Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

Chapter 199 Poseidon's 3rd test, take it lightly! (Four/Five)! ! !

Without talking about Xiaobai, he returned to his clan with three steps, while Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue on the other side were also preparing to rest for two days before taking the next test.

Because unlike the previous first and second exams, the third exam will take longer.

Tidal Forge!

This was the content of Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue's third test. The two of them had to go to Devil's Canyon to undergo tidal forging for more than 3,600 hours.

Even if Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue stayed in the tidal body forging, it would take at least 200 days to pass this level!

Lu Xiao was really reluctant to accept this kind of assessment. After all, two hundred days might be enough for him to rise to the level of a god.

Qian Renxue was very interested in tidal forging. After all, in her mind, the so-called tides were nothing but the rising and falling tides on the coast every day.

Then this body forging is likely to be soaked in the water to accept the invasion of the tide, which should not be a big deal.

Seeing that Qian Renxue was still very happy, Lu Xiao couldn't bear to interrupt her beautiful thoughts, and just took her to taste the special delicacies of Sea God Island in Hailong City.

I have to say that, unlike Hanhai City, the seafood on Poseidon Island is more delicious and juicy than that of Hanhai City. Lu Xiao couldn't put it down.

After two days of repairs, Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue were led by Bo Saixi to the location of the third test.

At this time, they came to Seagod Island in less than ten days!

"This is where we accept the tidal forging?"

When they came to the dark place like the Devil's Canyon, Qian Renxue felt that the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be lifted.

What impresses her eyes is a valley recessed into Seagod Island, and outside, there is an endless sea.

The valley is recessed into the island from the shore, about several hundred meters.

All around were the black rocks under their feet, and just by stepping on it, you could feel that it was as hard as steel.

The beautiful scene in her heart of watching the seascape for the assessment was completely shattered!

"That's right, in the next time, you must be trained here for tidal forging, and I will always be here to accompany you in the assessment. If anyone can't hold on, they can ask for help.


Bo Saixi was deep in the book, and a blue light gushed out, instantly calming the turbulent black waves in front of him.

As she waved her hand slowly, two gray pillars suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea.

The column was rising very fast, and it immediately attracted Qian Renxue's attention.

I saw that at the top of each of the two pillars, there was a small horizontal column that was integrated with the thick column itself.

Suddenly, the top looks like a cross, and on this cross, there are a total of five gray rings.

"Should we be bound in those five rings?"

Qian Renxue's mouth twitched slightly, and her eyes were somewhat helpless.

Unexpectedly, the tidal body forging is so severe that even the body has to be fixed on this strange stone pillar.

Lu Xiao took a step and came to the gray stone pillar very casually.

After pondering for a long time, he reached out and touched the stone pillar that was essentially deep sea silver. The feeling of starting was extremely cold and rough.

"Let's get started? How about trying your own limits first."

Qian Renxue also came to Lu Xiao's side, she stuck a stone pillar, and then five rings locked her hands, legs, and waist to the cross.

Lu Xiao laughed when he saw Qian Renxue who had posted it without hesitation. He just thought about how long it would take for Qian Renxue to accept this reality, but he didn't expect that Qian Renxue would come over first. .

"Senior, you can start."

Lu Xiao also strolled to the front of a stone pillar. He opened his arms and let the five rings fix his body on the stone pillar.

In an instant, a force made him just stick to the surface of the stone pillar, and he didn't need to exert any force at all.

This made Lu Xiao a little surprised. He thought that the ring around his waist was used to fix them on the stone pillar and imitate them to slide down, but he didn't expect that the supporting force to act on his feet, giving The feeling is like stepping on some real ground under your feet.

However, this is normal. If it is not down-to-earth, the constant impact can easily cause damage to the bound place.

After he was ready, Lu Xiao nodded at Bo Saixi.

Bo Saixi also calmly dissipated his control of the waves. When the blue energy disappeared, a huge wave suddenly rushed towards Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue.

When the waves hit Qian Renxue's body, she only felt that the impact was not as violent as she had imagined, and the suffocation she had expected was also very slight.

Is this tidal forging like this?

Before Qian Renxue could express her emotions, waves of waves hit her body one after another.

One wave of ocean waves can't make Qian Renxue feel anything, but ten waves, one hundred waves, two hundred waves...

Because of the continuous impact, Qian Renxue felt a numbness in her body.

It wasn't pain, but numbness. It came from the muscles, flesh, and bones, and the uncomfortable feeling of numbness came from all over the body.

Qian Renxue wanted to use her soul power to block the waves from the waves, but with her spirit power of more than sixty levels, she couldn't resist a few waves and collapsed, and after that, it was beaten one after another.

The wind and waves whistling in her ears also made Qian Renxue feel as if she was at the end of the world. She wanted to turn her head to take a look at Lu Xiao's situation, but the next moment a wave hit her again.

"Xueer? Xueer!"

When Qian Renxue regained her sanity, she was already lying on a soft mattress.

There was a hint of worry in Lu Xiao's eyes, and he was obviously relieved when he saw Qian Renxue regain her sanity.

"What's wrong with me?"

Qian Renxue sat upright with difficulty, she only felt pain from her whole body, something she had never felt since she was a child.

Fortunately, there was a warm current in her heart that was constantly repairing her body, otherwise Qian Renxue might not even have the ability to do it.

"You were beaten by the waves of the tidal forging until you lost consciousness, eh, can the life and death talisman? I constantly repair your body during the invasion of the waves, but this also makes your spirit reach its limit first."

Lu Xiao shook his head. He sat beside Qian Renxue as if nothing had happened. While telling Qian Renxue what happened before, he pulled Qian Renxue's arm and gave her a gentle massage.

For Lu Xiao, who possessed several hundred thousand year spirit bones, even one of which was the right leg bone of the one hundred thousand year Blue Silver Emperor with the ability to regenerate blood, the waves of the tidal body forging were as relaxing as a warm spring breeze.

If it wasn't for the fact that Qian Renxue had closed his eyes and seemed to lose consciousness, Lu Xiao could even stay on the deep-sea sinking silver stone pillar until the end of the assessment.

With the help of the luster of the waves, Lu Xiao passed through the space of mirrors and came directly to Qian Renxue's side, then motioned to Bo Saixi to put her down, and after gently placing her on the mat, Lu Xiao was giving Qian Renxue Knead the body.


Suddenly, Lu Xiao pressed against Qian Renxue's joints, and the sudden pain caused Qian Renxue's brows to wrinkle.

"Well, okay, a little lighter, I hurt..."



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