In the video, the picture was played at an accelerated speed.

The cautious hero was still as cautious as ever, moving forward step by step, beating monsters and upgrading step by step.

In the middle of the process, he also accepted two disciples from the dragon clan, and made a lot of jokes, which made the audience in the whole world laugh.

But suddenly, the picture suddenly became gloomy and dim, and the audience in the world were instantly heartbroken. Obviously, such an atmosphere means that the subsequent adventures may be more difficult.

And if you are not careful, you may die!

Sure enough, no one would have thought that in the human palace of this world, the war emperor who became the supreme leader turned out to be a minion of the devil!

Seeing such a scene, the audience in the world complained:

"Damn, this is too much. No matter how strong the enemy is, I can tolerate it and just survive. But the boss on my side also defected and surrendered. How can I deal with this?!"

"Woo woo woo, your Majesty and I are ready to fight to the death, why are you surrendering?"

"Open your eyes a little and think about it. The emperor of the human race has the highest power and such a powerful strength. How could he surrender so easily?

I suspect that, just as he said, the demon king is probably really outrageously strong!"

"Hiss, is this the world of S-level difficulty? Horrible, horrible, fortunately this stupid goddess is lucky, otherwise she would have been dead."


The world of the cautious hero.

After watching the video, the audience belonging to the human race were all stunned.

Originally, they were just watching the show, and even if the hero appeared, the atmosphere was extremely good.

After all, this hero was obviously here to help them. Although he was as cautious as if he was sick, it could not cover up his strength.

So watching this cautious hero fight monsters and level up all the way, they were also very excited, and they kept cheering for Ryuguuin Seiya.

However, the scene in front of them really shocked them all.

What's going on?!

They were watching the show, but it ended up happening to them?

Before the hero appeared, the emperor who made them trust the most and respected the most. He actually became a minion of the demon clan?!

"How is it possible? This video must be a joke. How could Lord Zhandi be the Demon King's lackey?"

A citizen looked at the young Zhandi in the video, his arrogant and arrogant face, and his humble and pitiful appearance when he mentioned the Demon King.

He couldn't help it and angrily hammered the table, his eyes turned red:

"Impossible! This is absolutely fake."

"That's right, the video of taking stock of the heavens and the worlds is clearly a false image created by the demon clan's lackeys to make us doubt ourselves."

"Indeed, haha, they did so many tricks before, they must have been laying the groundwork, and now their conspiracy has finally been exposed.

But we will never be fooled easily!"

The people were in an uproar. It was obvious that even though the video had been broadcast for quite some time, it had come to the third world, which made them have some recognition.

But with just this little recognition, they still wanted to compare it with the war emperor they believed in. This was simply ridiculous!

All of a sudden, all the rotten eggs and tomatoes flew towards the video in the sky.

This kind of anger was obviously far beyond the so-called level of suspension before.

But how could these things possibly hit the video in the illusion? This situation made them even more impotent and furious, and they kept cursing.


Just as the people were cursing, one person raised his hand cautiously and said weakly:

"What if the situation in the video is true?"

The voice was very light, but a large number of people fell silent.

This silence was like ink in water, constantly spreading, and soon the whole city fell into dead silence.

Yes! What if it is true?

But if this is the truth, then this group of people, is there any hope?


At this moment, another person muttered, seemingly cheering up the people around him and himself:

"We still have this cautious hero!"

Yes, the hero is still here!

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads again and looked at the video in the sky, paying more attention to this battle than ever before.

This battle between the hero and their emperor!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

On the other side, Rosalie, who was far away on the front line, overturned the table and gnashed her teeth while watching the video. She wanted to cut the video into pieces!

She absolutely did not believe that her father would become a servant of the devil!

However, the previous video did have a certain credibility...

After a while, Rosalie calmed down and looked towards the direction of the palace with a firm look:

"I must confirm all this with my own hands!"


In the palace, the Emperor of War looked at the video with complicated eyes and sighed softly.

He had expected it when the video was just broadcast.

After all, how could the story of the brave man in his world challenging the devil king bypass himself, the human king.

Or in other words, how could he get rid of the strongest servant under his devil king?

The maids and guards on the side were also trembling with fear, looking at their own emperor in horror.

What if the video is true?

Then they are probably going to die today!

However, it is obvious that the Emperor of War is not that crazy, and he has no intention of attacking them. He is just watching the video quietly.

Looking at himself in the video, being beaten by the cautious brave man in various ways, he has almost no ability to resist.

No explanation, no rebuttal, no admission.

And this attitude has indeed put the facts on the table!

Since this is the path I have chosen, even if my head is broken and bleeding, I must go on with tears.

If you do something wrong, you must be punished!

""But, Rosalie, my dearest daughter..."

The Emperor raised his head slightly, silently watching his daughter's unbelievable and extremely painful appearance in the video, and sighed deeply again. In his life, he had experienced too many battles, enjoyed too much, endured too much, made a lot of sacrifices, and made many mistakes.

It seemed that there was nothing left to be attached to, but the only thing he was worried about was his own daughter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that in the end, you would still see me at my worst as a father. I

'm so sorry, father, I couldn't maintain the glorious image that you liked the most."

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