Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 257 What stands out is torture, crying? Crying counts as time

Booing, everything that comes to my ears is booing!

There may also be a lot of angry yelling.

Li Ang couldn't hear clearly because the noise at Camp Nou was too loud at the moment.

He could only judge by what he saw in front of him: the behavior of many Barcelona fans raising their middle fingers, as well as the angry expressions on their faces and their mouths that could not be closed.

The words coming from the mouths of these fans are definitely unpleasant, but for Li Ang, this scene was also the one he was most familiar with.

Maybe he was still nervous when he first stepped into the Camp Nou stadium, but now he doesn't feel any pressure at all.

After finishing the gliding celebration, Li Ang climbed up from the turf quickly, then opened his arms like a normal person and turned around to meet his teammates.

The Barcelona fans on the side of the stadium were almost going crazy when they saw Li Ang's arrogance!

But they soon discovered that their boos and various insults had no effect on Li Ang's mood.

This guy even smiled more cheerfully when he hugged his teammates on the court!

Barcelona's players on the court also felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts at this moment.

Even though Messi quickly entered the match state in today's game, he even broke his own record of never scoring against Chelsea.

But this damned Li Ang quickly stood up and helped Chelsea equalize the score!

Really, even if a different player in the Chelsea team stepped up and scored the equalizing goal, the Barcelona players would not be so uncomfortable.

It just happened to be Li Ang. When he was at Real Madrid, he would always break the deadlock in games with Barcelona, ​​but after the transfer, he still couldn't get along with Barcelona!

Most of the Barcelona players on the field even had a trace of self-doubt in their hearts.

"Is there really nothing we can do against Li Ang's team?"

It's not that they are afraid of the enemy, but the fact that Li Ang performs exceptionally every time he plays Barcelona is too metaphysical.

It can be said that it was a coincidence once or twice, but now Li Ang has played more games with Barcelona than one can count, and it happens every time. I really don’t blame them for their random thoughts.

Even the way Messi looked at Li Ang became a little different at this moment.

However, this unusual emotional color did not last long on Messi's face.

Before the live camera could shift to his face, he shook his head and walked away.

As always, Messi did not try to use his body language to boost the morale of his teammates at such moments.

He is better at letting his performance speak for itself.

Xavi and Mascherano were still doing the work of boosting morale.

Martino, who was on the sidelines, seemed to have not recovered yet. He was discussing countermeasures with the assistant coaches.

"Chelsea will not give up the initiative easily, Mourinho is too cunning!"

"Their high press doesn't last throughout the game, which makes it more troublesome. We don't know when they will change the tempo of the game."

"Their physical condition is better, and we can't get too caught up in fighting with them."

"Let's seduce them to take the initiative to attack us. We can give some ball rights appropriately..."

During the short discussion time, members of Barcelona's coaching staff gave several tactical suggestions.

Although Martino was not very satisfied with what they said, at least he also obtained two important pieces of tactical information.

One is the initiative in the rhythm of the game, and the other is the physical difference between the two teams.

Obviously, Mourinho can give up a large part of the ball possession, but he is definitely not willing to give up the initiative of the game to Barcelona.

Chelsea's full-court high-pressure tactics that may be played at any time are Mourinho's magic weapon to use variations to seize the initiative in the game.

Chelsea's entire team's physical condition is undoubtedly healthier than Barcelona's.

Therefore, Mourinho can safely and boldly let Li Ang direct the team to play high-position presses in variations.

Chelsea can afford a war of attrition.

But Martino did not dare to let Barcelona let go and compete with Chelsea with all its strength.

Messi's attendance rate this season has dropped significantly compared to the previous three seasons.

Previously, Martino's use of Messi was relatively "economical".

To put it bluntly, even if they win this game, the other Barcelona players will be fine.

But as long as Messi has a cramp or an old injury relapses, Martino will basically be ready to resign as Barcelona coach in advance.

Barcelona's third-line battle this season was still able to last until the final stage, and Messi's strong performance in the second half of the season was indispensable.

The shortcomings in the lineup that Guardiola failed to solve before leaving Barcelona can actually not be solved by Martino now.

Barcelona's offense seems to be quite efficient, but essentially it still relies on Messi.

Even though Neymar's statistics are not bad now, the Brazilian star who has just landed in Europe and has not even played a full season cannot afford Barcelona's offensive backbone.

Only Neymar can tell next season.

Barcelona is currently in a tight situation, and its condition is not bad, but its physical problems have not been alleviated in the continuous third-line battle.

If Messi can still stand up, Barcelona can still fight.

But the cruel reality made Martino dare not make the slightest gamble on Messi's health.

Of course, Barcelona will continue to take the initiative to attack at their home court. But Martino knew in his heart that there would be a time point when this offensive method would end.

Unless they really see an excellent opportunity to defeat Chelsea in a forceful battle, Martino will have no choice but to give up.

After Li Ang celebrated with his teammates, they returned to their own half and waited for Barcelona to kick off again.

At this moment, he didn't know Martino's inner struggle.

But he actually vaguely guessed that Barcelona did not have Chelsea's determination to directly compete in an event.

In fact, it is easy to understand.

Chelsea has already won a domestic cup championship in advance this season, and the Premier League championship is also within easy reach, so the whole team does not have too much competition pressure.

In the Champions League, Chelsea had a relaxed mentality that they would be successful if they reached the quarter-finals, and they would make a lot of money if they reached the semi-finals. They had two games with Barcelona.

Looking back at Barcelona, ​​they are currently fighting on three fronts, with the same points as Atletico Madrid in the league, and are temporarily ranked first in La Liga due to their goal difference advantage.

In the Copa del Rey, Barcelona eliminated Real Sociedad in the semi-finals and once again entered the Copa del Rey final, where they will play against Real Madrid.

So although their current third-tier championship situation is very good, if they are not careful, they may lose both the league and the King's Cup.

The schedule pressure and physical pressure are all piled on the Barcelona players, so it's no wonder that they can't work hard to play in the Champions League.

In order to protect the Champions League and the league last season, didn't Mourinho also directly give up the Copa del Rey to reduce the burden?

Li Ang has experienced six championships and defending seasons. He has personal experience in this aspect and naturally has more say.

After the game restarted, Li Ang felt that the Barcelona players' intensity in fighting had dropped sharply, and a flash of realization flashed in his mind.

However, he was not in a hurry to continue directing his teammates to press Barcelona full court.

After all, they came to Camp Nou to play away today.

The score is now 1-1. Chelsea doesn't seem to have an advantage, but they got a valuable away goal!

Of course, victory is what Li Ang desires more, but if he can escape from Camp Nou more stably, then Li Ang feels that it will be okay.

At this point, Li Ang and Mourinho have a highly overlapping tacit understanding.

Scoring one or two goals away from home, drawing with Barcelona, ​​and then returning home to deal with Barcelona severely is completely acceptable to Chelsea.

Therefore, the Chelsea team, which had high morale in counterattack, soon started playing Tai Chi push hands with Barcelona under Li Ang's deliberate rhythm suppression.

Xavi and Iniesta, who had not received Martino's tactical instructions, originally wanted to show weakness and let Chelsea press further.

In the end, they really didn't expect that Li Ang would not attack if he said he wouldn't attack. The key is that other Chelsea players have not yet disagreed with Li Ang.

So at a time when many neutral fans thought the two teams were about to fight fiercely, Chelsea and Barcelona tacitly slowed down the pace of the game.

Of course, this strange temporary calm scene did not last long.

Three minutes later, Martino made his tactical adjustments decisively.

Barcelona still needs to be more proactive in attacking. If they have the advantage of home court and still draw with Chelsea, then Barcelona will be too passive.

Xavi had no objection to this. Martino made the right tactical decision, and it was impossible for Barcelona to play a defensive counterattack with Chelsea.

After the team's thinking was quickly unified, Barcelona forced the offensive and defensive rhythm of the game.

Messi is still very confident, and his confidence comes from a clear understanding of his own strength.

Moreover, Matic and Ramirez's previous defensive moves were not difficult for him.

At least compared to Li Ang, Matic's defense does not make him feel irritated or depressed.

Messi feels that he still has the ability to help Barcelona open up the situation on the offensive end.

Until he got the ball again, the defender he faced was no longer Matic...

"Don't look at me in such surprise. I didn't guard you at the beginning because I wanted to participate in the attack, but you are so powerful that I managed to equalize the score. I don't want to see you score again... eh, 伱Don't run!"

The familiar teasing voice came to mind again, and Messi's face lost the smile again.

He ran away, but Li Ang followed him closely.

This is not a targeted defensive tactic arranged by Mourinho, but a decision made by Li Ang to retreat on his own initiative.

After all, fans all over the world have seen the effect of Matic and Ramirez defending Messi.

Li Ang doesn't think Mourinho wants to take such a big defensive risk and really play a self-destructive attack with Barcelona.

The first round is an away game. If you take advantage of enough, then of course you have to give up when things get better.

Five minutes ago, Li Ang, who had just helped Chelsea score the equalizer, was also in a very excited mood.

He also really wants to score one or two more goals to help the team win this game completely.

But after calming down, Li Ang quickly changed his mind.

If there is a peak Kante in the Chelsea team now, then Li Ang will not say a word and will definitely be unable to come down on the offensive end. He can rest assured that Kante is there to defend Messi.

It's a pity that this is just a hypothesis. He feels that he needs to personally limit Messi's performance. Matic still seems a bit cumbersome against Messi.

So without Mourinho's signal, Li Ang took the initiative to retreat to the midfielder position, allowing Ramirez to push forward.

Chelsea also quickly changed from a state of rushing to attack and slowing down defense to a state of rushing to defend and slowing down offense.

Messi's performance was quickly affected. After all, Li Ang's stalking skills have reached a new level.

After both Leon and Messi "disappeared" from the game, it was still difficult for Barcelona to rely on Sanchez and Neymar to tear apart Chelsea's defensive system.

There is an argument for replacing Sanchez with Suarez now or Henry five years ago, but it is a pity that it cannot be replaced.

Mourinho saw that Li Ang was still very effective in defending Messi, so he also acquiesced in Li Ang's active retreat.

This change of position prevented Barcelona from changing the score again until the referee blew the halftime whistle.

In the final period of the first half, Chelsea did a good job of interrupting the rhythm of the game.

Without the sharp edge of Messi, Barcelona's offensive rhythm has indeed had a big problem like a break.

Martino was a little anxious, and the rest of the Barcelona players lost their smiles.

After the 15-minute break, Barcelona, ​​which took the lead, once again took the initiative to launch a ferocious attack into Chelsea's half.

Maybe he wanted to seize the start and take the initiative in the game after his physical fitness recovered slightly.

Barcelona's attack started quickly. The forward pressure of their two full-backs is also a bit exaggerated.

But in front of Chelsea's three-midfielder formation, Barcelona's tidal wave of offensive seemed to be slapped on three solid rocks!

The splash was huge and the shots were more frequent, but even if they couldn't penetrate these three rocks, Barcelona couldn't further threaten Chelsea until the final gatekeeper - Cech!

Messi rarely became anxious along with the whole team. He raised his hand resolutely to ask for the ball in another attack.

Of course Iniesta chose to believe him 100%.

But just when Messi moved sideways to get the ball and turned around to advance, Li Ang and Ramirez's double-team defense was also very resolute!

Messi immediately cursed in his heart.

Because just half a minute ago, Li Ang was chattering in his ear about having a 1v1 man battle with him in the second half.

It had only been a short time before Li Ang dismissed what he said as farts. If he said he was going to double-team, he would double-team him. There was no psychological burden at all!

Messi, who was suffocating in his heart, stubbornly accelerated his pace. He still wanted to break out from the double team of the two.

But Li Ang saw the opportunity and made a decisive shovel!

The scene was so exciting that Li Ang fell, and Messi also fell down, but the football was shoveled to the side by Li Ang.

The referee did not call Li Ang's foul.

Because he had just seen clearly that Li Ang's tackle this time was very smart. When Messi accelerated the ball, Li Ang poked the ball away.

As for bringing down Messi, it was more due to the helplessness of physical inertia.

Moreover, after Li Ang knocked the ball away, he made a subconscious movement to close his feet.

Therefore, the referee directly made a gesture to indicate that the game should continue. The other Barcelona players did not even have time to appeal, so they could only start to return to defense in a hurry.

Bertrand, who moved forward smartly, had already rushed three or four meters with the ball.

Li Ang didn't care about continuing to lie on the turf with Messi and chatting about life ideals. He got up from the ground and started accelerating with all his strength!

After Bertrand attracted the defensive attention of Busquets and Xavi, he did not pass the ball to Hazard on the edge.

He was very bold and unexpected and sent a long diagonal pass that broke the half-court and moved the ball to his right!

The pass was relatively average, but fortunately Barcelona's left defense was relatively empty at this moment.

Alba and Alves had pushed forward too far before. Now they are still desperately trying to catch up, but how can it be so easy to catch up with their lagging positions?

De Bruyne did not make any stopping errors. After unloading the ball perfectly, he dribbled the ball to the right edge of Barcelona's penalty area without hesitation.

This position is already an excellent passing area for De Bruyne.

Martino and many Barcelona fans at the scene clenched their hands subconsciously.

Li Ang's forward thrust and De Bruyne's cross matched almost perfectly!

Commentators from various countries also exclaimed again at this moment!

Exactly the same offensive routine. Will Li Ang take his second header of the game? !

However, after seeing Pique changing his defensive target this time and decisively rushing towards him, Li Ang decisively changed his header from the front of the Barcelona penalty area to a header!

His cool moves directly brought Pique's targeted defense to naught!

At this moment, at the back point of Barcelona's penalty area, Mascherano could only cry without tears and jump with Ibrahimovic to compete for two points.

This scene was as funny as Sanchez and Matic competing for a high ball in the first half.

Ibrahimovic didn't seem to jump hard, so he overpowered Mascherano and headed Li Ang's high ball towards the center of the Barcelona goal!

Pinto pounced on the near corner of the goal, but he pounced in the wrong direction!

And watching the birth of this goal, countless Barcelona fans were heartbroken!

It's obviously a different opponent.

But why can they still see Li Ang's restriction on Messi's performance, the opponent's interruption of Barcelona's penetration rhythm in the middle line, and this damn high-altitude bombing! ! !

Two years ago, Real Madrid used this mixed style of play to abruptly knock Barcelona off the top of Europe.

Mourinho, now back at Chelsea, has reproduced this set of tactics that make Barcelona fans feel extremely disgusted!


Such opponents and tactics are simply torture for Barcelona fans!

Angry boos filled the air over Camp Nou again, but at this moment the smiles on the faces of Leon and Mourinho were even brighter.

Just want this familiar feeling.

Torture? Just torture!

Don't cry in your heart for too long. Crying also counts as game time!

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