Starting From Supporting Qian Renxue To Plunder the Heavens

Chapter 518: Straw Hat Pirates: Navigator Nami!

"Today, there is thunder and lightning, so be careful!"

With a soft drink, Pale Thunder seemed to be guided by something, and actually changed the target from the person lying on the ground to the World Government Conference Building!

Under the desperate gaze of Wulaoxing, this conference building with a long history that had existed for eight hundred years turned into dust!

"This girl..."

Im raised her head, her pupils shrank, as if she saw something, and she became excited.


"Yes, the King of Heaven is indeed resisting me, but it's useless. As long as I kill her, there won't be any problems!"

Im put his hands behind his back, and his whole body shot into the sky like a cannonball. All he could see was Nami with short orange hair!

"Huh, it's really true. It's not good for a weak woman to deal with such a terrifying opponent."

Nami stuck out her tongue, raised her hand, and the endless thunder gathered into a ball of light in her palm, which looked exactly like the method Im used before.

Behind Nami, the Straw Hat Pirates passed through a golden circle of light with smiles on their faces. They had returned from Rafdru.



The Devil Fruit Tree is currently feeling very desperate. Originally, he thought that all he had to do was focus on Garp. Even Zefa, whom it worked so hard to bring down, is no longer in its eyes. After all, Zefa is no longer in its sights. Fa also ate the devil fruit.

But who knows why Monkey D. Luffy, who is also a Devil Fruit user, was not restricted by him!

Is this guy really human?


After Luffy hammered off three of the Devil Fruit Tree's tentacles, it went berserk, and the black mist covering its body immediately spread.

"Nami! Take care of Im, I'll have some fun with this guy!"

The moment he was sucked into the black mist, Luffy shouted to Zoro and the others who were guarding Nami in the air.

Although I don’t know when Nami and the others came over, it’s obvious that Nami is now a thorn in Im’s side!

Zoro and Sanji in the air looked at Im, who was coming towards them and others, and there was a trace of sarcastic smile in their tacit understanding eyes.

Yin ~

"I know, Zoro, Sanji, you can take action. If that guy releases thunder and lightning again, I will lure him away!"

Nami casually grabbed the hair of Gad summoned by White Star. After experiencing various adventures, she also had absolute confidence when facing Im, who was instantly killed by countless bosses.

In fact, after going to Lovedru, she already understood that the key point of this final battle lies with herself.

Since I want to be in the limelight in the end, I'd better let my friends have some fun first.

Im has instantly killed many powerful generals, but that doesn't mean he can defeat the current Straw Hat Pirates.



Im's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye he was almost touching Gade in the air.

As a subordinate of Shirahoshi, Gade is quite witty.

It rose up to dozens of meters gracefully, then grinned, and the golden tail instantly turned black, and its thickness also increased a lot!

Give me a giant tail hammer that is invincible in the universe!

Im's pupils shrank, and his whole body hit the ruins of the World Government Conference Building at a speed several times faster than the rising speed.

Wulaoxing looked at the deep pit on the ground, his mouth wide open and unable to close at all.

Although the Devil Fruit's ability is restricted, Gad's physical fitness and domineering power are not empty. The explosive power of condensing domineering power into one point is not even matched by other members of the Straw Hat Pirates!

It lowered its head and looked at the sullen Im on the ground, showing a mocking smile.

bring it on!

Let’s see if your attack is stronger or my armor is thicker!

In the holy land of Mariejoia, Im, the real king of the world who has ruled the world for eight hundred years, faces off against Gad, the pet of the king of the new era.

Who is the better one?······

What a choice!

Im stood up from the ruins expressionlessly. He stared at Ged in the sky. The anger in his eyes could burn the entire Holy Land!

Although he has lived for eight hundred years and practiced for eight hundred years, people always have their limits unless they don't behave as human beings.

He has not yet reached the point where he is not a human being!

That armed domineering force that is almost half a meter thick, tell him how to penetrate it!

In the sky, the golden dragon seemed to be mocking Im, constantly shuttling through the clouds and mist, like a god.

It is worth mentioning that these clouds were not caused by Gad, but Im trying to use the King's ability to restrain Gad, but Nami countered it!

"According to rumors, the three ancient weapons, headed by the King of Heaven, are the most powerful. Now it seems that the power possessed by [King of Heaven] Uranus is the power to control the weather between heaven and earth. This can also explain why, the entire The sea is agitated!"

Robin stood quietly next to Nami. She crossed her hands and gently sent all the navy and revolutionary troops on the battlefield to the edge to avoid them being injured again.

Sengoku stood on the edge of the battlefield, unable to help at all.

In terms of combat effectiveness, they were instantly killed by Yimu. Even Gad could only guard against Yimu who was unable to use the King of Heaven at full strength. Although Yimu looked very embarrassed and there were many pitfalls in the Red Earth Continent, in fact Yimu was not that good at all. There were no injuries, it was just that there was no way to cause harm to Gade.

"Does [Pluto] Pluto have the strongest single-target attack?"

Zoro looked at Pluto in the distance and murmured to himself. His eyes looking at Im not far away became particularly bright.

This guy has practiced swordsmanship for eight hundred years, so he must be very strong!

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also had the same idea as Zoro, and they were already gearing up to attack Im.

You can't, just let Gad, who transforms from a shark into a dragon, steal the show.

Before seeing the Heavenly King's devastating meteorological attack, they had always thought that Pluto was good at ranged attacks. Now it seems that Pluto has the smallest attack range among the three ancient weapons!

"Then why can Nami resist Im's power?"

Aokiji, who had the closest relationship with Robin, raised questions about his soul. They couldn't understand why Nami could influence the King of Heaven at all.

Even though Nami had shown strong fighting power before, they had never found any signs of ancient weapons on her.


Warring States couldn't explain why, but Yixiao, the most knowledgeable person, seemed to have discovered something.

"Nami can sense in an instant which weather attack Im is using, and then the weapons in her hands that were personally modified by Usopp and Franky, the genius scientists of our Straw Hat Pirates, can change the surrounding weather, so that Can counteract Im's attack."

Robin's explanation stunned Qing Pheasant and the others. Is there such an operation?

Yixiao's heart was filled with admiration, that was the ancient weapon [King of Heaven] Uranus controlled by Im, the king of the world who had lived for eight hundred years!

A little girl who was engaged in petty theft in the East China Sea two years ago can actually have the ability to destroy the world head-on!

Once again, he was stopped by Zoro and Sanji and fell to the ground. Im's eyes were fixed on Nami behind Gede, and a smile actually appeared on his expressionless face.

This smile is very gentle, but it gives people an extremely dangerous illusion!

"Danger, Nami!"

Robin's eyes were sharp, and she could see Im smiling at a glance.

Although I don’t know what the King of the World is planning, it seems like he has a way to deal with Gade or Nami!

Nami clenched the weather stick in her hand, and her originally calm expression became a little nervous.

Standing below was an opponent she had never imagined!

When Luffy and Hermione roped her into the ship, she thought she would only face people like Aaron, but in the end, all kinds of supernovas, and even the Yonko, came to fight against each other.

Now, we are facing an old monster who claims to have lived for eight hundred years!

Although this old monster is still very young and he can understand his attack methods, this also makes this old monster regard him as a thorn in his side!

"I didn't expect that you could control the weather so skillfully without Ouranos. Not bad, not bad. If you didn't have to die in order for me to master Ouranos perfectly, I really want you to replace those five wastes and become the world government. leader of."

Im's words made the five old stars who were watching the battle blush and couldn't refute them at all.

"It's just that with your weak body, how can you really face Ouranos!"

Im opened his hands and opened his mind. At his heart, a ball of colorful light gradually turned into a sphere exuding gentle light!

Hermione stood aside and looked at the ball of light, wanting to complain.

Isn't this just a small globe?

In other words, should it be called Pirate Instrument?

Moreover, Nami is weak?

Im really not joking?

Nami drank the dragon power potion she gave her, and experienced the baptism of the huge treasure of the ancient kingdom in Ravdru.

Although Nami is now slim and graceful, she seems to be frail, but in fact, even if Kaido is reincarnated, she will not be Nami's opponent!

"You can neutralize and guide the power of thunder and lightning, you can create scorching air waves with the power of severe cold, and you can create hailstorms with the power of scorching heat... But how can you face the power of the storm with your immature body?"

Im, who had no idea what he was talking about, stretched out his hands and turned the sphere twice. In an instant, the sky changed, and the clouds that were originally floating in the sky began to fly away at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone standing on the red earth continent felt dizzy, as if the earth was shaking.


In the sky, Gad seemed to be pulled by some force, swaying as if he was drunk. This also resulted in Nami being unable to use the weather stick in her hand while sitting still.

The seven-colored light in Im's hand shone, and a strong wind swept across the sky of Holy Land Mariejoia, sweeping away all the grass in less than three seconds!

"Not good! Nami, Nami is in danger!"

Gion, who was on the edge of the battlefield, planted Kimpira on the ground to stabilize his body, but now they had no way to help Nami.

All the Devil Fruit users were in a state of weakness, and those with strong physical skills were no match for Im. They could only watch as the strong wind hit Nami.


As the person with the best preserved combat power, Garp immediately stepped on the moon step and wanted to rush forward. However, how could Im tolerate it? In the blink of an eye, he kicked Garp away and fell into the ruins. .


In the strong wind, Nami closed her eyes tightly, as if she was unable to control her body due to the strong wind.

Just when Im thought he had succeeded, a terrifying bombardment and vines that appeared out of thin air tore the strong wind into pieces.

"Hey, hey, don't do anything to the navigators of our Straw Hat Pirates!"

It was Franky and Usopp who took action to deal with the storm. The two of them high-fived each other. Such a little trick was not a problem for them!


For the first time, Im's eyes were full of surprise. Could the King's attack be cracked so easily?

What kind of freaks are these brats!

"When you are fighting with us, you still want to sneak attack Nami-chan. You are so annoying!"

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth and landed a heavy kick on Im. Although this kick did not hurt Im, it caused Im to fly directly away from the best position to attack Nami.

After Sanji's attack, Zoro's three-sword-style slashing attack followed.

"Three Swordsman Style·Second Truth·Three Thousand Worlds!"

Endless sword light shined on Im's body. Even though Im's armed domineering power had exceeded the limit of human beings, facing Sauron's infinite critical attack, he instantly became covered with bruises.

"Two-wheel flower, slap!"

After Zoro, Robin pursed his lips, crossed his arms, and two slender arms grew on Im's body, and then started slapping Im like crazy.

"How can this be!"

Everyone exclaimed, Akainu and Aoki looked at each other in disbelief, and then slapped each other.

"I'm... not dreaming, right? Why? Why can that little girl use Devil Fruit abilities?!"

During Luffy's conversation with the unknown black mist, Akainu and others had already understood that their Devil Fruit abilities actually came from that black mist, so when it took action, their own and others' It's naturally impossible for Devil Fruit abilities to be working.

This is why they can only watch from the sidelines.

The physical skills are just knocked down with one finger, and the fruit ability is completely useless.

Except for Garp and Zefa, whose physical skills are astonishing and can hit two fingers, the others can only block it with their lives for a second at most.

But what do they see now?

A Nico Robin using her fruit powers!



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