Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 427 Before playing the knockout match with Bayern, we must first win the La Liga championshi

"Has UEFA lost its mind this year? Real Madrid will play Bayern, and Chelsea will play Atletico Madrid. If you are not careful, it could easily capsize. I saw how much publicity expenses UEFA would have lost if Real Madrid had not played Chelsea in the final!"

"It's not that exaggerated. Bayern and Atletico Madrid are no longer as strong as before. I think the gap between these two teams and Real Madrid and Chelsea is still quite big. As long as Mourinho and Ancelotti arrange their tactics correctly, they will still not be able to pass the test." questionable."

"UEFA won't want to send Monaco this year and let this dark horse be blacked out, right? They actually let them draw Leicester City! If this really allows Monaco to enter the Champions League semi-finals, then this year's summer window will have to do it again. It’s getting lively.”

"So what if they make it to the semi-finals? Monaco can't afford to make waves, and the days of relying on a group of kids to win the Champions League will never come back. I'm more optimistic about Juventus, which has failed several times before, but has become more stable and sophisticated because of it. They The defense did really well this year..."

When the draw results for the Champions League quarter-finals came out, fans from all over the world expressed their opinions on the format of the match, and some fans even made new promotion predictions.

In comparison, Li Ang's work on social media this year has not been very popular among the fans.

After all, he has to recuperate before the war at this time every year. Fans love to watch, but they can't help but watch him alone every year. No matter how good he is, he will get tired of watching too much.

There is also the showdown between Real Madrid and Bayern, or the number of encounters between Li Ang and Bayern. There have been too many in recent seasons, and fans are tired of watching them.

Monaco has made it all the way to the top 16 of the Champions League, and its dark horse trip to the quarter-finals of the Champions League has obviously attracted more attention from fans at this time.

And football rookies like Mbappe, Bernardo Silva, and Bakayoko who have become famous have also brought more freshness to the fans.

Especially Mbappe, when this supernova who just turned 18 years old scored goals in three consecutive Champions League knockout games, his amazing performance has quickly attracted the attention of major wealthy teams!

It was also at this time that many fans recalled Li Ang's extremely high evaluation of the young French player at the beginning of the season.

At that time, I don’t know how many people were making fun of Monaco because they really had no money to sign players, so they let such a 17-year-old boy serve as the team’s main winger.

Li Ang's comments at the time were also understood by many fans as that he was defending a player who is a fan of Real Madrid and Ronaldo.

But looking back now, looking at Li Ang's "accurate" evaluation of Mbappe, fans can only lament the metaphysical magic of Li Ang's mouth.

And on March 17, when Li Ang and Ancelotti attended the pre-match press conference for the 28th round of La Liga.

There are still reporters asking Li Ang about his views on Mbappe's future development. This kind of question has nothing to do with La Liga.

Li Ang was obviously stunned for a moment at the press conference, but then he still smiled and gave his answer.

"Kylian is going to be a flag player for French football sooner or later, I think I said that a few months ago and you just have to see what he does on the pitch to know I'm not kidding.

He scored a Champions League goal at the age of 17, and scored in three consecutive Champions League knockout games at the age of 18. He is a natural big-game player..."

Li Ang's optimistic and positive evaluation of Mbappé naturally made the reporter who asked the question quite satisfied.

And when he was asked again about his opinion on UEFA arranging Real Madrid and Bayern to fight together, Li Ang once again expressed his confidence in the team's advancement.

"I respect Bayern Munich and all the teams participating in this year's Champions League, but there is no doubt that the winner will only be Real Madrid. I have no doubt about it!"

Li Ang's frank answer made the reporters at the scene immediately excited. Ancelotti looked a little helpless, but he did not stop Li Ang from expressing his determination to win the championship.

After Li Ang spoke like this, it is certain that external public opinion will add pressure to Real Madrid.

But for Real Madrid's experienced stars, the pressure at this moment is also a great motivation for them to work hard and move forward.

Athletic Bilbao is undoubtedly another tough stumbling block for Real Madrid on the way forward in the league, but this tough team can also help Real Madrid sharpen its blade.

On the afternoon of March 18, Real Madrid, a guest at the San Mamés Stadium, turned away and took advantage of Athletic Bilbao's tough defense to sharpen their offensive edge.

Real Madrid should have chosen a more steady style of play in this league.

Because Athletic Bilbao's defensive will at home is very resolute, and their counterattack is also quite threatening. Real Madrid's early choice to press heavily gave Athletic Bilbao more space to counterattack.

In the 21st minute of the first half, Athletic Bilbao seized the opportunity to switch offense and defense after taking enough defensive risks, and Raul Garcia scored a counterattack goal!

Aduriz's header in Real Madrid's penalty area was crucial.

This old center who doesn't look too tall or fast enough has extremely strong fulcrum ability.

The Athletic Bilbao team's tactical execution was quite good. Facing Real Madrid's heavy pressure, they were able to withstand the pressure and score the first goal. This is enough to prove their defensive tenacity and resolute counterattack.

However, no player on Real Madrid's side seemed panicked.

Since you have chosen a more proactive offensive style of play, you must be mentally prepared to be scored first by your opponent.

And it's just a lost goal. This kind of scene can't shake the determination of the Real Madrid players to win!

After the restart, Li Ang did not choose to stabilize his position or control the field first. He still continued to organize and deliver the offensive ball forward.

After all, before today's game started, the coaching staff had already set a more proactive tactical tone.

At this moment, Ancelotti did not say anything to instruct the players on the field to consolidate the defense first. Then what Li Ang had to do was to implement the coaching staff's tactical plan to the end, and also unify the team's tactical thinking.

Seeing that Li Ang still chose to attack to the end, other Real Madrid players on the field felt at ease. Regardless of what he thought, they continued to press with all their strength and press high!

With Li Ang and Modric teaming up to deliver the ball, Real Madrid's offensive rhythm is getting faster and faster.

After increasing the number of offensive rounds, Real Madrid's forwards will of course get more and more kicking opportunities.

Maybe it's really because we've grown older in recent years, and the "slow-heating" of the BBC team into competition has become more and more obvious.

When Real Madrid suppressed Athletic Bilbao in the first twenty minutes, Li Ang and the other midfield and backfield partners had actually created more offensive opportunities.

But Cristiano Ronaldo and Bale always feel a little different in front of the goal, not to mention Guo Feng, who couldn't even find the right shot today.

When he performed a unique skill in the penalty area in the first two minutes of grabbing points at close range but then jerking off, Li Ang knew that he would definitely not be able to count on Guo Feng today.

But fortunately, these old brothers in my family, although they are relatively slow to play games now, they can still warm up.

After more shooting attempts now, Ronaldo and Bell's condition is obviously recovering rapidly.

Upon seeing this, Li Ang was not in a hurry to pass the ball directly to the two of them. The goal would be too obvious, and Athletic Bilbao also knows how to defend in a targeted manner.

So Li Ang quickly used tactical gestures to signal Benzema to withdraw from the penalty area to get the ball, involving the Athletic Bilbao defense.

Guo Feng was very unreliable in shooting today, but his support with the ball did not disappoint Li Ang.

Several back-up moves and lateral ball distribution were all handled beautifully. As a result, both Li Ang and Bell got a chance to hit the goal outside the penalty area.

As a result, Athletic Bilbao's defenders had to intensify their marking of Benzema.

Real Madrid played patiently until the 38th minute of the first half.

At this time, Li Ang received Bell's return pass and dribbled horizontally in the middle, looking for an opportunity to play the ball.

Athletic Bilbao's defensive midfielder Ituraspe actively engaged in close confrontation with Li Ang.

His defense seemed successful, because Li Ang chose to protect the ball first, and then waved for Benzema to pull out of the penalty area to catch the ball.

Athletic Bilbao's central defender Laporta followed resolutely out of the penalty area this time, hoping to destroy Benzema's chance of getting the ball as soon as possible.

But Li Ang suddenly exerted force in the next moment, squeezed away Ituraspe and quickly rubbed the football with his left foot towards the center of Athletic Bilbao's penalty area!

A bad thought suddenly flashed through Laporta's mind.

He looked back, only to see Ronaldo, who was resolutely advancing, jumping off the ground, and then overpowered his short central defender partner Alvarez to complete the header!

The football bounced off the ground and flew into the goal without any suspense!

Athletic Bilbao's goalkeeper Kepa was half a beat too slow when he got down to the ground and completely missed Ronaldo's header!

Li Ang and Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid's ace offensive combination in the frontcourt, once again completed the connection and dragged Real Madrid out of the quagmire in a critical situation!

After successfully equalizing the score, Li Ang also decisively chose to control the field first. At this moment, Ancelotti's tactical adjustments on the sidelines were no different from Li Ang's, both emphasizing the need to stabilize the front first.

The two teams finally entered the halftime break with a score of 1-1.

When the second half started, Athletic Bilbao, which was at home, chose to start the game, but Real Madrid seemed to have expected it and did not panic at all. They put up a defensive posture and were not afraid of Athletic Bilbao's attack.

The entire Real Madrid team is already very familiar with this tactical play of consuming the opponent's physical and energy first.

After "shrinking" for twenty minutes, Real Madrid resumed their efforts to take over the rhythm of the game, pushing Athletic Bilbao back to half-time bit by bit.

At this moment, the offensive method chosen by Real Madrid is also quite simple, which is to fly directly and brightly on both wings, combine the sides and center, and grab points in the penalty area!

Well, to put it more plainly, that is to use the legendary method!

Casemiro is now almost level with Pepe because Ramos has strode into the Athletic Bilbao penalty area and wants to participate in the header attack!

Marcelo and Carvajal took turns passing the ball from both wings, and Athletic Bilbao was crushed by Real Madrid's rough passing style.

Laporta is a very versatile central defender, but no matter how good he is, if his teammates are not strong enough, he cannot take care of the entire defense line.

In the 82nd minute of the second half, Ramos succeeded in grabbing a point in the middle of the Athletic Bilbao penalty area, but his header was saved by Kepa immediately.

But before Laporta could grab the second point to clear the siege, Li Ang, who was faster than him, had already completed a close-range volley and put the football into the Athletic Bilbao goal!

At this moment, the huge San Mames Stadium was almost silent!

And Li Ang, who successfully scored the go-ahead goal, ran to the corner flag area and then lay down directly on the ground, allowing the excited teammates behind him to swarm up and drown him!

Athletic Bilbao's defensive players stood in their own penalty area and could only shake their heads.

They did try their best today, but Real Madrid's overall strength is much stronger than them. This is a failure in a grand battle. No wonder which player can only admit that his skills are inferior to others!

After Ancelotti celebrated equally passionately with Zidane on the sidelines, he quickly made substitution adjustments.

Real Madrid, who switched to five defenders, eventually held the 2-1 score until the end of the half.

There is no doubt that this is a wonderful reversal that greatly boosts morale!

Just like the game when Real Madrid reversed Villarreal at the end of February.

After winning such a difficult game, the morale of the Real Madrid team was greatly boosted, and they also defeated their opponents by big scores in the following league journey.

Alaves lost 4 first, and then Leganes, who came on the scene, was even worse, being beaten 7-0 by Real Madrid at home!

After finishing the 1/8 knockout rounds of the Champions League, Real Madrid won another 4 consecutive victories in La Liga, pushing the league points to an exaggerated 88 points!

The undefeated record of 29 wins and 1 draw also disdains the entire four major leagues, giving no hope or chance to competitors at all!

At this moment, Barcelona, ​​which has won two consecutive victories, has a record of 21 wins, 6 draws and 3 losses. It doesn't look bad, but they have been 19 points behind Real Madrid in the standings!

Atletico Madrid, which has 19 wins, 7 draws and 4 losses, is even worse. The current point difference with Real Madrid has reached an astonishing 24 points, a total of 8 wins!

Three days later, Atletico Madrid will usher in the second Madrid derby of the season, but to be honest, this game is meaningless to both Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid.

The Meilingers are all excitedly counting the latest round in which the team can win the championship.

Even if Barcelona wins all the subsequent league games, Real Madrid only needs to win two more league games to celebrate the success of the season in advance!

It’s been almost four years!

Since Mourinho and Liang left Real Madrid, Real Madrid has been away from the La Liga championship for almost four years. Such a long wait is really anxious.

Fortunately, Li Ang chose to return this season, and what he brought back was the long-awaited championship glory for Real Madrid!

After looking at the competition date, the Meilingers then unanimously issued a winning slogan:

Before we finish the next knockout round with Bayern, we must win the La Liga championship first!

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