Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 296 Nineteen consecutive victories against the devil, a perfect half-way ending!

After playing the 17th round of the Premier League, the Chelsea team rushed back to London overnight.

There will be no training throughout the morning on December 23, so Chelsea players can sleep comfortably after the game against Stoke City.

They will not need to report to the Cobham training base until three o'clock in the afternoon for physical examination and recovery training.

The next round against West Ham United will come in four days.

This is the only good news for the Chelsea team in the near future.

Because after playing West Ham United, they only have one and a half days of rest, and then they will go to an away game against Southampton.

Such a schedule is difficult for the top teams in the Premier League to understand, and it is basically unacceptable to these teams.

The middle and lower reaches of the Premier League teams with weaker benches have only two choices in the face of such a devilish schedule.

The first is a hard cap, which is to bet that bad luck will not find the players in your team, and to bet that your players are so durable.

Second, in order to ensure the health of the players, we can only give up the final game of this round through tactical rotation.

There is no way, if we don't give up, after the final game, we will have to play the twentieth round of the Premier League after the New Year three days later.

Two matches in seven days is already too much, so the Football Association has directly arranged a schedule of three matches in seven days!

If a core player of a small team is injured at this stage, it is not a trivial matter and will almost affect the team's overall preparations for the second half of the league.

Which one is more important, these teams are still very clear about it.

Chelsea's opponent in the next round of the league, West Ham United, may also consider using rotation in the final game and strive for a draw with their opponents.

But in the showdown with Chelsea, they barely had enough energy left after four days of rest.

At present, their position in fourth place in the Premier League is not very secure, so naturally they still want to try to take away points from Stamford Bridge.

On the afternoon of December 26, most Premier League fans around the world turned their attention to Stamford Bridge Stadium in London.

The match between Chelsea and West Ham United is about to take place. This is also the morning opening match of the 18th round of the Premier League.

British media outlets, large and small, sent reporters to the scene at Stamford Bridge.

Compared to witnessing another dominant win for Chelsea.

Of course, these reporters want to see West Ham United create miracles and overturn Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

Only then will they have more exciting content to write about, and the collapse of Chelsea's undefeated streak will also cause a greater sensation in public opinion.

In the pre-match publicity for this Premier League highlight battle, many English sports newspapers even clearly sided with West Ham United.

At this moment, West Ham United has completed its warm-up, and the players who are ready to play are inevitably filled with pride that they want to represent other Premier League teams against the big devil Chelsea.

Facing an opponent that is much stronger than oneself, it is certainly a good thing to have this confidence.

Allardyce, the head coach of West Ham United, can only further invigorate his players at this moment.

He also wanted to remind his disciples to keep their heads clear at all times, and to clearly understand the huge gap between their own team and Chelsea.

But by saying this, he was worried that it would affect the morale of his players.

So at the last moment before the start of the game, Allardyce simply stopped emphasizing caution and vigilance.

With the weak attacking the strong, the gap in strength is not small, so naturally the only way to make a fuss is from the aspect of spiritual will.

West Ham United's current lineup is relatively complete and can fight this tough battle.

To put it bluntly, Allardyce is taking a gamble. If the gamble wins, his team will grow qualitatively on a spiritual level.

If he still loses the game, he has a reason to appease his players.

After all, Manchester City and Arsenal lost to Chelsea before. It is already good that we can resist tenaciously.

Anyway, we have something to say about winning or losing, and we are not afraid of being criticized by the fans.

In this game, West Ham United is more like a barefoot man, just go up and be done with it, and they don't have too many worries about the game.

As for Chelsea, they naturally want to firmly control the rhythm of the game, so as to win the game at a smaller cost.

Of course, in the preparations before the game, Mourinho and the Chelsea coaching staff had anticipated West Ham United's tactical attitude towards this game in advance.

In other words, after winning 17 consecutive league victories and receiving praise from major sports media across Europe.

The entire Chelsea team has been mentally prepared to encounter desperate sniping attacks from different teams in the next league.

Not to mention defeating them, as long as they can draw with them and break their winning streak, they will gain high prestige and media praise.

If they were the current West Ham United, they would have to fight hard to see if they could unseat the league's top hegemon!

When Li Ang was preparing for the game a few days ago, he felt that today's battle with West Ham United would definitely be very fierce.

So he didn't delay and used a physical recovery potion yesterday.

At present, his physical condition has not returned to peak condition, but it is at least above 90%.

So if West Ham United's midfielders want to take advantage today, they will definitely get a big "surprise"~

At 1:45 pm London time, the morning opener of the 18th round of the Premier League started on time at Stamford Bridge Stadium.

West Ham United, which won the first kick-off, very boldly launched a full-scale pressure on Chelsea's half!

West Ham United, which has a starting lineup of 433, can invest three forwards, three midfielders and two full-backs at one time on the offensive end.

This is not a big deal, and the intensity of the Hammers' attack really surprised the fans in front of the TV!

Let’s not talk about whether the offensive effect is good or not. Just for this courage, Premier League fans from all walks of life cheered for West Ham United from the bottom of their hearts.

Upon seeing this, Li Ang retreated decisively.

Together with Matic and Kroos, they were directly at the forefront of their own defensive third zone.

Lukaku and De Bruyne, who started in place of Hazard today, followed suit.

On both wings and at the top of the center arc, he defends against West Ham United's ball-handling playmaker.

Chelsea, which quickly entered a defensive state, did not give West Ham United many opportunities for offensive penetration.

Seeing that the start was not going well, Allardyce quickly directed his players to maintain their defensive level and quickly switched to a two-wing advancement mode.

However, West Ham United's two-wing style of play does not involve two wingers taking turns to intervene.

West Ham United's main attacker on the right is indeed winger Downing.

But on the left, their winger Enna Valencia relies more on speed to rush through the opponent's defense.

The rhythm player and crosser who makes more delicate offensive changes is their left back Cresswell.

Relying on this slightly strange two-wing offensive tactic, West Ham United has achieved a lot of tactical miraculous results in previous games.

Tangning can play freely on the right wing. Although Jenkinson's offensive ability is weak behind him, he can defend honestly and wipe his ass.

Tangning, who had had enough of the weight of offensive tactics, handed over the data of 4 goals and 5 assists in the 17th league round!

This offensive efficiency is not bad at all for a winger who is already 30 years old.

So today Mourinho specially asked Azpilicueta to play as a left back, and cooperated with Matic to directly lock Downing's performance.

On the right, Ivan, who is slightly slower due to his increasing age, can only sit on the bench today.

Karas, who has good speed and single-marking ability, started on the right wing.

Valencia has a strong explosive ability, but after playing in front of Kalas for more than ten minutes, they still haven't got even a chance to get out of the bottom line.

Cresswell's performance in pushing forward today was no better than before. There was nothing he could do about it. Every time he wanted to push forward, there was an eyeing Li Ang in front of him.

How does this allow him to perform?

In front of Li Ang, his speed and confrontation are not superior.

In order to lose as little important ball rights as possible, Creswell can only advance slightly.

Either to support Valencia, or to support West Ham United left midfielder Kouyate who has the ball.

It can be said that the Chelsea coaching staff took into consideration the threats on both wings of West Ham United before the game and made corresponding restrictive measures.

For this reason, Mourinho did not hesitate to give up the offensive initiative at the start of the game at home, consolidate the defense first, and test the strength of West Ham United's offensive system.

After watching the development of the game for about 15 minutes, Mourinho gradually felt confident.

He also subconsciously looked at Li Ang, who was still in his own half focusing on defense.

"Tony, next time we seize the ball, we won't play long pass tactics. You control the field, stabilize the rhythm first, and we will slowly try to press through the center line!"

Like Mourinho, Li Ang, who has been observing the situation on the field since the start of the game, has already seen the reality of West Ham United's offensive intensity.

It can be said that West Ham United has achieved good results in previous leagues and ranks among the top four in the Premier League.

Their midfield fight is very fierce, the confrontation is also very tough, and the tactical system of attacking on both wings is complete.

Coupled with the high center forward Carroll, who has performed reasonably well in the middle this season, West Ham United has a rich offensive style and a balanced offense and defense.

Compared with Manchester United, which is still improving its tactical system, and Tottenham, which is full of injured soldiers, they are indeed more qualified to be ranked fourth in the Premier League.

However, if you want to go head-to-head with Chelsea, doing this is not enough.

West Hamlin's two-wing offense is indeed good, but it relies too much on Downing's performance.

As soon as Tangning stalled, West Ham United not only lost a right leg, but also lacked at least three-fifths of their wing offensive firepower!

Carroll doesn't have much ability to attack independently. He is still waiting for his teammates to pass the ball to him.

When Tangning needed support, he basically couldn't stand up and give feedback.

After seeing this clearly, Li Ang decisively decided to take back control of the game and began to suppress West Ham United in their counterattack.

Tangning can just leave it to Azpilicueta to mark him one-on-one.

As long as Downing can't move, Valencia on the left side of West Ham United will be nothing more than a reckless, "extraordinary" player.

To deal with such a player, Karas, who is extremely capable of single-marking, will naturally teach him how to behave.

After some instructions, Li Ang directly increased the mopping up firepower in the backcourt.

In the 24th minute of the first half, Chelsea, who once again seized the ball, no longer directly launched a long pass attack as before, but found wide players on both wings to counter West Ham United's quick counterattack.

Cross holds the ball in his own half, deliberately reducing the speed of passing the ball and the rhythm of the game.

Originally, the players on the West Ham United field were very worried that Chelsea would press heavily on this.

But they waited for a long time, but only saw a Chelsea team that patiently controlled the field and slowly regained the midfield position.

Unable to restrain themselves, West Ham United's frontcourt players began to press Chelsea's ball handlers.

But whether it is Cross or Liang who controls the ball, it is difficult for West Ham United's pressing players to touch the football from their feet.

The two not only hold the ball steadily, but also pass the ball with high accuracy.

Especially Li Ang's dribbling and circling, he can often get out of the double-team of two West Ham United players and break out of the siege!

The less you can grab the ball, the more you want to grab it and the more anxious you are.

Under the control of this increasingly impatient mood, more and more players from the West Ham United team are involved in pressing.

At this moment, Li Ang deliberately asked Cross to take the ball and retreat with him.

At first, he wanted to slowly regain control of the midfield and then launch a suppressive attack against West Ham United.

But now he has better offensive tactical options.

Since West Ham players like to press forward so much, why not make it happen for them?

The midfield space left by Li Ang and Cross after they retreated was quickly filled by West Ham United's midfielders.

After seeing that the opponent's midfield and backfield had been stretched loose and even out of touch, Li Ang suddenly took the ball and moved forward!

After passing West Ham United captain Nolan, Li Ang saw the right opportunity and sent a long, fast pass!

The football quickly hit the right side of West Ham United's half as if it were a guided missile.

Lukaku, who had completely accelerated his run, used his chest to remove the ball first during the run, and then made another violent pass!

Jenkinson was no match for the side confrontation with Little Warcraft!

This scene is very similar to the story of Drogba and Senderos.

What's more coincidental is that Jenkinson is also an Arsenal player now, he is just on loan to West Ham United~

After an unsuspicious side confrontation and overtaking, Lukaku went straight into the West Ham United penalty area!

West Ham United's centre-backs Collins and Reid only thought at this moment that Lukaku would pass the ball to Ibrahimovic who came in from the center.

But they never expected that Lukaku's final cross from the baseline would go straight to the back point!

De Bruyne, who got rid of Cresswell's marker, easily unloaded the ball, and then quickly knocked the ball back towards the top of West Ham United's penalty area.

It was only then that the West Ham United players realized what a terrible threat they had missed!

"De Bruyne's knockback! Liang inserted in from behind... and shot!!!"

Li Ang, who had not scored a long-range shot for a while, directly rounded his right foot at this moment, and then hit a blast from the front of the penalty area!

A terrifying dull roar exploded over the West Ham United penalty area!

Adrian, who was guarding West Ham United's goal, made the ultimate save with instinctive awareness at this moment.

But his fingertips did not touch the football as he expected, changing the trajectory of the football!

The sound of the friction between the football and the net finally reached Adrian's ears, and directly hit his heart to the bottom!

And what immediately shook his eardrums was the wild cheers of celebration from more than 40,000 Blues fans at Stamford Bridge!

"Oh——!!!! The ball is scored! Li Ang scored a world wave!!!

God! Scored goals in consecutive games again! This is also Li Ang's 17th Premier League goal! ! ! He's still racking up his goals! He still stepped forward in every stalemate and helped Chelsea open the scoring! "

The Sky Sports commentator couldn't help but shout with excitement and passion at this moment!

In the distant country of China, Zhan Jun, General Fan and Director Zhang, who were commentating on the game, were already cheering and celebrating!

Allardyce licked his dry lips, and he kept comforting himself in his heart, "The first half of the game is not over yet, we still have time."

But in fact, there was another voice whirling in the bottom of his heart at this moment.

"The personal ability gap between players is really too big, too big..."

Mourinho broke away from Holland's passionate embrace. After smoothing his messy hair, he walked to the sidelines and quickly made a hand-down gesture.

The Chelsea players on the field seemed to be on the same page and did not celebrate for long.

After the game restarted again, Chelsea quickly controlled the rhythm of the game and dragged the game into their favorite "fishing tactic".

The more West Ham United struggles, the more they invest in the offensive end, the more they have to bear a huge amount of defensive risks.

The score was finally fixed at 1-0 in the first half, which gave the West Ham United players their last hope of counterattack.

But within the first 20 minutes of the second half, Chelsea struck twice in a row, extending the lead to 3-0.

The morale of the entire West Ham United team was also shattered!

This so-called Premier League focus battle finally came to an end at Stamford Bridge with a score of 4-1.

Countless Premier League fans lament the strength of Chelsea.

Because after ushering in 18 consecutive victories, Chelsea has broken their own record of 52 points at the half-time.

And the nineteen-game winning streak at the halfway point is the last game left for Chelsea.

Such a dominant team has never appeared in the history of the Premier League before.

The vast majority of the English media have also begun to crazily praise Chelsea's strong record this season.

No one pinned their hopes of overturning Chelsea's unbeaten streak on Chelsea's nineteenth-round opponent, Southampton.

Including Southampton themselves.

Under the overwhelming publicity of this kind of public opinion, on December 28th, the powerful Chelsea directly launched a battle with Southampton at St. Mary's Stadium!

Li Ang, Hazard and Ibrahimovic all scored goals in this game.

And Chelsea also ended all matches in the first half of the 2014-2015 season relatively happily with a score of 4-2!

Chelsea has created an unprecedented record of winning all 19 league rounds in the Premier League after the reform.

Li Ang also became the top scorer in the Premier League this season with 18 league goals, beating Cavani and Suarez who scored 15 goals in the half-season of the league!

The big devil Chelsea holds its head high on the throne of the Premier League and looks down on its opponents.

Wherever you go, everyone surrenders!

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