Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 103: Wisdom Is Perfect, And Luozhou Is Destroyed!

Chapter 103: Wisdom Enters the Holy, Flattening Luozhou!

Dalin Temple.

Master Zhishan has been standing outside the gate of the meditation courtyard on the back mountain for a full twenty-six days.

But Master Zhiyuan has yet to break through and come out, so no matter how anxious and worried Zhishan is, he can only wait patiently outside.

By his side are the only two remaining elder masters in the temple.

Zhiyan and Zhiyu, like Zhishan, are senior brothers with the character "zhi".

Their current mood is also like Zhishan's, eagerly anticipating the emergence of Master Zhiyuan, so they can rush to Luozhou together and save Wuxing, Zhiming, and the others.

Not to mention others, Wuxing is the head of their Dalin Temple, the face and reputation of the sect.

Now he has been forcibly detained in Luozhou for nearly a month without any news of his life or death. How can they rest assured?

In fact, if it weren't for Zhishan's insistence on not letting them go out to rescue people on their own.

Twenty-something days ago, when Master Zhishan had just returned to the temple, Elder Masters Zhiyan and Zhiyu were already preparing to set off.


"Junior Brother Zhishan, it has been twenty-six days already. Master Zhiyuan still shows no signs of coming out of seclusion. Are we just going to wait here forever?"

Zhiyan glanced at the martial intent barrier that separated them from the meditation courtyard and impatiently suggested to Zhishan, "How about I go to Luozhou first to find out the situation and see how our Head Disciple Wuxing and Senior Brother Zhiming are doing?"

"Even if Liu Zimo is powerful, if I don't confront him head-on and quietly sneak into the city, can he still detect my presence?"

"Not a good idea!" Zhishan shook his head repeatedly. "Senior Brother Zhiyan, you haven't had direct contact with Liu Zimo, so you can't imagine how powerful he really is!"

"Now the entire city of Luozhou is under his control. As long as you show up in Luozhou, he will quickly receive the news or directly sense your presence!"

"So, listen to me and wait for Master Zhiyuan to come out of seclusion!"

"Only Master Zhiyuan has a chance to suppress him in the current Da Xia!"

Zhishan seemed to have been frightened out of his wits.

Whenever Liu Zimo's name was mentioned, a trace of fear was difficult to conceal in his eyes.

Zhiyan and Zhiyu exchanged glances upon hearing this.

They had heard the same words from Zhishan's mouth countless times, but they still couldn't completely believe what Zhishan said.

A young kid in his twenties, no matter how powerful he is, how powerful can he be?

Zhishan and Head Disciple Wuxing must have fallen into some ambush or plot in Luozhou, which led to the annihilation of the entire army.

And Zhishan, obviously, was injured in his soul, which made him so suspicious and cowardly.

While they were talking.

The martial intent barrier that had been blocking their entry into the meditation courtyard suddenly dissipated.

Immediately after, they heard a familiar and extremely solemn Buddhist chant coming from inside the courtyard.


The voice was deep, but it carried a rhythm that resonated with the heart and soul.

Just this low chant dispelled all the negative emotions that the three of them had accumulated over the past few days.

Zhishan, Zhiyan, and Zhiyu's spirits were lifted, and they quickly stood up, clasped their hands together, and said in unison, "We respectfully welcome Master Zhiyuan's emergence from seclusion!"

Although they couldn't perceive Master Zhiyuan's current level of cultivation, let alone know what he had gained from this seclusion.

Just from this chant, they could hear a completely different sense of holiness compared to before!

Obviously, Master Zhiyuan must have made a significant breakthrough in this seclusion.

But whether he has advanced to the legendary realm of Manifestation, the three of them do not know.

"All three junior brothers, please come in and sit down!"

Master Zhiyuan invited them in, and the closed gate of the meditation courtyard silently opened again after nearly a month.

Zhishan, Zhiyan, and Zhiyu did not hesitate and quickly stepped into the meditation room, bowing and paying their respects to Master Zhiyuan.

"Junior Brother Zhishan, why is your dantian sea of qi sealed again?"

Master Zhiyuan's gaze fell directly on Zhishan, furrowing his brows and asking, "Where is Head Disciple Wuxing and the others now?"

Sweeping his divine sense, he did not find any trace of Wuxing, Zhiming, or Zhisheng in the temple.

Seeing the familiar sealing technique on Zhishan's dantian sea of qi.

Master Zhiyuan, of course, understood that Wuxing, Zhiming, and the others' trip to Luozhou might not have gone as smoothly as he had expected.


Master Zhiyuan lightly waved his hand towards Zhishan, instantly shattering the seal that had been placed on his sea of qi.

The means of restriction are the same as last time, with both martial intent and spiritual power intact, and the intensity has reached the peak of the Grandmaster realm, beyond what an ordinary Grandmaster can remove.

Therefore, even after a month has passed, Zhishan still cannot break through this restriction on his own and restore his cultivation strength.

"Thank you, Senior Zhichuan!"

With the return of the long-lost power, Zhishan is extremely excited and quickly bows to express his gratitude to Senior Zhichuan.

"Senior Zhichuan, I followed the Sect Master and Senior Zhiming and others to Luozhou City a month ago, and we were suddenly subdued by Liu Zimo who appeared out of nowhere!"

"In just a flick of his hand, he suppressed me, Zhiming, Zhisheng, and the other three senior brothers. We didn't even have a chance to fight back!"

"Afterwards, the Sect Master and Senior Zhiming were taken to the military office in Luozhou for interrogation, while I was sealed again by Liu Zimo and expelled from the city to return to the temple to report!"

"Liu Zimo said that if we want to redeem Wuxing, Senior Zhiming, and the others, you, Senior Zhichuan, must go there in person!"

As Zhishan's voice falls, Senior Zhichuan has not yet reacted, but Zhuyan and Zhuyu standing beside him simultaneously angrily chant a Buddhist mantra and scold loudly:

"Arrogant brat!"

"How dare he take the Sect Master and Senior Zhiming as hostages and threaten Senior Zhichuan, he deserves to die!"

"Senior Zhichuan, Zhuyu and I are willing to challenge and explore Luozhou City again!"

"Even if it means risking our lives, we must capture that brat and rescue the Sect Master's nephew and Senior Zhiming!"

Seeing the two of them so furious and violent, Zhishan knows that he didn't inform them of what he just said in advance.

Otherwise, with their temperaments, they wouldn't have been able to endure for twenty-six days and would have already rushed out of Dashishan and fallen into the trap in Luozhou.

Senior Zhichuan's gaze sweeps over the two of them, instantly suppressing their volatile emotions.

The reason why he didn't specifically ask Zhuyan and Zhuyu to accompany him out of the temple last time was because their temperaments were too hot-headed and impulsive. If they followed him to Luozhou, the situation would only get worse.

And Zhishan deliberately concealed this information from them earlier, which was undoubtedly a wise move.

"To be able to simultaneously suppress Zhiming, Zhishan, and the other five Grandmasters with just a flick of his hand shows that the opponent's martial cultivation has at least reached the peak of the Grandmaster realm!"

"And from the restrictive means on Zhishan, it can be seen that Liu Zimo is not only extraordinary in martial arts, but also has a high level of cultivation in terms of spiritual consciousness, most likely reaching the Spiritual Sea realm!"

Senior Zhichuan speaks calmly:

"With such strength, even if I were to make a move before seclusion, I wouldn't dare guarantee a definite victory. If Zhuyan and Zhuyu go, it would only add to the casualties!"

Upon hearing this, Zhuyan and Zhuyu still show dissatisfaction, thinking that Senior Zhichuan is trying to boost others' morale and diminish their own prestige, being overly cautious.

However, Zhishan, from Senior Zhichuan's words, hears some different information and his eyes suddenly light up. He looks excitedly at Senior Zhichuan and asks:

"Senior Zhichuan, you said that perhaps even before seclusion, you were not Liu Zimo's match. Does that mean you have already...?"

Master Zhiyuan did not hide anything and nodded slightly.

This time, the reason why he disregarded everything and suddenly went into seclusion, not coming out for over a month, was because he had touched upon the opportunity to break through and become a saint during a sudden enlightenment.

After a month of quiet contemplation and arduous cultivation, he has successfully advanced and achieved the level of a saint through martial arts!

"Amitabha Buddha!"

Upon receiving Master Zhiyuan's affirmative response, Monk Zhishan couldn't help but chant a Buddhist mantra, his eyes filled with joy.

There is hope!

This time, with the personal intervention of Senior Brother Zhiyuan, who has already become a saint, he must see how Liu Zimo, who is so arrogant, can turn the tables against the wind!

In just an instant, the cloud of oppression that had been weighing on Monk Zhishan's heart for over a month finally dissipated.

In his heart, all the fear and dread towards Liu Zimo were completely eliminated!

In the eyes and heart of Monk Zhishan, everything became active and clear once again!

"Shidi Zhiyan and Zhiyu, stay in the temple to hold the fort. Shidi Zhishan, come with me to Luozhou to meet that young martial arts master!"

Master Zhiyuan did not hesitate and made a decision almost instantly.

Zhiyan and Zhiyu, seeing that they were not included in this outing, couldn't help but feel discouraged and unable to respond.

On the other hand, Zhishan vigorously nodded, becoming excited along with it!

"Senior Brother Zhiyuan, should we bring the true disciples in the Golden Body Realm from the temple as well? After pacifying Luozhou City, we should leave behind some trustworthy people to manage it!"

"Senior Brother may not know, but to the east of Luozhou City, there is still a provincial-level agricultural plantation that is operating normally, producing at least millions of kilograms of food and vegetables every year!"

Master Zhiyuan raised an eyebrow. He didn't say anything about pacifying Luozhou City.

However, a agricultural plantation that produces over a million kilograms of food annually is indeed a good place.

For the current Dalin Temple, it is also a critically important strategic resource.

"In that case, bring them all. Let's consider it a special practice in the secular world!"

Zhishan was overjoyed. After bowing to Master Zhiyuan, he immediately began to gather manpower.

In just a few minutes, all the true disciples in the Golden Body Realm in the temple were gathered in front of the mountain gate.

Nine disciples from the "Wu" generation, six disciples from the "Kong" generation, a total of fifteen Golden Body Realm disciples, lined up in two rows, standing tall!

When everyone was assembled, Master Zhiyuan didn't say much. He directly released his spiritual power, enveloping the many disciples in front of him, and swiftly flew towards the east in the direction of Luozhou City!

(End of this chapter)

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