Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 314 A stable winning streak that crushed Manchester City’s spirit

This year's Champions League quarter-finals are the same as last year. It can be said that every game is full of gold.

The teams that made it to the final eight of the Champions League are all from the four major European leagues and are currently ranked in the top four of their respective leagues.

In every matchup, the two teams are naturally strong and weak, but there is no such thing as a big gift package for any of the top eight teams in the Champions League.

Like the battle between Real Madrid and Manchester City.

Even though the vast majority of fans believe that Real Madrid will successfully reach the semi-finals of the Champions League, they also believe that Manchester City will cause Real Madrid a lot of trouble.

The same is true for the matchup between Chelsea and Juventus.

Chelsea, which had just defeated Barcelona, ​​was indeed in full swing.

However, in the last round of the knockout round, Porto kept a clean sheet with four goals in two rounds. They are also currently leading the Serie A. Juventus, which has almost locked up the Serie A championship, is not an easy player to deal with.

The competition between the current Premier League hegemon and the Serie A hegemon on the same field is still very eye-catching for fans.

Just the thought of having to wait another month to see the exciting Champions League showdown makes fans from all over the world feel itchy in their hearts.

Chelsea and Juventus also tightened their clockwork and went all out to harvest points in the league.

We want to strive to establish an absolute lead in the league before the Champions League quarter-finals officially start, so as to reduce the pressure of subsequent games.

In comparison, Juventus' dominance of Serie A looks much more stable than Chelsea's dominance of the Premier League.

Not long after the 27th round of Serie A, Juventus is already 15 points ahead of second-placed Roma in the standings!

Chelsea have finished the 29th round of the Premier League, and they are only 11 points ahead of Manchester City.

Of course, Chelsea have one game less. If Chelsea defeat Leicester City in the make-up match, their lead over Manchester City will be much larger.

But this is the "hypothetical" lead that fans like to discuss now.

In the Chelsea team, neither the coaches nor the players are thinking about the follow-up make-up games.

Train hard, win games hard, and move forward hard.

The entire Chelsea team no longer frequently looks at the subsequent schedule and rounds.

They don't expect Manchester City to suddenly collapse and fall behind, allowing them to win the championship earlier.

After last year's league championship experience, the young players in the Chelsea team are able to endure and maintain their condition in the sprint stage of the season.

Because they know very well that at this stage, whether it is a big victory or a small victory, as long as they can continue to win steadily, they will put the greatest pressure on Manchester City.

Coincidentally, they can squeeze another soft persimmon in the next round of the league~

In the 30th round of the Premier League, Chelsea will play away at Hull City, which is currently ranked fifth from the bottom in the Premier League.

Hull City, who still need points to avoid relegation, have a very strong will to fight.

If the other top six teams in the league go to Hull City to fight them at home at this time, it is really difficult to say that they will win surely.

But Chelsea is different.

Based on the demands Chelsea players have on themselves, and the demands the fans now have on Chelsea.

In the next round of the league, if Chelsea are upset and fail to win against Hull City, it will be entirely Chelsea's own huge mistake and problem.

At this stage, basically only Hull City's own fans and Manchester City fans will support Hull City.

The game predictions released by England's major media or sports programs before the game were completely one-sided in supporting Chelsea to win.

On March 21, the 30th round of the Premier League officially started. Manchester City took the lead and won West Bromwich Albion 3-0 neatly.

After a whole day of fierce battles, all seven Premier League games came to an end.

On March 22, Liverpool faced the challenge of Manchester United at home.

Suarez performed superbly and scored a hat-trick to help Liverpool beat Manchester United 3-2 and successfully regained a victory after losing to the Reds for the first time this season!

At the same time, Everton narrowly defeated Queens Park Rangers 2-1 in an away game.

The finale between Chelsea and Hull City attracted most Premier League fans to watch the game on time.

Chelsea, who had been resting for a full week, chose to start all the main players in this round of the league.

Hull City also came out with their main players, forming a 352 counterattack formation, hoping to have an offensive and defensive battle with Chelsea at home.

But Chelsea did not try to take over the rhythm of the game from the beginning as they expected.

Chelsea, who had a starting lineup of 4231 today, faced Hull City who took the first kick, but the fight was not very fierce.

He even deliberately let Hull City's ball-holding midfielder pass his own half.

This is obviously a tactic deliberately arranged by the Chelsea coaching staff. It depends on what the Hull City players and coaching staff think.

Anyway, Chelsea has given up the initiative in the game, and it is Hull City's own business to decide whether to do so or not.

On Chelsea's side, Li Ang directed the midfield defense and built a dense defensive layer in his own half.

Chelsea started the game in a trap. Chelsea haven't used such tactics for a long time, but today they showed 100% respect for Hull City.

Even if this kind of respect is not wanted by the Hull City team.

The live broadcast camera is very interesting at this moment, facing Mourinho who is sitting on the coaching bench and communicating with Holland covering his mouth.

In fact, Mourinho has always been very wary of relegation teams.

He has rich coaching experience in the Premier League, and of course he knows how crazy the power some relegation teams will explode in the second half of every season in order to stay in the Premier League.

Conventional comparisons of strengths can be very misleading late in the season.

However, ordinary coaches can easily suffer from this.

But for a famous coach like Mourinho who has led the team in the Premier League for a long time, even at the end of the season, stable abuse is still their specialty.

Hence the scene where Chelsea started the game in an unusually low position today.

Mourinho didn't mind spending more than 20 minutes of game time to test out the quality of Hull City's offense today.

If it exceeds the expectations of the Chelsea coaching staff, then make corresponding tactical adjustments in real time.

Within the expectations of the Chelsea coaching staff? That would be easier to do.

Chelsea, who have taken over control of the game, will use the fastest offensive rhythm to kill the suspense of the game!

It is nothing more than adding a tactical safety rope before launching the actual offensive.

With Li Ang in the midfield, Mourinho has no doubt that his tactical strategy will be fully implemented by the team.

As the game time passed, the rhythm of the competition on the field slowly slowed down.

In the 11th minute of the first half, Li Ang received a return pass from Kroos, circled and first avoided the pressing of Hull City forward Ndoye, and then decisively took the ball and intervened.

Soon, he saw a familiar face on the right side of the midfield.

That's Robertson, who will serve as Hull City's starting left wing today.

Robertson, who just turned 21 this month, is very young. He fully demonstrated his talent at Dundee United in the Scottish Premiership last season.

After being introduced by Hull City this season, he has already played more than 20 times in the Premier League.

It can be seen that Hull City's coaching staff is very optimistic about Robertson and gives him sufficient playing time, but does not overdo it and allows him to play the entire season.

Robertson's offensive and defensive talents are quite outstanding. At this moment, facing Li Ang's dribbling, he pressed forward without showing any weakness.

The neutral Premier League fans in front of the TV looked at the somewhat disparity in size between Li Ang and Robertson, and couldn't help but applaud Robertson's courage.

But just like he is always willing to educate other newcomers to the Premier League, Li Ang also taught Robertson a very direct lesson at this moment.

He is a powerful midfielder who is 1.85 meters tall and weighs 84 kilograms. Facing a full-back who is 1.78 meters tall and weighs less than 65 kilograms, does he need any technical means to break through?

Forcibly squeezing past Robertson's defensive side to protect the ball, Li Ang's continuous exertion almost knocked Robertson to the ground!

In the end, Robertson had no choice but to take action and used a tactical foul to keep Li Ang.

Stopping Li Ang's sudden advance was good news for Hull City, but Robertson received a severe verbal warning from the referee, which was quite uneconomical.

Li Ang was still very satisfied with the referee's decision. When he stood up, he winked at Robertson in a very thoughtful manner.

The live broadcast captured this scene, which made countless fans laugh.

Of course Robertson wanted to give it back, but after carefully considering his offensive level and Li Ang's defensive ability, he finally calmly endured it.

In the 20 minutes of testing time deliberately given by Mourinho, Hull City did not seize the opportunity to prove that their offensive strength was enough to threaten Chelsea's defense.

This is actually very reasonable. After all, if they could really perform explosively so easily, Hull City wouldn't have barely climbed out of the relegation zone until now.

At the beginning of the season, Hull City scored a lot of points with their tough performance.

As a newly promoted team, Tiger City is indeed qualified to be proud of this.

But as other Premier League teams become more and more familiar with Hull City, their rankings are getting lower and lower, and they are targeted without temper.

If there is no "surprise" on the offensive end, then Chelsea will give them the "shock" they deserve.

Just after the 23rd minute of the second half, Mourinho made decisive tactical adjustments.

Chelsea, which had been playing steadily before, also began to press forward aggressively.

Hull City are finally feeling the pressure of the game they should be feeling.

But when Chelsea pressed all their offensive organization points directly in front of Hull City's defensive third zone, the game became a foregone conclusion.

Li Ang and Kroos played around with Hull City's three midfielders.

The gap in this person's ability is no longer as simple as a gap.

Hull City deployed three midfielders to strengthen the midfield defense, but the result was that Chelsea's midfield and frontcourt used smooth conduct to completely pull them apart.

In the 34th minute of the first half, Liang saw De Bruyne pass the ball back to Kroos from the sideline, and suddenly started to move forward without the ball towards the left rib area of ​​the Hull City half!

Cross barely paused after receiving the ball, and took advantage of the situation to pick the ball diagonally!

Li Ang was now almost at the front of Hull City's penalty area.

Facing the pass from Kroos, he made a slight adjustment, and then without stopping, he picked the football into the Hull City penalty area again!

The passing and running cooperation between the two of them completely attracted the attention of most Hull City defenders in the penalty area at this moment.

Therefore, when Ibrahimovic inserted himself from the back of the Hull City penalty area, there was no Hull City central defender around him to mark him!

Ibrahimovic just took off slightly, then easily met the ball and completed the goal.

The football flew into the net above the near corner of Hull City's goal, and at this moment Hull City goalkeeper McGregor's save came belatedly!

The Hull City fans at home let out uncomfortable laments, and many Manchester City fans waiting in front of the TV at this moment also turned off the live broadcast of the game in disappointment.

As if Pandora's box had been opened, as Chelsea's first goal occurred, the Hull City team's defense quickly collapsed.

The goals came one after another, and in the 60th minute of the second half, Chelsea had already taken a four-goal lead.

Now Chelsea's coaching staff was completely relieved and gradually removed the core players on the central axis.

Amid the laughter on the Chelsea bench, the Hull City team also took advantage of the situation and played GG, for fear that Chelsea would continue to catch them and improve their goal difference.

With a 4-0 victory over his opponent, Li Ang also made great passes and shots, and was once again elected the best player of the game.

It's another perfect day for fans of Chelsea and Lionel Messi personally.

But Chelsea's stable winning streak has put tremendous pressure on Manchester City.

There is no way, Chelsea's current record of 27 wins and 2 draws is really terrible.

It is so stable that it does not give competitors a chance.

Whenever Chelsea draws two more games or loses one game recently, the morale and spirit of the Manchester City team will be very different.

It's a pity that Chelsea just don't want to let Manchester City take a breath during this period.

After the previous draw with Everton, Chelsea ushered in 4 consecutive league wins.

Then comes the international competition week at the end of March.

The vast majority of Chelsea's key players have once again been called up by their respective national teams.

It was not until March 31 that they returned to the club to report after playing two national team games.

When Mourinho saw the physical examination report given by the team doctor, he waved his hand and directly gave Ibrahimovic, Matic and Kroos a day off.

On the afternoon of April 4th, Chelsea, which had rotated half of its main players, sat at Stamford Bridge and ushered in the thirty-first round of the Premier League match against Stoke City.

Stoke City is well prepared for this game. Most of their main players have rested for a full two weeks and are very physically fit.

Therefore, in the midfield confrontation, Chelsea was slightly suppressed for the first time this season.

Li Ang felt that Lampard, who partnered with him as a central midfielder today, was somewhat incompetent in confrontation.

So he decisively chose to retreat and work with Van Ginkel to stabilize the rhythm of the game.

Regarding Lampard's current ups and downs in game status, Li Ang didn't say much, he could understand it.

His retreating organization can solve this part of the problem, so let's play hard first.

Throughout the first half, Chelsea could not be said to have lacked offensive opportunities, even if Li Ang did not move forward too much to coordinate the attack.

Because Hazard and Salah still opened up the situation on both wings of the frontcourt with their personal abilities, Torres's performance in today's starting game was also on the pass line.

It’s just that Chelsea were unlucky today. They hit the goalpost twice in the first half, which really made the Chelsea fans at home feel helpless.

However, in the second half of the game, Chelsea still threatened Stoke City's goal through set-piece opportunities.

In the 76th minute of the second half, Maguire, who had high hopes from Mourinho, finally made a surprise move from a set kick in the frontcourt!

With the help of Li Ang and Lukaku who came on the bench, Ma Datou defeated Stoke City's main defender Shawcross from the back of the penalty area and scored the decisive goal worth thousands of dollars!

Chelsea finally defeated Stoke City 1-0 at home with Maguire's precious goal, successfully completing their recent 5-game winning streak in the league!

But for the Chelsea team, better news came an hour later.

Manchester City challenged Crystal Palace away from home, but were overthrown by their opponents when they least deserved to lose!

The "King of Balls" rode alone for thousands of miles in the second half of the game, overthrowing Clichy and Nastasic, and finally beat Manchester City!

When the score fell behind, the anxious and deformed technical movements of Manchester City's offensive players and Guardiola's helpless and disappointed expression standing on the sidelines have become the focus of post-match media reports.

After all, Manchester City made the first mistake under the pressure of Chelsea's stable winning streak and lost their competitive spirit.

After this round of the league, Chelsea, who have one game less to play, lead Manchester City by a full 14 points!

Winning the title five games ahead is no longer just a dream for Chelsea.

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