Starting From Sword Art Online

Chapter 18 Mentality of the Strong

Before I knew it, dinner was coming to an end. Kai Tai suddenly said to Ye Yi

"Although it's a bit presumptuous, can I ask Ye Yi how old are you and Asuna?"

"forty three"

Everyone in the black cat group of the moonlit night took a deep breath


"too strong"

"More than 20 levels higher than us"

Kai Tai's face is gloomy

"I really don't know how to speak. It's unreasonable, but I hope Ye Yi and Asuna can guide us for a few days. Ye Yi, you also saw that we were almost wiped out during the day. We don't want to experience that powerlessness anymore. So I hope Ye Yi you guys can teach us."

After saying that, Keita stood up, bowed directly to Asuna, and put his hands together above his head.


Looking at the sincere Keita and the hopeful gazes of the remaining four, Ye Yi thought of the Black Cat Unity Bureau in the moonlit night in the original novel, and Asuna also held Ye Yi's hand under the table, expressing his determination for all his decisions. support.

Sure enough, I'm not suitable to be a hard-hearted person. It seems that the holiday has been ruined again. Ye Yi sighed and nodded to Qi Tai.

He lowered his head, but quietly opened one eye and peeked at Ye Yi out of the corner of the eye. Seeing Ye Yi nod, Qi Tai immediately cheered and turned to hug Tie Xiong next to him.

At this time Ye Yi spoke up

"Asuna and I can teach you, but I have one condition, that you must be obedient"

Ye Yi was afraid that Moonlight's Black Cats would repeat the same mistakes in the original book, so he explained the conditions directly.

"Ok, no problem at all"

Seeing that Qi Tai and the others agreed, Ye Yi nodded secretly, but when he thought that his and Asuna's vacation was over, he was again troubled.

At this time, Kai Tai pushed the girl named Xing to Ye Yi and put one hand on her head, while Xing was holding the wine glass in both hands timidly.

"I want to transform Lucky into a avant-garde shield swordsman, but I don't know what to do. I hope you can guide me, Ye Yi."

Happily grumbled

"What's the matter, what people say is the same as waste material"

Then he turned sideways to avoid Kaitai's hand

"You suddenly let people come forward to fight close combat, people will be afraid"

Tie Xiong didn't notice the uneasy look at all, and said indifferently.

"Just hide behind a shield"

Followed by Dakar also took a sentence

"Really, you've always been so timid"

Fortunately, hearing the words of his teammates, he hummed angrily, and then all the people in the black cat group smiled softly. Keita went on to say

"Actually, our guild is a member of the Computer Research Association of the same high school in reality, so I'm in trouble for the two of you these days."

Everyone cheered suddenly, Xing also smiled at Ye Yi, Ye Yi could see that she was smiling reluctantly.

The next morning, Ye Yi and Asuna packed up and waited for Qi Tai and the others in the training area early.

After a while, Keita and the others arrived at the training area, saw Ye Yi and Asuna waiting in the distance, and ran towards them shouting.

The people of the Black Cats quickly ran to Ye Yi, and Qi Tai put his hands on his knees and said while panting.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It's okay, we just arrived."

Ye Yi waved his hand to let them not mind, then got to the point

"Next, Asuna and I will use novice weapons, because our level is too high, and if Asuna and I use our own weapons against monsters on this floor, it will directly cause instant kill, so we can't demonstrate the operation to you. Blink to see how Asuna and I are doing and responding."

After speaking, the two of them wanted to look at each other and nodded, Ye Yi immediately squatted down and picked up the four stones on the ground, and activated the throwing skill.

The hatred of the four-headed monster immediately attracted Ye Yi. Starlight gathered in his hand, a novice spear appeared in his hand, Ye Yi rushed over with Xingyu.

After thinking about it, the Black Cat Corps had no animal trainers, so Ye Yi didn't ask Xingyu to lose control skills, and chose to charge directly, followed by Asuna.

The huge insect in front of him, waving its sharp limbs, slashed towards Ye Yi. Ye Yi ducked sideways, stuck in the blind spot of the monster's vision, and picked up the backhand spear. And Asuna, not to be outdone, took advantage of Ye Yi to attract the monster's attention and shot directly at a quadruple pain point. The severe pain made the monster wailing, and he turned his attention to Asuna decisively.

The group of black cats who were observing from the side only saw two swift shadows wandering among the four monsters, constantly dodging the monster's attacks. Of course, sometimes, Ye Yi and Asuna couldn't dodge, they would use their skills to sway away the monster's attack, instead of using their skills to resist, they could effectively avoid their own rigidity.

Ye Yi and Asuna were constantly wandering in the attack of the four-headed monsters. Their gorgeous movements seemed like a beautiful dance. It is said that the dance is incomplete, and it should be called art.

Gorgeous skill light effects and monsters' roars add more gorgeousness to this art.

Everyone in the black cat group was fascinated

"Okay...that's awesome"

After a while, the four heads fell at the feet of Ye Yi and Asuna, put away their weapons, Ye Yi and Asuna walked back to the black cat group

"How is it? Is there anything to gain?"

Keita said with a dark face.

"Sorry Ye Yi, we just saw how good you and Asuna are."

Ye Yi chuckled lightly and comforted

"It's not your fault, our level is high, and the tactics and movement techniques you use are the first time you see it, and you can't see anything normal. This is just an example for you. If you have learned what I will explain next, then It's not impossible for you to reach this level."

Everyone in the Black Cat Troupe looked overjoyed when they heard it.

"Really? Awesome!"

Ye Yi nodded lightly and continued.

"In the actual combat just now, we were able to keep dodging most of the monster's attacks. This is a movement technique that I have constantly summed up and practiced in actual combat. I call it the Shadow Step."

"The principle is to dodge the monster's attack, hide in the monster's blind spot, and then keep shifting the angle of view, so that you can handle every next attack of the monster with ease."

"As for attacks that are really unavoidable, I also invented Unloading Block, which is to use skills to change the direction of the monster's attack, so as to avoid the rigidity caused by the collision between myself and the monster."

After listening to Ye Yi's explanation, Qi Tai and the others looked at Ye Yi with admiration. Keita seems to have suddenly thought of something and asked

"Ye Yi, are you willing to share such an important skill with us? Aren't you afraid that we will learn this skill and surpass you?"

Ye Yi smiled and shook his head

"I've not only taught you, whether it's the strategy team at the front, or the weak players I rescued in the back, as long as you want to become stronger and beat Kayaba Akihiko to clear the game, come to me and ask for leave, I will teach him without hesitation. ."

Everyone in the black cat group was dumbfounded

"Ah! So many people have learned, then Ye Yi, won't you be surpassed soon?"

Ye Yi shrugged lightly

"When they learn my skills, they will have the opportunity to catch up with me, and I will not become slack because one person throws off a large portion of all players. Only by working hard to become stronger can I stand on the top of all players. ."

Everyone in the Black Cat Group was shocked by Ye Yi's strong self-confidence. Looking at this arrogant, confident and rebellious young man in front of him, everyone felt like they were looking up to the peak. Asuna saw Ye Yi who was arrogant and had both hands on his back, he couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Ye Yi's arm, and Xingyu also seemed to feel Ye Yi's strong self-confidence, flew up from Ye Yi's shoulders, and floated beside Ye Yi called out


Keita muttered

"Is this Master Silver Wing? As expected, he deserves to be the first strong player in the Raiders group, a worthy player."*

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