Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 60 The Turtle In The Urn Is Born A "Monster"!

Chapter 60: The Turtle in the Jar, Born "Treacherous"!

After the Spirit Devouring Worm invaded Liu Zimo's sea of consciousness, it immediately began habitually spinning silk and weaving a web, establishing its presence.

This was its innate talent and also its most powerful attack method.

Using the spider web as a medium, it continuously devoured the spiritual power in the host's sea of consciousness, gradually corroding, invading, and controlling the host's consciousness and thoughts.

Previously, Zhao Qian suddenly changed and actually believed that he was the savior of Luo Prefecture and even the entire human race. This was due to the influence of this innate talent of the Spirit Devouring Worm.

Now, the Spirit Devouring Worm was using the same method to influence and manipulate Liu Zimo's consciousness and turn him into its puppet.

However, when the first strand of silk it spat out fell into the seemingly calm sea of consciousness,

The entire body of the Spirit Devouring Worm suddenly trembled, and its scattered thoughts also shook violently.

Liu Zimo could clearly sense the shock and panic hidden in these thoughts.

"Wow wow wow!"

"How could this be?! How is this possible?!"

"A humble human cultivator, how could he possess such a bottomless sea of consciousness?!"

"My spiritual threads have already extended to the limit of ten thousand meters, why haven't I detected its boundaries?!"

"This is impossible! Even the strongest in our Illusionary Demon Realm would not have such an unfathomable spiritual sea!"

The thoughts of the Spirit Devouring Worm continued, and the entire worm seemed to be in a state of nervous breakdown, trembling uncontrollably.

In its long life as a worm, it had never encountered a person or demon who possessed a sea of consciousness depth of over ten thousand meters!

"What should I do now?"

"If my spiritual threads can't reach the boundaries, I won't be able to establish roots and weave a web in this sea of consciousness."

"If I can't establish roots and weave a web here, how can I control this human for my use?"

"So annoying!"

"Can someone tell me what to do in this situation?"

"My Spirit Devouring Worm clan is the nemesis of all spiritual beings in the world, why is there no record of this special situation in my inherited memories?!"

"Did the ancestors never encounter a similar situation, or did all the ancestors who encountered this situation perish without leaving behind any memories?"

"Oh ancestors!"

"Am I also so unlucky?"

"It was so hard to obtain a cross-border quota, and I was still thinking of using it to soar to the sky and amaze the world. But on the first day, I encountered this abnormal sea of consciousness!"

"I, the Spirit Devouring Worm, am the most talented and hopeful genius in the clan, with the highest chance of reaching the King Worm realm. I can't be trapped and die in this sea of consciousness, right..."

The Spirit Devouring Worm continued to lament to itself.

This scattered thinking state seemed to be a characteristic of their Spirit Devouring Worm clan. They always expressed all their emotions in their hearts without any concealment in their unconsciousness.

Therefore, even if Liu Zimo didn't ask, he could still receive the emotional information emitted by the Spirit Devouring Worm in its unconscious state.

Hearing the Spirit Devouring Worm say that his sea of consciousness was bottomless and far beyond the detectable range of its spiritual threads, and even calling it abnormal, Liu Zimo couldn't help but shake his head.

He was not abnormal.

If it weren't for awakening the "Heaven Stealing" ability and inheriting half of the "legacy" that several "good brothers" and "good sisters" selflessly sacrificed, Liu Zimo's sea of consciousness would not have become so vast and profound in such a short period of time.

"It seems that I don't need to use my backup plan for now!"

Liu Zimo breathed a sigh of relief.

If there was really no way to restrain this Spirit Devouring Worm, he had even prepared to detonate part of his soul origin to forcibly kill or expel this little thing.

By doing so, his soul and sea of consciousness would undoubtedly be severely damaged, and his spiritual cultivation realm might even regress. It would be a move that harmed both sides.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, Liu Zimo didn't want to use it easily.

But now, it seemed that he didn't need to.

Even if he does nothing now, this little bug can't cause any trouble in his sea of consciousness.

"Little guy, tell me, how would I kill you if I wanted to?"

Liu Zimo timely spoke, asking such a seemingly stupid question.

The devouring spirit bug trembled slightly upon hearing this, and its thoughts involuntarily scattered.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this human a fool?"

"He actually directly asks me how to kill me, is his brain addled?"

"Can I answer such a life-threatening question? Does he really think I'm as foolish as him?"

"Can I tell him that our devouring spirit bug clan has always fed on spiritual power, and as long as the spiritual energy doesn't run out, we will continue to thrive and never die naturally?"

"Can I tell him that the weakness of our devouring spirit bug clan is in the tail, and as long as the spiritual crystal hidden in the tail is forcibly extracted, we will die instantly?"


"But then again, this is after all the twisted sea of consciousness of this human. Even if he doesn't know where my fatal weakness is, if he insists on sealing off the sea of consciousness and imprisoning the spiritual energy, it may not take long before I fall into a dormant state due to spiritual energy depletion..."

"Damn it, without the spiritual web, I can't properly absorb the spiritual energy in the opponent's sea of consciousness, nor can I forcefully break through the opponent's soul barrier and escape. I'm like a rootless duckweed, like a turtle in a jar, completely at the mercy of the opponent!"


"So annoying!! Can someone come and save me?!"

The devouring spirit bug continued to roar helplessly, and its thoughts uncontrollably spread outward.

Liu Zimo effortlessly received all this information, a slight smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

By now, he had even started to like this devouring spirit bug.

Although these creatures were elusive and hard to guard against, with terrifying innate abilities that could completely control and enslave a person without their knowledge or awareness.

But their thought characteristics were extremely active, unable to keep secrets in their minds, and their emotional fluctuations were unmasked, never lying.

Just like earlier, Liu Zimo casually asked a probing question and easily lured out all the thought dynamics in the devouring spirit bug's mind.

Even the weaknesses and shortcomings of the devouring spirit bug clan were voluntarily exposed by it.

It had to be said that as a "devious" creature, this devouring spirit bug was extremely suitable.

There was no need for torture, just a single thought to guide it, and it would uncontrollably confess and reveal everything!

Knowing that this little bug could no longer escape from the sea of consciousness on its own and had become a trapped turtle, Liu Zimo no longer had the intention to directly kill it.

This interesting little bug might be better off left alive.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy, a hundred battles won't be in vain.

With such a little bug that couldn't lie and was extremely familiar with the demonic realm, Liu Zimo would undoubtedly be able to obtain more detailed information about the demonic realm and the demonic race in the future.

With this in mind, Liu Zimo's thoughts moved, instantly creating a vacuum zone in the sea of consciousness, imprisoning the devouring spirit bug within it.

Afterward, ignoring the devouring spirit bug's frantic roars and nonsensical words in the sea of consciousness, Liu Zimo withdrew his divine sense from the sea of consciousness, slowly opened his eyes, and once again focused his gaze on Zhao Qian, who was still in front of him.

At this moment, Zhao Qian had regained his senses, sitting pale and unable to stand, no longer displaying the confident and vigorous demeanor he had before.

"Go back, remember to diligently cultivate martial arts in the future, strengthen yourself, so as not to be invaded by foreign objects again!"

Comforting him softly, Liu Zimo waved his hand and sent Zhao Qian back to the city wall.

Then, he glanced at the red leopard demon at his feet, without hesitation, exerted a little force with his right foot, directly crushing the red leopard demon's head into the ground, instantly killing it.


Liu Zimo lifted his foot again, lightly flicked it, and sent this thousand-ton-class group-level red leopard demon into the city wall.

The flesh and blood of the red leopard demon contained potent toxins, unlike the diamond beast, which could be directly consumed.

However, as a group-level demon beast, its tendons, bones, fur, and claws were all excellent materials for refining, and they couldn't be wasted.

"Keep an eye on the corpse and find a way to transport it to the military headquarters after the beast tide is over!"

"Remember, this beast's blood is highly toxic, do not consume it!"

After instructing the city guards, Liu Zimo took off again and hurried towards the northern and southern defense lines.

There, two humans controlled by devouring spirit bugs were waiting for him to rescue them.

(End of this chapter)

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