Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 65 The system is upgraded again, and there is a bumper harvest of gift packages for winning

Among a group of excited Milan players, Li Ang and Pirlo were unusually calm, smiling and talking, and the scene was quickly captured by reporters.

"These two are really calm. I can understand Andrea being stable. After all, they have won too many honors and championships. But how can Li Ang be so calm?"

A slightly younger reporter with a job badge from "Corriere dello Sport" was feeling emotional while taking photos.

"So now he can stand in the spotlight and help Milan win the cup. If he is not stable enough, can he be reused by Allegri at this age?"

Standing next to the young reporter, a middle-aged reporter from Gazzetta dello Sport looked at the pictures he took with some satisfaction, and then gave a response.

And his words were quickly recognized by a group of colleagues around him.

Mourinho and Allegri are actually the type of coaches who prefer to use mature players.

But under their hands, Li Ang got opportunities to play that exceeded the expectations of the outside media.

Especially after joining Milan this year, he directly became the main midfielder of this Milan team.

If his performance and mentality are not stable enough, he will naturally not be able to gain the trust of two consecutive coaches.

So you will see Li Ang and Pirlo talking and laughing calmly, and most Italian reporters at the scene can still understand.

After taking the photos, many reporters started writing articles directly on the spot to celebrate Milan's regaining the Serie A championship.

The suspense of the game?

There is no suspense anymore. Since this goal was scored, Milan's grand championship celebration has entered a countdown.

The old king of Italy is returning to his throne!


“After the game restarted, Milan continued to press Sampdoria defensively.

Today's Milan tactics are very radical, but correspondingly they have also received very good results!

Li Ang and Gattuso's strong interceptions in the midfield gave Milan a steady stream of on-the-spot counterattack opportunities. With the defense solidified, Milan's frontcourt offense became increasingly better.

If Milan can score a second goal before the end of the first half, Sampdoria will be in big trouble.

If you want to score points at San Siro today, just showing the current game state is not enough. "

The commentator of Italian Sky Sports tried his best to objectively explain his views on the trend of the game.

He can't say now that if Milan scores another goal, the game won't have to be played, right?

But there is no need for him to be too specific. Fans watching this game should know it well.

Milan is getting better and better as they play, almost overwhelming Sampdoria in the offensive and defensive battle in the half.

Palombo's personal strength is strong, but he is unable to support himself alone. Sampdoria's overall strength is still far behind Milan.

In the 31st minute of the first half, Milan, which had besieged Sampdoria for almost 20 minutes, once again exerted its offensive power.

Pato used his speed advantage to pass Sampdoria defender Lozko on the wing, and then took the ball and passed an inverted triangle high-altitude return pass.

When Sampdoria was in chaos in the penalty area, Boateng, who was following, unreasonably kicked the ball without stopping!

Unfortunately, his luck was not so good this time. The football bounced on the defensive player's legs and flew out of the penalty area.

Fortunately, Zambrotta intervened and controlled the ball again on the wing, and then he sent a cross after a brief observation.

"Look later!"

Palombo, who had determined where the football was going to land, quickly directed his teammates to mark the back point.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Li Ang, who had completed his forward penetration, was one step ahead of all Sampdoria defenders, stood still and jumped to the top!

"Li Ang——!!!"

The commentator of Italian Sky Sports roared passionately, but the scene that he and many fans expected at this moment did not appear on the field.

Because Li Ang did not choose to directly header the goal.

The angle at which he headed the ball was very small at the end. If he forced the ball towards the goal, it would be easy for the ball to hit the Sampdoria goalkeeper or fly directly.

So he chose to fly with a header!

The football was swung back slightly by Li Ang towards the center of the penalty area.

Ibrahimovic, who followed up almost at the same time, directly used a sideways volley shot without any defense and scored the ball into Sampdoria's goal for the second time!

"Damn! Zlatan, your shot is so cool!"

Li Ang watched Ibrahimovic's handsome and relaxed shooting process at close range, and couldn't help but curse.

This physical and technical talent makes him envious even if he doesn't want to!

"GOAL——!!!!!!!! We have secured the victory! Zlatan! The tacit cooperation between Leon and Zlatan! There is only one last hour left! We will regain the Serie A championship!"

Mr. Crudelli ripped off his headphones in the live broadcast room and rushed directly to the center of the studio hall in excitement, raising his arms and shouting!

And all Milan fans started celebrating the championship in advance at the moment the goal was scored!

At least the Milan fans at San Siro were already excited. They held up the fake league championship trophy in their hands, cheered and jumped, roaring and celebrating in front of the rapidly scanning live broadcast camera!

Li Ang's hair is messy again, but he never pays much attention to his image management.

Will this happen?

Then I don’t care anymore!

After wiping his hair a few times, Li Ang slowly walked back to his side while joking with Ibrahimovic.

A two-goal advantage was enough for Milan.

Without Allegri's special explanation, Milan's players consciously shrank their formation after the game started again.

Facing Milan, who had already satisfied their lead and began to fully shrink back to defend, the Sampdoria players also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Milan scored them two goals because they were content with only scoring two goals, but it was too difficult for them to break through Milan's tight defenses.

On both offense and defense, the two teams are not on the same level at all.

Gattuso waved his arms passionately toward the fans on his side of the stands!

The Milan fans gave him enthusiastic screams and cheers.

San Siro has become completely restless.

Even during the ensuing half-time break, there was no quiet moment throughout the San Siro.

Passionate singing, noisy sounds, and a passionate and exciting atmosphere.

This is San Siro tonight.

In this "molten" that is about to boil and roll, it has become difficult for the Sampdoria players to continue to play the game smoothly.

The degree of this difficulty is increasing as time goes by.

Milan used airtight defense to completely cut off the rhythm of the game, and as the game drew closer to the end, Milan's players calmed down more and more.

Isn’t it a bit incredible?

But this scene actually happened, probably because there were too many big guys in the team.

Pirlo, Nesta, Gattuso, Abbiati

They are calm enough that the atmosphere in the Milan team cannot become anxious.

So that when it came to the real last moment, when the referee on duty blew the whistle to end the game, the young players in Milan were stunned for half a second.

Of course, if you can still remain calm in this situation, it is not the emotional control that normal people can have.

Allegri and the Milan players on the bench rushed into the pitch and began a run of joy that completely let go of their body and mind!

Li Ang was hugged tightly by the enthusiastic Master Pi and captain Gattuso when the system prompt sound flashed in his mind.

"Upgraded again?"

After such a thought flashed across his mind, Li Ang followed his teammates into a passionate celebration of winning the championship.

"We are the champions! We are the champions! Milan Milan!!! Forza milan!!!"

Photographed by reporters, the members of the Milan first team jumping and singing together left fans with classic photos that will last for a long time.

Every Milan player was pestered by reporters, and Allegri was surrounded by reporters congratulating him.

After the celebration, they were interviewed and expressed their full gratitude to the fans. Finally, with the audience singing "Milan, Milan", the Milan players walked into the player tunnel with a little bit of excitement.

After the league is over, there will be a formal award ceremony and championship celebration. Then will be the real carnival moment. There is no rush for tonight.

At this moment, Li Ang finally had time to distract himself and click on the system panel.

In the brand-new system interface, before Li Ang had time to explore whether there were any new features to unlock, he was hit by a glittering golden championship gift package.

After directly clicking on the championship gift package, Li Ang couldn't help laughing wildly in his heart.

"One gold-level talent fragment card and two silver-level prop cards!"

This wave, this wave is a super bumper harvest!

Oh my god, I was so sleepy this time that even three alarm clocks didn't wake me up.

I’ll post one chapter first, and I’ll probably post a big one for the next chapter, with a daily guarantee of 10,000 yuan, so I’ll post it in the afternoon and evening!

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