Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 337 Real Madrid ends, Li Ang goes home?

"I can't wait to play with you! Luis, we can definitely create a big scene. With you joining, I am full of confidence in winning the Premier League and the Champions League again next year..."

After Chelsea and Liverpool announced Suarez's transfer to Chelsea at the same time, Li Ang called Suarez directly only 5 minutes later.

During this period, Li Ang and Suarez often talked on the phone, and the two chatted a lot, and their relationship was already very familiar.

But at this moment, I felt the sincerity of Li Ang's first call to "congratulate".

Listening to Li Ang's various "sincere" praises, Suarez still couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, and his mouth was almost closed.

This summer window, he would choose Chelsea so straightforwardly and decisively, which actually had a lot to do with Li Ang's phone offensive.

You know, it wasn't just Li Ang who called him to communicate with him some time ago.

Messi and Neymar from Barcelona also called him from time to time to persuade him to consider going to Barcelona.

He was quite hesitant at first, but in the end he couldn't resist Li Ang's enthusiasm and earnest invitation!

And Li Ang is really good at praising people.

He has stayed in Liverpool for so many years, but he has received very few honors.

He believes that his strength is no worse than other so-called top center forwards in football, but the huge gap in fame makes him more eager to gain the recognition of fans and media reporters.

If Sterling praised him on the side, saying how strong he is and that staying in Liverpool is a waste of talent, then he would just smile at most.

But the recognition of Li Ang and Mourinho is completely different!

One is the current No. 1 midfielder and the No. 1 player in football in 15 years who will surely win the Golden Ball Award at the beginning of next year!

The other is the No. 1 coach in the world with five Champions League titles in hand!

Being recognized and praised by such a person, Suarez immediately felt that his mental exhaustion over the years had been effectively treated...

So it's not that settling in Barcelona is not attractive enough, nor is Messi's personal charm not strong enough, it's really that the Chelsea master and apprentice are too good at praising people!

In addition, after working hard in the Premier League for so many years, Suarez also wants to achieve something in the Premier League.

Sometimes the Champions League champion really depends on luck, but Chelsea is now the real Premier League overlord, and the probability of him joining Chelsea to win the Premier League championship is still quite high.

He has done his best for Liverpool.

Not only did he stay for another year to lead the striker, but he also left Liverpool with a transfer fee of nearly 100 million euros. Who can say that he has no conscience?

At least compared to Van Persie at the beginning, he is not considered to be surrendering to the enemy, and there is nothing dirty between him and the Liverpool fan group.

For him and his agent team behind him, being able to successfully join Chelsea is already the best outcome of this summer window...

After Suarez, the hottest commodity this summer, was gone from the transfer market, the transfer rumors of all kinds also died down for a while.

However, this year, all the major giants have shown their generous wallets and shouted in the market that they want to strengthen, and the fans are not worried that there will be no big transfer melons to eat later.

Let’s not talk about other teams. Barcelona, ​​which failed to compete with Chelsea for Suarez, has a huge sum of 80 to 90 million euros in its hands, waiting to buy high-quality center forwards and young midfielders!

Ahem… Although other teams that know that Barcelona has a huge amount of money are also waiting to slaughter them~

But those are not important!

The important thing is that Barcelona really wants to strengthen this summer window, and then regain the face lost to Chelsea before!

Whether they can win after strengthening is one thing, but as a European giant, maintaining this momentum of revenge is the most important.

Li Ang doesn’t know the huge resentment that the top management of the Barcelona club has towards him and Chelsea.

After helping Uncle Bird to get Suarez’s summer transfer, he is busy running personal summer business activities in China.

Two weeks ago, under the matchmaking of Mendes, he and Ronaldo joined forces in the United States and completed a wave of strong commercial promotion.

There are not many football fans in the United States in proportion, but there are a lot of people who like celebrities and like to watch fun.

Li Ang and C Ronaldo are both well-known football stars with tall stature and handsome looks. Their appearance is very popular in the United States.

This wave of cooperation has caused a huge sensation in the United States.

After signing a wave of endorsement orders, Li Ang and C Ronaldo have bulging pockets and returned with full loads, and Mendes is even more smiling.

Of course, the various commercial promotions that Li Ang participated in after returning to China in July are the biggest interests of Mendes now.

That is to say, there was a little problem in the negotiation of interests this time, and it did not match with the various financial sponsors in China.

Otherwise, the joint promotion of C Ronaldo and Li Ang would not have appeared in the United States first. China is the big market that Mendes is most optimistic about and pays the most attention to now.

After winning the Premier League twice and successfully proving that he won the Champions League in Chelsea.

Li Ang's popularity in China is now completely the first in the gap, far exceeding all cultural and sports stars.

Corresponding to his skyrocketing popularity is naturally his commercial value that has skyrocketed again.

Li Ang himself did not expect that this time, after he led the team to win the Champions League as the core, he could cause such a strong sensation in China!

Just last year, he and his agency team completed the contract renewal negotiations and offered a one-year endorsement contract of 9 figures in Chinese yuan to a certain domestic giant enterprise.

On the night when he won the Champions League for the third time, he urgently contacted Mendes and asked to extend the original two-year endorsement contract to four years and double the endorsement amount!

The conditions offered by the other party directly made Mendes dizzy, and what followed were similar renewal requests from other Chinese giants...

Now, even if Li Ang excludes annual salary bonuses and only counts commercial endorsement income, he is almost approaching the combined annual income of Melo and Melo!

Mendes predicts that after Li Ang receives the Ballon d'Or early next year, his annual income in 2016 will completely surpass the combined income of Messi and Ronaldo.

That would be a very scary revenue figure in sports.

However, the interest income that made Mendes so excited is really just a bunch of numbers in Li Ang's eyes today.

He has little interest in luxury goods or expensive real estate.

In addition to running business activities during his normal vacation, he also prefers to go on low-key travels in private with friends he knows.

It can be said that apart from his eager pursuit of championship honors on the court, Li Ang has always been a very Buddhist person in private.

When the money reaches a certain level, he is indeed not very interested. It is enough for him, his family and his loved ones to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

Therefore, he is now willing to invest money in various charities.

So much so that Mendes now often teases him and asks him if he wants to be a "saint."

Being a saint is really tiring. Li Ang thinks that he doesn't have such a high moral standard yet.

After losing the aura of a football superstar, he felt that he was just an ordinary person.

If when he retires in the future, the media and fans will recall him again and give him an evaluation of "an interesting and good person" when evaluating him, he will be very satisfied~

After completing domestic business activities in mid-July, Li Ang returned directly to the Cobham training base to participate in the team's pre-season training before he even had time to complete the second additional training.

This summer, he only had 10 extra days of training in late June, which was the shortest offseason since he started his career.

However, now his various ability values ​​have been developed quite balanced, with no obvious shortcomings, and there is no need to waste time improving his ability deficiencies like in past offseasons.

Maintaining his condition is the most important thing for him at the moment.

After returning to the Cobham training base, he quickly passed the team doctor's physical examination, and then met and got familiar with his new and old teammates.

Suarez arrived at the training base one day earlier than him.

To be honest, at first sight of Suarez wearing Chelsea training clothes, Li Ang really felt a little strange.

As Suarez's most familiar new teammate in the Chelsea team, Li Ang is also very active in integrating him into the new team and living environment.

After the first day of pre-season training, he organized a barbecue to welcome the new team member Suarez.

At the dinner, he also took the initiative to ask Suarez if he had found a good house and school for his children near London.

He himself doesn't know much about this, but he can entrust Mendes to help Suarez settle down as soon as possible.

After some thoughtful communication and inquiries, the relationship between Suarez and Leon became closer.

But before Li Ang could further bring Suarez closer to other Chelsea players, something unknown whether it was happiness or trouble came to him.

The morning after Li Ang returned to London to participate in the team's pre-season training, Mendes suddenly flew to London and came to the door.

"Are you kidding, Jorge? Did Mr. Chairman really tell you that?"

Li Ang was very surprised. The chairman he was talking about was not Abramovich, but Florentino, the chairman of Real Madrid.

"Yes, I'm sure! Leon, Mr. Perez did ask me about the possibility of taking you back to the Bernabeu this summer. He called me last night, so I came directly to you as soon as I arrived in London this morning. "

Mendes' tone was a little tired. It seems that he was also shocked by Lafayette's call last night and didn't have a good rest all night.

Bringing Li Ang back to Real Madrid has always been a very tempting option for Mendes.

But the time point of Lao Fu's inquiry this time is somewhat inappropriate.

If we talk about this matter earlier, Mendes can discuss it with Mourinho and Abramovich in advance.

Even if it is unlikely that they will let Li Ang return to Real Madrid, at least there is room for maneuver.

Now that Chelsea's pre-season training has begun, Lafayette suddenly wants someone, and even Mourinho and Mendez can't get through it.

Li Ang didn't think too much, and finally decided to call Lafayette himself to politely decline.

Publicly and privately, it is impossible for him to leave Chelsea and Mourinho this season.

Originally, Li Ang thought that after he made the call to Lafayette, the matter would be silent under the wave of transfers, and there would be no further news.

But he still didn't expect that just two days later, Marca would exclusively reveal the news that Lafayette invited him to transfer back to Real Madrid!

Real Madrid was silent for a month during the transfer period, but in the end it became a blockbuster and made huge news!

Chelsea fans were panicked, but across the sea in Madrid, Spain, countless Real Madrid fans cheered restlessly!

“We want little lions!

The Bernabeu wants to welcome back the real Prince of Real Madrid! "

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