Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

Chapter 27 Go to the Orange Islands, the first stop is Dead Leaf City! (3/5) Please customize! ! !

It is impossible for Shirona to reject this soul bone. After all, according to Dr. Yamanashi's research, this kind of thing has the power to turn decay into magic, and it can perfectly dispel the dark wounds in the body of a Pokémon and greatly enhance its physique.

Although her fierce biting land shark is well-trained, after all these years of the Southern and Northern Wars, there will definitely be some dark wounds in her body that cannot be detected by humans.

For the future of Lie Bite Lu Shark, she will not refuse this soul bone that is enough to transform Lie Bite Lu Shark.

"I'm afraid I have nothing to return for such a precious gift."

Shirona shook her head with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

To make a regional champion, the granddaughter of a doctor say such words, shows the preciousness of this gift.

Lu Xiao was noncommittal about Shirona's thoughts.

After all, for him, there are really too many spirit bones, and there are hundreds of pieces of different qualities in the space.

So taking a piece and giving it to someone is as easy and simple as a fruit farmer with an orchard taking a basket of fruit as a gift.

"If you have to pay back, then it's okay to arrange air tickets for Cher and me to Asia Island in the Orange Islands, right?"

Lu Xiao glanced at Qian Renxue beside him, it might be difficult to find Kyogre or Mana Fei.

But Lugia actually lived in the waters near Asia Island.

Go and say hi to Lugia and see if you can find Kyogre and Manaphy through it.

Xirona was a little surprised to hear Lu Xiao's words. After all, Lu Xiao and the others only came to Shenao area for a few days, and they were about to leave Shenao?

"There are still many interesting places to visit and play in the Shenao area."

After Shirona thought about it carefully, she decided to dissuade her.

But Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue are naturally not the kind of mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Since they have decided, they will definitely not change it.

Shirona was a little helpless, she could only ask her assistant to book two tickets to the Orange Islands.

There is no airport on Asia Island, and because of the climate problems near the Orange Islands, there are few routes to the Orange Islands.

So the fastest way is to go to Kuye City in the Kanto region first, and then take the ferry from Kuye City to the Orange Islands.

Of course, if Lu Xiao and the others had enough Pokémon to use as mounts, they didn't need to take the passenger ship.

"Dryleaf City? It's okay."

Lu Xiao nodded. As a large coastal city in the Kanto region, Kuye City still has many landmark buildings.

Moreover, the cultural history of the Kanto area is as long as that of the Shinno area. After you get Lugia, you may be able to play in the Kanto area.

After all, it is more peaceful in the Kanto region than the two gods of time and space, who fight casually without moving.

Soon, Shirona left.

Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue returned to their hotel room, and around evening, someone specially sent two air tickets.

The above shows the ticket for tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. The time to arrive in Kuye City will be at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The seat is in the first row of the first class cabin, and it looks like it is still by the window.

"Really, we don't care about the view of the sky."

Qian Renxue smiled. If they wanted to see the scenery in the sky, they could fly up to the sky to see it by themselves, and they didn't need to take a plane.

After a night of rest at the hotel,

Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue left the room early the next day.

After they left, some uniformed people walked into the room to search for something, but the room was as clean as if it had been washed.


When the man at the head wanted to say something with a dark face, an orange wave directly shattered the room.

A slender figure appeared in front of this group of people, and Shirona gently stroked her hair, and the coldness in her eyes was enough to make people chill.

"I'm just going to go back, but I haven't left the celebration city yet!"

Looking at the fierce bite land shark blocking the door, and Pokkis blocking the window, this group of members from the Galaxy Group immediately understood.

They have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!

"Roseredo, use rattan!"

Xirona snorted coldly. She had long expected that people from the Galaxy Group would target Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue, but she didn't expect these people to be so bold that they dared to do it before she could confirm that she had left the celebration city.

If it were Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue, this group of people would definitely be dead.

Ignoring the commotion in the hotel behind them, Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue, who had already arrived at the Pokémon Center, conducted a routine check on Ibrahimovic and then walked towards the airport.

The aircraft in the Pokémon world is similar to the existence of a motorboat. After all, the sound of the engine can easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the Pokémon flying in the sky, so the silent and extremely fast motorboat is the best choice!

Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue quickly boarded the plane, and their seats were indeed window seats.

However, unlike the steel plane in Lu Xiao's impression, the airship in this world has an outer deck. If you are confident in your own strength, you can stand on the deck and feel the strong wind blowing across your cheeks.

Of course, if you get blown away, no one will save you, and no one will compensate you.

Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue didn't want to feel the wind at the height of this world. They sat on their seats and played with Ibrahimovic until the airship docked at the airport in Kuye City.

After disembarking from the airship, Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue clearly felt a completely different life atmosphere from Zhuqing City.

If Zhuqing City is a happy town with technology, then Kuye City is a city of huge gears that can't stop turning at all.

All of them are very busy, some of them have smiles on their faces, some are tired, and many are full of yearning for the future!

"It is indeed one of the three major cities in the Kanto region. The economic development of Kuye City is much better than that of Zhuqing City!"

As a modern person, the first thing Lu Xiao sees is the gap in economic development between cities, which is often best reflected in the arrangement and density of high-rise buildings.

After blowing a whistle, Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue came to the Pokémon Center in Kuye City.

They need to find a chart to go to the Orange Islands, of course, if it can be loaded in the Elf Pokédex, it will be better.

"Xiaohao, slow down~ You're going to school today, you can't skip school all day long!"

Just as Lu Xiao and Qian Renxue entered the Pokémon Center, two children sprang from the corner of the street not far away.

The girl in the back always wanted to catch up with the boy in front, but the dark boy with the seaweed head in front just stuck out his tongue, and then there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Really, Xiaochun, you are taking care too much!"

"I'm the master who wants to conquer the dream and become my initial Pokémon, how could I go to that boring class!"

"Besides, isn't it easy to catch Pokémon, just drop the ball!"



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