East China Sea, Seymour Shiki Village, port.

Koushiro, dressed in white, stood on the coast, looking at the waves getting closer and closer to Seymour Shiki Village, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"We can't let you ruin this place."

A flash of sword light pierced the sky, and the dark clouds gathered in the sky seemed to be split open, revealing the sunshine above!

The waves were chopped up!



All the residents of East China Sea and Windmill Town were evacuated to higher ground. They did not despair, they just prayed silently.

As one of the most prosperous cities in the East China Sea, they naturally knew that this monstrous tsunami sweeping the East China Sea, and even the whole world, was inevitable!

However, there is still hope for them!

At the port of the East China Sea, Garp, who had taken off his military uniform, was eating donuts as if no one else was around. Standing next to him was Shanks, who had just sent Maginot up the mountain!

"I never thought that one day I would fight with a brat like you."

Garp laughed, as if this was something very funny.

Shanks responded with a smile.

The red-haired pirates have all dispersed and are guarding all the coasts of Kite Town, ready to repel the incoming waves!

As for other places, all the masters of the revolutionary army have been exposed. Regardless of whether they were opponents before or whether they had grievances or not, now, the unified enemy is the tsunami in front of them!




Akainu knocked over the steel desk with one punch. He trembled and looked at the phone faxes sent by some remaining naval branches at the risk of death.

That hell-like scene was really hard for him to accept!

Not being an idiot, he could immediately think that this was a ruthless move made by the World Government to deal with the revolutionary army!

Either you defeat the World Government before the waves completely cleanse the sea, or you surrender directly!

The revolutionary army has no retreat!

On the Great Line, in the angry sea, a giant ship moved forward slowly and steadily. On the deck, Dorag in a green cloak crushed the phone bug in his hand.

It was sent by a news bird, a phone bug contacted by the world government.

Three days!

The time left by the World Government is only three days!

Either be destroyed or surrender!


[Pluto] On Pluto, a unique meeting is taking place!

There were two phone bugs in front of Dorag, wearing a navy hat and an army hat respectively!

"What should we do now? The world government has obviously used the power of ancient weapons, and the world has been plunged into crisis. If this continues, let alone change, just survive. Not even a tenth of the people who survive on the sea will survive! "

Dorag's voice was slightly distorted. The territory in his hands was too big now, and all the information asking for help was sent to him.

Faced with a mountain of help documents, Dorag was helpless.

"We can only fight to the end and completely defeat the World Government!"

Sakaski's decisive voice came from the phone in the navy cap, and there seemed to be a voice saying "Within the tile~~" next to it.

"Then prepare for the decisive battle. Within three days, we must break through Mariejoia and find the power that can control the tsunami in this world. If my guess is correct, that is the King of Heaven!"

Dorag pondered for a moment, and then directly ordered Hades to drive to Mary Joa.

"Don't you think about the World Government's trump card? They can make such a big wave but keep it for three days? This is obviously a trap."

The phone bug of the army cap came to Sengoku's analysis. He always felt that something was wrong. Is the person hidden behind the world government really just the King of Heaven?

Dorag and Akainu both mentioned CP-K and what kind of tentacles they had, haven't they yet investigated clearly?

"Then, what do you think we should do?" Dorag sighed. He didn't want to launch a decisive battle so hastily, but the world was about to be destroyed, so he didn't even bother setting any plans!

"I have an idea and I need your cooperation."

Warring States, who was far away in the Holy Land, rolled his eyes and immediately came up with an urgent countermeasure!

As the phone bug sneakily finished what Warring States said, the meeting ended.

Pluto's speed is very slow compared to its own size, but compared to the total distance, it is still very fast.

In one day, we rushed directly from the Urich Sea to the Shampoo Islands!

The holy land of Marie Gioia is right in front of you!

At the same time, the navy of the New World was also recruited and headed to the Holy Land to prepare for the enemy!

Led by the Marine Headquarters Marshal [Akainu] Sakaski, the generals [Kizaru] Porusalino, [Fujitora] Yixiao, the Grand Governor [Aoji] Kuzan, and twenty elite lieutenant generals together with two Let's go to the Holy Land together, Marie Joa!

Among Mariejoia, after receiving the news of the Navy's request to land, the Five Old Stars were relieved. At least in this fateful battle, the Navy chose the World Government.

"Sakaski is pretty smart."

These are the original words of Wulaoxing.

Three days is the time for the destruction of the world. Naturally, it is not the time agreed with the revolutionary army for the battle. The decisive battle has already begun from the moment the navy lands!

The phalanx composed of 20,000 navy and 20,000 army will not even lose to the previous 1.5 million army in terms of momentum!

Because each had a leader, the Five Old Stars did not invite the person with the ability to command the fruit.

As the night fell and the stars shone, a black shadow enveloped the Holy Land Marie Joa.


The roar of artillery fire broke the silence of the Holy Land, and amid the shouts and yells of countless people, the real decisive battle began!

The Five Old Stars were the first to bear the brunt and appeared directly on the roof of the Mariegio Conference Building. Looking at the giant ship floating in the sky, they couldn't help but raise their brows.

If they weren't confident, they really wouldn't want to face the muzzle that was bigger than a warship!

"Wulaoxing, long time no see, or rather, it's an honor to meet you!"

Pluto fell slowly. When it landed on the holy land of Mary Joa, Dorag's height was no lower than that of the Five Old Stars!

Looking at Dolag, who was wearing a green cloak and had a mysterious red tattoo on his face, Wulao Xing also felt very sad.

Once a genius in the navy, a destined future admiral or even a marshal, what made him embark on the path of rebellion?

"Dolag, by saying so much, do you want to express something? Are you here today to surrender?"

The blond Five Old Star was the first to stand up. He looked at Dorag and his tone was not very good.

"Surrender is naturally impossible. What I want is for the sea to become peaceful and peaceful, not to be under the rule of a world government similar to pirates!"

Dorag's words shocked all the soldiers below. They actually heard someone say that the World Government is a pirate!

"What nonsense are you talking about, Dorag! Don't think that just because you have gathered a bunch of people, you can really challenge the World Government!"

The bald Five Old Star's beard began to tremble in anger, and he pointed at Dorag's nose and cursed.

"Don't forget, your father is a naval hero of the World Government, and you were trained by the Navy! You were trained by the World Government!"

Dorag sneered, and a group of people came out from behind him.

There are military commanders from all over the world, the chiefs of staff of the revolutionary army, and the combat corps of the revolutionary army...

All the belongings of the revolutionary army were brought to the Holy Land Mary Joa by Dorag!

"The world government used pirates as a threat to force the participating countries to hand over the terrifying tax sky gold to please the Celestial Dragons. And those countries that paid the sky gold became poor and became extremely oppressive of the people, causing the sea to sink Under oppression, is this any better than what the pirates did?"

"Many people say that it is because of the World Government that eight hundred years of peace have existed. However, if it were not for the World Government, could Roger really have launched the Great Age of Pirates! Moreover, the World Government secretly Cooperate with pirates, sell arms on a large scale, and start a national war! This is what a government that leads the world should do!”

Dorag's figure was very magnetic, and his words were like a magnet, locking everyone's eyes firmly on him.


The Five Old Stars were furious for a moment, and the Five Old Stars holding the sword were even ready to take action!

But what was faster than them was a golden flash.

The person who took action was Kizaru.

Akainu, Aokiji and others located at the rear of the battlefield all focused on Kizaru.

"Dragon Blast!"

Dorag was not idle either. With a flick of his green cloak, a terrifying wind pressure shock wave hit the golden laser!

The strong wind pressure directly knocked the soldiers below to their knees. All the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army also got off the Pluto. After clenching the weapons in their hands, they were just waiting for the battle to begin!

"Kizaru, kill Dorag immediately!"

As the Five Old Stars roared, a funny smile appeared on Kizaru's lips, asking him to kill Dorag?

The five old stars think highly of him.

Seeing that Kizaru, one of the most trusted generals among the five of them, was the first to take action, Wu Laoxing naturally hoped that Kizaru would at least destroy Dolag or the top cadres of the revolutionary army. In this case, even Immu behind him If you don't take action, the morale of the revolutionary army will drop significantly.

From behind Dolag, a young man in a suit rose into the air. Without saying a word, a sea of ​​​​fruits fell from the sky with the ability to control it!


At that moment, Wu Laoxing only felt a little strange. The ability of this fluttering fruit can indeed trap the ability user, but it is impossible for the chief of staff of your revolutionary army to grow to be stronger than the navy admiral so quickly, right?

The floating sea current enveloped Kizaru when Dolag and Kizaru were facing each other. Kizaru also pretended to hold his breath and then struggled to break free from the sea water.

After Wulaoxing saw him, he did not doubt that he was there and immediately issued an order to rescue him.

"Akainu, rescue Kizaru immediately!"

"Got it, old man!"

Sakaski lit the cigar, with a flash of excitement in his eyes. He raised his hand and used a move of Hades to cross the floating sea currents, hitting the struggling Kizaru head-on!


The Five Old Stars were extremely frightened and furious. They looked at Sakaski below and the sound was so loud that it made people’s ears uncomfortable!

"Why are you shouting so loudly? It's really scary~ Wulaoxing!"

The second golden light shone, and Kizaru broke out of the tsunami circle and jumped into the sky, and directly launched an eight-foot magatama to clean the ground!

However, this time, the target he chose was not Dorag, nor Sabo, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, but a group of CP0 standing next to Wulaoxing.

Just now, he had arrived at CP0's side while he was being attacked by Sabo!

The noble residential area in the distance was cleaned up, and a huge pit appeared!


"Light of gravity! Suppression of gravity!"

In the navy camp, before the Five Old Stars could fully react, the remaining two big guys also took action!

Qingzhi raised his hand and two icicles connected to the floating ocean, immediately freezing CP0 completely in it.

Fujitora pressed the ice ball into the hole created by Kizaru with one click and two consecutive moves, and also attracted a meteorite to directly bury the CP0s in it!

The entire operation took less than a minute. CP0, one of the most powerful combatants on the World Government's side, was eliminated from the battlefield by several other colleagues!

"Sakaski! Kuzan! Porusalino! Smile! You...you..."

At this moment, Wulaoxing still couldn't understand that the navy's visit this time was not to help at all, but to add insult to injury!

The army below also changed with the changes in the camp. The navy and the world government army, which were originally very harmonious, immediately came into conflict!

Apart from the panic among the Wulaoxing and its CPs due to the navy's sudden change of camp, the officers and the revolutionary army within the navy did not seem to have changed at all. They seemed to be in the same camp to the outside world!

The big guys above are watching, and the minions below will naturally be beaten to death!

On a certain battlefield, a CP9 agent wanted to sneak attack the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, but was stopped by Smoker.

[White Hunter] Smoker has been promoted to the elite vice-admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

"Huh~ Although I am not interested in helping the revolutionary army, but if you guys can be completely eradicated and the justice of the navy is released, I don't mind joining forces with these guys first, and then carrying out my justice!"

Still smoking like a boss, Smoker spit out the two nearly burned out cigars in his mouth, opened his coat, took out two more and lit them, and casually said words that made CP9 and others' expressions change drastically.

Looking at the chaotic Holy Land, the faces of the Five Old Stars were extremely ugly. With the support of CP0, they continued to retreat in order to delay the war.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on the battlefield, beside Wulaoxing, nine black figures gradually emerged from the twisted space!

CP-K, all hands on deck!



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