Doctor Roman was explaining to Gudako and Mashu, who were about to set off, the situation facing the city of Uruk, as well as the temperament and personality of King Gilgamesh.

There was also the unique background of that era, the coexistence of gods and humans, and the conflicts between gods and humans, etc.

After a while, Doctor Roman finally finished his long speech and said to the two:

"Wherever you go, take care!

Be sure to pay attention to the situation of King Gilgamesh. The historical records show that he was extremely cruel, terrifying and tyrannical. There may be discrepancies, but be careful in everything."

"We understand, Dr. Roman!"

The two looked at each other and said in unison.

To be honest, let alone them, Dr. Roman was not sure either. Although the two little guys had become very strong after so many battles, it depends on who they were compared with. It was an era when gods and humans coexisted. They were facing the gods and humans who could compete with the gods.

In that era, there were endless monsters in the wilderness. All of this was too dangerous.


Dr. Roman sighed deeply. If he hadn't been unable to help, and if it hadn't been for the previous chaos, the responsibility of saving the world wouldn't have fallen directly on these two little guys.

But now, he can only rely on them.

""Dr. Roman, you, you look quickly?"

At this time, Gudazi suddenly shouted in surprise. Dr. Roman looked up and smiled:

"It turned out to be a video of the universe. I'm leaving soon. It's nice to watch it for a while to relax before leaving."

"No, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that the city in the video is the city of Uruk, and it is the city of Uruk where King Gilgamesh lived!"



The word"氪金" has caused great harm to many worlds, and the aura of the rich in this title has also attracted the attention of many people.

In this way, under the attention of all the heavens and the worlds, the second section of the review of the wonderful titles officially begins!

Suddenly, the picture flashed, and in the rough and majestic King's Hall, the king with blond hair and red eyes sat on the throne, with a delicate face, but not weak at all, revealing an extraordinary domineering.

In addition, what made everyone watching the video look sideways was the arrogance that existed in him and could not be suppressed.

This king did not make any contemptuous gestures, nor did he make lofty statements and point out the mountains and rivers.

But just sitting there, there was a domineering aura that I was the only one in the world, I was the king, and the king was also me. Everyone who looked at him outside the video seemed to be slightly shorter.

It seemed that I had become a subject of this king without knowing it, and I couldn't help wanting to surrender.

At the same time, the subtitles on the video also introduced the identity of this existence: King Gilgamesh, known as the Hero King!

The so-called Hero King represents the king of heroes. All heroes will take him as a template, and all myths will take him as the original!

Under the throne are Mashu and Gudako, who are visiting Chaldea this time, as well as Merlin and Anna who are standing next to him.

"You can leave now, Siduri."

Under the gaze of everyone, King Gilgamesh finally spoke:

"Next, I will defile this throne a little."

"King Gilgamesh, could it be that…"

Hearing this, Siduri was obviously a little surprised.

"That’s right, my time is precious, and I don’t have time to waste time talking nonsense with you, so…"

King Gilgamesh said, and a book appeared in his hand, and he said proudly:

"Let's fight to determine who's real and who's not. Get ready, magician of the observatory!"


The world of Chuunibyou.

The Summer of the Far East Magical Nap Club...

"Wow! What a domineering king, what a proud aura, is this the king of heroes from another world? The messenger of light, the spokesperson of the gods!"When

Rikka Takanashi saw this scene, she couldn't help but get excited. She reached out to release the seal on her right eye, gestured a fighting posture, and said excitedly:

"Such an existence is qualified to fight with me, the opposite of light, the controller of darkness, the legendary Evil King's True Eye. Come on!"

"Oh, Master, the Thunder Hammer Master is waiting for you here. Let me lead the charge for you!"

Sanae Toumori also swung her twin ponytails as usual, very excited.

"Well done, Thunder Hammer Master, and my eternal contractor, Dark Flame Master, let me see your determination."

Rikka Takanashi nodded, then turned around and stared at Togashi Yuta with twinkling eyes.


Togashi Yuta was stared at so hard that he was sweating all over. He opened and closed his mouth several times but couldn’t utter a word.

"Show your faith, dark flame master, are you going to break the contract with your master?"

Toumori Sanae said anxiously.

The remaining girls also turned their heads with interest and stared at this scene.


Rikka Takanashi saw that the other party didn't move, and pouted her lips helplessly and angrily, waiting for a response.

"I understand!"

Seeing this situation, Togashi Yuta accepted his fate, closed his eyes and shouted:

"The lackeys of light, the servants of gods, this kind of existence is the enemy of my life as a person walking in darkness. Once discovered, they must be annihilated.

Evil King's True Eyes, quietly guard the evil-shrouded place deep in the earth. When I am pitch black, I will release eternal and endless flames to burn all the light and gods to ashes!"

Said���Togashi Yuta is in good form, huffing and puffing out various sword moves. After all, he doesn't want to admit it, but deep down he is still a middle school boy.

"Wow, Yongta is so handsome!"

""You did a great job, Dark Flame Master. You are worthy of being the man who has a real dragon sealed in his arms. You are worthy of being my master's contractor. So cool!"

Seeing Togashi Yuta's performance, the two girls clapped their hands happily.

Togashi Yuta also exhaled lightly and accepted the praise from the two with pride.

However, when he turned around, Togashi Yuta's eyes froze instantly, because he saw Nibutani Morika, the evil bad woman, gesturing at him with her mobile phone.

Her eyes and actions clearly showed one thing, she recorded the video!


In an instant, Togashi Yuta's shame exploded, he looked up to the sky and cried, tears streaming down his face:

"What have I done?!!"

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