Chapter 42: Dead City, Venting!

Noon on the eighth day.

Liu Zimo, along with Yang Sisi and Ye Feihong, appeared in the sky above Xishan City.

Under the scorching sun, the city below was fully visible to the three of them.

Like a sea of monsters, the entire city was completely surrounded.

Looking around, most of the buildings in the city had become ruins, a scene of devastation.

The streets were all occupied by countless monsters, either resting or strolling leisurely. Apart from occasional roars, the city was eerily silent.

No one in sight, no sound to be heard.

On the ground and among the ruins, there were no bodies of humans or monsters, only large patches of dark and dry bloodstains that stood out under the sunlight, indicating the massacre that had occurred here a few days ago.

Now, eight days had passed since the monster disaster struck.

Small cities like Xishan City naturally did not have a large number of military camps stationed like the capital city. Therefore, there was no talk of rescue or defense lines.

So, everything before Liu Zimo's eyes had long been expected.

Xishan City had become a lonely and dead city, just like the majority of small and medium-sized cities across the country.

The majority of ordinary people trapped in the city, even if they were lucky enough to avoid the sudden attack of the first wave of monsters, would eventually be forced to leave their shelters after a few days due to a lack of necessary water and food.

After all, not everyone was like Liu Zimo, who habitually stocked enough basic survival supplies for himself in every place he lived, enough to last him half a month or even longer.

Therefore, the fate of those surviving ordinary residents is hard to predict.


Yang Sisi's shoulders trembled, unable to help but sob softly.

Obviously, she had also thought that her parents and loved ones might have encountered an accident in the monster disaster.

Although she had not yet returned home to confirm, seeing the silence of the city before her eyes and the endless monsters everywhere, she already had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Let's go, let's first go to your house and then go to the nearby supermarket to get some necessary supplies!"

Liu Zimo did not offer any words of comfort.

He knew that the pain of losing family members could not be easily dispelled by a stranger's simple "condolences".

Some things must be experienced and endured by the person themselves, and outsiders can't help at all.

Three minutes later.

Guided by Yang Sisi, the three of them landed in front of a residential building in the eastern part of the city.

As usual, Liu Zimo rested on the side while Yang Sisi and Ye Feihong rushed forward, clearing and killing all the monsters lurking or wandering nearby.

In less than thirty seconds, nearly fifty ordinary monsters died under their hands.

And the commotion was minimal, not attracting too much attention from other nearby monsters.

Liu Zimo nodded in satisfaction.

It must be said that after eight days of special training, both Yang Sisi and Little Feihong had grown at an astonishing rate.

Their current combat power was already comparable to some elite soldiers in the military thirty years later!

In the future, even if he wasn't there to protect them, the two girls should be able to survive well in this post-apocalyptic world!

After dealing with the obstacles in front of the door, Yang Sisi rushed into the unit door first and climbed the stairs.

Liu Zimo and Ye Feihong followed behind her at a leisurely pace and also entered the stairwell.

Seeing the scattered and broken items in the stairwell, as well as the bloodstains splattered on the walls, Liu Zimo knew that there must be local animals that had mutated into monsters in this building.

Otherwise, with the huge size of those monsters from outside the domain, they wouldn't be able to squeeze into this narrow stairwell.

"So, keeping pets when you have nothing to do is just asking for trouble!"

Seeing the animal fur scattered everywhere on the steps of the stairs, Liu Zimo couldn't help but sigh softly.

According to incomplete statistics from a certain official organization in the future federation.

At the beginning of the catastrophe, nearly one-third of the global human population did not die in the mouths of extraterrestrial monsters that fell from the sky. Instead, they died under the claws of their beloved pets, which was truly unexpected and heartbreaking.

Therefore, after being reborn, Liu Zimo repeatedly warned his father, uncle, and younger brother not to keep pets, not even a cricket, a small fish, or even a snail.


At this moment, a mournful and furious roar came from above the floor.

Liu Zimo and Ye Feihong quickened their pace and arrived at the thirteenth floor. They saw Yang Sisi sitting paralyzed in the living room of her own home, covering her face with her hands, crying uncontrollably.

Liu Zimo glanced up and saw that the sofa, coffee table, and television in Yang's living room were all shattered and scattered on the floor. There were bloodstains on the pristine white floor and walls.

The window on the balcony had also been smashed open by something, leaving a hole over two meters wide. As soon as the door opened, a gust of hot wind blew in from outside.

Obviously, Yang Sisi also kept some kind of pet. After the mutation, it not only attacked the owner but also calmly escaped through the broken window.

The three bloodstains on the walls and floor indicated that at least three people had died on the spot.

Liu Zimo held Ye Feihong's hand and stood quietly in place, watching Yang Sisi sitting on the ground, crying in pain.

Just like back then, when Liu Zimo learned of his father and younger brother's deaths and returned home in despair.

The pain of losing loved ones cannot be understood by those who haven't experienced it.

Necessary venting and mourning can help alleviate the grief and pain in Yang Sisi's heart.

Therefore, Liu Zimo didn't urge her but stood silently by her side, giving her enough time to release her pain and accept reality.

Fortunately, they were on the thirteenth floor. Although Yang Sisi's crying inevitably attracted the attention of some monsters, few of them could jump to such a high place.

Even if some creatures skilled in climbing found their way up along the walls, they were quickly killed by Ye Feihong.

In this way, Yang Sisi cried in the living room for more than ten minutes, and Ye Feihong killed more than ten monsters that came after hearing the noise.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Yang Sisi's crying gradually weakening and knowing that she had fully accepted the reality before her, Liu Zimo spoke at the right time.

"If you still can't get over it, go outside and kill more monsters. Use their flesh and blood to mourn your parents. They are the culprits who caused you to lose your family!"

"When you have the ability to kill all the monsters on Earth, then you can consider your family's revenge fulfilled!"

Shifting her focus, Liu Zimo gave Yang Sisi a clearer outlet for her emotions.

This was Liu Zimo's experience.

It was also the reason why many survivors in the later generations were able to survive in the apocalypse.

The power of hatred can indeed make people stronger in many cases!

Sure enough, upon hearing Liu Zimo's words, a surge of killing intent and martial aura instantly rose from Yang Sisi's body.

The tears and sadness on her face disappeared, replaced by endless killing intent and hatred.

Just then, a group of monsters gathered downstairs, and roars of beasts kept coming from below.

Without hesitation, Yang Sisi leaped down through the hole in the window and entered a frenzy of indiscriminate slaughter among the beasts.

Seeing this, Ye Feihong, out of habit, wanted to follow, but Liu Zimo reached out and stopped her.

Seeing the little girl look up at him with confusion, Liu Zimo explained softly,

"This time, let Sister Sisi handle it herself. She needs to vent properly!"

"Otherwise, keeping too much sorrow and sadness inside will drive a person crazy!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Feihong nodded slightly, seemingly understanding, and obediently stood beside her master, lowering her head to watch the battle below.

(End of this chapter)

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