Chapter 65: On-Site Teaching!

"Master, it seems like you forgot to bring Master Shigong!" Little Feihong whispered to Liu Zimo in mid-air.

Upon hearing this, Liu Zimo shook his head and smiled, "I didn't forget to bring your Master Shigong. It's just that the food I'm bringing you this time, with your Master Shigong's current cultivation level, he wouldn't be able to eat it."

"Besides, your Master Shigong has his own things to do now. Even if I ask him, he might not go!"

Liu Zimo knew his father quite well. He seemed unreliable, spoke without restraint, and loved to brag. But no matter what he did, once he started doing it, he would be diligent and strive to do his best.

Now that his father had joined the military and become the team leader of their superpower team, there was no way he would leave his post without authorization during this time of high morale.

While speaking, Liu Zimo had already brought Little Feihong to the military headquarters.

From afar, they could see the training ground in the camp, with the corpses of four giant monsters, each over ten meters tall, even when lying on the ground.

Around the corpses, many soldiers were discussing and marveling at the scene.

They had always been killing monsters inside the city, but they had never seen such huge creatures before. Standing in front of these giant monster corpses, they felt as small as ants.

"Did you hear? These four giant monsters were all killed by Advisor Liu, and they were all killed with a single blow!"

"I heard from my comrades who came back from the defense line that when these four giant monsters appeared, they even used heavy artillery, but they couldn't even hurt them!"

"Really? That's amazing!"

"Monsters that can't be penetrated by heavy artillery, and Advisor Liu can kill them with a single blow. How strong is Advisor Liu now?"

"And, just now, I saw the instructors and more than a hundred comrades-in-arms working together to transport these four monsters back. It took them four trips to complete the task!"

"Think about it, those are Copper Skin Realm warriors. Each of them has the strength to lift a thousand kilograms. With more than a hundred people exerting force at the same time, they could barely transport one of the monsters from the defense line. It shows how astonishingly heavy these monsters are!"

"Yeah, compared to these four giant monsters in front of us, the monsters we killed in the city feel like little cubs. They're completely incomparable!"

The soldiers were discussing fervently, some unable to imagine what would happen if they encountered such huge monsters. If their defenses couldn't be broken by heavy artillery, then their ordinary firearms would be even more useless.

If Advisor Liu hadn't killed these four giant monsters in advance, once they broke into the city, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Master, did you kill all four of those big monsters?"

Standing in the crowd, holding her master's hand, Little Feihong heard the soldiers' discussions and looked at the towering monster corpses in admiration. She turned her head and whispered to Liu Zimo, "You're amazing, Master!"

"I want to be as powerful as you in the future and kill all these damn monsters!"

When she said the last sentence, the little girl's eyes were full of murderous intent, completely unlike a three-year-old child.

But Liu Zimo nodded with satisfaction.

In this post-apocalyptic world, whether it was adults or children, when facing monsters, they should have this kind of murderous intent. This was the fundamental reason they could survive in this world.

As the saying goes, flowers grown in a greenhouse and those with weak character cannot survive for long in such a cruel world. They would inevitably be the first to be eliminated.

"Come, Master will teach you how to dissect these monster corpses!"

"When dissecting, I will tell you which parts of these monsters are edible, which parts can be used, and which parts are highly poisonous and need to be handled with care!"

"Once you learn this, even if you are alone in the wilderness, you won't have to worry about starving because of a lack of food supply!"

Saying that, Liu Zimo leaped with Little Feihong and landed on the corpse of the group-level King Kong Beast.

Among the four group-level monsters, in terms of edible value, only this King Kong Beast was worth mentioning.

When Liu Zimo mentioned bringing good food for Little Feihong, he was referring to the tenderloin on the back of this group-level King Kong Beast.

However, when Liu Zimo saw so many soldiers gathering around the monster corpses in the camp, he couldn't help but have the idea of dissecting these four group-level monster corpses in public.

He wanted to take the opportunity to teach disciples and spread the skills he had mastered in anatomy and collecting the corpses of demonic beasts.

He would tell them which kind of demonic beasts could be eaten, which kind of demonic beasts' fur or claws could be used to make armor or weapons, which kind of demonic beasts' eyes could detoxify, which kind of demonic beasts' blood could enhance one's martial arts cultivation, and so on.

By offering tangible benefits and incentives, he aimed to guide and tempt the martial artists in the city to actively leave the city and hunt demonic beasts, searching for resources.

This way, everyone's attention wouldn't be solely focused on the limited resources within the city, avoiding a situation where they would exhaust their resources and create chaos.

"It seems like Advisor Liu has arrived!"

"Quick, go inform Director Liang and Deputy Director Zhou, tell them that Advisor Liu has returned!"

Seeing Liu Zimo suddenly appear on the demonic beast corpse, the soldiers below were all excited. Some clever ones even ran off to the camp ahead to report to their superiors.

Soon after, Liang Luojun, Zhou Yiren, Yang Sisi, and others who received the news hurried over.

Seeing that Liu Zimo had already started the formal dissection, he not only dissected but also talked about various matters to pay attention to during the dissection.

When speaking, in order to ensure that those below could hear clearly, Liu Zimo deliberately adjusted his internal energy to make his voice carry further.

Seeing this, Yang Sisi instantly understood Liu Zimo's intention.

After all, when they were in the wilderness before, Liu Zimo had mentioned the importance of dissecting demonic beast corpses and collecting resources in front of her and Xiaofeihong more than once.


Yang Sisi took the lead and stood in front of everyone, blocking Liang Luojun and others who were about to approach Liu Zimo to pay their respects and report their work.

"Advisor Liu personally coming down to teach disciples publicly is an extremely rare opportunity."

"What Director Liang should do now is not to disturb him, but to quickly call more people to come and listen!"

"What Advisor Liu is talking about now are practical experiences he summarized from his adventures in the wilderness. They can save lives in critical moments!"

Liang Luojun, upon hearing this, couldn't help but understand the importance of this matter. He quickly called for a messenger to gather all the officers and soldiers who were currently resting in the camp to come and learn and take notes.

In just a moment, nearly a thousand soldiers gathered. Each person held a pen and paper, attentively listening to Liu Zimo's explanations and demonstrations on the demonic beast corpse.

Soon, the corpse of the first group-level demonic beast was completely dissected.

The fur, bones, claws, organs, flesh, and even the transparent spinal cord the size of a train carriage were all neatly arranged and classified on one side.

"The Diamond Beast is the only demonic beast in all the demonic beast groups that is not poisonous and can be eaten by humans!"

"Especially their spinal cord, it gathers all the essence of their blood and qi. The stronger their strength and the higher their level, the more extraordinary the effects of their spinal cord!"

Liu Zimo pointed to the huge spinal cord he had just separated and said loudly,

"For example, this piece in front of us, every jin or two of it is comparable to a thousand-year-old elixir!"

"A martial artist in the Copper Skin Realm who eats a bite of it has a chance to directly break through to the next level!"

"A martial artist in the Iron Bone Realm who eats a jin of it can make up for half a year of arduous cultivation!"

"Therefore, although these demonic beasts have brought endless disasters to the human race, at the same time, they have also brought endless opportunities and possibilities to the martial artists of the human race!"

"As long as we can hunt enough similar demonic beasts, everyone has a chance to become a martial arts master and survive well in the apocalypse!"


With these words, all the soldiers below boiled with excitement, their eyes fixed on the enticing, tender white spinal cord, shining with anticipation.

Yang Sisi and Xiaofeihong, who had tasted this delicacy before and broke through to the Iron Bone Realm, couldn't help but swallow their saliva involuntarily.

Only they knew best that Liu Zimo was not making empty promises. The effects of this Diamond Beast's spinal cord were indeed extraordinary!

The Diamond Beast they had eaten before was not even one-tenth the size of the one in front of them, yet it had allowed both of them to break through from the peak of the Copper Skin Realm to the initial stage of the Iron Bone Realm.

And this Diamond Beast in front of them, which was obviously stronger, its spinal cord's effects would undoubtedly be ten times or even more than that of the previous one!

(End of this chapter)

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