Many years ago, whether it was Siduri, Gilgamesh, or Enkidu, the three of them were the best companions. It was a bit ridiculous to say that Enkidu, who was created by the gods to restrict the King of Heroes, eventually became a close friend of King Gilgamesh.

However, in that disaster, everything changed. Enkidu died completely, and was replaced by Kingu.

And it was obvious that the latter had no good feelings towards her or them, and was even particularly resistant and had always been in a hostile direction.

Now, Siduri finally saw that Enkidu was back on the same front with her. How could she not be excited? How could she not be excited?

"No, he is not Enkidu."

However, King Gilgamesh waved his hand, interrupting Siduri’s excitement, and sighed and said:

"He is Jingu, Enkidu has completely passed away……"

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Siduri was so excited that she was stunned for a moment, then she lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

"But this is also good."

The girl said so, and looked at the video again, without excitement or loss, but only nostalgia and satisfaction.

"This is impossible!"

Jin Gu grabbed his head and looked at the video in disbelief.

He couldn't imagine how he could betray his mother and be in the same camp as those humans from the old times.


He even used his own life as a price, just to stop his mother for a moment.

This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Who made this video? It must be fake!"

Jin Gu roared with his head down. Countless chains gushed out from behind him and shot towards the video.

But it was obvious that he couldn't really touch the entity of the video. After passing through, he hit the wall hard, creating a huge crack.

"I am not Enkidu, and I will never betray my mother, unless... No! No unless!"

Jin Gu gritted his teeth and looked at the video with sharp eyes, not allowing himself to have any random thoughts.

Finally, he took a deep breath, turned around and looked into the distance, which was the direction of the city of Uruk.

"I am Jingu, I must be, and can only be!"

"But there are some questions that I must ask King Gilgamesh."

Jin Gu slowly closed his eyes and flew in that direction, but another figure appeared in his mind.

That was the memory that appeared in the video before Jin Gu died.

"Yes, I still need to look for her..."


World of Heaven's Lost Property

"Can the chains created by the sky lock the sky?"

The artificial angel Ikaros watched the video of Jin Gu completely controlling the wood of the sky. His eyes, which had never had any emotions before, actually flashed a ripple.

But he quickly returned to his calm state, as if nothing had happened.

"So... do angels created by God have the right to rebel against God's orders?

This world seems to be going through that again..."

Ikaros murmured. For some reason, the artificial angels who were not supposed to have such emotions and thoughts were completely contrary to the norm.

At this moment, her heart, or the power reactor, was really hurting.

"No, even if that was their order, I will never allow it, never!"

Ikaros secretly clenched her fists and made up her mind. She looked aside, watching the video and her own master, Sakurai Tomoki, chattering, and buried this decision in the bottom of her heart.

It doesn't matter what happens to her.

But if someone dares to hurt her master, even if it is to create her own life, Ikaros will never do as they wish!


In the video, after Jin Gu, at the cost of his own life, finally trapped Tiamat, everyone finally had a chance to breathe.

"Look at it all!"

King Gilgamesh looked at this scene. Although he was very sad because he lost his best friend again, he had no time and opportunity to be sad. He could only move forward!

"If she takes a few more steps forward, everything in human history will become nothingness. Haha, you think she must be very unwilling to accept this."

King Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled triumphantly:

"Although it is only a moment's restraint, I believe that for the God of Creation at this moment, it must be an unbearable eternity!"

"The Heaven's Chains, finally, can even suppress the power of the God of Creation!

Hahahaha, I have witnessed the departure of my best friend twice, and the manual is indeed so sad that it is unbearable."

King Gilgamesh said, as if he was telling his own experience, and as if he was making a final message:

"But this time is different. His heroic attitude has been forever imprinted in my heart!"

Everything is ripe.

As the goddess of the underworld shouted in another world that the phase shift has been completed,

Ishtar will also bloom with her most brilliant heroic appearance!

"Don't worry, I will open a big hole under her feet. Open the door!"

As Ishtar sang, the dazzling and bright starry sky slowly opened above her head, revealing a piece of stars.

"Towards the great sky, toward the great earth"

""The mountains are shaking, the firewood of the stars!!"

In the starry sky, the golden planet belonging to the goddess Venus slowly descended and turned into a terrifying arrow, rushing straight towards Tiamat. A terrifying and violent explosion followed.

Boom, boom, a huge mushroom cloud bloomed fiercely in front of the city of Uruk and under the feet of Tiamat.

This kind of power and momentum made all the beings in the heavens and the worlds look at it with new eyes.

Sure enough, no matter what, gods are gods.

Even if this goddess of Venus, Ishtar, is a little greedy, a little stupid, and a little arrogant and timid...

But no matter what, she is still a god. Under the accumulation of power, this terrifying blow that broke out is enough to prove everything.

Let the existence of the entire heaven and the world talk about it?

"Damn, I really thought this goddess was just a mediocre person, but I didn't expect her to be so talented."

"Yes, Goddess, please forgive my disrespect just now, I was wrong"

"I'm so stupid... Yes, I always thought that if the goddess is lazy, I'm lazy too, if the goddess is greedy, I'm greedy too, if the goddess is stupid, I'm stupid too, so there's no difference between me and the goddess.

But I don't know why the goddess is so strong, is this a mistake? How can I just sit there and do nothing?"

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