him sober up quickly. With his current status, he couldn't get to know each other slowly with a girl.

Because the public opinion environment does not support it.

He didn't want to disturb the other person's world too much, but under the attention of all-pervasive media reporters, as long as he appeared, everything and everyone around him would be basically transparent.

Even if The Sun doesn't dig up any information about Anastasia today, what about in the future?

Every time they meet, even if it's just to have a meal, do they have to be secretive and cautious?

Li Ang didn't like this kind of life, and he felt that no normal person would like this kind of communication.

Just like now, after the outside media was furious, Li Ang couldn't even ask his assistant team to send Anastasia to the hotel.

Because his car, the cars of his assistant team, and even everyone in his assistant team, the outside media and newspapers have already dug them up.

On the one hand, he dared to ask his assistant to send Anastasia to a certain hotel, and on the other hand, The Sun dared to directly break the news, saying that Li Ang had a private meeting with a strange beauty in a certain hotel.

So even though he felt something was wrong in his heart, Leon had no choice but to take Anastasia directly to his residence.

After dinner, Li Ang took Anastasia to eat and jog in his home gym as planned in the afternoon.

The two were still chatting happily.

There was nothing dissatisfying about the girl, and Li Ang did not provide poor hospitality.

But after settling Anastasia and returning to the master bedroom to rest, Li Ang couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

“We have only met twice, and with today’s time, we haven’t even spent twelve hours together.

She enjoys chatting with me, I can clearly feel it.

The first time I hugged her in the afternoon, he didn't pull away and she didn't reject him.

I took her directly to my home. She trusted me and didn't raise any objections.


Many fragmented memories flashed through Li Ang's mind, and these rational analyzes prevented him from falling asleep quickly.

But he also knows that in many cases, women's way of handling and analyzing some things is not rational.

"Maybe I need to think about it from another angle?"

Li Ang muttered to himself in the dark, lightless room.

"No matter how open-minded young girls in Europe are about relationships, they can't just agree to live in the home of a man they've only met twice, right?"

Thinking of this, Li Ang suddenly lifted the quilt and turned on the light in his room.

"At least she doesn't object to getting along with me. She is a little girl who flew from Paris to London and is still living in my house. If she also has a crush on me, then she is at least more courageous than me!"

After putting on a T-shirt and sports pants, Li Ang picked up his phone and walked out of the room.

"Even if she really doesn't like me, that doesn't matter. I can't let an 18-year-old girl have to live with me because of public opinion.

If it is really reported by any media, I will be fine, but what kind of criticism will she and her family receive? "

Li Ang's thoughts became clearer.

He really doesn't have much experience in relationships, but his ability to deal with things is always online.

Or express your feelings openly and formally face the media and public opinion.

Either they should get rid of this public opinion dilemma as soon as possible, openly declare their friendship, and give their girls freedom.

It is irresponsible to let a little girl live in your own home without being clear about it.

If the media makes a mess of publicity and her personal world is destroyed by public opinion, then Li Ang will only feel that it is his responsibility.

After figuring this out, all the confidence and generosity of the past seemed to have returned to Li Ang.

Standing in front of Anastasia's guest room, Leon thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the other party.

If Anna is not asleep, he will ask the other party to come out and resolve the matter properly. If Anna is already asleep, he will talk to her about it before going to training tomorrow.

But what he didn't expect was that instead of receiving a text message, he received a call from Anastasia!

The ringtone of his cell phone suddenly came to mind in the quiet corridor. Li Ang's heart skipped a beat and he quickly pressed the answer button.

The moment the call was connected, the girl's slightly panicked exclamation came from the other side.

There was a pause of two or three seconds before Anastasia's voice came out of the receiver.

"I...I didn't sleep, and you were at the door of my room?"

Obviously, the girl heard the ringtone of Li Ang's cell phone the moment it rang.

Li Ang also felt very embarrassed at this moment. Staying at someone's door and sending text messages in the middle of the night seemed a bit perverted no matter how you looked at it...

"Yes...but I just came here! I thought that if you didn't sleep, I would have a talk with you. If you fell asleep, I would go back to the room directly. I will talk to you again when you wake up tomorrow."

Feeling the heat on his face, Li Angqiang calmly explained himself.

He originally thought it would take some time for Anastasia to open the door.

But after hanging up his phone, it only took three or four seconds for Anna, who was fully dressed, to directly open the door. In other words, it seemed that she did not go to bed directly to rest at this time.

After exercising in the evening and washing up, the girl's face had long lost any light makeup, but it looked particularly clean and fresh at the moment.

The ponytail she wore during the day has also been let down.

The silky long hair was draped over the girl's shoulders, and a few strands were stuck on her fair and pink cheeks, which made her look timid instead of the elegant and generous one during the day.

The main light in the guest room was not turned on, Anastasia just turned on a desk lamp that gave off a soft glow.

She opened the door completely at this moment and stood in the room without speaking. She looked at Li Ang with slightly drooped eyelids, not knowing what she was thinking.

Li Ang did not speak immediately. He was organizing his words and trying to make himself look "normal" now.

"What happened during the day, first of all, thank you for your understanding, Anna."

Li Ang took a deep breath, then spoke slowly, looking generously at Anastasia, who was still unmoved at this moment.

"But I think it's very unfair to you that this situation is happening now. This kind of public opinion storm should not happen to you..."

Just when Li Ang was about to say the next sentence to fully clarify his purpose, the girl standing opposite him frowned slightly and suddenly spoke.

"So? You want to drive me away now?"

There seemed to be some slight resentment in the girl's tone, which Li Ang had never heard from her during the day.

He waved his hands quickly.

"I definitely never thought of it that way!"

Anastasia's eyelids seemed to droop again, and her hand squeezed the door panel beside her.

"Then what do you want to talk to me about?"

When Li Ang saw this, he was heartbroken, put his right hand on the outside of his thigh and twisted it hard!

The feeling of pain suddenly made his brain sober again.

Then his organized words came out smoothly.

"I haven't been in love much, but I think you know my feelings to some extent... I'm sorry that something like this happened today, but I don't want to put you at risk of public opinion just like this without being clear."

When Li Ang said this, he felt as if a huge stone had been lifted from his heart, and he felt much more relaxed.

"So, Anna, I will only have two answers to the media tomorrow, either you are my girlfriend, or you are my friend, you..."

Before Li Ang could finish saying "You have a good rest and you can give me an answer tomorrow", Anastasia raised her head again and looked at him with burning eyes.

"You have to tell me the truth and don't lie to me."

The girl's voice at this moment was gentle, but equally powerful. She was serious and firm.

Li Ang looked at her and nodded subconsciously.

"Do you... really like me?"

"Yes, I like you and have a good impression of you!"

"Why? We have met twice now because of our usual chat?"


When Li Ang said this, he coughed slightly in embarrassment, but he still answered honestly.

"Because when I first saw you, I thought you were very beautiful. I couldn't help but want to ask your name."

After Li Ang expressed his desire to meet someone a little more politely, he did not expect the dissatisfaction or contempt from the girl that he expected.

He saw the smile that completely bloomed on Anastasia's face, and what was waiting for him was the girl's bold and active hug.

This sudden change stunned Li Ang.

So much so that he didn't know where to place his hands.

After clearly hearing the strong heartbeat in his chest, Li Ang asked dizzy.

"What about you, why..."

"Just like you!"

The girl tightened her hands around Li Ang's neck, and her slightly playful and sly answer reached Li Ang's ears, making his ears itchy.

Li Ang finally reacted at this moment.

Why did Anastasia tell herself her name despite being shy.

Why would she want to chat with him via text message every day?

Why did she just make an excuse to ask her aunt when he invited her to London some time ago, but in fact she readily agreed.

And today, I was held in my arms obediently...

Li Ang's hands hugged the girl's waist tightly, and all the doubts and anxiety in his heart were swept away.

"It turns out that you are also motivated by sex..."

The emotional plot is basically at this level. We have never been in a serious relationship. When I was studying, I was rejected by girls who pursued me. If I really want to write it, I can only rely on my personal ambiguous experience and imagination to solve it. , but at least this problem has been solved. Please don’t say that our little lion is a eunuch in the book review area. Li Ang will also have a girlfriend in the future!

It’s just that his author hasn’t…

555, the bosses have pity on the foodies, vote more monthly and subscribe more.

For the sake of the foodie, he was still racking his brains this night, watching various love videos to figure out the plot.

The single author still has to arrange a girlfriend for the protagonist, ah! It hurts!

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