Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 62 Hidden Danger! (Seek To Read, Ask To Read)

Chapter 62: Hidden Danger! (Please continue reading, please continue reading)


The three-star pattern cracked, and a spirit crystal shining with a faint blue light burst out from the crack.

Liu Zimo's mind trembled slightly, quickly imprisoning the spirit crystal and moving it to the palm of his hand.

As for "Yao Thirteen," it let out a miserable scream and transformed into strands of extremely pure spiritual power, slowly merging into Liu Zimo's spiritual sea.

For a moment, the spiritual sea surged, the boundaries expanded, and both Liu Zimo's spiritual power and soul strength greatly increased.

The most direct feeling was that Liu Zimo found that his divine sense had become at least twice as strong as before!

Now, with just a thought, he could condense a soul shadow in his spiritual sea that was exactly the same as his physical form.

"What a great treasure!"

Liu Zimo exclaimed in amazement. He didn't expect that after the devouring insect died, it could still provide so much spiritual power.

If he had the opportunity to kill hundreds or even thousands of these devouring insects, devour their spiritual source power, his soul cultivation might directly soar to the legendary Divine Origin Realm, and even Ascension of the soul would not be impossible!

On the other side.

After witnessing the tragic death of "Yao Thirteen," another proud insect was petrified, trembling in fear, and his thoughts were in chaos.

"It's over, it's over! Yao Thirteen, this idiot, died just like that!"

"This abnormal human, after absorbing Yao Thirteen's life source, won't he come after me directly?"

"Oh my god! Originally, his spiritual sea space was already unfathomable, but now, with the nourishment of Yao Thirteen's stupid life source, he will definitely become even more abnormal!"

"If he attacks me, I definitely won't be able to resist!"

"Ah ah ah! So annoying! Can someone tell me what to do now?"

"I'm only a little over a hundred years old, still a baby larva, I don't want to die here like this!"

"Oh ancestor, can you hear my call? If you can, come and save your precious grandson. Your precious grandson will become the pride of the insects in the future, he can't die here!"


The little insect started muttering to itself again, shaking uncontrollably. It seemed to be truly frightened.

Liu Zimo didn't have time to pay attention to it. After killing the giant monster under his feet and sending it into the city, he flew up again and headed straight for the northern defense line.

Using the same method, Liu Zimo successfully lured the third devouring insect into his spiritual sea.

Then, in front of the proud insect, he killed the insect, absorbed its life source, and scared the proud insect to the point of almost collapsing, shrinking in a corner of the space, trembling.

When the timing was right, Liu Zimo condensed a divine sense avatar in his spiritual sea that looked exactly like himself, standing in front of the proud insect, staring at it.

"Tell me, how many of your people came to Earth this time? Are there any other devouring insects nearby?"

Liu Zimo asked directly.

He wasn't afraid that this devouring insect wouldn't answer. As long as the little insect's thoughts kept flowing, Liu Zimo could always get the answers he wanted from the chaotic fluctuations of its thoughts.


"Weird, why didn't this abnormal guy directly kill me? I was already prepared... Well, I haven't really prepared myself for death yet."

"However, if this abnormal guy wants to intimidate me in this way, he's got no chance!"

"Our devouring insect clan only has ghosts who die in battle, no insects who surrender! If he wants to make me surrender to him, I will rather die than submit. I won't let my insect clan lose face!"

Liu Zimo received these chaotic thought fluctuations, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

This little thing seems to have a lot of inner drama.

Can't it think of something useful and give me some practical information?

"Tell me, how many of your people came to Earth this time? Are there any other devouring insects nearby?"

Liu Zimo repeated the question, trying to bring the wandering devouring insect back on track.


"This damn pervert actually wants to extract information from my mouth, how delusional!"

"The entire Shilin insect clan knows that I, Yao Lingling, am famous for keeping my mouth shut. Even if he wants to kill me, I will never utter a word!"

"But speaking of which, this pervert asked me how many Shilin insects have come to execute the mission. I also need to know!"

"This is a top-secret within our clan. How could I, a young and inexperienced Tianjiao insect, possibly know?"

"As for how many clan insects are lurking nearby, that's not a secret."

"When I first arrived in this area, I sensed it. Besides me and the recently killed Yao Thirteen and Yao Sixteen, it seems that Yao Eleven, Yao Eighteen, and Yao Twenty-One are also nearby!"

"However, Yao Eleven and the others landed directly in the city and hid even better. It's impossible for this pervert to find them!"

"Our Shilin insect clan's ability to conceal ourselves is among the best in the Illusionary Demon Realm. Unless we willingly reveal ourselves, no one can easily detect our presence!"

Liu Zimo raised his eyebrows.

There are actually three Shilin insects lurking in the city.

I have to find a way to expose them all. Otherwise, having these three highly dangerous creatures mingling among the crowd is a huge hidden danger!

At this moment, the four group-level demon beasts besieging Luozhou City have all been killed.

Although the low-level demon beasts outside the defense line have started to gather towards the defense line again, they pose little threat to the defense line.

Now, all that's left is to eliminate the demon beasts inside the city, and this demon calamity will be safely overcome.

[Your good brother Lou Yuchen has had a series of fortunate encounters during the battle with the demon beasts. He had a breakthrough to the initial stage of the Golden Body Realm.

Triggered the 'Heaven's Thief' innate talent, sharing half of the cultivation increase, Martial Dao aptitude +5, Martial Dao cultivation +20, Spiritual Power +10, Lifespan +10.]

The prompt sounded in Liu Zimo's ear, and his mind moved as his consciousness withdrew from his sea of knowledge.

When he looked up, he saw a figure emitting a golden light suspended in the center of the city, shining like the sun, illuminating a large area nearby as if it were daytime!

Radiant like the sun, shining in all directions!

"He actually reached the Golden Body Realm so quickly!"

"And every breakthrough he makes, his Martial Dao aptitude continues to improve. He truly deserves to be the future Jade Celestial Martial Saint!"

"In terms of Martial Dao aptitude alone, I'm afraid even Xiaofei Hong can't compare!"

Liu Zimo sighed softly.

He increasingly felt that Lou Yuchen must have awakened some kind of ability that continuously improves his Martial Dao aptitude.

After all, among all the "good brothers" and "good sisters" that Liu Zimo has bound, only Lou Yuchen's Martial Dao aptitude improves with each breakthrough.

Thanks to him, Liu Zimo's Martial Dao aptitude has also greatly increased.

If the maximum value of Martial Dao aptitude is set at one hundred points, then Liu Zimo before his rebirth had at most five points, an epitome of mediocrity.

But now, after benefiting from Lou Yuchen's chances several times, his Martial Dao aptitude has soared to around thirty points, an increase of five to six times!

This is something Liu Zimo couldn't even imagine in his previous life!

Now, even Liu Zimo, with his mediocre Martial Dao aptitude, has been elevated to the level of an ordinary genius due to half of Lou Yuchen's chances.

Then, with all the chances, Lou Yuchen's Martial Dao aptitude must be sky-high by now!

"Indeed, the Jade Celestial Martial Saint can rise from insignificance and become the youngest Martial Saint in the Federation in just over ten years. It's not without reason!"

"I just don't know if the previous Jade Celestial Martial Saint was also controlled by the Shilin insects as a puppet."

Suddenly, this thought emerged in Liu Zimo's mind.

As Liu Zimo's understanding of the Shilin insects, this special race, deepened, he became more aware of their strangeness and terror.

Under normal circumstances, even a Martial Dao Grandmaster in the Fetal Breath Realm would completely fall under the influence of these Shilin larvae without realizing it.

Not to mention that it's still the early stage of the demon calamity, and there are only a few Martial Masters in the human race. If they were to encounter an attack from these Shilin insects, most of them would be compromised!

If Lou Yuchen had encountered such an attack before his rise, could he have escaped?

With this in mind, Liu Zimo suddenly flew up and rushed towards the direction where the golden light was shining in the city!

(End of this chapter)

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