Starting From The Equal Opportunity To Become A Saint

Chapter 93 Psychically Blessed Land, [Yin Yang Rebirth Fruit]!

Chapter 93: Spiritual Land, Yin Yang Reincarnation Fruit!

Flying rats are a group of demonic beasts, and it is impossible for there to be only one or two of them once they appear.

Now that traces of a group-level flying rat have been found near Luozhou City, it indicates that there must be at least one group of flying rats gathering nearby.

If this hidden danger is not eliminated in advance, when the next wave of beasts erupts, these flying rats will definitely become a nightmare for all the military and civilians in Luozhou City.

Liu Zimo didn't think too much and flew up directly, continuously investigating and searching around the outskirts of Luozhou City.

Previously, Su Shanjun and Ji Gongming, who were killed in the attack, were only at the initial stage of the Iron Bone Realm and had limited strength. They did not have the ability to travel across cities.

So their range of activity would not exceed ten kilometers outside the city defenses.

Liu Zimo's figure was as fast as lightning, moving clockwise in mid-air, from east to south, and then from south to west, patrolling all the way.

Finally, about eight kilometers northwest of Luozhou City, near a riverbed, traces of flying rat activity were discovered.

As Liu Zimo had expected, there was not just one flying rat here, but thousands, densely packed!

They lived by the river, digging holes and building nests, completely settling down here.

Liu Zimo's divine sense swept over and discovered that there were ten extremely large rat holes constructed under the riverbed, with nearly ten thousand flying rats living in each hole.

What surprised Liu Zimo even more was that in each of these ten rat holes, there was a group-level flying rat commanding!

A total of ten group-level flying rats!

When did they move here, and why didn't they notice any movement before?


"All ten rat holes are actually connected, and the place they are connected to is an underground cave!"

As his divine sense continued to probe deeper, Liu Zimo quickly discovered the anomalies of these rat holes.

Ten giant underground caves capable of accommodating tens of thousands of flying rats were all constructed on top of the same underground cave hidden a hundred meters deep.

Moreover, the flying rats in each rat hole seemed to be in a state of sleep, with only a few of them guarding at the entrance of the hole.

"Weird, how did these flying rats become so obedient?"

"Nearly a hundred thousand flying rats, all obediently sleeping and resting in their nests, this is obviously not normal!"

Liu Zimo raised an eyebrow and muttered to himself.

Flying rats are not nocturnal creatures, nor do they have the habit of hibernating and sleeping for a long time.

At least in Liu Zimo's memory, he had never seen this group of flying rats behave so obediently!

It seems that if Su Shanjun and Ji Gongming hadn't accidentally stumbled upon their lair, these flying rats wouldn't have paid any attention to them, let alone launch a proactive attack.

"There must be something fishy about this!"

Doubts arose in his heart, and with a thought, Liu Zimo instantly appeared in one of the underground rat holes.

As soon as Liu Zimo entered, he felt that the air here was unexpectedly fresh, making him unable to resist taking a few deep breaths.

"The concentration of spiritual energy!"

"The concentration of spiritual energy here is actually more than five times higher than outside!"

After taking a deep breath of the air here, Liu Zimo instantly sensed something unusual in the air.

"No wonder all these flying rats are obediently staying in their nests like demons and refusing to go out!"

"No wonder ten flying rat tribes have chosen to settle here and even gave birth to ten group-level leader rats!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, the underground caves beneath these ten flying rat nests should be the legendary spiritual energy paradise, providing a continuous supply of massive spiritual energy to promote the rapid evolution and advancement of their entire tribe!"

"They are not hibernating, but rather undergoing closed-door evolution!"

Liu Zimo suddenly realized this and couldn't help but feel excited.

A spiritual energy paradise!

In his previous life, Liu Zimo had only heard of it occasionally, knowing that there was such a mysterious place where prodigies could accelerate their cultivation and cultivate spiritual medicines.

In the entire Earth Federation, during the thirty years of the apocalypse, there seemed to be less than ten spiritual energy paradises discovered and occupied by the human race.

But in Liu Zimo's memory, he had never heard of the existence of a spiritual energy paradise in the land of Luozhou City.

"What an unexpected joy!"

Liu Zimo's heart was stirred, filled with excitement.

He had been thinking about how to cultivate more Mutated Earth Lingzhi to refine more Boundary Breaking Pills.

And now, just as he was about to fall asleep, someone had brought him a pillow.

With such an underground spiritual energy paradise, whether it was used to cultivate trusted prodigies or to grow spiritual medicines and precious medicines, it couldn't be more suitable!

"However, these flying rats are troublesome!"

"I can't let them continue to devour the spiritual energy in my spiritual energy paradise. I have to quickly deal with them!"

Unconsciously, Liu Zimo had already regarded this underground cave as his private property and considered these flying rats that stole spiritual energy from the cave as thieves.

At the same time, he felt extremely fortunate.

Fortunate that he had discovered this group of flying rats and the spiritual energy paradise in advance.

Otherwise, if he gave these flying rats some more time to grow and evolve, it wouldn't be long before they all evolved to the group level.

If tens of thousands of group-level flying rats descended on Luozhou City at the same time, just thinking about it would make one's scalp tingle.


Liu Zimo collected his thoughts, his figure flickered, and he easily killed all the flying rats guarding the ten rat holes.

Then, using the illusion technique he obtained from Daoist Jingyong, he sealed and concealed all ten cave entrances, not allowing any flying rat to escape recklessly.

After completing all of this, Liu Zimo finally relaxed a little and began to close the door and catch the dog.

His internal energy circulated as he exerted the strength of a Martial Saint, stepping on the ground.


The earth shook and the soil and rocks cracked!

In just an instant, he collapsed and buried the ten giant rat holes beneath his feet.

The tens of thousands of flying rats had no time to react and were buried alive in their slumber.

Moreover, due to the suppression of the Martial Saint-level martial will, even though most of these flying rats had evolved to the level of a Rank Beast, they were unable to free themselves from the soil and save themselves.

Including the ten flying rats that had already evolved to the level of a Group, they could only watch helplessly as they were buried in the soil and suffocated to death due to lack of breath.

This is the true horror of a Martial Saint!

When they truly go all out, they can annihilate a clan and destroy a city in just a thought!

After completing all of this, Liu Zimo's expression remained unchanged. With a thought, he directly appeared in the underground cave below a hundred meters.


He casually killed several flying rats stationed in the cave, which had already been frightened, and leisurely looked up to observe.

"Tsk! The concentration of spiritual energy inside this cave is unexpectedly denser, already surpassing that of the outside world!"

"It truly deserves to be called a spiritual energy paradise. If ordinary cultivators could meditate and cultivate here every day, their cultivation speed would surely advance by leaps and bounds!"

Liu Zimo muttered to himself while surveying the spatial area inside the cave.

It was about a kilometer long, a hundred meters wide, and twenty meters high.

There were converging spiritual springs, luminous fluorite, gentle breezes, and lush vegetation.

Liu Zimo's attention was quickly drawn to several plants growing near the spiritual springs.

The plants were like trees, with leaves resembling jade, reflecting a faint blue light under the glow of the fluorite.

Between the branches of each plant, there hung a half-green, half-red berry. The berries were round and had a radiant surface, clearly not ordinary objects.

When one approached, the fragrance of the berries was intoxicating.

After taking a deep breath, one would feel clear-minded and comfortable throughout their body!

Indeed, the rumors were true. In every discovered spiritual energy paradise, there would be corresponding companion spiritual creatures remaining.

These several plants, whose names were unknown, were undoubtedly a rare type of companion spiritual plant!

Fortunately, flying rats were carnivorous and scavengers, naturally having no interest in fresh vegetation and berries. That's why these things were preserved and not greatly damaged.

Otherwise, if these spiritual plants were all ruined by those little rats, Liu Zimo would have been heartbroken.

Because he didn't recognize the names of these spiritual plants and berries, Liu Zimo didn't rashly pick them to eat.

However, within his sea of knowledge, there resides a "know-it-all" from the Illusory Demon Realm.

In the moment he saw these spiritual plants and berries, Liu Zimo quietly released a trace of the fragrance from a berry into the confinement space, instantly attracting the attention of the little demon.

In an instant, he received the active thought waves from this little bug.

"Huh, isn't this... the Earth Vein Spirit Spring and the Yin-Yang Rebirth Fruit?!"

"Is this a joke?!"

"Is this really a low-level world that has just given birth to spiritual energy?"

"Why can they have a high-level spiritual energy sanctuary that nurtures the Earth Vein Spirit Spring and the Yin-Yang Rebirth Pill?!"

"This doesn't make sense?!"

"Normally, high-level spiritual energy sanctuaries can only be nurtured and born in higher-level worlds, right?"

"This bug has never heard of a situation where a low-level world can nurture a high-level sanctuary!"

"The Earth Vein Spirit Spring is one thing, but why are the naturally formed Yin-Yang Rebirth Tree and Yin-Yang Rebirth Fruit also appearing?"

"And, they have even produced more than ten Yin-Yang Rebirth Pills that are about to mature?!"

"It's over, it's over!"

"Liu Zimo is already abnormal enough, and now he has discovered a high-level spiritual energy sanctuary with the Yin-Yang Rebirth Tree. Won't his cultivation become even more abnormal in the future?!"

"Moreover, with these Yin-Yang Rebirth Pills that can bring people back to life, he is equivalent to having more than ten lives. It will be difficult for him to die in the future!"

"Ah, so annoying!"

"Why did this bug have to encounter such a human freak?!"

"His cultivation is abnormal, his sea of knowledge is vast, and his luck is so damn good. Is there any chance for this bug to survive?!"

Yao Lingling was once again struck with frustration and despair, roaring non-stop.

At this moment, it felt even more hopeless to escape and even more unlikely to control Liu Zimo, this freak.

Compared to Yao Lingling's despair, Liu Zimo's mood was quite pleasant.

To thank Yao Lingling for selflessly providing this information, he generously fed a large amount of spiritual essence into the confinement space as a reward.

Soon, Yao Lingling, unable to resist the temptation of the spiritual essence, put aside all the negative emotions that had just arisen.

Huffing and puffing, smacking its lips, it focused all its attention on devouring and refining the spiritual essence that was delivered to its mouth!

"The Yin-Yang Rebirth Pill, it can bring people back to life, reverse yin and yang, and in an instant, restore anyone on the verge of death from severe injuries or serious illnesses to their peak health and extend their lifespan by three years!"

"Not bad, not bad! It's truly a good treasure for saving lives!"

Liu Zimo stared at the dozen or so Yin-Yang Rebirth Fruits right in front of him, and a smile blossomed on his face.

If it weren't for Yao Lingling's earlier statement that these spiritual fruits would take at least three days to fully mature and automatically fall to the ground as pills, he couldn't help but want to pick them all and put them in his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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