Say Goodnight World in the Devil's Castle

"Are all heroes now like this?"

Looking at the cautious hero in the video, Demon King Dusk was helpless and asked with a little expectation:

"Are the heroes in our world also like this? That's why they haven't come to the Demon King's Castle for so long?"

"I'm sorry, Master Demon."

The blood-red husky sighed deeply and said:

"If the hero had been as cautious as the one in the video, he would have reached the Demon King's Castle long ago.

The reality is just the opposite. The hero was too reckless, like a fool. If Xia Xia had not been told to show mercy earlier, I'm afraid there would be no hero profession in our world now."


The blood-red husky paused for a moment when he spoke here, and there was a flicker in his eyes, revealing a helpless look.

"And what happened?"

Demon King Twilight frowned in confusion and asked:

"If you have something to say, just say it"

"Moreover, most of the opportunities we arranged for that hero, such as gems, were destroyed by the princess."

The blood-red husky rubbed his aching head vigorously and sighed:

"The rest of the plan is mostly the same. Anyway, after the sabotage by the princess, we don't have many resources left to provide to the hero."

"How can it be repaired!"

Hearing this, the Demon King Huang Huang could no longer hold back and said angrily:

"Am I the devil king, or is that princess the devil king? Give the order, from today on, give that princess……"

The Demon King Huanghun's voice was stuck in his throat for a long time, but he couldn't say anything harsh. After a long time, he said slowly:

"House arrest!"


"Lord Demon King is wise!"

Hearing this, the subordinates beside him finally put down their hanging hearts and nodded in agreement.

However, when they lowered their heads, they looked at each other with guilty eyes and turned their heads away at the same time.

There was no way. No matter what, how could they be so harsh on the lovely princess?

Seeing the attitude of his subordinates, Demon King Huang Huang shook his head helplessly.

But he was a little depressed in his heart... How could he, a dignified demon king, become the role of an old father?

It can even be said that this princess is not from the demon clan, but just a mere human!

Thinking of this... In the story, I was thinking that the Demon King and several generals of the Demon Clan were constantly trying to train the heroes and giving them various benefits.

As a princess of the human race, that girl actually destroyed the benefits given to the heroes by herself and others again and again.

Although I don’t know whether this is intentional or unintentional.

But this phenomenon is really too bad!

Is there any mistake? Who is on the same team with whom?

If this kind of depression was placed in a different world, it would almost be compiled into a novel.

It would probably be called:"As a demon king, I gave benefits to the heroes, but it was destroyed by the human princess?"

How can it be edited!


The content in the video is still going on.

As everyone thought, after the goddess and the cautious hero were forced back to the divine world, the cautious hero started a new round of training.

However, this time, everyone was not surprised at all, but rather relieved.

Sure enough, when you encounter an enemy that you can't beat, you should quickly sneak back home and survive!

What if you are stuck in the novice village and can't fight monsters and level up?

People directly pushed back to the initial plane, relying on training to level up, and a group of stable ones are afraid to ask you if you are afraid?


It's just a pity that the stable time has not lasted for long, and then something unexpected happened again.

The king of the demon clan actually broke into the novice village directly, threatening the hero with the lives of civilians to appear.

Threatening that if the hero does not appear, one person will be killed every 10 minutes.

The audience who saw this called Lao Liu!

But at the same time, they were also a little curious. Under such circumstances where the lives of civilians are threatened.

Will this cautious hero carry out the name of prudence and continue to train without paying attention.

Or will he bear the title of a hero and fight bravely?

"Be careful. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any mistakes in the video. Since it is called the Cautious Hero, the word"caution" must be implemented to the end."

"However,"cautious" is the adjective that comes first. No matter what, a brave man is a brave man, and he will not stand by and watch civilians being killed!"

"One by one, please stop using moral kidnapping here. What's wrong with the victim-blaming theory? Even if civilians were killed, the murderer was the king of the demon clan. Can this be blamed on the hero?"


Just like this, every world in the universe is discussing it heatedly. Some people support caution, some support the hero, and some people are also unconditionally supporting the cautious hero.

Fortunately, there is no barrage function on the video, and there is no comment area or group chat discussion, otherwise these places will be very lively at this moment. However

, just as the emotions in the universe are getting higher and higher, the video itself has quietly changed a little bit.

But unfortunately, no one can notice this. They only need to wait until the video is completely transformed to cause a new wave of discussion. But these are all later stories. Now the goddess is rushing into the room and wants to call the cautious hero to follow her to save people.

But it is obvious that the hero who does not feel that he is ready will not set off easily.

���Lista, who had reached the next level, directly summoned a video of the observation of the lower world, and on it was the little girl during the day.

Moreover, the Demon King was still there threatening that if the hero did not show up within 10 minutes, he would kill the little girl's father and the little girl together.

Seeing this scene, the cautious hero fell silent instantly.

The audiences from all the heavens and worlds also held their breath, watching this scene nervously.

Whether the cautious hero will choose to be brave or choose to continue to be cautious and survive depends on the choice at this moment!

Finally, after a while of silence, the cautious hero took out the amulet given to him by the little girl during the day, and said with a serious expression:

"Sure enough, this talisman is a curse. That's why it was located!"

Hearing this, the audience in the heavens and the worlds were speechless.

This guy, who suspected that this talisman might be a curse during the day, has not yet ended his suspicion.

"This guy must be seriously ill!"

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