Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 252 Arsenal, it’s time to give up your illusions

As a veritable sufferer of Barcelona in recent years, he surpassed Cristiano Ronaldo and was voted by all Barcelona fans as their least favorite player.

Even though he has left La Liga this season, Li Ang's name still triggers a lot of complaints among the huge Barcelona fan base whenever it is mentioned.

The main reason is that Li Ang played too hard against Barcelona in Real Madrid in the past few seasons. The worst record was a draw between Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Barcelona fans can occasionally make fun of Ronaldo, and there is no psychological burden on catching Ronaldo.

Because Ronaldo lost to Barcelona many times at Manchester United and Real Madrid, and there were some tragedies among them.

In comparison, Li Ang is more like a son of luck.

In his first season with Real Madrid's first team, Mourinho did not allow him to be included in the squad for the game against Barcelona in order to protect him.

After he returned from training in Serie A, Real Madrid took shape, just as Barcelona also went downhill. The result was that Real Madrid pushed Barcelona to the ground for two consecutive years!

By this season, Barcelona has finally waited until the Real Madrid generals are at odds and the old traditional problem of locker room conflicts arises.

Mourinho left, Barcelona introduced Neymar, and its strength improved.

As a result, before Barcelona fans could think more about how to deal with Li Ang this season, this kid moved to the Premier League with Mourinho!

Of course, if Li Ang still stays at Real Madrid, even without Mourinho, it is still unknown whether Barcelona can defeat Real Madrid in the first round of the league.

But such an assumption is no longer considered by most Barcelona fans.

All they know now is that Barcelona defeated Real Madrid, and they also vented their anger at being suppressed by Real Madrid in the past two seasons.

However, at this important moment when their self-confidence is gradually rising, they once again picked their most hated coach, most hated player and most hated opponent in the Champions League.

They found that they were not as confident as expected and dared to stand up and challenge their opponents.

Even though Li Ang had already taken the lead and greeted them.

There are still some Barcelona fans who dare to go to Li Ang's tweets and make verbal counterattacks to shut up Li Ang, but they are not many.

Perhaps more Barcelona fans have suffered enough in the past two seasons.

After being beaten several times, they had to admit that there was something mysterious about Li Ang!

No fan in Europe knows the outcome of competing with Li Ang before the game better than Barcelona fans.

Perhaps deep down in their hearts, Barcelona fans have ten thousand reasons to convince themselves that the current Barcelona lineup is stronger than Chelsea.

Barcelona may not be able to get too much advantage when facing Bayern now, but they can still get through it stably by playing Chelsea.

But when thinking of the sideways smiling photo that Li Ang posted recently, Barcelona fans still chose to follow their hearts.

They want to wait until the first leg of the next round of Champions League knockout rounds is over before seeing the actual situation before confronting Chelsea fans.

There was no way, they did beat Real Madrid this season, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

But before actually winning against Mourinho and Li Ang, their hearts were always not at ease.

Fortunately, this kind of nervousness does not have to last long. On April 2nd, Barcelona and Chelsea will compete in the first round at Camp Nou!

Whether to defeat the inner demons and rise again on the bones of old opponents, or to repeat the same mistakes and continue to be defeated at the feet of Mourinho and Liang, we will finally know.

Barcelona fans are a little nervous and have a lot of expectations.

On the eve of the league battle with Arsenal, Li Ang slept quite soundly after sending out the tweet teasing Barcelona.

He was so nervous...that his balls were so tight!

In the past two seasons, Barcelona has not been Real Madrid's strongest enemy.

Even Bayern's Liang of the universe has already eaten it, twice!

Facing Barcelona, ​​which is still in the recovery period, he doesn't have anything else. He and Mourinho have the psychological advantage.

Including the post before the game, Li Ang had no intention of disrupting the mentality of Barcelona fans and players before the game.

He really wants to know, more than half of this season has passed and Barcelona, ​​which has not been severely beaten by him and Mourinho, has ever thought of him?

In other words, his old opponents when he was still playing in La Liga:

Like Iniesta, Xavi, Professor Bu, and the most powerful opponent he has ever faced, Messi. Do you miss the days of competing with him on the same court?

Well, he is so outspoken and magnanimous!

If there is a choice, Li Ang actually feels that meeting Real Madrid in the Champions League would be something that would make him even more happy and looking forward to it.

However, this year UEFA may want to create a bigger traffic gimmick, just look at the opponents and divisions in the draw.

UEFA gave Mourinho and Li Ang the chance to reunite with Real Madrid in the Champions League.

But the premise is that they must defeat Barcelona, ​​an old rival, and Bayern, the most popular top team in Europe.

If Chelsea do it, it will be a traffic feast, and UEFA's big gamble will succeed.

Even if Chelsea fails to do so, the two halves will still produce two strong enough teams to compete in the finals.

No matter how you look at it, UEFA is guaranteed to make money without losing money.

Of course, if interpreted from another angle, Li Ang believes in the argument made by Premier League fans that UEFA just doesn't like Premier League teams.

This is not just conjecture and imagination, but a fact that has been reflected in the past, present and possible future.

But after all, Li Ang didn't care too much about such a small suppression.

After all, he has already climbed the hardest road. Since Mourinho became famous, he has been on the road of going against countless powerful opponents.

In terms of psychological stress resistance, the two of them can be said to be better than any master-disciple combination in football.

So being drawn to Barcelona means just that to the two of them, it’s time to practice and play!

Train step by step, prepare for the battle, wait until April 2nd, and give your old rival a little iron-blooded surprise~

But before that, they still need to give full respect to Arsenal.

Even though Arsenal has now been overtaken by Liverpool and dropped to fourth in the Premier League, they are still 11 points behind Chelsea with one more game.

But none of that matters.

What matters is that Mourinho believes:

In the second contest with Chelsea this season, as long as Arsenal still has a slight desire to win the league championship, they will definitely give it their all!

Because this is Arsenal's only chance in the final stage of the league. If they lose to Chelsea, they will basically only have a theoretical possibility of competing for the championship.

Regardless of Wenger's usual tactical adjustments on the sidelines, there will always be some minor mistakes, but at such an important point in the season, Wenger will not make any big mistakes.

In the Premier League, Chelsea is not the only one who can play hard. They have only played the last eight or nine league games left. Who wouldn't fight for it if they have the chance? !

With such cautious assumptions, the Chelsea team sat at Stamford Bridge at home, showing 100% vigilance and attention, and determined to fight a hard and bloody battle with Arsenal!

On March 22, it was close to one o'clock in the afternoon in London.

Under the bright afternoon sun, Stamford Bridge was already filled with passionate and excited fans of Chelsea and Arsenal.

Players from both teams line up in the tunnel and wait for the referee's signal to come on.

Commentators from various countries have been prepared early and started pre-game warm-up work with their partners.

Today is Saturday, and the kickoff time of this game in China is almost nine o'clock in the evening. It can be said to be the perfect prime time to watch the game.

So as soon as Sina Sports started broadcasting, huge Chinese fans quickly poured into the online live broadcast room.

In the studio, Director Zhan Jun and Zhang Luzhang also appeared in front of the Chinese fans together on time.

After greeting each other familiarly, Zhan Jun handed over to Coach Zhang to analyze the recent game status of the two teams.

It wasn't until the players on both sides began to formally line up to enter the field that Zhan Jun took over the explanation and introduced the starting lineups of both teams today.

"Okay, now we also introduce to you the starting lineups of both sides today:

As for the home team Chelsea, Ibrahimovic and two small players are still on the front line. Chelsea's left and right wingers Hazard and De Bruyne are both well-known players to the fans.

In the midfield, Chelsea's three generals remain unchanged. Leon and Lampard are on the left and right sides of the midfield, and Matic is still in the middle and trailing behind.

Finally, on the defensive line, the central defender combination is Terry to partner Gary Cahill.

Although David Luiz has returned from injury ahead of schedule and was selected for the squad for this game, Mourinho did not include him in the starting lineup for the sake of safety.

Chelsea's starting right back is Azpilicueta and left back is Bertrand.

The starting goalkeeper is Cech. "

“So for the visiting team Arsenal, today’s starting lineup is as follows:

The starting goalkeeper is Poland national goalkeeper Szczesny.

At the center back position, German international Per Mertesacker is partnered by French international Koscielny, with Gibbs at left back and Sagna at right back.

In terms of midfield, Arsenal chose a five-midfield formation today, including Arteta, Tulalan, Cazorla, Podolski and Chamberlain.

On the front line, French high center forward Giroud burst forward..."

Zhan Jun quickly gave a brief introduction to the starting players of the two teams.

Director Zhang also took over the conversation and listed the personal data of the core players on both sides so far this season.

The most regrettable thing about this game for Arsenal is:

Their team's top scorer, Cavani, who has scored 21 goals in the Premier League so far, was unable to play due to an ankle sprain during previous training.

Therefore, Arsenal can only start French center Giroud in this game.

In terms of tactical support, Arsenal may have more options than before.

But in terms of finishing efficiency, Arsenal today undoubtedly need to think more about it.

After all, Giroud is not a high center forward known for his strong scoring ability.

After Podolski spent the honeymoon period of transferring to Arsenal last season, his ability to score goals has dropped significantly due to his physical health and condition this season.

Podolski played in more than 40 games last season, posting a double-double of 16 goals and 11 assists.

But so far this season, Podolski's total statistics are only 9 goals and 1 assist.

If he were in a mid-to-lower Premier League team, such data would be pretty good.

But in Arsenal, as the team's second most powerful striker, such data is relatively reluctant.

However, despite the offensive problems, Arsenal's backcourt defense, especially the defense of high-altitude balls, is still very reassuring to Arsenal fans because of Mertesacker's timely comeback at the end of the season.

The double midfielder combination of Arteta and Tulalang is still solid.

If Tularan hadn't been injured for a month and a half in the second half of the season, Arsenal and Manchester City might have about the same points.

But there is no way. In the midfielder position, the professor has not found any good seeds in recent years, and the personnel reserve is really insufficient.

Being able to successfully introduce Tularang this season is all a matter of luck.

Look at Flamini who is on the bench and often goes to the hospital bed. Tulalan, who has played 25 league games this season, can be regarded as a rare "iron man" in Arsenal's midfield.

So at this moment, the thousands of Gunners fans at Stamford Bridge looked at Chelsea's forwards and defenders without any envy in their hearts.

Only when they saw the strong and durable Li Ang and Matic, they couldn't help but salivate!

As long as Chelsea can give them one of these two midfielders, they can dare to say that they will have more confidence in competing for the championship this season!

It's a pity that I can only go through this thought in my head once and have sex.

After all, the whole world knows that Mourinho will never let go of the precious waist in his team.

When he was at Real Madrid, Mourinho was criticized by countless fans across Europe because of his love for waistline.

But now, complaints are complaints, but these fans wish that their coach could search for good defensive midfielders all over the world like Mourinho!

Unfortunately, when it comes to looking at defensive midfielders, there are not many coaches in football who can be better than Mourinho.

Before the game officially started, the Sky Sports commentator also made a blunt statement.

Whether Arsenal can score points at Stamford Bridge today depends on whether their midfielder is strong enough.

In terms of numbers, if Wenger succeeds, it will not be difficult to maintain a draw. After all, Arsenal's defense is quite good.

But if he can't stand it, then Li Ang will not be polite to Arsenal.

Today Arsenal is already weaker on the offensive end. If the midfield is penetrated again, the situation will naturally be extremely dangerous...

With the referee's whistle, this morning focus match of the 30th round of the 2013-2014 Premier League season officially begins!

Chelsea, who took the first kick off, didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack Arsenal.

After Li Ang took possession of the ball, he directly made a tactical gesture to signal his teammates to spread out their formation first.

Faced with the pressing pressure of Giroud and Cazorla, Li Ang made two flexible 180-degree half-turns, and after getting rid of the two people gracefully, he handed the ball to De Bruyne.

Relying on the numerical advantage in the midfield today, Podolski and Arteta also decisively double-teamed De Bruyne who was holding the ball.

At this moment, Li Ang stepped in to support and gave a signal.

De Bruyne quickly turned around and knocked the ball back. Then Li Ang made a slight adjustment and directly passed the ball to Hazard, who had been waiting on the left side for a long time.

This long pass by Li Ang was very comfortable. It was said that it was a bit too much for a cruise missile, but the accuracy is still worthy of praise.

The focus is more on Li Ang's broadening of his vision.

If Real Madrid fans who are most familiar with Li Ang are watching this game, they will find that Li Ang's vision is indeed much wider now than before.

This feeling of seeing more and deeper than other midfielders often only appears in midfield masters.

And Li Ang's relaxed and unrestrained energy is becoming more and more like Brother Long and Master Pi.

Chelsea's first offensive attempt at the opening was quickly completed by Hazard and Ibrahimovic.

At the moment when Hazard was passing the ball forward, Koscielny was smart enough to defend forward and did not let Ibrahimovic receive the ball in the Arsenal penalty area.

However, after seeing his side's successful defense this time, Mr. Wen was not very happy.

Because after seeing Li Ang showing good passing status from the beginning today, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Yes, Arsenal deployed a relatively large number of defenders in the midfield.

But Li Ang used his vision and long passes, which are already considered top-notch in football, to prove that he is fully capable of pulling apart Arsenal's midfield defense.

This ability to quickly and steadily transfer the ball from one wing to the other is enough to make Hazard and De Bruyne's raids more threatening.

Wenger was a little nervous, and while standing on the sidelines, he kept telling Gibbs and Sagna not to rush forward and attack.

But to be honest, Wen's Arsenal, which has offensive football in its bones, may be able to invest more in defense for a while.

But it is indeed difficult for the two full-backs who have strong offensive attributes to stay in the game.

Fortunately, Arteta and Cazorla are still keeping a close eye on Li Ang.

And when Li Ang passed the ball long, Arsenal's defense was not too slow to move laterally.

So for the time being, it seems that Arsenal's midfield and backfield defense is still relatively good.

Even if they will increase their offensive capabilities sooner or later, at least in the first 10 minutes of the game, Arsenal did not allow Chelsea to attack even once.

The tempo of the game seemed to be slowly slowing down. Chelsea's offense was not successful. According to common sense, it would not be long before Arsenal's offensive power point was reached.

After all, if they continue to take the initiative to launch an offensive, the players' physical fitness will eventually be unable to bear it, especially at the end of the season.

So Wenger is a little relieved now.

But in the 12th minute of the first half, Chelsea looked like they were about to lose control of the ball.

Li Ang once again broke through the double-team of Cazorla and Podolski, and quickly pushed the ball to De Bruyne who raised his hand on the side.

Seeing that Li Ang was no longer holding the ball, Arsenal's defenders subconsciously moved towards the left side of their own half, trying to block Chelsea's side advance.

However, this time De Bruyne did not cooperate with Azpilicueta on the wing.

After he decisively cut inside and took the inside line, he didn't seem to pay much attention, and then quickly swung his legs and sent a long diagonal pass!

"Long pass transfer from De Bruyne! The Arsenal players seem to have forgotten that it is not just Leon who has outstanding long pass skills in the Chelsea team!"

Zhan Jun was amazed by the precise long pass sent by De Bruyne!

And Hazard, who was unloading the ball perfectly on the left, looked at the few Arsenal defensive players in front of him and felt happy!

Arsenal finally paid the price for their momentary defensive carelessness.

Sagna is really old. Facing Hazard's forced breakthrough, he was completely passed.

After Hazard successfully cut inside Arsenal's penalty area, Mertesacker was in a dilemma for a while.

Because his defensive turn is already very slow, if Hazard is out of position, Hazard can basically hit the goal directly to threaten Szczesny.

So after a moment of consideration, Mertesacker decided not to take the initiative.

But Azar's movement came faster than he expected.

After using a quick cross to pass the ball to Ibrahimovic, who was already stuck in the middle of the penalty area, Hazard had completed his mission in this attack.

Mertesacker had no choice. He let go of Hazard immediately and turned towards Ibrahimovic.

Seeing that he was about to be double-teamed by Koscielny and Mertesacker, Ibrahimovic gave up the idea of ​​hitting the door directly.

After changing the ball from the side to protecting the ball with the back, what came into Ibrahimovic's field of vision was Lampard and Li Ang.

Ibrahimovic subconsciously pushed the ball back to Li Ang, who was more inclined to the center.

At this moment, Li Ang, who had used his speed advantage to get rid of Tulalang's entanglement, did not hesitate at all.

He knew that whenever he thought about making adjustments, Tularang would immediately take a tactical foul on him.

So he almost didn't slow down and went straight into Arsenal's penalty area!

Facing the panicked Koscielny, Leon didn't spike the ball again this time. He simply kicked the ball directly to the far corner of Arsenal's goal!

The familiar feeling came to Li Ang's heart again, and after taking out this confident shot, he was filled with emotion in his heart.

"The hard work of practicing penalty kicks was really not in vain!"

Szczesny seemed to be shaken by Mertesacker's huge body to save his sight. This interference was absolutely fatal to Szczesny at this moment.

Because when he saw the trajectory of Li Ang's shot, it was too late to make a save!

The football almost brushed the lower edge of the crossbar and was blasted into the upper left corner of Arsenal's goal!

At this moment, the scene at Stamford Bridge was shaking like a volcano erupting!

Li Ang put his hands behind his ears and strode towards the bottom line with an arrogant expression!

His flamboyant expression seemed to be silently telling all Arsenal fans.

it's time.

Give up your fantasies and recognize the reality!

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