Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 418 Who else can stop Real Madrid’s dash?

The loud boos that erupted at the Wanda Metropolitano have spread to the ears of fans around the world along with the live broadcast of the game.

This kind of home momentum is extremely terrifying, and at the same time, fans all over the world also know the reality of Atletico Madrid supporters breaking the defense.

"Leon is so ruthless in playing Atletico Madrid! He scored the first goal again today. Do you think Ronaldo will not score in today's league? He has not scored in several league games before."

"It's hard to say. I think Cristiano Ronaldo is the same as Li Ang. As long as he plays Atletico Madrid, he will always be in better shape than usual. Don't you think Cristiano Ronaldo performed well on the wing today?"

"Simone is still miserable. The two players he feared most in the past are now reunited in Real Madrid. How will he lead Atletico Madrid to compete with Real Madrid in the future..."

"League competition is not determined by two direct conversations every season. If you can't beat Real Madrid, you always have a chance to beat Barcelona, ​​right? Atletico Madrid is not as unbearable as you said... Hey! I won't talk about Real Madrid's counterattack. here we go again!"

A large number of neutral fans are happily discussing the possibility of Li Ang and Ronaldo breaking out together against Atletico Madrid today on the Internet.

Cristiano Ronaldo on the field seemed to feel the fans' expectations for him, and soon completed a threatening shot in another rapid counterattack launched by Real Madrid against Atletico Madrid!

But this time Ronaldo chose to kick a half-high ball instead of targeting Courtois's lower three shots like Li Ang did.

So Courtois once again contributed a superb save.

Personality issues aside, Courtois's excellent goal-line skills and his gifted physical condition have indeed allowed him to rank among the top three goalkeepers in football.

His close-range save to turn the tide this time also greatly boosted the morale of the Atletico Madrid team!

Real Madrid failed to counterattack, and Atletico Madrid tirelessly passed the ball across the center line, and immediately retreated quickly and decisively.

Even Cristiano Ronaldo, who was annoyed about the problem with his shot selection just a second ago, was no exception now. He followed his teammates and quickly retreated to participate in the defense.

Cristiano Ronaldo has indeed not found the feeling of scoring consecutive goals in recent rounds of the league, but now he is not in a hurry. At least compared to the initial stage of the new season, he can now look at his status in a calm manner.

This is due to the unabashed trust in him that the coaching staff always shows on the outside, and to Ancelotti and Zidane's many heart-to-heart conversations with him.

What's more, he benefited from the patient support of his teammates, especially Li Ang.

Even though he will "waste" seven or eight shooting opportunities in every game, no one in the Real Madrid team will object to this, and no one will think that today's powerful Real Madrid no longer needs him.

This feeling of being included, supported and needed by the team made Ronaldo let go of some of his stubbornness.

He began to reconcile with the fact that he had entered the later stages of his career, and he also began to try to transform again, hoping to help the team in other aspects besides scoring goals.

After feeling relieved, his condition actually quietly accelerated its recovery.

His rich game experience, keen control of the offensive and defensive transitions on the field, and excellent passing skills can support him to release his energy in another way on the offensive end.

This is why many fans look at Ronaldo's performance in recent league games and feel that even if he did not score a goal, he played well.

Oh, by the way, I may also need to add a more proactive attitude towards returning to defense than in the past.

This kind of Ronaldo is a little unfamiliar, but his focused attitude towards the game remains the same.

Some of the recent bad voices against Ronaldo within Real Madrid's huge fan base have gradually disappeared as Ronaldo's contribution to the team on the field has increased.

This is a very positive change, at least as far as the external environment of public opinion is concerned, a negative channel that added pressure to Ronaldo has disappeared.

On the court, Li Ang has always believed that Ronaldo will survive this long "adjustment period" and once again become a game-breaking blade that the entire Real Madrid team can rely on.

And the trust method he chose is also very simple.

As in the past, we will maintain our offensive support for Ronaldo.

No matter what kind of finishing quality Ronaldo can give now, as long as the coaching staff still lets Ronaldo start, Li Ang will not give up on delivering his shells.

The same is true for Li Ang in today's game. He passed a lot of passes to Ronaldo on the counterattack.

And now the entire Atletico Madrid team is thinking about equalizing the score as soon as possible, and is very proactive in launching a continuous attack on Real Madrid. In this case, Ronaldo can play a greater role in the counterattack.

Even if it is difficult for the Portuguese superstar to break Courtois's ten fingers in person.

But his smart movement in quick counterattacks and excellent passing skills can create better opportunities for other Real Madrid offensive players participating in the counterattack.

Li Ang never doubted this. After retreating to assist his teammates in the backcourt, he always observed Ronaldo's position and was ready to launch a long pass counterattack at any time.

Under normal circumstances, Atletico Madrid, which is more passive in offense and prefers counterattacks, will not give Real Madrid so many opportunities to defend against counterattacks.

But who allowed them to concede the first goal in today's home game?

Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid are switching sides in offense and defense.

The side that was supposed to take the initiative to attack now shrinks its formation and focuses on counterattacks, while the other side that is not good at taking the initiative to attack is anxiously launching sieges.

Using one's own shortcomings to attack another's strong points is a taboo in tactical games.

Of course Simeone knows that the team's current tactics are abnormal, but he is really clueless in terms of offensive training!

Even if Atletico Madrid executives spend huge sums of money to get him some top offensive players from the transfer market, he can only integrate these frontcourt stars into his simple offensive routine.

Help these stars develop new offensive tactics that are more suitable for them?

That is absolutely impossible!

Because Simeone's entire tactical system has decided that he must give priority to defense.

Buy him more expensive and powerful defenders and defensive midfielders, and he can take Atletico Madrid's combat effectiveness to a higher level.

But if you buy him some billionaires in the frontcourt, the money will be wasted. Atletico Madrid is destined to have a ceiling in terms of improving the offensive end.

The upper limit depends on how suitable the offensive stars the club's senior management is for Simeone to play quick counterattacks.

Or just give him a few more powerful centers and explosive wingers with good passing skills, suitable for playing set pieces and crosses to compete for the top.

Any talented star who is good at penetrating the ribs and can play as a midfielder is of no use to Simeone.

Reflected in Atletico Madrid's current so-called "siege" on Real Madrid, it is actually easy to see Simeone's usual requirements for offensive players on the training ground.

First of all, physical fitness must be outstanding. Only with multiple passes and runs can Atletico Madrid be able to create a strong offensive situation in the frontcourt.

The intensity of counter-attacking must be greater. Since the ability to organize forward from the center and back is mediocre, the most natural way to threaten the opponent's defense is to counterattack after stealing in the opponent's hinterland area!

Then, you have to rely on the flashes of the few offensive stars in the frontcourt.

Griezmann is in good form, and Atletico Madrid's offensive arrangement in the frontcourt is smooth. He can always create opportunities to score goals based on his personal ability.

But when he really can't stand up, Atletico Madrid's most effective offensive methods in the frontcourt are only the full-back advancement and forced crosses.

The forward attacking abilities of Felipe Luis and Juanfran are both top-notch among full-backs.

The two of them plus Carrasco are generally enough to help Atletico Madrid tear apart the opponent's wing defense.

But when facing Real Madrid, which is shrinking its formation at this moment, and has midfielders on both sides to support and defend, Atletico Madrid's side play is really not good enough.

Then passing the ball involves penetration, right?

Atletico Madrid played around with the outside of Real Madrid's penalty area for a while, but they couldn't do anything about Real Madrid's heavily guarded center!

In desperation, Atletico Madrid could only resort to the two classic tricks of breaking the bus, long shots and high balls.

In the former, Real Madrid's defensive player in the middle blocked the hole of the gun and Ganavas responded quickly.

In the latter case, Atletico Madrid gave away the ball for free.

Even at his peak, Torres wasn't necessarily very good at heading the ball. Now that his ability has declined significantly, let him compete head-on with Ramos and Pepe, the two top air defense personnel?

It can only be said that Simeone did his best, but the offensive level is only of this quality.

If Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid change their offensive and defensive positions now, Atletico Madrid's threat against Real Madrid's counterattack will have to increase by at least three levels!

But it's a pity that Real Madrid made up their minds today not to make the same mistakes as in the past.

And Atletico Madrid, who bravely besieged the bus, did expose their tactical shortcomings.

Such shortcomings are actually not a big flaw when facing the middle and lower teams in La Liga.

But Atletico Madrid wants to compete with the other giant teams in the other four major leagues on a higher stage. As long as it encounters top teams like Chelsea and Real Madrid in the new season who can lose face and fight against you, Atletico Madrid will be very difficult. It’s hard to pass!

The offensive and defensive struggle between the two teams continued until the 43rd minute of the first half.

Carvajal successfully intercepted Carrasco in one-on-one marking.

Li Ang received the ball immediately, then pulled away to attract Atletico Madrid's frontcourt double-teamers, and then successfully transferred the ball to Modric who was advancing in the center!

Modric, who was almost unmarked in front, had plenty of time to observe the movements of his teammates.

He is not in a hurry to send a counterattack pass immediately, but quickly advances with the ball.

It wasn't until Gabi, who was lagging behind, came to defend him that he used the instep of his outside foot to pass the football to Ronaldo, who was running along the side.

Cristiano Ronaldo quickly unloaded the ball, took advantage of Juanfran's gap to observe before he could defend in place, and then sent a cross to the center of Atletico Madrid's penalty area!

His pass was quite sudden. At this moment, the defenders in Atletico Madrid's penalty area were still retreating quickly and did not get into position in time.

So Benzema, who was in position, hit the goal with a threatening header!

The football flew quickly towards Atletico Madrid's goal. At this critical moment, Courtois almost used half of his hand to hit the football back into the penalty area under extreme circumstances!

The more than 60,000 Atletico Madrid fans at the scene really almost knelt down at this moment!

Courtois made his second great save of the game, pulling Atletico Madrid back from the edge of the cliff!

Commentators from various countries had no time to breathe. One second they were exclaiming about Benzema's close-range header, and the next second they were giving passionate comments about Courtois' miraculous save!

But this is not the end of Real Madrid's counterattack.

Because the moment the football bounced back into Atletico Madrid's penalty area, Benzema also quickly made a second reaction, stretching out his left foot to complete the stab!

But this time Savic made no more mistakes. His timely extension of his calf caused Benzema's shot to deflect outside the penalty area. Atletico Madrid's penalty area crisis was temporarily relieved!

Bell is located on the right edge of Atletico Madrid's penalty area. Felipe Luis got the ball first.

After catching a glimpse of Li Ang with his hands raised, Bell did not hesitate and decisively passed the football towards the top of Atletico Madrid's penalty area.

Li Ang rushed over, took a step to lead the ball, and after completing the adjustment almost at the same time, he swung his legs to exert force!

Savage and Gabi, who had retreated in place before, had a tacit understanding at this moment and chose to press forward and release the shovel!

In any case, no matter how heavy the price is, they will not let Li Ang take a long shot from this position!

But Li Ang didn't really complete the leg swing shot. He quickly spiked the ball with his right foot and completed a lateral dribbling!

After almost escaping the tackles of Savage and Gabi, Li Ang quickly connected with his left foot and pushed the football into Atletico Madrid's penalty area!

A white figure cooperated with Li Ang very well to complete the pass and run.

At this moment, Felipe Luis, who was dragging the last position on the other side of Atletico Madrid's defense, also prevented the Real Madrid forward who broke into Atletico Madrid's penalty area from being offside!

Godin had no time to mark the Real Madrid striker. He could only raise his right arm high and pray that the linesman would raise the flag quickly.

But in the end the linesman did nothing!

Ronaldo, who successfully got a chance to stand alone, was very clear-headed at the moment.

He learned the lesson of his last shot being saved by Courtois. This time facing the Belgian goalkeeper who opened his arms and greatly expanded his defensive area, he chose to push decisively to the ground!

Li Ang looked at Ronaldo's shot selection at this time, his eyes full of smiles.

Courtois looked a little embarrassed and quickly went down to the ground with his legs crossed again, but the football finally passed between his legs quickly, and then rolled into the goal again without any suspense!

The best goalkeeper in La Liga last season had an extremely embarrassed look in his eyes. When he looked back and saw the football that had hit the net, he hammered the turf hard in anger!

Watching this scene, Simeone on the sidelines could only shake his head and spread his hands helplessly.

On the other side, An Pang, who had suffered enough from Atletico Madrid's counter-attacks in the previous two seasons, finally couldn't calm down anymore.

He laughed and hugged Zidane as if he let out a fierce breath!

Repaying the other person with his own way is really a happy way of revenge!

2-0 at halftime!

This is actually not a big score number.

Real Madrid has scored three goals in half this season to defeat their opponents on more than one occasion this season.

But when the team that suffered a two-goal defeat at halftime became Atletico Madrid, the meaning was completely different!

You know, Atletico Madrid conceded only 16 goals in La Liga last season!

As of the 10th round of La Liga this season, Atletico Madrid has only conceded an exaggerated 4 goals!

In less than 45 minutes, Real Madrid caused Atletico Madrid, which had only conceded 4 goals this season, to suffer a disastrous Waterloo in terms of defensive efficiency!

And looking at Atletico Madrid being defeated by Real Madrid at halftime, a large number of La Liga neutral fans only had one sad thought in their hearts at this moment:

Who else can stop this Real Madrid sprint?

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