Latest website: "I've met my brother!"

The moment the three middle-aged men saw Lu Xiaoqian, they admired him without hesitation, which made Lu Xiaoqian feel dizzy.

Even in the pirate world, there are few people who kneel and kowtow to him like this!

What's more, these people don't talk about their true age, they only talk about their appearance. Being his grandfather is almost enough!

After appeasing the three elders, Shang and others sat down.

"Brother, you are wondering why that girl Ling can pass the message back, right?"

Shang smiled and explained to Lu Xiaoqian.

It turns out that unlike Lu Xiaoqian, a Jörmungandr who broke through the world and was born in the void, the Jörmungandr tribe who made a sound in the original world can gather boundary monuments as soon as they are born, and the boundary monuments can form the local area network that Lu Xiaoqian said.

The coverage of this local area network varies depending on the strength of the user.

At the beginning, everyone could only use communication methods in the original world or even in the star capital.

But before his death, the Jormungandr patriarch suddenly came up with an idea. If he used his own body as a medium, could he connect the boundary monuments of many tribesmen and achieve the purpose of long-distance communication?

This idea is very scary. After all, the void has no limit. Even the most powerful genius leader of the Jörmungandr clan has never found the end of the void in his entire life.

And this patriarch wants to connect the entire void!

His idea was quickly confirmed, it was too difficult!

To sum it up in one word, it’s whimsical!

Although he failed, the patriarch found another way!

He found the leader of the most powerful race at the time, the leader of the Star-Eating Dragon Clan, and the leader of the Void Beetle Clan!

Using his own body as an energy node, with the help of the unique marking method of the Void Beetle clan, and the ability to open up dimensional space of the Star-Eating Dragon clan, a complete void network was formed!

People from the three tribes can use this network to communicate, and each tribe has its own communication code. If you want to crack other people's communication codes, you must break through the levels of these three powerful ancestors!

Since then, whenever a new location is opened up in the void, the void beetle clan will mark it and then communicate it into the map and the void network.

It was precisely because of the death of the leader of the Void Beetle clan that the Void Beetle clan fell from the three hegemonic clans back then to the ranks of the hundreds of clans today.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being a senior!"

Lu Xiaoqian sighed, if he had been asked to come, he would never have thought of this.

Even if I thought about it, I probably wouldn't be so selfless.

You know, this means that you will never be reincarnated and will be endlessly used by future generations!

Only races in the original world can achieve this.

"If that's the case, then I can't take over the clan."

Lu Xiaoqian sighed. His existence was very special. He thought he would never be able to do such a noble thing, but in the eyes of the third elder and Shang, this was an extremely common thing.

If he takes over the position of clan leader, then the human suspicious nature in him will spread to the entire clan, eventually leading to the total annihilation of the Jörmungandr clan!

Shang didn't understand Lu Xiaoqian's decision, but Song Shuhang and Bai on the side nodded with some sighs.

Human beings, when will we be able to do this, and the ethnic groups in the original world completely hand over their backs to their own people?

Even his own relatives can't believe it, let alone his tribe. It's no wonder that in countless parallel worlds, human beings are always in the midst of war and killing, without making any progress!

Although he refused to become the clan leader, Lu Xiaoqian suggested that as the highest combat power in the clan, he could show off in the original world and gain some benefits for the clan.

Both Shang and the third elder agreed to this without hesitation.

Just kidding, Shang is the most powerful man in the original world, but he has no thought of resistance in front of Lu Xiaoqian.

This was not only because of the pressure from his own clan, but also because he saw the completely irresistible strength gap!

"By the way, brother, is this the star spirit follower you extracted from the moon of a certain world?"

Shang turned to look at Senior Bai, with a searching look in his eyes.

"If so, brother, it's best not to let him appear in front of the Star Spirit clan, otherwise they may make some small moves to kill your followers."

Shang's words made Song Shuhang feel his scalp numb. You must know that as the strongest person in the original world and now the second strongest person, Shang would not tell lies in front of Lu Xiaoqian!

In other words, there must be something wrong with Senior Bai's identity!

These words were naturally broadcast live to the group, and everyone was in an uproar.

I'm not the richest man: "No, isn't Senior Bai the Star Spirit of the Moon? Why would the Star Spirit clan kill Senior White?"

Accelerator: "Isn't it said that the races in the original world are extremely united internally?"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Even according to Shang, the rival Star-Eating Dragon Clan are extremely united. Why is the Star Spirit Clan..."

In the conference room, Lu Xiaoqian waved his hand, and several cups of tea appeared in everyone's hands.

As the original world of the "Mother" of the earth, Shang and others naturally knew what tea was, and they all picked it up and took a sip.

That is to say, the infinite belief in one's own people. If it were a human being, facing Lu Xiaoqian's cup of tea, I'm afraid he would be a little cautious if he wanted to drink it.

This is the ultimate enlightenment fairy tea prepared by Lu Xiaoqian.

How good is it?

A tea leaf made with one second of energy from the Big Bang!

"Shang, why do you say that Bai will be killed by the Xingling clan?" Lu Xiaoqian put down the cup in his hand, slightly curious.

Shang shook his head, "I can't do it without killing. The appearance of your follower means the destruction of the Star Spirit clan."

Another bombshell. Except for Bai, who was still very calm, even Lu Xiaoqian felt surprised this time.

The Star Spirit Clan is one of the three hegemonic clans that controls the Star City of the West. It is the rookie who has pushed the Void Beetle Clan off the altar!

Will Bai's appearance lead to the destruction of the Star Spirit clan?

This is a bit alarmist!

If the person who said this was not Shang, no one would believe it!

"Excuse me, what is my true identity?"

Bai put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Shang with a very serious expression.

Shang also turned his head and looked at Bai, a little dissatisfied with Bai speaking without permission, but as he stared longer and longer, Shang's expression began to change.

"Bai Yue? Are you really back?"

A strange name broke into everyone's ears, and this time even Bai's face changed!

"Impossible! You can transform the void star spirit by yourself. Even an absolute transcendent cannot return. You are..."

Shang only felt his scalp numb. If Bai Yue was really coming back, would his sister be coming back too?

If that woman comes back, the world may collapse!

Although it has no impact on the original world, it has a huge impact on the void!

"Shang, tell me everything you know."

Lu Xiaoqian stood up with a serious expression.

Shang nodded, a flash of memory flashing in his eyes.

That was countless eons ago. At that time, the three hegemons ruled the original world, and all the races under the three hegemons seemed to be breathless.

They also want to become the three hegemons, but it is simply impossible.

The gap between the races is too great. Even the leader of the Protoss clan, which is the closest to the three hegemon clans, can only deal with the weaklings of the third hegemon clan, the Void Beetle clan.

One day, the leader of the Star Spirit clan issued an order to search for a pair of siblings, and through unknown means, they were scattered and injected into the world meridians of the original world!

From then on, stars named the sun and the moon appeared in the universe of all heavens and realms!

The sun and moon actually appeared in the starry sky in the original world!

Lu Xiaoqian, who came to the original world from the void, once discovered that there were countless shining stars in the void. Some of them were bigger than Lu Xiaoqian, and some were only the size of apples.

But the only thing they have in common is that they cannot be touched, cannot be touched.

You can see it, but you can never catch it.

This is the void star!

However, the materialized sun and moon have become the basis for the improvement of the strength of the Star Spirit Clan!

The speed at which their strength is improving is extremely terrifying even to Shang's perspective.

In less than a thousand eons, the overall quality of the Star Spirit Clan has caught up with the declining Void Beetle Clan, and just after that, the three hegemonic clans changed their names!

"Wait a minute, you mean that Bai's identity is the Star Spirit of the Moon, a member of the Star Spirit clan that was differentiated and condensed into the moon?"

Lu Xiaoqian only felt a wave of hair. Why do the beings in the original world have such huge imaginations and are able to do such a thing?

Forcibly materialize the stars, thus driving the evolution of the entire race.

Although two clan members were sacrificed, wasn't the reason why the three hegemons' unlimited improvement was the sacrifice of the three clan leaders back then?

Facing Lu Xiaoqian's question, Shang nodded, "If Bai Yue really reappears in the original world, it means that the moon and stars in the world will soon disappear. And the moon controlled by the Star Spirit Clan will also truly disappear. , there is a high probability that their clan will fall from the three hegemonic clans and return to the hundreds of clans."

Bai glanced at Shang and sighed softly, "I'm afraid the real reason why the Xingling clan wants to kill me is because of the elder sister among the siblings, right?"

If the moon is very important, then the sun is countless times more important!

Bai didn't know how to face this fact. He also had a sister who turned into the sun?

Shang nodded.

"The sister and brother that the Star Spirit Clan found back then can be said to be the most powerful geniuses in the clan. That sister was even appointed to be the next clan leader."

"But under the strong opposition of the old patriarch, both siblings were sent to the center of the original world and eventually separated."

"The sister looked very serious before she was sent down. She said that as long as her brother doesn't come back for a day, she will always turn into a star to light up the moon."

"And you are back now."

At the beginning, Shang thought that Bai was just a star follower extracted by Lu Xiaoqian, and that all major races did this kind of thing.

After all, the Star Followers are very handy both in appearance and ability.

But as the investigation deepened, Shang was sure that Bai was Bai Yue back then!

"Senior Bai, I didn't expect you to have a sister~"

Song Shuhang smacked his lips, and then the corners of his eyes twitched.

Because the next round of discussion has been stimulated in the group!

Among them, a certain supreme powerhouse who was once known for seeking death was the most prominent!

Xiao Yan: "Hey! Speaking of which, Senior Bai's name is Bai Yue. According to the naming method of the Xingling clan, Senior Bai's sister must be called Bai..."

The sun is expressed in a single word in the language of the earth and the language of the original world, that is, day.

Xiao Yan had a wicked smile on his lips. Could it be that the strong sister is named Bai...

"Your sister, Bai Yang, has most likely sensed your return. The current Star Spirit clan may not be able to hold it back any longer!"

Shang's expression was serious, and Bai nodded.

While gathering the boundary markers, he did hear a greeting.

You're back!

In the conference room, the only voices were Shang and Bai's.

Neither the three elders nor Song Shuhang and Lu Xiaoqian interrupted. They were all listening attentively.

Also listening carefully are the people in the dimensional chat group.

I'm not the richest man: "It turns out that Senior Bai still has such a past. No wonder, no wonder that even in Song Shuhang's world, he is comparable to the protagonist."

If a person with the blessing of the original world's luck goes to a small world, he must be blessed by luck and be unrivaled, but he agrees with Bai's appearance.

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ We all already know about Senior Bai's life experience. Is there anything you want to say?"

Come be my son: "Sacrificing oneself for the sake of the clan seems to be very common in the original world."

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard drank a bottle of wine, and then laughed heartily.

Ace, who was dozing a little next to him, raised his head, wondering what his father was up to.

Whitebeard stretched out his hand and pressed Ace's head, looking at the sons around him with infinite tenderness in his heart.

If it were his Whitebeard Pirates, they could do this too!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "To be honest, I don't think this is a bad thing. After all, because of the self-sacrifice of Bai Yang and Senior Bai, the Star Spirit Clan has been promoted to the three hegemonic clans, and their status has been significantly improved."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Isn't this the same thing as what the patriarchs of the three ancient hegemonic clans did countless eons ago?"

Accelerator: "Although I don't agree with the so-called dedication of the same race, I have no objection!"

As a "villain", Accelerator completely scorned the so-called spirit of dedication and self-sacrifice, but after encountering the Last Work, he felt that people's hearts need not be so dark.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "The point of our discussion now should not be whether it was worth it before, but what to do next!"

Takaba Kyosuke: "Indeed, Ichito is right."

Azusagawa Sakuta: "Didn't Shang say that when Senior White appears in the original world, the Star Spirit Clan must have discovered it? After all, doesn't Senior White's appearance mean the disappearance of the moon and stars?"


·(End of this chapter)

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