"It's not over yet?"

Gudako was startled when she heard this, and asked with some doubt:

"But Tiamat has been cast into the underworld, according to the records.

Even if Tiamat is the god of creation, it is impossible for her to resist the power system of the underworld."

"In theory, it is true…"

Dr. Roman pushed his glasses and carefully observed the progress of the video. Sure enough, the progress bar had not completely disappeared.

He sighed deeply and said:

"However, the beast that returns to rationality has never been something that can be restrained by theory!"


Sure enough, in the video, the progress bar has not completely disappeared.

However, the content of the video did not spread with the development of the plot, but reviewed the king's life.

King Gilgamesh, with an arrogant and overbearing personality, is the only one in the world. Even as a human, he dares to sound the horn of war to the sky and the gods.

This is a ruthless tyrant who collects all the wealth of mankind and regards his own standards as absolute. He often uses the extremely contemptuous language of"miscellaneous cultivation"!

The commentary in the video made people from all over the world express their doubts.

Because what they saw in the previous video content was a great sage king who dared to do and dared to take responsibility, a king who was brave enough to charge into battle, and a king who loved his people.

How could he be the kind of tyrant described in the commentary!

"Are you kidding? My golden boy doesn't have so many shortcomings."

"Although the king's talent Baozhong represents the supreme wealth of mankind, this can be confirmed to some extent...but isn't this commentary too biased?"

However, as the video surged, everyone gradually understood the life of King Gilgamesh.

He was indeed like this before, and later he became a guy who only knew how to explore and was immortal. He was full of fear and disgust for death.

However, later he experienced the death of his best friend...The beautiful green man like a flower, Enkidu.


This is the transformation from a tyrant to a great wise king.

After that, the king was reborn.

He was cruel and ruthless, but also broad-minded. He would punish mercilessly, and would also praise generously!

The image of the king also became richer, one by one. The dots of the picture finally freeze on the Lord of Uruk when he was fighting Tiamat.

The great wise king known by all the heavens and the worlds!

Seeing this, everyone was moved, and the image of King Gilgamesh in their hearts became richer.

Where is the natural king?

Even if he was born in the royal family, even if he possessed power and knowledge beyond mortals, even if he held supreme power in his hands, what could it matter?

He can only be said to be a king, and to truly become a king and truly achieve a historical epic, he also needs to go through countless times of growth.

However, the best catalyst for growth is loss!


Naruto World.

Konoha Village

"Did you change yourself because of the loss of your companions?"

Kakashi was lying on a tree, his only exposed eyes full of fatigue and loneliness.

Looking at the scenes depicted in the video, he felt that his life was extremely boring, and even the new"Intimate Paradise" in his pocket had lost its color.

Maybe because the video flashed too fast like a slide, many people could not understand the pain of losing freedom.

But people like Kakashi who had the same experience did see it very deeply.


"I have also experienced loss and witnessed the death of two close friends, but have I changed?

Kakashi scratched his hair and asked himself in his heart.

"Haha, I have changed."

Kakashi suddenly laughed at himself. Although he was wearing a mask to isolate his emotions, anyone who came could see how depressed and gloomy he was.

"I have become lazier and more useless than before...How can I justify the loss of my dear friend?"

"But is it too late to change now?"

Kakashi said, and closed his eyes, but pictures appeared in front of him one by one.

That was the scene when he just joined the trio, that silly fool, that gentle girl, and that warm man like light.

Soon, the scene changed again and came to the present Konoha, looking at the same cold boy, the same silly fool, and the same gentle... um, okay, that girl is not very gentle.

But the configuration is like this, can I become a man as warm as light like the teacher?

"Kakashi! Hurry up and practice. You can't slack off in your passionate youth!!"

Just when Kakashi asked himself, a passionate green figure rushed over from a distance and said to Kakashi excitedly:

"My dear friend Kakashi, stand up quickly, don't wait until the same regret as in the video appears!!"

Might Guy rushed to the tree, and seeing that Kakashi seemed to have fallen into his usual depression, he subconsciously wanted to kick him with a Konoha whirlwind.

This was a move he often used in the past. After all, he was not good at talking, and there was no way to persuade him.

But as long as he pulled Kakashi into the battle, had a hearty fight, and sweated all over, all the troubles would disappear!


However, this time, facing Might Guy's entanglement, Kakashi did not refuse. Instead, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes regained a rare fighting spirit.

"Although I am not as good as you now, I will definitely try my best to catch up with you!

The regrets of the past cannot be made up, but, Obito, Rin!

I will not let the regrets that happened to us happen to Naruto and the others!!"

"Good job, Kakashi!"When

Might Guy saw Kakashi like this, his passion was instantly ignited, and he said excitedly:

"The passion of youth must not be wasted, Kakashi, let's run around Konoha twenty or thirty times while standing on one hand!"

"Um, sorry to bother you, you were under an illusion just now, you didn't hear anything, nothing started."

Hearing this, Kakashi turned into a dead fish eye again, fell on the tree, unwilling to move.

Although he really wanted to start struggling, only the devil would run upside down with one hand like this idiot.

And run around Konoha... this big idiot!

"Hey, Kakashi, don’t be like this. How can the passion of youth stop? Let it boil. Even if you only run ten or twenty laps, he can do it!"

"Da me!"

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