The scene returns to the video. After experiencing this great battle, they are finally going to face the final boss, that is, the Demon King of this world!

At this critical moment when the decisive battle is about to take place, the cautious hero changed his usual cautiousness and instead proposed to relax together.

The eyes of the audience who were watching the video were full of doubts. Did this battle really change the hero? Did it make him less cautious?

Even if the hero said later that it was because he could only win now, he was definitely not enough to face the Demon King, so he had to practice more deeply, and now it was just a little relaxation before practicing.

But in the face of this speech, everyone didn't believe it at all, and their eyes staring at the video became more and more anxious.

Sure enough!

While the goddess and others were excitedly looking for places to play and relax, the cautious hero was already fully armed and quietly walked in another direction.

"Hahahaha, that’s what I said, how could a cautious hero be so careless? He really needs to exercise!"

"As expected, our cautious hero is still as cautious as ever. He is not impersonated by someone. I feel relieved."

"Why do you have to exercise secretly? Do you want to grow up quietly and then surprise everyone?"

"Nonsense, of course we have to be cautious. What if the two dragons or even the goddess in the video are minions of the devil? What should we do? Can we not hide it?!"

"Hey, hey, hey, man, you are talking too much nonsense. This is contagious, this must be contagious!"

The audiences from all over the world were discussing proudly in their own worlds. Obviously, they thought they had seen through the careful hero's little thoughts and regained their former joy.

But soon, they were no longer proud.

Because at this moment, the hero in the video had stopped his steps, and the place they arrived at was... the Demon King's Castle!

In an instant, they were panicked and didn't even have time to feel the embarrassment of being slapped in the face. They shouted desperately:

"Careful brave man, look back, look back quickly, there is an abyss ahead!"

"Why would the cautious hero come to the Demon King's castle at this time? He is no match for the Demon King now. He is going to die, he is going to die!"

"How could it be the Demon King's Castle? Could it be that this cautious hero was also an imposter? Or was he... the Demon King himself!"

The last statement was circulated crazily in the heavens and the worlds, although there was no platform for the video to be reviewed.

However, they, who had just seen the fall of the human emperor, had this doubt in their hearts.

Fortunately, the video soon dispelled their doubts. After the hero entered the Demon King's Castle, he did not sit on the Demon King's throne in terror.

Instead, he started a confrontation with the Demon King in the hall!

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved and shouted:

"so far so good……"

"What a bullshit! Since he is not the Demon King, what is the hero trying to do by coming here at this time? Seeking death?!"

"Be careful, brave man! Remember your name, be careful!"

"Could it be that this brave man sent his companions away because he wanted to surrender, or did he want to face this greatest crisis alone?"

A choice once again lingered in everyone's mind, but soon, they all chose the latter!

Although this brave man was very cautious, his caution came from his persistence, which was greater than his life, and he wanted to protect it.

How could such a brave man surrender!

Suddenly at this moment, the video screen turned, and the camera came to the perspective of the goddess and others.

It was obvious that they were panicked when they found that the brave man was missing. After some searching, they guessed this possibility like the audience in the heavens and all realms.

But they didn't believe in this possibility, nor did they dare to believe it.

Then, the goddess and others came to the realm of gods, where everyone learned about the brave man's past.

A long time ago, in the Dragon Palace Inu Seiya has already been a hero once.

But at that time, he was not as cautious as he is now, and he was not even cautious at all. He was completely reckless to the extreme.

This surprised everyone in the heavens and the worlds. They never thought that this cautious hero had such a past.

And at this moment, they also realized something.

It is said that it is easy to change a country but difficult to change one's nature. It can make a person's character change so drastically.

Then he must have experienced unimaginable pain!

Sure enough!

In the video, the reckless hero, because of being too reckless, stepped into the demon king's cave when his ability value was not very strong.

Here, his pride was completely shattered, and his ability could not play any role. Useless.

He turned into a weakling who was ravaged.

How could a weakling defeat the devil?

He couldn't even protect his own companions. He watched his companions fall one by one, watched his pregnant lover being cruelly tortured, his unborn child being killed, his lover being killed...

Just like that, under this double blow of spirit and body, the brave man died.

There was no sudden outburst to turn the tide of the battle, nor was there any sweeping away of everything in desperate situation.

Those are just stories, legends.

Desperate situation, is desperate situation!

He couldn't save anything, including his own life...

The scene changed again, and a hundred years passed in a hurry.

The young man who was brutally killed The woman has now become a goddess in the world of gods.

The boy who was once so reckless that he didn't care about his life has now become a hero again.

But the difference from before is that this time the hero is no longer reckless, even though he has lost all his memories.

But the persistence in protecting in his heart that can never be erased makes him choose to be cautious in this life.

Seeing this, Lista was silent, and the audiences in the heavens and the worlds were silent.

They didn't expect that this hero had such a painful past.

They also understood why such a strong hero would be so cautious!

This is the growth from a passionate boy to a mature man, but the price of this growth is so painful that it is unimaginable!


Seeking to meet the world in the dungeon

"Is this a brave man?"

After seeing the experience of the cautious brave man in the video, Bell stretched out his palm and gently grasped it.

He seemed to want to feel the heavy responsibility, and seemed to want to find his own persistence in this empty grasp.

However, he didn't grasp anything.

Thinking of this, Bell sighed softly.

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