Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

Chapter 471 The identity of the empress is exposed!

Dressrosa, King's Heights, Luffy is enjoying a massage from several small humans. He has been here for half a month!

Even the Don Quixote family's inventory was eaten up by Luffy.

However, King Riku's family had no complaints at all about Luffy's "hoho" behavior. Instead, they were very happy. After all, Dressrosa could gain Luffy's protection and they would not have to worry about being bullied in the future.

Rebecca even wanted to become a full-time cook to serve Luffy, but Luffy refused.

He doesn't like others living for him.

"It's not good, it's not good, Luffy, something happened on Girl Island!"

Just when Luffy was full and ready to rest, Usopp suddenly rushed in with a piece of information in his hand.

"This is information sent back from Doflamingo's previous secret source. They seemed to not know that Doflamingo was dead, so they passed the information to Dressrosa. King Riku and the others took the information after they obtained it. We were not allowed to be interested, so we left it to me!”

Usopp quickly explained the situation, and then Luffy's expression became very serious.

The relationship between Daughters Island and the Straw Hat Pirates is also very close. During the War on the Summit, the Empress Boya Hancock, as a top powerhouse, did not take action against the Straw Hat Pirates. This made the Straw Hat Pirates The fact that the group can rescue Ace more easily is enough to make the Straw Hat Pirates appreciate it.

Later, when they were in the Shampoo Islands, Hancock got together with the Straw Hat Pirates again, and they also learned about Hancock's friendship with Pluto Rayleigh.

Later, for unknown reasons, Hancock directly became Luffy's licking dog, and almost abandoned his country and pirate group to join the Straw Hat Pirates.

If it weren't for Luffy's repeated requests, Hancock wouldn't want to go back to Girls' Island.

"Girl Island?"

Luffy blinked and pressed down his raised hair with his palm, thinking about what could happen to Daughter Island in the windless zone?

"The Marshal has issued an order for the former Admiral [Black Arm] Zefa and the current Admiral Fujitora who are stationed at the Navy Headquarters to go to Daughter Island!"

Usopp handed the information to Luffy, but Luffy had no intention of reading it. He turned directly to look at Robin who was reading a book in the corner of the palace.

Nami and Hermione went shopping. Now the only Straw Hat Pirates beside him are Sanji, Robin, Chopper and Usopp.

Fortunately, Robin has become obsessed with prophecy recently. She and Hermione have learned many special moves. So far, her predictions are quite accurate.

"Robin, help me figure out what happened on Daughter Island."

Luffy begged Robin

You know, Daughter Island is located in the windless zone. Except for the navy and some strong men, no one will choose to enter or leave the windless zone.

In other words, Daughters Island offended either the navy or the world government.

After all, where is the strength of the empress? Not to mention that the pirates in the first half have been cleared out. Even if they are not cleared out, there is no threat to Daughter Island at all.

"Okay, but I probably can't calculate the specific things, I can only calculate some side information."

Looking at Luffy's expectant eyes, Robin felt helpless. Then he took out a few coins and threw them into the air. After the coins landed, Robin's eyes began to turn white and he muttered something.

"Secrets revealed, baptism of fire."

Robin looked at the scene of roaring artillery fire that she had predicted, and suddenly felt her scalp numb. Even though she had become stronger now, she still felt quite suffocated when faced with that familiar scene.

That's the Demon-Slaying Order!

"The secret has been revealed? There are only two secrets of Girls Island. One is why all of them can use Armament Haki. The second one...isn't it possible? Is it possible?"

Luffy's mouth opened wide. He only knew two secrets about Daughter Island.

The only one who can make the navy take action is probably the second one, but if it is the second one, then something big will really happen!

"Usopp, get Nami and Hermione back immediately, we are going to help Hancock!"

Luffy gave the captain's order, and Usopp notified everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates directly using the phone bug without any delay, and soon everyone returned to King's Heights.

After knowing that the Daughter Island was about to be in danger, everyone immediately expressed their intention to rescue, but they were curious about what secrets the Daughter Island had been exposed.

After thinking about it for a while, Luffy decided to tell Hancock's secret. After all, he believed that since he wanted his friends to take action, he couldn't hide it from his friends.

Moreover, Hancock's secret was not only known to him, but Hermione who was present also knew the secret, and Hermione even helped Hancock clear his inner anxiety.

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, Hermione spoke helplessly.

It was a dark and stormy night, and Hancock broke into Luffy's room.



The Navy's G-5 base, which has been controlled by Smoker, has become very orderly. Qingzhi sat in the office and looked at the documents without saying a word. Just as he was thinking about what the Navy should do next, Smoker Ge suddenly opened the door.

"Grand Governor, Marshal Akainu issued an order to initiate a demon-slaying order on Daughter Island!"


Qingzhi suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, so he launched a demon-slaying order on Daughter Island?

Is Akainu crazy?

Doesn't he know that there is an unclear connection between Boya Hancock and the Straw Hat Pirates?

"What's the specific situation?"

Qingzhi asked quickly, he felt that this was not something Akainu could think of.

Smoker scratched his head. He didn't know the specific situation. This information was sent by Tina from the headquarters.

Originally, Tina was going to come to the G-5 branch, but due to the summons for the Demon-Slaying Order, she could not come for the time being.

"Answer the phone to Akainu, and launch the demon-slaying order. Even the governor of me doesn't know what's going on. It's ridiculous!"

Smoker immediately dialed the phone number, and soon the other end was connected.

"Hello? I'm Akainu."

It didn't take long for the call to be answered, and the person who answered the phone was Akainu!

"Sakaski, it's me. What's going on with the Demon-Slaying Order? Why did you let a former general and a current general hold the line? Are you preparing to deal with the Four Emperors?"

Akainu was silent for a moment, and Aokiji could hear the sound of his breathing. Judging from the frequency, it seemed that he was also a little agitated?

"Because of the Celestial Dragons."

"No, Daughter Island is located in the windless zone. Don't tell me that those guys went to the windless zone to play?"

Qingzhi's eyes widened, as if he was meeting a Tianlong for the first time.

When did these pigs become interested in the windless zone? In other words, when did they become interested in ordinary civilians?

In their minds, aren’t ordinary civilians just used as toys for slaves?

Akainu took a deep breath and told everything he knew. I don’t want Thunder’s Aokiji...

The World Government will hold a world conference next year. The Five Old Stars are dissatisfied with the increasing strength of the navy. Although they feel that there will be no problems with the navy, the Five Old Stars still want to check and balance the navy.

It just so happens that the World Conference is about to be held. Once the five old stars are combined, why not bring several of the Shichibukai to the conference as well.

After all, is there any precedent?

As a result, CP0 carrying the mission went to the Kingdom of Germa ruled by the Vinsmoke family, the Golden Tezoro ruled by Tezoro, the Fishman Island where Jinbe was located, and finally the Daughter Island.

Originally, the World Government intended that Daughters Island and Golden Taizoro should also join the World Government's participating countries.

But who knew something unexpected happened!

The cp0 who went to Daughter Island is a Devil Fruit user with the ability to smell the fruit. He can distinguish slight smells very sensitively.

He is also the general of the Tianlong people!

When he met the Empress, he discovered that the Empress was actually the slave of a certain Celestial Dragon!

Moreover, they were slaves who escaped during the great turmoil that year!

"So, then the CP0 told the information to the Tianlong people behind him, and the ignorant pig came directly to the door, and was beaten violently by the empress?"

"Does this require us to send out the Demon-Slaying Order? What do we think of the navy? Are we cleaners? Are we thugs?"

Aokiji's complaints didn't cause any disturbance to Akainu, because before that, that was exactly what the navy did.

"This is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that the Tianlong died on Daughter Island! It was the empress Boya Hancock who personally took action."

"This is also the reason why the World Government was so angry that we sent out the Demon-Slaying Order."

Akainu finally revealed the reason why he had to launch the Demon-Slaying Order.

The last time a Draco was killed was in the Chambord Islands a few months ago, but because it was the Straw Hat boy who did the killing, even the World Government couldn't do much and could only be helpless and furious.

As for the last time a Draco died abnormally, it was more than 20 years ago. Three Dracos kidnapped by the world destroyer Bundy Waldo were directly tortured and killed by Bundy.

This also led to the world government dispatching CP to instigate people around Bundy, and the combined navy directly captured Bundy into the underwater prison!

Except for the Straw Hat Boy incident, the murder of a Celestial Dragon, which had not happened for nearly thirty years, happened on Daughter Island this time, and it was caused by the former slave of the Celestial Dragon.

The news spread throughout Mariejoia in an instant, and countless Celestial Dragons began to beat and kill their slaves. The number of slaves on Mariejoia was reduced by half!

"Let Fujitora and the teacher be careful. Don't forget that the Pirate Empress and the Straw Hat Boy have an unclear connection. Although the Straw Hat Boy is in Dressrosa now, it shouldn't be possible to reach Daughters Island with their ability. what is the problem."

Aoki hung up the phone and began to think deeply.

Demon-slaying order...

Smoker stood aside, almost dropping his cigar.

His expression was a bit unbelievable. During the war, he had seen the empress. She was charming, arrogant, and seemed not to take anyone seriously.

But who would have thought that the most beautiful empress in the sea was once the slave of the most disgusting person!

I'm afraid that when this news is exposed, the hearts of countless people in the sea will be broken.

However, I'm afraid there will also be a lot of dizzy pirates who want to have a kiss and rush to Daughter Island.

Of course, all this only exists if they can still survive after the Navy Demon-Slaying Order.



"I didn't expect that Hancock would... We must save her!"

Nami's heart was full of surprise. She really didn't expect that Hancock, who was extremely noble in front of others and extremely humble in front of Luffy, was once a slave.

She glanced at Luffy and understood Hancock's thoughts on Luffy.

A woman who had been a slave to the Celestial Dragons would naturally be attracted to a man who didn't care about killing the Celestial Dragons.

In particular, the Empress has definitely exposed her identity, but Luffy is not the kind of person to look down on others because of his identity, so it is normal for the Empress to fall in love with him.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also nodded. They were also shocked, especially Sanji. He was even more frantic to protect the best empress, but was severely attacked by Zoro with one sentence. .

"The Human Empress is interested in Luffy, not a perverted cook like you."

Sanji's blood tank suddenly became empty.

"There's no way to stop it, right?"

Robin asked softly. If possible, she really didn't want to face the Demon-Slaying Order again, even though she knew that the Straw Hat Pirates were not afraid of a so-called Demon-Slaying Order.

She started running away when she was eight years old. She was imprisoned when she was young and had no ability to protect herself. It was the closest thing to a slave life. In that dark cage, what she was thinking about was not how to escape, but how to die.

If her mother's last wish and Sauro's laughter hadn't supported her, she might have committed suicide that year.

Fortunately, the slave ship was attacked by pirates and she escaped.

She really didn't want to think about that experience.

All the people in the cage had dull eyes, looking at her as if they were looking at a dead person. They were beaten by the crew of the slave ship, and they just held their heads to prevent being beaten to death.

The walking dead can only be described by this term.

"There is a high probability that it won't work. Hancock is not Luffy, and Girls' Island is not our Straw Hat Pirates. A major event like the death of a Celestial Dragon cannot be suppressed casually. "

Nami shook her head. She was not boasting. Even if the Straw Hat Pirates competed head-on with the World Government, it would be totally worthwhile. However, Girls' Island is different.

The Demon-Slaying Order may not pose such a big threat to the empress, but what about the ordinary people on Daughter Island?

Let's not talk about whether they can survive the demon-slaying order, but what they will think of the empress after surviving, and what kind of torture they will encounter.

"Let's go, everyone, let's save Hancock together!"

Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head, his expression was very serious. In this case, no one would refute Luffy's opinion.

In fact, no one has any prejudice against Hancock's past identity. After all, there are many girls on the ship who had the same tragic experience, but Hancock's experience was even more tragic.



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