Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 69 Collective Promotion, Showing The Holy Land!

Chapter 69: Collective Promotion, Manifesting the Holy Realm!

Just as Liu Zimo had said before.

The taste of this delicacy, the King Kong tenderloin, will make you fall in love with it after just one bite!

Especially the tenderloin of this group-level King Kong beast before their eyes, it is the best of the best.

Because for a species like the King Kong beast, it seems that the limit of their growth and evolution is only at the group level.

At least in the past thirty years, Liu Zimo has not seen a King Kong beast that surpasses the group level.

Otherwise, this race would not have been hunted to the brink of extinction by the human hunters.

On the platform, everyone was conquered by the delicate and exquisite taste of the King Kong tenderloin, and they were all chewing without any restraint.

The roasted tenderloin melted in their mouths, turning into a surge of extremely hot blood energy that filled their stomachs, and then absorbed through the intestines, quickly circulating throughout their bodies.

Afterwards, under the effect of the "Guiding Breathing Technique," this blood energy was rapidly refined and retained, transforming into the martial artist's own internal cultivation, stored in the dantian's sea of qi.



Just by eating three or four palm-sized pieces of roasted meat, the twenty-seven martial artists who were at the peak of the Copper Skin Realm collectively broke through and promoted to the Iron Bone Realm!

Blood and energy overflowed from each person, and their bones rumbled.

Their height and body shape were visibly shrinking at an astonishing speed.

They became thinner, shorter, and stronger!

This is the obvious sign of advancing from the Copper Skin Realm to the Iron Bone Realm!

Bones as dense as iron, muscles as strong as copper, and changes in height and weight would all reverse.


In just a few minutes.

All twenty-seven martial artists at the peak of the Copper Skin Realm completed the transformation from the Copper Skin Realm to the Iron Bone Realm. The aura on their bodies soared, and their power was like a rainbow.

At the same time as these people's cultivation breakthroughs, Liu Zimo's ears were filled with twenty-seven consecutive prompt sounds:

"Your good brother Shi Zhenbin swallowed ten catties of group-level King Kong beast tenderloin, solidifying his foundation, blood and energy soaring, triggering the 'Heaven Stealing' innate talent attribute, sharing half of the blood amplification, martial foundation +5, blood and energy +2000."

"Your good brother Shi Zhenbin cultivated the 'Guiding Breathing Technique' and gained insight, his energy burst forth, breaking through to the initial stage of the Iron Bone Realm, triggering the 'Heaven Stealing' innate talent attribute, sharing half of the cultivation amplification, martial cultivation +10, spiritual power +5, lifespan +10."

"Your good sister Jin Yunping cultivated the 'Guiding Breathing Technique' and gained insight, her energy burst forth, breaking through to the initial stage of the Iron Bone Realm... martial cultivation +10, spiritual power +3, lifespan +10."



A massive amount of martial cultivation suddenly surged in the sea of qi in Liu Zimo's dantian!

Abundant spiritual power also began to wash and circulate in his sea of consciousness!

However, with the experience and preparation from the sudden significant increase in cultivation strength just now, this time, Liu Zimo did not let his energy leak out due to being caught off guard.

When these external forces suddenly emerged, Liu Zimo just sat in place for a moment, then quickly returned to normal, calmly continuing to eat the roasted meat on the plate as if nothing had happened.

After reaching the peak of the Embryo Breathing Realm and advancing to the higher realm of the Spirit Sea Realm in spiritual cultivation, his control over his own energy had long surpassed that of an ordinary grandmaster.

Now, Liu Zimo could calmly accept and refine these suddenly emerging external energies.

The people around him couldn't perceive any abnormal changes in Liu Zimo. In their eyes, Liu Zimo was still calmly and naturally savoring the delicate and tender roasted meat in front of him.

No one could imagine that the Liu Zimo sitting in front of them had quietly completed the transformation from the Embryo Breathing Realm to the Manifesting the Holy Realm without anyone noticing!

Meanwhile, "Yao Lingling," who had been trapped in Liu Zimo's sea of consciousness, could keenly feel the drastic changes happening to Liu Zimo's body and sea of consciousness. At this moment, she was going crazy, shouting and screaming in her mind.

"When will this end?! When will this end?!"

"How long has it been?"

"Five minutes, or ten minutes?"

"This sea of consciousness is actually expanding rapidly again, and even the martial will has a trace of divinity. It's too exaggerated!"

"A human cultivator from a lower world can actually step into the Holy Path, awaken divine intent. Is there no justice left in the world?"

"Even in the Illusory Demon Realm, human martial artists who awaken divine intent before the age of twenty are extremely rare!"

"Ah ah ah~! So annoying!!!"

"I... what the hell... what sins did I commit in my past life to be thrown into this twisted realm of knowledge?!"


Clearly, this arrogant insect had been stimulated to the point of doubting its own existence, and its confidence in being able to escape this realm of knowledge alive was diminishing.

Sensing the abnormal fluctuations within the realm of knowledge, Liu Zimo, while refining his cultivation and solidifying his realm, also sent a strand of his consciousness into the realm of knowledge.

With great interest, he watched as the arrogant insect anxiously rolled around in the realm of knowledge, eavesdropping on the faint waves of thoughts emanating from it.

"The Holy Way? Divine Will?"

"Is this the unique term used by the demon race to refer to human martial artists who have advanced to become Martial Saints and have given birth to a Saint-level will?"

"Also, this devouring spirit insect just mentioned human martial artists from the Illusory Demon Realm. It seems that the so-called Illusory Demon Realm is not a realm exclusive to the demon race."

Liu Zimo muttered softly to himself.

In his past life, many scholars in the Human Federation had speculated about this, and they had tried more than once to use the teleportation channels in the void to enter the Illusory Demon Realm in reverse for exploration.

However, without exception, they all failed.

Even holy-level martial artists like Hong Yuxun and Lou Yuchen couldn't truly approach the teleportation channel in the void, let alone enter it in reverse.

Now, hearing the self-talk of the devouring spirit insect, Liu Zimo could confirm in advance that there were indeed human beings in the Illusory Demon Realm.

However, it was wishful thinking to establish contact with them and even ask the human beings of the Illusory Demon Realm to help save the Earth.

Not to mention whether the martial artists on Earth could reverse the teleportation and enter the Illusory Demon Realm, even if they succeeded, who could guarantee that the human beings of the Illusory Demon Realm would definitely lend a hand?

The strength of the demon race was evident from the King-level and even Divine Grade demon beasts that descended on Earth thirty years later.

The human beings living in the Illusory Demon Realm might not necessarily have a better life than the surviving human beings on Earth.

Liu Zimo collected his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

If he had the opportunity and the strength in the future, he might try to visit the human beings in the Illusory Demon Realm.

But for now, it was more important to find a way to solve the current crisis and troubles!

Liu Zimo never forgot that there were still two hidden devouring spirit insects in Luozhou City.

Their existence posed a significant threat and danger to the overall security and stability of Luozhou City.

With this in mind, Liu Zimo's mind moved, once again releasing some of the restrictions on "Yao Lingling".

Allowing it to perceive everything Liu Zimo saw in the outside world through the Divine Ability pathway specially reserved for it.

This way, he could monitor the thought fluctuations of the "chatterbox" Yao Lingling and detect any abnormalities, thereby identifying the other two devouring spirit insects.

Sure enough.

Just as he relaxed the restrictions, Liu Zimo heard the arrogant insect's self-talk become more frequent.

"Huh, I can actually sense the outside world now!"

"Hahaha, humans are humans, even if they're perverted, they can't help but make mistakes!"

"With this mental loophole, I might have a chance to contact the old ancestor and ask the old ancestor to save me!"


"Tsk tsk, these humble humans are actually eating the loin of the Diamond Beast?"

"What a waste, don't they know that the loin of the Diamond Beast can only fully unleash its life essence when paired with the gallbladder of the Diamond Beast? It's the most perfect combination!"

"They may taste good now, but they're wasting nearly half of the life essence inside the loin!"

"These low-level creatures, so primitive in their way of life, so shallow in their knowledge, they don't even have basic common sense."

"Compared to the human martial artists I once enslaved in the Illusory Demon Realm, the human beings here are far inferior..."

Upon hearing this, Liu Zimo's eyes lit up, and he whispered to Yang Sisi beside him:

"Sisi, go get the gallbladder of the Diamond Beast on the training ground. It will be useful!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Sisi quickly stuffed the last piece of roasted meat into her mouth, then puffed up her cheeks and left the table, leaping down from the rooftop.

In an instant.

In just a few breaths, she brought up the 300-pound green gallbladder.

(End of this chapter)

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