Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 45 Returning To Luozhou, There Are Many Changes!

Chapter 45: Returning to Luozhou, Unexpected Changes!

Reaching the peak of the Golden Body Realm!

Feeling the boundless power surging within him, Liu Zimo had a feeling of "standing at the top, overlooking all the mountains."

In his previous life, he would never have dreamed that one day he would not only break through to the Golden Body Realm, but also soar to the peak of the Golden Body Realm in a very short time!

He was only one step away from the Grandmaster Realm, which he had longed for but seemed out of reach!

"After reaching the peak of the Golden Body Realm, my martial arts domain has expanded by a hundred meters, and I can now envelop an area of three hundred meters!"

"At the same time, my internal energy is stronger, and I can fly in the air for a longer time, with my flying speed also increasing exponentially!"

"This means that the time it takes to return to Luozhou at full speed will be shortened!"

"The remaining few hundred kilometers may only take three days to fly over smoothly!"

Liu Zimo's mind was surging. After breaking through to the peak of the Golden Body Realm, the most worth celebrating thing for him was:

He could finally return to Luozhou a little earlier and reunite with his father, younger uncle, and younger brother!

Seeing the tragic events that happened at Yang Sisi's house in the residential building, as well as the devastated scene of the entire building being attacked by mutated monsters, Liu Zimo was deeply moved.

After the calamity of the monsters, there were too many unexpected accidents that could suddenly erupt.

Liu Zimo couldn't be sure if his family was safe now.

What if the floor they were on was also attacked by mutated monsters?

Or what if his father, younger uncle, and younger brother didn't have time to return home when the calamity struck?

Eight days ago, when he was talking to his father on the phone, the signal suddenly cut off before he could finish speaking. Liu Zimo couldn't predict what had happened afterwards.

Therefore, being able to return to Luozhou one day earlier and see his family and ensure their safety, Liu Zimo could truly put his mind at ease.

"Master... Master... Can you hear me?"

At this moment, a young and somewhat stuttering voice suddenly sounded in Liu Zimo's ear.

Liu Zimo turned his head and looked at Xiaofei Hong, who had already awakened from his meditation.

The little girl was staring at him with a pair of clear black and white eyes, both nervous and excited, and looking forward to his response.

"Master... Can you hear me? Can you hear what I'm saying?"

Seeing Liu Zimo's apparent response, the little girl continued to stimulate her internal energy and transmitted her voice, eagerly asking Liu Zimo.

Liu Zimo nodded gently and responded seriously, "Yes, little one, I can hear what you're saying. From now on, you will be able to communicate with others like a normal person!"

Unexpectedly, when he briefly mentioned the general method of transmitting sound to the little girl before, she remembered it directly.

Now, just after breaking through to the Iron Bone Realm, she couldn't wait to use this secret technique of sound transmission.

Although it was a bit awkward at first, and the content of the transmission was not very coherent, after a few sentences, Xiaofei Hong's skill in sound transmission became more and more proficient.

It can only be said that a genius is indeed a genius, no matter what they learn, they grasp it instantly.

"Yay! I can speak too!"

"That's great! I can speak too!"

Hearing the affirmative answer from her master, Ye Feihong happily did three somersaults in a row, with a smile on her pure and white face.

"Thank you, Master. I'm no longer a mute who can only listen but not speak!"

After the excitement, Ye Feihong flew into Liu Zimo's arms again, hugging his neck affectionately, overflowing with admiration and affection.

This little girl, fluent in language and clear in her thoughts, doesn't seem like a three-year-old at all.

It is said that geniuses are precocious from a young age.

Now it seems to be true.

"Don't be too happy too soon. You can't be considered truly able to speak like a normal person now."

Liu Zimo spoke softly, continuing to encourage her, "When you break through to the Golden Body Realm and can regenerate your vocal cords, using your own vocal cords to produce normal sounds, then you can truly speak."

"So, little one, you still need to work harder in your cultivation in the future, striving to break through to the Golden Body Realm within three years, so as not to delay your enrollment!"

Although it was the end of the world, the education of children should not be neglected.

After the establishment of the federal government, there are public schools funded by the federal government in the gathering points of major cities.

It is still a nine-year compulsory education, but the content of teaching is no longer limited to cultural subjects, but more inclined towards martial arts combat training.

After all, survival is the top priority in the end times.

The popularization and practice of martial arts skills are more conducive to strengthening children and better surviving in the end times!

"Oh, I see!"

Ye Feihong nodded vigorously and vowed, "Master, rest assured, I will definitely not be lazy and I will definitely break through to the Golden Body Realm as soon as possible!"

Liu Zimo nodded in satisfaction.

This is his good disciple.

Only the little girl diligently cultivates every day and breaks through to a higher level as soon as possible. As her master, he can take advantage of this opportunity to gain more benefits!

After a while.

Yang Sisi also woke up from her meditation, and the excited Ye Feihong started to chatter again.

"Sisi sister, did you hear that? I can talk now too!"

"Sisi sister, if you're not happy in the future, just tell me. I can be your good friend and accompany you..."

"Sisi sister is so beautiful..."


After mastering this ability to communicate secretly, the little girl's personality became noticeably lively and cheerful. She comforted Yang Sisi like a little adult.

Influenced by the little girl and her own breakthrough in martial arts cultivation, her martial intent became more complete, and her mental willpower greatly improved and strengthened. Yang Sisi gradually recovered from the pain of losing her loved ones.

Without waiting for Liu Zimo to urge her, she took the initiative to propose leaving Xishan City and continuing to Luozhou.

Because of her, Consultant Liu had been delayed here for too long. If they didn't leave soon, she would feel even more guilty.

This happened to be in line with Liu Zimo's intentions, so he readily agreed.

Releasing the martial domain, carrying the two women, they found a supermarket nearby that had not been completely destroyed, replenished some necessary supplies, and set off again.

Two days later.

It was the tenth day after the outbreak of the calamity.

Their figures finally appeared in the sky above Luozhou City.

At this time, the outer defense line of Luozhou City had been basically established, and the monsters in the city had been completely eliminated.

Looking down from above, Liu Zimo could clearly see that many pedestrians had started to walk normally on the streets. The public order and security in the city were well-maintained, with almost no riots or looting incidents.

Seeing this situation, Liu Zimo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The situation in Luozhou City was much better than he had imagined.

Even in the previous life, Luozhou City did not recover its order so quickly.

At least in Liu Zimo's memory, Luozhou City went through nearly a year of warlord chaos before the situation improved after the rise of the Martial Saint Yuchen.

And now, it was only the tenth day after the outbreak of the calamity, and Luozhou City had already completely stabilized, just like the capital city thousands of miles away!

What kind of unexpected changes had happened?

Could it be that Martial Saint Yuchen took action early?

With these doubts, Liu Zimo and the two women quietly descended into the city. The landing point was the residential area where his uncle lived. He couldn't wait to see his family.


As soon as he landed, Liu Zimo's spiritual sea trembled violently, and the peak-level Golden Body Realm martial intent also erupted passively, warning repeatedly!

"Is this an illusion attack?!"

"Everything I just saw, are they all illusions?!"

Liu Zimo's expression changed slightly, and a hint of surprise and astonishment flashed in his eyes.

He never expected that he, who had already reached the peak of the Golden Body Realm and even opened up his spiritual sea, would unknowingly fall into an illusion and be deceived!

It's still the early stage of the calamity now. The second wave of calamity hasn't even arrived yet. How could there be such a powerful illusion in the world?!

(End of this chapter)

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