Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

Chapter 444: What I saw in the Chambord Islands!

Ever since the Straw Hat Pirates severely injured Kizaru that day, Kizaru has been lying in the infirmary. Even the medical officer said that there was nothing serious about Kizaru's body and he could be discharged, but Kizaru seemed to be It's like I took a vacation and refused to come out.

If it were normal times, Sengoku would never force Kizaru, after all, Kizaru was really miserable last time.

However, the day of war with the Whitebeard Pirates is about to begin. If Kizaru is still not discharged from the hospital, wouldn't it mean that the Navy will lose a general!

One less general in the navy means that the enemy has freed up the combat power of one more general. Over and over again, the navy is equivalent to losing two generals!

The Warring States Period would never suffer this kind of loss.

Even if Kizaru hadn't taken advantage of it yet, Sengoku decided to let Kizaru stay on the battlefield.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with being a mascot acting intimidating.


Aokiji and Akainu looked at each other, a hint of helplessness flashing in their eyes.

Kizaru was quite lazy on weekdays, and now that he had the excuse of being injured, he just wished he could lie down for a few more months.

Staff Officer He stood up, she left a word leisurely and turned around to leave.

"I'm going to have a chat with Kizaru. Let's think carefully about how to arrange the future battle situation."


The first half of the Grand Line, Chambord Islands.

As the most famous archipelago area in the park, the Shampoo Islands can be said to be the last happy area for pirates.

As long as you leave here and want to move on, you can only coat the ship and cross the dark and terrifying sea to an unknown new world.

Even though Morgans' World Economic News Agency continued to report on the New World, the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line still knew nothing about the dangers of the New World.

They naturally believed that compared to the so-called Four Emperors, they just did not go to the New World. If they went to the New World, there is no guarantee that they would be able to produce Forty Emperors.

Today is also a day when many pirates are full of energy and ready to go to sea.

At the port in the illegal zone of the Shampoo Islands, a group of pirates were grabbing a few slaves and heading towards their pirate ship in a arrogant manner. People around them just thought it was commonplace when they saw it.

After all, this is a lawless zone. Even if it is adjacent to the Navy Headquarters, no one will care about the injustice here.

Similar scenes have been staged countless times in the Shampoo Islands.

"Hahahaha, starting from today, I, Greenbeard, will take the first step to become emperor!"

Among the whimpering pirates, a pirate with green nose hair was dragging an iron chain very arrogantly. On the other end of the iron chain was a noble girl with an ashen face.

She was originally a princess from a franchising country, but she was caught by human traffickers and sent to the human auction in the Shampoo Islands, and then fell into the hands of this extremely ugly looking pirate.

Thinking of her tragic fate in the future, the princess thought of committing suicide, but Greenbeard threatened her that if she dared to commit suicide, he would throw her body to his men to feel good, and then throw it to The monkey in estrus makes it impossible for her to live in peace even if she dies!

"Captain, the ship has been coated and ready to go at any time!"

The navigator under his command ran up to Greenbeard and loudly reported. Then Greenbeard turned back to look at the Chambord Islands with his hands on his hips and laughed out loud. He could already imagine his success and fame in the future. After becoming the Four Emperors, it was spread in the Chambord Islands that he The story of the future is over.

"This future belongs to me..."

Before Green Beard could finish speaking, a terrifying idea swept through his brain, and Green Beard fell to the ground on the spot.

The many pirates standing next to Greenbeard seemed to feel some disaster coming, and they all fell to the ground like green onions.


A white vortex flashed, and the noble princess who was bound by iron chains appeared in the arms of a young man wearing a spotted hat, and then the young man slowly put her down.

"Leave quickly, this island has become very dangerous. A very scary big man is coming here soon."

Supernova Trafalgar D. Vatier Law showed a smile to the princess, and then handed it to his companion beside him.

At this time, an arrogant laughter came from the side, "Hey hey hey, I said, Luo, this woman should be my trophy! You just dealt with my trophy so casually, have you ever asked me for my opinion?"

Eustace Kidd, who had red hair, appeared on the roof of the house on the roadside, and beside him stood Kira, who was also a supernova.

It was him who took action just now, and it was Kidd's domineering aura that swept across the entire field.

Among the supernovas of this generation, apart from Luffy and others, Kidd is the only one with overlord-like domineering. He also considers himself to be the most promising man to become the Pirate King, but the sudden rise of Luffy really beat him. Caught off guard.

After hearing Kidd's words, Luo just clicked his hat leisurely, "Master Kidd, the Straw Hat Pirates are about to arrive at the Shampoo Islands. Don't everyone want to come and see the majesty of the Straw Hat Master? I That’s right, Drake’s boss, Becky’s boss, Ulkie’s boss.”

I don't know when it started, but all the supernovas who had already arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago actually gathered in this illegal area. They looked at each other across the area, and the atmosphere suddenly became quite heated.

"Tsk, I just want to see what kind of existence the man who is called the fifth emperor of the sea is."

Capone Becky, a [gangster] with a bounty of 138 million Baileys, sat elegantly on a chair with a cigar in his mouth. There was a dining table in front of him, on which were steaks and red wine just delivered by his men.

Looking at Becky's pretentious behavior, Drake, who was standing on the rooftop nearby, was very disdainful. He snorted coldly and focused his attention directly on Urouge, who was standing across the street.

Urouge had a pair of small wings behind him, and it was obvious that he was not a simple human.

"Ah bah bah, Becky, a man like you actually wants to see the courage of other men."

Neither Luo nor Kidd said anything here, and another supernova, App, laughed out loud.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because Bege is a gangster, a gangster boss, he actually wants to see how brave other men are, isn't this a lack of confidence in himself.

Hearing App's ridicule, Bege didn't pay any attention at all.

In front of the Straw Hat Boy with a bounty of 4 billion, they, the supernovas, are just a group of foils!

Seeing that Bege ignored him, App didn't care, he just laughed over there.

Soon, all the supernovas on the island gathered around, including the big eater Joelle Bonnie.

Just when everyone was still waiting patiently, a small sailboat slowly appeared from the horizon. When they saw the skeleton sail hanging on the sailboat, all the supernovas stood up.

"Hey, hey, hey, this can't be true, the dignified fifth emperor of the sea, actually rides this kind of ship?"

Kidd was the first to feel incredible. You know, anyone on Luffy's ship has a higher bounty than him, but the Straw Hat Pirates' ship is so small?

The size of the Merry is not even one-fifth the size of Kidd's main ship. How can it be worthy of the bounty offered by the Straw Hat Pirates!

"Boss Kidd, although I also feel it is strange, but that is indeed the Straw Hat Pirates' pirate ship."

Luo also exclaimed. He never thought that besides him, there would be someone else whose pirate ship could be so small.

Can this ship really take so many people?

"Here we go!"

While Luo and Kidd were still discussing the size of the Merry, Bonnie, who was sitting on the side and eating food, suddenly had a condensed look in his eyes, and a terrifying will had descended on them.

"Hey, hey, hey, our captain has important things to do, so can you little characters please make way first?"

Zoro, with three knives hanging on his waist, looked extremely calm. His voice was not loud, but his tone seemed extremely arrogant to many supernovas.

"He's just a little swordsman, and he dares to talk to us like this. Kill him!"

Apu couldn't help it. He admitted that the bounty of 4 billion for the Straw Hat Boy might be something, but a little swordsman who just left the East China Sea dared to show off so much. Why?

Because he was unhappy, Apu chose to attack directly.

A sound wave slashed on Zoro, but it did not break the armed color defense that appeared on Zoro's body.

"I've said it, if you're a small person, you should leave first!"


The dark domineering swept out, just like Kidd killed Blackbeard in seconds before. App, who was hit by Zoro's domineering color, lost consciousness instantly.

Seeing that Zoro's domineering color could make App, who was also a supernova, lose consciousness, Kidd couldn't sit still.

Although he looked down on other supernovas, they were all in the same class after all. How could you, a newcomer who had not entered the new world, kill a supernova directly in seconds!

"Go!" Kidd shouted to Kira beside him, and then he stimulated the magnetic force in his body to control Zoro's three swords. Feeling the throbbing of his own sword, Zoro's eyes condensed, he grasped the scabbard of the Wado Ichimonji tightly, and then a sword slash landed directly on Kidd's chest. Swish! Kidd's moves were not even launched, and he was killed by Zoro in one move. Seeing this, Kira on the side immediately attacked Zoro, but was knocked to the distant red trees by Zoro's backhand flying slash. "It seems that you are not going to get out of the way." Zoro bit the Wado Ichimonji in his mouth, and then pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu and Shusui, and countless slashes instantly swept the entire venue where the supernovas gathered. "Madman!" Luo roared, he opened the barrier of the surgery fruit for defense, and in an instant he moved all his people away. Originally, he was planning to see if he could cooperate with the Straw Hat Pirates to kill Doflamingo, but now it seems that the people in the Straw Hat Pirates are a little crazy!

Bege and Bonnie also evacuated quickly like Law. They are not fools. The strength shown by Zoro is too strong. He is not at the same level as them.

Drake wanted to ask for advice, but Zoro's random flying slash seriously injured him. He realized at this time that the opponent was a strong man who could fight against Admiral Kizaru!

"Huh, we're done."

Seeing that there was no one blocking the way, Zoro nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the Meili also happened to arrive at the port.

"Wow, Zoro, have you solved it yet?"

Looking at the wailing pirates all over the ground, Luffy looked at Zoro with some surprise. When they were on the Meili, they had already sensed the group of people on the shore. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and the others were guessing. In the end, it was decided that Sauron would deal with them.

After all, Luffy didn't come just for fun this time. All he had to do was wait for the day when the Navy would start executions, lead everyone into the Navy headquarters, and then snatch Ace back.

It's a waste of time to get entangled with these supernovae on the Shampoo Islands.

"These guys are not weak, but compared to us, they are far behind."

Zoro glanced at Kidd and Kira who were lying on the ground. Apart from the out-of-tune Luo, Kidd was probably the strongest person here.

Thinking of this, Zoro sighed slightly. If he hadn't met Luffy and Hermione, he would have died in that town long ago.

Shaking his head and throwing these thoughts aside, Zoro ignored his defeated generals and returned directly to the team.

The Straw Hat Pirates got off the ship, and Hermione directly used the shrinking spell to shrink the Merry to the limit. Then Merry personally took the Merry and followed everyone to the Shampoo Islands.

"At present, the navy should have known about our arrival in the Shampoo Islands, but they are not sure whether we will intervene in this public execution."

"I think everyone can pretend that we are just here for fun, and then Frankie pretends to find someone to coat our ship, so as to give the navy the illusion that we are preparing to sail to the new world."

On the way to Island No. 1, Sanji and Robin analyzed the current situation and also talked about the best strategy.

Regardless of whether the navy will be fooled or not, they have to make the navy relax its vigilance, which will make it easier for them to invade the navy headquarters.

Luffy nodded. Although he didn't understand much, everyone wanted to help him at this time, so he just had to listen to everyone.

Under the guidance of Sanji and Robin, everyone spread out to play around Island No. 1. Although they were thinking about how to help Luffy, they still pretended to be having fun on the surface. Very happy look.

After this information reached the Navy Headquarters, it really deceived Marshal Sengoku!



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