Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 30 Psionic Tide, Golden Body Success!

Chapter 30: The Tide of Spiritual Energy, the Golden Body is Formed!

Facing the imminent beast calamity, Liu Zimo had no trace of fear in his heart.

After thirty years of battle experience in the apocalypse, his mind had long been honed as strong as steel, knowing no fear.

Moreover, in the early stages of the demonic calamity, due to the unstable nature of the teleportation channels, the extradimensional demonic beasts that could descend upon Earth were generally not very powerful.

The strongest among them were only at the level of a bronze-skinned martial artist.

With Liu Zimo's current strength at the Iron Bone Realm, he could easily crush them.

The only thing he worried about was his father, younger uncle, and younger brother who were far away in Luozhou.

He didn't know if they had returned home in time and if they could withstand the first wave of beast attacks.

"Advisor Liu, are those extradimensional demons about to descend?" Wu Songyang's face changed slightly as he heard the roar of beasts coming from the void, as well as the black smoke constantly spreading in the air. He couldn't help but ask Liu Zimo.

Even until now, he still couldn't believe that there would really be demonic beasts descending from the sky.

But the huge roar that just came from the void passage, as well as the sound of countless beasts roaring through the sky, left him with no choice but to believe.

"Yes, they have already arrived. Have the soldiers light torches and prepare for battle!" Liu Zimo replied in a deep voice.

"To protect Shangjing City, we must, in the shortest possible time, kill all the demonic beasts that have descended into the city, and then use the city walls as a boundary to establish a steel defense line strong enough to resist the invasion of demonic beasts from outside the city!"

"Otherwise, once the beast horde outside the city forms a scale and rushes into the city all at once, the entire Shangjing City will be in danger!"

This was definitely not an exaggeration.

In the previous apocalypse, more than 90% of the cities became dead cities or ruins because they couldn't build defense lines in time to resist the onslaught of wild beast tides.

The Three Sources City where Liu Zimo was located was one such city.

The city directly became a pasture for demonic beasts, and the residents in the city became prey in the mouths of demonic beasts. Almost every moment, someone would die in the mouths of beasts.

It wasn't until the nearby army and surviving local forces finally united to establish defense lines and completely exterminate the demonic beasts in the city that it took half a year.

By that time, the entire city was already covered in blood and ruins.

"Advisor Liu, rest assured. If what Master predicted is true, most of the demonic beasts that have just descended will only have the strength of the Tempering Body Realm. We have absolute confidence in completely annihilating the demonic beasts that have fallen into the city in a short period of time!" Wu Songyang was quite confident.

Although the defense system of Shangjing City had completely collapsed, they still had firearms and cannons, which were enough to deal with demonic beasts at the Tempering Body Realm.

"I hope so!" Liu Zimo nodded slightly without saying much.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, firearms did indeed play a significant role, and they were the fundamental reliance for many cities to regain control from the demonic beasts.

But as time went on, Wu Songyang and the others would soon realize that their stockpile of ammunition was simply a drop in the bucket when faced with the countless demonic beasts.

In a situation where electricity, communication, and transportation were completely paralyzed, it was simply a pipe dream to produce and replenish ammunition.

Once the ammunition in the warehouse was depleted, the firearms in the hands of the soldiers would become mere decorations, too heavy even to be used as clubs.

That's why the Federation in the future vigorously promoted martial arts, improving the personal martial strength of the citizens to collectively resist the invasion of demonic beasts.





The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground echoed everywhere.

Under the reflection of the firelight, the figures of demonic beasts appeared on the open ground, on the roofs, in the grass, and in the water pool around the camp.

Some demonic beasts even fell directly on or near some soldiers, and before the soldiers could react, they launched attacks on them.

"Prepare for battle!"


The battle was about to begin, with the sound of guns and roars of beasts, intertwined and mixed together.

Liu Zimo didn't stand idle either. As soon as he sensed the demonic beasts falling nearby, he flew out and swiftly harvested all the demonic beasts that appeared in front of him with punches and palms.

Wu Songyang and the guards behind him hadn't even had time to open their gun bolts, and all the demonic beasts within a hundred meters had already been killed.

Wu Songyang couldn't help but be amazed. He had gained a preliminary understanding of Liu Zimo's martial arts strength and the approximate strength of these demonic beasts.

"It is indeed as Master Li's master predicted. Although these demonic beasts are tall and strong, resembling tigers and oxen, their strength is not as powerful as imagined. The guns in the hands of the soldiers are enough to deal with them."

"But Master Li's strength is somewhat beyond my expectations!"

"Looking at how he kills these demonic beasts with decisive and ruthless methods, and his experienced and cunning fighting style, he doesn't seem like a young man in his twenties at all!"

After a while, Liu Zimo returned to the General Staff Office and did not continue to participate in the upcoming battle.

It wasn't that he didn't want to continue, nor that all the demonic beasts in the camp had been killed, but because Wu Songyang called him back.

"The soldiers in the camp are not delicate flowers in a greenhouse. They also need these demonic beasts to accumulate corresponding combat experience."

These were Wu Songyang's exact words.

Liu Zimo agreed deeply.

He had also accumulated and honed his skills bit by bit in such battles, which had led to his current strength and courage.

In the midst of the apocalypse, whether it was a soldier or a civilian, they had to be prepared to encounter demonic beasts at any time.

No one could always protect you completely. No matter when, people had to learn to rely on themselves!

At this time, as a large number of demonic beasts continued to descend, the concentration of spiritual energy in the air also rose rapidly.

After about ten minutes, when the concentration of spiritual energy worldwide reached a critical threshold, the first expected spiritual energy tide that Liu Zimo had been waiting for arrived as scheduled.


Spiritual energy surged and swept in!

The dense mist-like spiritual power continuously washed, infected, and improved the life traits of all living beings on Earth.

Whether it was animals, plants, or humans, they all experienced great leaps and improvements in this baptism.

Liu Zimo operated the Extreme Dao Breathing Technique, greedily absorbing and refining the rich spiritual energy that actively poured into his body, rapidly converting it into his own blood and internal energy.

At the same time, the prompt sound that had been silent for a long time in his ears began to sound one after another:

"Your good brother Lou Yuchen has undergone the baptism of spiritual energy, his energy has erupted, and he has achieved great success, breaking through the Iron Bone Realm in one fell swoop, triggering the 'Heaven Stealing' innate talent attribute, sharing half of the cultivation increase, Martial Talent +2, Martial Cultivation +15, Lifespan +5."

"Your good sister Yang Sisi has undergone the baptism of spiritual energy, her energy has erupted, and she has achieved great success, breaking through the Copper Skin Realm in one fell swoop, triggering the 'Heaven Stealing' innate talent attribute, sharing half of the cultivation increase, Martial Cultivation +10, Lifespan +2."

"Your good brother Zhao Jiajun has undergone the baptism of spiritual energy, his energy has erupted, and he has achieved great success, breaking through the peak of the Iron Bone Realm..."

For a while, countless pure and abundant internal energy surged and churned in Liu Zimo's dantian, and his martial cultivation and martial realm also rapidly improved at a visible speed.

Iron Bone Realm Initial Stage, Iron Bone Realm Intermediate Stage, Iron Bone Realm Peak!

Immediately after, without even pausing for half a second at the peak of the Iron Bone Realm, Liu Zimo's internal energy surged out of his body, radiating golden light, and directly stepped into the higher realm of the Golden Body Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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