Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 54: The Mutation Begins, And The Demon Disaster Strikes Again! (1)

Chapter 54: An Unexpected Change, the Return of the Demon Catastrophe! (1)


"Kill! Brothers, kill all these demon bastards!"

"The president has given orders. Within one hour, all the nearby three blocks must be cleared of demon beasts. Not a single one should be left behind!"



Downstairs, the sudden roar of demon beasts and the shouts of human warriors filled the previously quiet street, instantly turning it into a scene of bloodshed and chaos.

Ye Feihong and Liu Yi were both immersed in their spiritual cultivation and were not awakened by the chaotic noises.

But Zhao Hongzhang, who was still half-asleep in his room, was startled by the sudden commotion. He sat up abruptly, exclaiming in surprise, "What's happening?!"

"Why is there suddenly another fight outside? Could it be that more demon beasts have entered the city?!"

On the side of the bed, Liu Zihao was relatively calm. He looked down through the gap in the window and reassured Zhao Hongzhang in a soft voice, "Don't worry, Uncle. No demon beasts have entered the city. It's the warriors and the army inside the city who are hunting down the remaining demon beasts!"

"When they have completely eradicated all the demon beasts in the city, we might be able to go downstairs!"

Liu Zimo heard the sound and walked into the bedroom. Seeing Zhao Hongzhang sitting up from the bed, his spirits seemed to have improved significantly. He asked softly, "Uncle, how do you feel now? Can you get out of bed?"

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Zhao Hongzhang quickly turned his head and rubbed his still drowsy eyes. In the dim candlelight of the room, he could barely make out that it was indeed his eldest nephew who had returned!

"Xiaomo, is it really you?"

"I'm not hallucinating or dreaming, am I?"

After confirming multiple times and seeing Liu Zimo standing in front of him, Zhao Hongzhang grabbed his hands excitedly, holding them tightly as if afraid that his eldest nephew would slip away.

"You, you child, why did you run all the way to the capital? Do you know how worried your old uncle was when the demon catastrophe broke out?!"

"The capital is thousands of kilometers away from our Luo Prefecture, and now it's full of man-eating demon beasts. Your old uncle thought he would never have a chance to see you again in this lifetime!"

"But, it's good that you're back, it's good that you're back alive!"

"If something really happened to you out there, when I go down to meet your mother in the future, she would scold me to death. She would definitely blame me for not taking good care of you!"

Zhao Hongzhang rambled on for a while before his emotions finally calmed down a bit.

Liu Zimo let his uncle hold his hands, not feeling annoyed by his uncle's rambling. Warmth filled his heart.

This was the feeling of being cared for and loved by family, something that Liu Zimo had only been able to see in memories or illusions over the past thirty years.

"Uncle, this is the Body Tempering Pill I specially found for you in the capital."

"After taking them, you will quickly build the foundation of martial arts and become a true warrior. In the future, if you encounter demon beasts again, you will have some self-defense power!"

While his uncle took a break to drink water, Liu Zimo took out the Body Tempering Pills he had been carrying with him and handed them to his uncle and younger brother, urging them to take them as soon as possible.

Time waits for no one.

The second wave of demon beast attacks is about to come. If his uncle and the others cannot become warriors before that, with some self-defense power, their safety in the demon catastrophe cannot be fully guaranteed.

Liu Zimo couldn't stay by their side forever.

And they also needed to quickly adapt and learn how to survive in this post-apocalyptic world.

Flowers in a greenhouse cannot survive long in this dangerous and crisis-filled post-apocalyptic world.

Zhao Hongzhang and Liu Zihao took the pills without any doubt. Following Liu Zimo's instructions, they peeled off the outer layer of wax and directly put the pills with a strong medicinal fragrance into their mouths.


The pills melted in their mouths, turning into a massive surge of heat that continuously circulated within their bodies.

The two of them quickly began to practice the "Guided Breathing Technique," diligently absorbing and refining the scorching medicinal power, transforming it into their own blood and energy stored within their bodies.

Soon, their blood and energy began to overflow within their bodies, completely replenishing the previously lacking vitality and foundation of their martial arts. Their martial foundation became as solid as a rock.

"We did it!"

Sensing the powerful and rounded aura emanating from their bodies, as well as the faint internal energy that was born within their dantian for the first time, a smile of satisfaction appeared on Liu Zimo's face.

The faint internal energy within the dantian is like a seed, a sign of officially entering the path of martial arts.

With the formation of internal energy and the opening of the dantian, the dantian can now be called the source of energy sea, the starting point of all martial artists' martial arts journey.

Half an hour later.

The four people in the room were still in a state of meditation, showing no signs of waking up.

Meanwhile, the noise and fighting downstairs gradually ceased until not a single sound could be heard.

Obviously, the nearby demonic beasts had already been completely eradicated, and everything was proceeding according to Liu Zimo's expectations.

After another ten minutes or so.

The guards from the military department began to appear in groups within the city, dividing into different areas and dispersing along the streets.

Each guard held a copper gong and a specially made megaphone. Whenever they arrived at a place, they would strike the copper gong and loudly announce through the megaphone.

"Attention, citizens! Attention, citizens!"

"All the demonic beasts within the city have been eliminated. You can now safely go downstairs!"

"Starting from today, the military department will completely take over control of Luo Prefecture. All the resources within the city will be distributed by the military department!"

"We kindly ask all citizens to follow the special wartime regulations and voluntarily report to the nearby registration points to register and receive basic living supplies according to the current household population!"

"Please rest assured that the country will not abandon you, and the military department will not abandon you..."

"At present, the military department is urgently constructing a secure defense line outside the city and urgently needs to hire a large number of young and middle-aged citizens to help transport materials such as steel and cement!"

"There is no need to leave the city, so there is no need to worry about safety. We will provide water and food, with meat in every meal. Moreover, there are military merits and benefits. We hope everyone will actively sign up..."

By implementing propaganda policies and soothing people's hearts, the chaotic situation was quickly stabilized and order was restored.

Next was the recruitment of manpower, using labor in exchange for relief. The young and middle-aged survivors within the city would exchange their labor for military merits, and then use those merits to obtain martial arts techniques or spiritual pills from the military department's martial arts library.

This was the most commonly used and effective management method within the various gathering points in the apocalypse, and Liu Zimo directly adopted it.

At this moment, Liu Zimo stood by the window, looking down at the gradually increasing crowd on the street below, nodding slightly.

Compared to the previously lifeless and deserted streets, this scene was much more pleasing to the eye!

"Great, the military department has finally taken action. I've been waiting for this day for so long!"

At this moment, Father Liu woke up from his meditation and heard the commotion outside. He also leaned over to the window to watch.

Seeing the constantly emerging crowd on the street below, as well as the piles of disaster relief materials being transported from the military department, he couldn't help but applaud.

"No, I have to go down quickly and register for you guys!"

Saying that, Father Liu couldn't wait any longer and hurriedly ran to the door.

Registration was a small matter, but receiving basic living supplies was the most important thing.

After all, they had been trapped at home for a whole ten days, and the water and food they had previously stored were almost depleted.

If there were no new sources of water and food replenishment, their family would go hungry in a couple of days.

Liu Zimo didn't say anything to stop him because he saw that Xiao Feihong had also woken up at this time. After transmitting a message saying "Master, hug," she quickly jumped into Father Liu's arms and was carried out by him.

With this little girl taking care of them, even if they encountered any accidents, there wouldn't be any danger.

(End of this chapter)

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